Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


building one, the infirmary

Niesha did what she could, dealing with the injuries as Titania brought them, hoping she wasn't about to run out of thread to stitch with, or salien to clean the wounds and burns, smiling at her each time trying to maintain a positive attitude as she worked on the injured. "Thats right. It is good to be busy. Keep our minds occupied. You're doing well, Titania" She said to her as shebrought over Miss Sally, "We'll get you patched up, Miss Sally" She said respectfully, as she tended the wound on her head, carefully stopping the bleeding before dealing with the burns, "How bad is it out there?' She asked worriedly, concerened for Sophia, as well as everyone else. But Sophia was vulnerable...and Niesha wished she was with her.

After a few moments,she stepped back and said "All good. If there's anything else, let me know" She said, flicking a quick glance over at the rest of those needing tending to, thankful it wasn't that bad yet. She drew in a breath, moving onto the next person, trying not to let her thoguhts wonder too far, She wouldn't be able to focus, if she did, so her world slowly became the infirmary, and that was it, as she dealt with the injured.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 6 (Outside of Armory) -> Building 1 (Back Room of the Infirmary)

Kristina nodded slightly, she was starting to get really sick of all of the deaths around her she just lost a friend as she helped Froggy move Sophia's body down into the lockup area. She looked towards the guard looking over Ryan's cell her eyes wondering over towards the man as he stood up asking what went on. Kristina wasn't sure who he really was or if she should tell him or not, it really wasn't her place to say anything as Kristina helped lay Sophia's body down gently into the cell and stood up. Kristina turned around before being embraced by Froggy something she didn't really expect, but she wasn't struggling away from it.

Kristina simply just wrapped her arms around him and returned the hug sighing slightly she viewed Froggy as more of a father figure since she had met him. He was one of the people who helped her cope after losing both Maria and Lorna in the same day, she held the hug for a few more seconds before taking a step back wiping some tears from her eyes. Kristina felt scared what Niesha's reaction would be when she told her that Sophia died, she looked towards Froggy Kris wasn't sure what else she could do right now.

She didn't want to go back to her place and settle down for the day she wanted to help out those that had been injured fighting the fires, Kristina turned towards Ryan. "It's under control now." Kris finally said answering his question she wasn't going to go into detail, and she didn't trust the man since he was locked up for a reason. "Do you mind if I help out?" Kristina asked changing the subject to those that were injured figuring that Niesha and Tatiana needed the help in the infirmary.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Crash Site

Meghna took one of the unmarked dirt roads until she finally managed to get the sedan ahead of the herd of Walkers, she decided to cause some noise and started beeping the car's horn. She kept her eyes on the road ahead of her, driving past some knocked down trees Meg made sure that she was slow enough to lure any walkers towards the car but fast enough so that they wouldn't be able to keep up with her. When she was far enough Meg rolled down one of the windows of the sedan enough to give her enough room to throw some stuff out of the window.

Meg turned towards one of the Molotov's and grabbed a lighter that was in the sedan, she lit cloth end of it on fire and quickly threw it out of the window and into the nearby woods. She watched it explode as the flammable liquid burst into flames as the glass bottle exploded, once that happened Meg started driving again gaining more ground from the walkers hoping that it would be enough to distract them and lure them away from Newnan and the Buster. Meg would continue the process making sure that there wasn't any walkers nearby Meg would throw out another Molotov from the opened window.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Crash Site

Raymond groaned slightly as he was lifted up from the bed of the truck and slowly brought over towards the hulking mass truck from Newnan he looked over at the people from Franklin and the people from Newnan as he was settled into the back of the Buster. Ray closed his eyes for a moment taking in a deep breath as he tried to just relax, he watched as Astrid climbed down from her perch kneeling down next to her fallen friend. He listened in what Astrid was saying he didn't want to disturb her as he simply watched her Ray looked around at the others in the truck. He was now just glad to get away and hopefully get the treatment that he really needed.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Heard County High School (Outside of the gates)

Riley laughed slightly it was good to hear that some people still had a sense of humor, it was hard to come by these days and she was just glad that they weren't trigger happy since they had just been attacked. "Thank you Scottie." Riley said jokingly as she shook Lyon's hand and followed along side him looking at the people as they were given orders to deal with their dead. Riley turned her head to look at Lyon as he mentioned a group named Eden were the ones possible for the attack. "Thanks for not shooting at me by the way." Riley said as she followed Lyon's lead into the school.

She looked around these seemed to be a friendly group, the last group she had bumped into well they weren't friendly and she was their prisoner until she finally made her move to escape. Riley was led into the infirmary by Lyon turning her head to see a redhead and a brunette in the room. The redhead was finishing up patching up as Lyon introduced her to the two of them, Riley gave the two women a quick smile and nod. "Nice to meet you." Riley said as she stood over by the wall she didn't want to be rude if she just plopped down.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Crash site

Ciel remained silent and as still as he could possibly keep himself as he was brought to one of the ugliest, largest vehicles Ciel had ever seen in his entire life. He was sure it was safer than walking, but if he weren't starving to death and stranded in walker-infested woods then he would have never touched it with a ten foot pole. His parents had always driven slim, expensive cars, and even then he hadn't really been outside much in the world before these last three years, and he'd spent the majority of those alone in the woods. There was a lot of stuff that still surprised him.

He tried to edge himself as far away from the corpses as he could manage, hoping that none of them would turn and try to attack. He wasn't sure which ones had been taken care of and which hadn't, and the viking woman was definitely still a threat. She really didn't look so good now, and if she made a grab for Ciel, he was an unarmed child in an already weak state. He'd have no chance, and neither would the man with the missing leg -- Ray, he heard someone call him. Then again, the group of living and uninjured people was larger now, and they could probably act quickly if anything went wrong.

Ciel sat up to look around at the scene, still on edge but feeling pretty confident that if he died on this trip, it would have to be a freak accident to challenge the likes of the guy who slipped and got a branch through his head. Which is to say that right now he was feeling fairly safe. There was still some danger, as there always was, but panicking about it wouldn't help anyone. It would just be distracting and annoying for the other passengers, and that was the last thing he wanted them to think of him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

In the Woods - Crash Site

Tiffany helped load the injured inside the truck. The truck itself looked like it could withstand a year's worth of damage. It made her feel a little better, despite how much they've lost already. She also helped with the dead. She didn't know the guy that came and got impaled, but she could sense the others that arrived did and they lost someone they cared for, so she sympathized. As she got into the truck, Astrid sat there, bite on her shoulder, and speaking to the blonde woman who died. She was impressed that she got the body here with them. She closed her eyes and offered her own words of comfort for the dead, knowing they are in a much better place than the apocalypse world they now lived in.

She sat close to Ray, in case he needed her, but she also made sure the other boy, Ciel, was doing ok. She didn't know what was going through his head, but the boy barely got to the school before he was whisked off and had to endure all of this. She watched the others that came and was thankful for the help. Hopefully they could get inside Newnan soon without losing anyone else.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jack Hudson

Location: The Hordebuster Roof

He kept his eyes focused on the surrounding area, scanning for anyone coming over to the makeshift camp. As Meg set off again in her vehicle, Jack let himself glance towards Bazhooli's fallen form again. Could it really have been under an hour ago that they had taken down a walker? He clenched his fist again, trying to refocus his mind on the task at hand. Tatiana was still alive. She was back in Newnan. He had to do his job here, in order to protect her.

But he had failed to protect Bazhooli. Sure, it had been a freak accident, but survivor's guilt of sorts was starting to eat away at Jack. He felt like there should have been something he could have done to help Bazhooli. If Bazhooli had been assigned to keep watch instead of him, maybe the big Russian man would still be there. There was too much death in this new world.

As soon as everyone was inside of the truck, Jack would climb inside as well, keeping watch from above as long as he could. He listened to Astrid's words with a heavy heart. At least Bazhooli's death had been quick.

Beatrice Decker

Location: Newnan Northern Gate

Beatrice wasn't sure how to respond to that question. She raised an eyebrow at the taller man, his voice light and friendly, as he asked her to give a spin. It was comforting that they thought of that, and Beatrice stuffed her hands in the pocket of her jacket, fanning it out like a cape as she spun slowly in a circle. She didn't have any weapons besides her gun--a fact that she had every intention of remedying, as soon as she could get a decently blunt object, and practice swinging it at things.

Beatrice nodded slightly, moving to enter Newnan, the gate shutting behind her. As James talked, Beatrice was mostly quiet, glancing around the settlement and gleaning what she could from James' words. At the mention of his name, Beatrice raised an eyebrow."...No idea at all why they call you that," Beatrice said dryly, but there was a slight smile on her lips. "Starved. I have trail mix to trade." She didn't figure they'd be in the business of just giving away food for free, and it wasn't like she could write them a check.

She blew a piece of hair out of her face, continuing to follow James. This placed seemed...interesting, to say the least. And it was safer than the outside world, aside from those troubling explosions she had seen. "I didn't say my name," Beatrice replied, chuckling a bit. "It's Beatrice, though."

Chloe Ridgeway

Location: Truck in the Woods ---> The Hoardebuster

The appearance of the huge ass truck, with more and more people, got Chloe's hopes up. But at the same time, as they moved the wounded and the dead towards the truck, death continued to strike. She had screamed when the large man met his maker, in the most gruesome and trivial way. And after having spent most of her adult life dealing with drug abuse, her Stanford training was a bit rusty. It was all she could do to focus on her patient, keeping pressure on Ray's wound, and assisting as he was moved into the truck.

By the time they got inside, Chloe tried her best to smile reassuringly at the man as he groaned in pain. Without the equipment of a proper medical room, there wasn't much more that she could do for him, other than smile and try to look confident that she knew what she was doing. But with the entire military outfit of this group, with the trucks and organization...Chloe wasn't too certain they'd take too kindly to her, once they learned what she really had put her Stanford education up to.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School – infirmary

Amelia was so focused onto doing the stitching right that she completely missed when Lyon and a new girl showed up in the infirmary. She realized they were there when he spoke. She nearly jumped at first, but somehow managed to stop herself as she turned and looked at him, finally noting the newcomer.

Amelia blinked a few times when Lyon basically left Riley with them and prepared to head out, but it also made sense. After all the place must have been in complete chaos right now following the attack. For that reason he must have had a lot of things to do.” Nice to meet you, Riley. I'm Amelia.” She greeted and introduced herself to the newcomer properly before turning back to Sana. Lyon mentioned that Mike would be coming soon to clean some cuts so she nodded at that also, before focusing on Sana's wound.” Alright...” she mumbled as she took the things needed to bandage and make sure the wound stays clean.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Crash Site -> On the road back to Newnan

Ash was emotionally dead. Temporarily, this was a good sign; outwardly he would respond with cold rationalism, making decisions for the group based on logic and need. But inside of him, down deep, conflicting feelings grated upon each other. Ash was blessedly anesthetized by his emotional shutdown, at least for now. Hearing that voice in his head again, no matter how fleeting... it was possibly symptomatic of something serious. Logically, he knew this. So long as he realized that one crucial concept, Ash figured he wasn't too far gone. Yet.

Too many people had died, in too short a span of time. Their pool of survivors was shrinking, faster and faster every day. Already there were too few people to hold their fenced-in corner of the world, at least not effectively enough. And the lesson was certainly out there about helping others: You can't actually assist with a medical emergency without losing two of your best people, and you can't go to help them without a casualty or two in the process, either. The dice seemed to be against the grand experiment of Newnan succeeding, and point of fact the only reason that Ash hadn't eaten a bullet by then was his strong undercurrent of duty. He still had people that were his responsibility, people that would be worse off without him.

All the same, the futility was overwhelming, sometimes. He had been to war before. It was the most mortal kind of stress imaginable, especially for someone in an Engineering unit that often had to plow their way ahead of the main force to complete their duties, so that the rest of them could complete theirs. At least there was an overall objective, to it. Terms of service, too, or a definable end to the conflict. If you survived, eventually you would be allowed to go home. If you didn't survive, well... you didn't get back up and try to eat your friends and family. There was no end to this tour, not anymore. There was no getting out, there was no deserting the post, even. Not even death guaranteed escape.

The absolute best that Ash could hope for was to give as many people as he could some mote of security, keep them fed, and delay their demise for as long as he was able. If they found meaning or happiness along the way, great. Such concepts were becoming lost on him.

"If you have any cargo, load it up fast." said Ash to no one in particular. He recovered Bazhooli's hunting rifle and stowed it in the Hordebuster's cab, and began climbing up into the driver's seat. "I'm gone in two. Someone make sure that our dead don't come back."

Ashton waited the promised two minutes, then hit the ignition on his 'Buster. It growled to life in a comforting way for the beleaguered Captain. He waited as Jack climbed into the truck's passenger side. Locking eyes with him, he nodded once. Today was a bad day. Very bad day. "Time to go home. I could use a drink later, ah... after. You?"

He shifted gear and brought the Hordebuster around, traveling at moderate speed back to Newnan.

Black James(!)

Location: Newnan Inner Wall - Northern Entrance -> LaGrange Street, headed south

"Naw, you hang on to your trail mix. If'n you decide to head out, you gonna want somethin' for the road." James kept his voice level and optimistic, as best he could given the circumstances. But this was not exactly the finest hour that Newnan had ever experienced. "Gonna tell you straight, Bea - we had a little accident today. Took some losses, too. Ain't nobody real happy here, but we're most all good people. An' as we can, we feed those that need it."

While James was being open and friendly, the armed escort was being quiet and watchful. James wasn't fully letting his guard down either, staying out of arm's reach of the lady and making sure that the side his 9mm rested upon faced away from her at all times. He talked a good game, but mostly used it as an opportunity to gauge her facial responses which were, to his experience in the matter, not very obvious. All the same, sometimes people needed reassuring words and a little time to rest before they opened up. Some good food never hurt, either.

The veteran hogger took a moment to let Guy up in the tower know what was up, and that he would be fulfilling his temporary duties as Second for the next bit of time. Of course, over the radio he was a hair less elegant in his speech to that effect. "Just keep a good eye out, I'll send someone up 'fore long, keep you company." He then looked to the new girl.

"Like I said, I ain't the usual guy for this. Hell, I'm supposed to be the Farm Guy here, used to do some recruitin', too. James pointed down the road a little bit, past the Armory and past the cloth, under which the formerly alive Sophia used to lay. Why they didn't get the sheet too, he had no idea. The spot of blood was probably a little bit of a turn-off, too. "Like I said, had some losses today. Now, down there's a church we been usin' as a Mess Hall. Our girl Sally's been keepin' some fresh smoked deer, cabbage, an some crackers on hold for stragglers comin' back from work late. We can get you set up there 'till our bossman gets back. Meantime, you got questions? You ain't got to talk if you don't wanna."

James gave a warm, toothy smile, and turned fully to Beatrice. "But I always do like a little supper conversation, don't you?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

Highway Heading Towards Newnan - Meg is able to get the hoard that was headed towards Newnan to go the other direction and head south, away from everyone. Strike one up for the goods guys. She will be able to get back to Newnan without issue and may do so in her next post. With everyone else out on the road in the Hoardbuster, things are as calm as they can be being transported in large truck like the Hoardbuster (Those that don't this, check the original OOC post for all the details on this rig.) - All patients are holding steady for now, the dead remain dead, and Astrid is not saying anything at this point. Simply sitting there running her fingers over Bridgette's braids as she looks at her friend that has passed away, knowing she will be joining her soon enough. The roads are in the same condition that they were on the way out and the Hoardbuster will get to Newnan when Ash says it does. (In other words, it won't arrive there until Sigil posts again, so post accordingly.)

Franklin High School - Sana's leg gets wrapped up in no time and she lets out of a sigh of relief as she is finally able to roll over off her stomach and sit up fully. "Thank you," she said before looking over at the new comer. "You did a good job," she added as she rolled her shoulders back. "Okay, starting run down. Hungry? Have an known injuries we need to take a look at? Planning to kill us in our sleep? You know, the usual questions," she asked with half a smirk as she slowly slipped off the gurney.

Newnan Courthouse (Jail Cells Area) - "Oui, we need to get things cleaned up as quickly as we can and clear out the infirmary as fast as we can. We do no know how many Captain is bringing back but we do know that before he had to go on his rescue mission, Astrid said there was at least 1 amputee," Froggy said before glancing towards Ryan and motioning for Kris to follow him. Once they were down the hall and on their way to the infirmary he stopped. "Careful of that one," he warns. "Now, you go to the infirmary and help out, please send the little Ballerina outside if she is able to help me be ready for the groups return while you and Neisha take care of the rest," he says before heading for the front of the courthouse.

Newnan Streets - Streets are clear and the people are getting back to normal as best they could while some are still out readying for the return of the group. Continue forward.

Newnan Infirmary - "We had a gas line burst after a water heater failed, two explosions. Last I saw they were trying to get it under control but then I got knocked down and didn't see anything else until Doc came over to me. Not that I was out my dear, just laying flat on my back looking up at the evening sky. If it weren't for the explosion it would have been very relaxing," she laughed slightly. Tatiana gave a quiet chuckle like the coo of a bird from the way Miss Sally was speaking. "I see Doc is finally letting you help out in here and that you have your own assistant, good job," Miss Sally added as she sat there.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Heading towards Newnan

Ciel curled up a bit more, resting his head on his arm. This was probably a good opportunity to get some rest. They were in considerably less danger and he himself was in considerably less pain. He was feeling fairly confident about the next few hours, at the very least. What the future held once they reached Newnan and he recovered was still up in the air, but for the moment there wasn't much to worry about.

He let his light blue eyes fall shut, breathing slowly and relatively steadily for once. The truck was making a lot of noise, but he was exhausted and finally had a quiet moment. Best to get to work on slowly regaining his strength while he had the time. The quicker he recovered, the better chance he had of getting put to work somehow. The blonde woman back in Franklin had mentioned that they would find a cartographer useful... hadn't she? His memory of Franklin was blurry, at best. He had already forgotten almost all the names of those he'd met, and what the building he was in had looked like. Just that he'd arrived there after wandering alone in the woods a long time, passed out at some point and then before he knew it he was on the road to Newnan. 'Busy day' would be quite the understatement. After a few moments he'd fallen into a deep sleep, from which he could for once be fairly sure he'd awaken from.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


building one, the infirmary

Niesha gave a small laugh "I think it was more necessity then me actually getting anywhere with him. Titania was just here and it's better to be doing things then just sitting around, so we're making do" she gave a shrug, moving to continue on, but still speaking "Astrid isn't here, and like you said there's a lot going on, more then one person can handle. To be honest, Miss Sally, I'm scared to my bones I'm going to do something wrong. We lost Tom...I don't know what else I could have done...if we had the technology...it's frustrating. I'm just doing what I can, and hoping I can make a difference. I'm hoping that there's nothing too serious"

She gave a sigh, checking someone's eyes and making sure they were reacting right-she seemed to be obsessed with making sure no one had head injuries but with explosions it was hard to know and she wanted to check everything she could, before moving on to patch them up.

"just seems like everything is happening today." she stood straight, bending back slightly with her hands on her back, taking a quick moment to stretch her back, before getting back to doing what she needed to.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

(The site spazzed. Ignore)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 1 (Jailhouse)

Kristina looked towards Froggy and nodded slightly as she started to follow him out of the jail area and into the hallway nearby she gave Sophia's body one last look and sighed she was nervous of breaking the news to Niesha. When Froggy mentioned to be careful of him Kris nodded slightly tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. "I will." Kristina said she wasn't going to go down there unless she is asked to, she gave Froggy a nod as he told her to get Tatiana and help out Niesha with whatever she needed to get the infirmary cleared out. The amputee would probably need the most attention as Kris slowly started making her way back up towards the steps and headed into the infirmary she could hear Ms. Sally, Tatiana and Niesha talking.

Kris's eyes wondered around seeing those that were injured from the explosions sighing slightly she knew that the second explosion took Sophia's life. Kristina quickly turned towards Tatiana and smiled at the woman for a moment as she stepped inside the infirmary. "The doc would like your assistance outside for the newcomers, that's if you are up for that anyway." She said Kristina was really tempted to just tell her right then and there, but they needed Niesha grounded and be able to help out here. "Froggy wants me to help out with clearing the infirmary for the injured that Astrid and the others are coming in with. What would you like me to do?"

Meghna Kumar

Location: Highway -> Newnan

As Meghna threw out the last of the Molotov's out the window she looked out the window seeing that the herd was being drawn to them as she started to head back onto the main road Meg rolled up the window as she brought up the radio to her lips to contact Ashton. "The herd diverted and are heading south of Newnan now, i'll meet you guys back home." Meghna said knowing that the herd isn't a threat anymore she continued to drive down the highway and back to Newnan. It felt good that the threat has been taken care of and they can get the rest of the injured back to Newnan successfully.

A few minutes later Meg was at the gates of Newnan she parked the car outside of the gates, eventually she was let back into the gates and started driving back to the motorpool where all of the vehicle were stored. Meghna switched back to the normal channels she grabbed the radio and contacted Black James. "Made it back Ashton and the others should be here shortly, what happened here?" Meg asked as she went to put the keys back where all of the others where they belonged.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Heard County High School (Infirmary)

Riley watched as Sana and Amelia finished up patching her leg and rolled up to a sitting position, her eyes wondered down to her arms and hands then looked up at Sana. "Just a few small scrapes and bruises but nothing that needs any serious attention." She said with a slight smile then her eyes lit up at the mention of food, the last time she ate was three days ago and it was just a can of beans. "I haven't eaten anything in the last three days, finished the last of my rationed food since then I haven't eaten since. I wouldn't plan on harming any of you pretty ladies here, or anyone I don't plan on getting myself shot anyway and you guys seem like a good bunch." Riley said with a soft smile.

Riley was curious about this place and the group that had attacked and left just as she was walking into Franklin. "So the big guy Lyon? I'm assuming that he is the big boss here, he mentioned a group called Eden I saw a bunch of cars driving away from town I had to ditch my car outside due to a flat luckily they didn't notice me, who are they exactly anyway?" Riley finally asked. "Anyway how long have you guys been here?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School – infirmary

“You're welcome.” Amelia replied to Sana and finally pulled a step back, sitting down on the floor, taking a deep breath now that the would was taken care of. This was her first time stitching cut and it wasn't exactly a pleasant experience, the feeling of flesh underneath your fingers as you work, the feeling of piercing flesh with the needle... The whole thing left a very unsettling sensation in her. Amelia hoped that she won't have to do it too much, but some little voice inside her head was telling her it would be best to learn as much as she can about treating injuries.

“Well believe it or not... I also got here today.” Amelia replied to Riley with a small smile.” Got here by lucky coincidence too... also involving a flat tire of all things!” She added with a smile and started to get up from the floor." For that reason I'm also not really sure about these Eden people. Since they are attacking others I assumed they are just bandits of sorts."

With that said, Amelia walked over to the things she had gathered for cleaning and dealing with Sana's wound and started to clean up her own wound. It was hurting, but so far she grit her teeth and just focused on Sana cause her injury was a hell of a lot worse! Now that it was dealt with, she could finally deal with her own. It was smaller one, just a graze, but it sure hurt when she moved her arms. It was on her forearm, so she should have been able to deal with it herself, not to mention luckily it was not too big.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Smokey Rd. -> Outside Newnan, Southern Gate

Ash spent the rest of the drive in silence. There were some hard truths that they all had to face when they got back home, which should be in the next few minutes. He really wanted to use the time to get into something resembling a decent frame of mind, but it wasn't going to be a long enough to get remotely there. It reminded him of the last really bad day he had, just a few weeks ago. He insisted upon hopping into the back of his 'Buster and crawling into a bottle of decent booze. It was a low point for him. Somehow, Mr. James Grady understood what was going on and joined him; kept him in conversation and prevented him from making the night even worse. Then the new girl, Zoie, showed up. Then, quite uninvited, the Shieldmaidens arrived as if they belonged there. He barely knew most of them, but after a while it didn't matter. The occasion was still sad, no denying. There were elements of hope and mirth injected into the situation, however; it was the difference between a funeral and a wake.

As much as Ash wanted to be alone again, he knew it would only put him in a dark place. That hog hunting son-of-a-bitch was right about him: He needed people around to stay human.

It was at this point in his thoughts that the emotionally strained Captain realized something. Everyone with him now that wasn't dead or dying were strangers. This guy Jack - they had one conversation, really, and that was his entrance interview. Otherwise, he had a stack of dead people, and ...Astrid... plus a gathering of very fresh faces. Unknown faces. And he was bringing them into his home.

The walls of Newnan appeared in his vision, looming in the distance. Ash viewed them with a mixture of gratitude and apprehension. Now that he was back within clear walkie distance, he addressed the city. "We're coming up on the main gate now. Two medical emergencies and..." He cleared his throat, "...and multiple casualties. Need full teams for both."

Ash pulled up to the gates, waiting for Jim to crank them open wide enough to admit the Hordebuster. For the first time ever, he didn't actually feel like going back inside.

Black James(!)

Location: LaGrange Street, headed south -> Building 2, Mess Hall

The strangest message came across James' radio. He held up a finger to Newnan's most recent guest, as if to indicate that he needed a moment to handle something. "Why how-do, Miss Meg? Good to hear ya'll gettin' back. Now, ain't a thing happened here since you left us, 'cept we cleaned up a little. Oh! And we've got us a visitor."

"The kind that don't wanna shoot us! Score, right?" James had adopted a more joking tone of voice. Probably not the most appropriate thing to do, considering all of the bad that had occurred that day.

Ash's broadcast wiped away what remained of his jovial manner. He was definitely back on the clock, one form or another. While he wasn't the best guy in the whole world with medical anything, growing up with agriculture had most assuredly taught him the proper use of a shovel. "You might should just hang here, Bea. Eat up, don't pay no mind to the quiet guy with the rifle makin' sure you're not gonna kill us all, k?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jack and Chloe

Location: The Hordebuster

Jack climbed into the passenger's side of the truck, coming to almost the same realization as Ash a minute later. He was still a newcomer to Newnan, but Ash was just about the only Newnanite left. How often did they have days like this? His heart was weary at the thought of Bazhooli, robbed of his life, robbed of his chance at another family. And Tatiana, all along in Newnan...

"I could use a drink," Jack replied, his face tired and grim. He hoped Tatiana loved that damn cat. It'd be awkward if she changed her mind about him. He took a deep breath, attempting to reassure himself that Tatiana was fine, but ever since they'd arrived in Newnan, he couldn't help but feel tragedies unfolded. Was there some sort of curse at play?

Chloe, meanwhile, was doing her best to assist Ray and Ciel in the back of the truck. The kid had fallen asleep, and she couldn't help but hope it'd turn out to be for the best. With the only other medic slowly dying, she didn't need more complications with the patients. Her biggest worry for Ray would be that the transportation back to Newnan would cause something to rupture, something to burst...The man wasn't in the best shape.

But there was perhaps a bigger fear, Chloe realized, as the hoardebuster reached Newnan. As Ash spoke into the radio, a horrifying thought occurred to Chloe. There were tell-tale signs of drug abuse. She was lucky that the Viking medic was too distracted to notice, Chloe figured...would she be that lucky again? If they had a full medical team, would she be able to hide her past?

Beatrice Decker

Location: LaGrange Street, headed south -> Building 2, Mess Hall

While Beatrice wasn't one of the most emotionally expressive people, she couldn't help but be fond of James. His easygoing attitude was a bit charming, and as he walked with his sidearm on the opposite side of his body, she noticed he must have had some common sense. The fact that he kept her at arm's length only served to comfort Beatrice. Only idiots would have allowed her to roam the grounds as she pleased.

As to the accident...her eyes flickered up towards the smoke she'd seen in the sky...she felt some sympathy for them. Her group had been destroyed by accidents, though some of them had been intentional. As her eyes fell on the bloody sheet in the road ahead of them, she raised a slight eyebrow. Sanitation codes weren't really forced anymore, though, she reminded herself. It was a bit hard to enforce laws without any order or government.

"Yeah, I do have a question, actually," Beatrice replied, though her stomach grumbled in betrayal. It had been a bit since she'd had some decent food beyond trail mix, and she'd already fished out all of the M&M's ages ago, the only decent part. "What happened here?" They had an established farm system, a person in charge of recruitment--the more Beatrice learned about Newnan, the less things added up.

She started to doubt it really was an accident that happened. But as James held up a finger, and crackling voices came over his radio, Beatrice didn't have a chance to ask. The reference to full teams...Again, more and more evidence that this settlement should've been prepared for that disaster, and perhaps averted it. Her eyes turned to the armed guard, an expressionless symbol of power and authority.

"Don't worry about it," Beatrice replied simply. "I'll be here." And observing. If she was going to ask to stay in this place, it needed to be safe and/or trustworthy. Preferably both. Hopefully both.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Tiffany Lyle

The Hordebuster

She felt relatively safe inside the giant truck. About as safe as can be expected. You were never truly safe anywhere. She looked forward to getting to Newnan and hoping there was something there for her. For all she knew, it was a thriving settlement that didn't have a need for more people and she would be turned away. She had some skills, she knew she could be useful. And she was so tired of walking and traveling all the time.

Not to mention she wanted to make sure Ray was ok. If she had to be turned away, she would beg they at least let her stay until Ray is fully recovered, or as best he can be. She watched him as he was sleeping, satisfied that they were ok for the time being. Chloe did a good job helping him, she would have to thank her later. She also watched the other boy, Ciel. She would make sure to talk to him too. She talked to kids a lot as part of her internship. Usually, the male lawyers relied on the females to talk to the kids as they felt more comfortable with them. She found it easy. She remembered her fiance and the hope she had for them, for a life. That was a while ago though, she moved on.

She felt pity for the others with them, the ones that came from Newnan. Here they were, helping strangers and losing their own people for them. She said a silent prayer, which she promised to do, for the Viking women, for the little boy, for the man that fell, and for Astrid who was on death's door. She hoped they would all find peace wherever they were.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

Newnan - Tatiana headed outside to help the Doctor as she was asked and left the others to finish up inside the infirmary. It wouldn't take long for them to clear them out. Stepping outside the found the doctor and smiled slightly towards him, nervously. The radio crackled on Froggys belt and she gulped slightly. "Medical is waiting outside of the courthouse," he sent back quickly. Astrid had sat there, feeling the movement of the Hoardbuster beneath her as she waited for them to get back to the town. She was feeling the fever taking her away and knew she would not allow herself to be granted entry into the wall. As the Hoardbuster pulled to a stop Astrid moved slowly and climbed out, walking up to the driver door and just standing there for a moment.

Astrid had never been one to show emotion, she seemed to always have this blank expression of severity on her features. For once that was gone. She looked sick but more than that she looked beaten. Pulling her shield from her back she flipped it over and hung it from the handle of the suicide door, then hit the driver side door twice, signaling for Ash to go ahead and pull through the gate now that it was opened. Turning Astrid started walking back away from Newnan and towards the line of trees. There was nothing else she could do for the city now besides make sure they would not be in danger from her within the walls.

Those on the wall looked oddly as Astrid left in a rather simple matter but they had to stay focused on what Ash told them. The gate was open, the inner gate was ready to open as soon as the Hoardbuster was in and the outergate closed. People were outside of the Courthouse now with Froggy and Tatiana. Tatiana kept looking down the road nervously, hoping that Jack was okay and that he would be coming back and be in sight any moment. People in the infirmary kept clearing out as Neisha and Kris finished them up, Miss Sally thanking Niesha for her help and giving her a hug and a few words of encouragement before heading out herself and making her way over to Tatiana and Froggy.

Franklin - Sana shrugged slightly. "We've only been here a few weeks but the group over all has been together in pieces for years. Some of us traveled down from Canada," she said as she peeked out in the hallway before looking back over at them. "Actually Beni is the lead here. Lyon is kind of his second in muscle. Beni is out at another settlement getting help for some of our more seriously injured," she added before looking over at Amelia. "Why don't you take her down to the cafeteria and get her some food. I am going to wait here until Medic gets back in case anyone else needs help with medical care. We can get your cuts an scrapes cleaned up after you get something on her stomach. Amelia, tell the kitchen she hasn't eaten in days so they don't start her off on stuff that is too heavy." Holding the door open for the two girls.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


building one, the infirmary

Niesha watched Titania leave, sighing softly and lookin to Kris. She rana weary hand through her hair, makingit even more ruffled then it had been, but beyond caring. Kristina seemed upset, but then, with everything going on, Niesha figured everyone would be. Taking a moment, she gave her friend a hug. "Everything just seems to be happening at once, doesn't it?" She said, getting back to what she was doing, trying to tidy up as she did so, "Uh, well, you could help with some of these cuts and burns-its mosly just cleaning them gently, then I can come in and bandage them up, send 'em on their way" She said, knowing that they needed they needed to get the place cleaned up for their up coming patients.

"Everyone seems okay" Niesha said softly, watching those they treated go, "I hope everyone is alright...there's been enough death today" She sighed, and looked over the supplies she had gathered, "Give me a moment, and I'll just quickly grab some more stuff" She said, and hurried off, gathering what supplies she thought needed to be replenished and hurrying back, placing it in easy reach. "How are you, Kris?" She asked while it seemed like they had a moments respite, stretching her back out. "Is it bad out there?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Heading towards Newnan

Ciel slowly started to wake up, rubbing his eyes and looking around nervously as he noticed the truck was no longer moving. Hopefully this meant they'd arrived at Newnan, and not yet another chapter of horrors and misfortunes. He pulled himself upright, feeling tired and weak, which was still a big improvement from a few hours ago. He couldn't really tell what was going on; he supposed he'd have to wait to see if they were allowed to leave the truck.

He fidgeted slightly, trying not to let his nerves catch up to him. So far he'd done a pretty good job of not freaking out, and with any luck that trend would be able to continue. As soon as he received some medical attention for his little malnutrition problem, he'd finally be able to help out. Not many people had survived the trip, which was by no means a good thing, but it did mean that there were probably some job positions that needed filling now. Maybe he'd have something to do for once.

Ciel remained mostly silent, not really feeling up to talking. The pain in his stomach had mostly subsided, but his throat was still extremely dry and sore. The road to recovery likely wouldn't be difficult, but would be long and tedious. He mentally swore to do his best not to complain about it, then silently went back to observing the others in the truck: Ray, the woman whose name he hadn't learned yet, and the scattered corpses. Not the best company in the world by any means, but they'd do for now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Kristina Smith

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary)

Kristina hugged Niesha back letting out a soft sigh for a moment losing a friend was hard enough hiding knowing that two of them were starting to date and hiding that they did die was tougher. "Today just isn't a good day it feels like." Kristina answered as she let go of Niesha and limped over to grab the stuff that Niesha had pulled out and went to work with slowly cleaning up the wounds and burns that the others received. Once she had finished cleaning them up Kris would motion them over towards Niesha so that they could be bandaged up, once Niesha had bandaged them up Kris would have bye to them. She wondered over towards Ms. Sally and smiled slightly at the older woman as she was released and went to help Froggy and Tatiana outside of the infirmary.

Kristina closed her eyes for a moment and went over to sit down for a moment she didn't realize that her ankle was starting to hurt again. "It's pretty bad, but things are under control now." Kristina said taking the time to rest her foot she ran a hand through her hair, hoping that Niesha wouldn't bring up Sophia at least not yet. Kris then heard the radio as Ashton spoke mentioning more causalities seems that the rescue mission went wrong somewhere and started to wonder who they had lost now.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary)

Meghna heard James over the radio hearing that they managed to get a new face while they were gone. "That's good we could use some new faces." Meg said over the radio as she saw the hordebuster slowly making its way into town as she moved over with the other teams, once the Buster was parked Meghna could see some of the new faces from Franklin and then wondered over towards Raymond seeing the man had lost his leg. Meghna looked over towards Ciel seeing that the little boy was slowly waking up she gave him a gentle smile.

"Hey there, i'm Meghna." She said as she extended her hand towards Ciel wanting to make sure that he was alright, she didn't want to lift him up if he was injured. Meg looked back towards Raymond, Tiffany and Chloe gesturing towards the infirmary that was close. "Be careful the infirmary is right behind you guys, the med staff will take over once you get there." Meghna said as she turned back over towards Ciel. "Will it be alright if I carry you to the infirmary?" Meg asked Ciel.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Newnan

Raymond had fallen asleep during the ride as they were driven towards Newnan, when he finally woke up he opened his eyes as he wondered around seeing Astrid sitting there until the hordebuster came to a stop outside of the outer gates. He couldn't imagine what was going through her mind, he would have ended up like her if Tiffany didn't react quickly. He watched as the Viking woman climbed out of the truck as the hordebuster started to move again, Ray watched as Astrid started walking off to the nearby tree line. Wishing he could have done something more for her.

A few seconds later they were inside Newnan as Ray laid there he reached for Tiffany's hand the trip was finally over and they were now safely behind the walls of Newnan. He would finally get the proper treatment that he needed Ray just hoped that he would survive the night now was the only thing that he worried about.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Heard County High School (Infirmary) -> (Cafeteria)

Riley nodded she would have to say hi to Beni whenever he returned, and hearing of another settlement nearby gave her hope that there were still good people out there somewhere. "If you do need my help with anything i'm more then willing to help out." Riley said with a soft smile as she started to head out of the door from the infirmary. Riley turned her attention towards Amelia giving the woman a friendly smile. "Lead the way." Riley said as she started to make her way towards the cafeteria, which reminded her of her high school back home though it was a bad time back then being picked on and starting fights.

"So what did you do before all of this happened, and where were you?" Riley finally asked wanting to get to know the woman a little bit better.
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