Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rainer sighed at Lee's questions, still looking to the horizon as if it had the answers. "I've been hiding it pretty well up until now, it's just that the chaos has ... forced me to use my fishman traits more then I'd like. And I've been hiding it because, well, you may not have experienced it but humans aren't exactly the most accepting of species. If something is different from how they are or from where they're from then they are much more hostile." Rainer said in a shaky voice as he scratched his neck again.

Rainer took a deep breath to calm himself before continuing, "I want to say that I'm on an adventure for justice or maybe salvation like you are, but in actuality I'm just on a journey searching for ... something. I don't know what really. I just know that when I'm sailing across the seas I feel like I'm free and that I'm just one step closer to that ... that something that'll make it all worth it."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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"What the...?" Janet didn't expect them to ignite an explosion right on the ship's hull. Those pirates are the kind to send themselves to their deaths willingly. Even for her, she isn't stupid enough to create a hole in the ship. And before she could even escape, the waters gushed down her legs. "I can't swim! Someone---" She splashed the water desperately as she started to sink.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rainer sighed again at Lee and his conversation, as it was about to continue he heard an explosion underneath them, followed by the sound of running water. “Hey buddy, did you hear that?!” He asked.

"I can't swim! Someone---" he heard followed by the sound of splashing.

“Waters in the hull.” He mumbled in a grim tone. Waters in the hull, which means waters flooding the ship. If this doesn't get solved immediately it's gonna cause some problems. He truns to Lee "I leave the deck to you!” He said as he jumped off the side of the ship and floated under the water, examining the hull looking for the leak. There it is! He thought as he saw a small hole with legs stickers by out of them. He immediately swims downwards and grabs onto a boulder at the seafloor before swimming up to the hole and begins to push the girl up with his back enough for her head to be above water while swimming backwards, dragging the rock with him as eventually the rock plugs up the hole. “Crap. This rock is the only things keeping the hull closed, I don't have anything to keep it in place.” He then looks up at the girl, still struggling but his back is supporting her enough to breath. “Dammit, I'm the only thing keeping this rock here. I'm stuck!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

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"Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?" The Legion pirate at the front of the pack quipped. In one hand he held a knife and in the other a club. "There's no place to go but down, you know?" He laughed, and sounded like he would've continued laughing for some time, but a man in red rushed forwards, apparently from nowhere, cutting up several of the legion pirates who didn't have a chance.

"What the?!" The man growled, taking a step back when he saw the female swordsman come up on the purple haired woman's left. "How many attackers are there?" Without waiting for a reply, he crouched down and rushed towards Red-Eyes. "It doesn't matter how many of you there are." The men behind him yelled as they followed quickly behind, each with weapons raised. "We've got numbers to spare." As he closed in on the woman, he brought his blade and club up at the same time, both aiming for a side of her chest. "Just watch and see" He yelled.

Clicking sounds echoed from directly above Abbygail's group. Hidden doors in the ceiling slid open, revealing Legion pirates who were held in place with straps. Before a blinking eye could return to its starting position the belts holding them in place vanished, and the foes fell towards the three, each with knives in their hands, ready to start stabbing once they made contact with their targets.

"Crap. There's just no end to how dirty they'll play." Abbygail shouted, as she deflected an oncoming sword slash with her scythe while throwing the waited end of her weapon behind her. It didn't quiet burrow into the man's head like she had hoped, but it hit him with enough force to snap his neck back and render him completely still when he fell on top of her. "Damn it!" She muttered. The man wasn't heavy enough to bring her down, but he was dead weight she didn't need, especially when several men were rushing towards her with swords. There was no time to dodge. Thinking fast she turned to the side and trusted the man forwards, catching the blades with his surprisingly firm flesh.

"I thought we had this one!" One of them said. The others would've responded but couldn't before Abbygail got one in the gut with her scythe and sent the other flying with a kick hard enough to rattle his brain. "Think again." The purple haired woman snapped as she spun around and brought her knee up into the man's chin.

A massive tremor went through the boat. "Crap!" She took a deep breath, but noted there didn't seem to be any extra smoke. Which meant it wasn't gunpowder that started the explosion. "Did she use that power inside the ship!" Roaring with frustration she sent swung her arms, sending out two blades of wind towards advancing enemies that quickly cut them down. Without waiting to see who else wanted some, she rushed forwards, heading deeper into the ship.

@KillBox@Crimson Lion@Noodles
"Hey!" One of the Legion pirates shouted as he scampered up to the stop of the ship. "What was that? Were the explosives supposed to start already? I thought they had to get them to below deck?"
Another Legion Pirate, followed quickly by several more appeared quickly after him. "That was the plan but who knows. You can't make plans with people like them around."
"Enough talking!" The final legion pirate shouted as he brought up the rear. "Just take your positions." Each of the Legion Pirates who appeared on deck were carrying a rifle. They made a line on the ship, facing the island and took their shooting stance. "Alright, men, remember the plan. If you see any of them scampering off for safety, pick them off while they're in the water."

"Sir!" The men shouted.

"Hey!" One of the Legionaires on the side of the ship called, looking down towards the side. "I think there's a few of them down there. Weird how their not moving from that spot." Several pirates hurried over and nodded.

"Well don't just stare at them!" The leading Legion pirate shouted. "Pick them off."

"Sir!" The pirates shouted, bring up their rifles and firing down at the man and woman in the water.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy looked at the girls, fighting beside them. "This will take too long! Swordsman, may I borrow your weapon? I can clear a path." He looks at Musashi as he asks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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@jynmi88@Crimson Lion@Noodles

As he was about to reply to what was said to him, there seemed to been a distress call coming from below decks. The fishman mentioned waters in the hull. That is definitely something he cannot venture into. With him as he is, he will literally become a brick, sinking into the depths of the sea...

He simply nodded as the fishman dove into the hole, presumably trying to save whatever called out for help. Lee gathered himself, and noticed that there were many enemies gathering on the deck once again. Guns draws, they seemingly have Lee trapped and cornered. Lee shook his handed independently twice, readying himself for another round. When he heard the words 'pick them off', he sprung into action.

Taking quick, powerful, steps, he closed the distance between himself and the gunmen. Reaching out his right arm, he curled it around the barrels of several rifles that were aimed at the hole that went through to the now waterlogged hull. With a upward motion, he pushed the guns towards the air. Once that was established, he performed what was essentially a front somersault over the gunmen, taking their rifles with him and flinging them into the sea in the process. Now, he was not able to gather and disarm all of the gunmen, but at least he took away the guns that were immediately aimed towards the hull...

As he landed, he gathered his footing and got into a athletic stance, ready for battle...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Musashi glared at Kyy, looking at him as if he just punched her mother and kept glaring as she rammed her foot into the charging man's manhood, causing the man's spirit to leave the man's body before kicking him into a pile of crates. Under normal situations Kyy would have gotten her swords... rammed though his chest. Asking a swordsman for their sword to use in front of them was extremely rude to say the least, about the equivalent of telling someone everything they did up to that point was a complete failure and they would show them how it's done. Musashi gave a frown to Kyy basically giving her the swordsman's middle finger and him officially getting off on the wrong foot with both women he was with. Luckily or unluckily for him she went the passive aggressive route as she threw her dagger at him and it planted itself an inch away from his face. Before saying:

"There, my weapon."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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"Watch out, behind you---" Janet gasped for air the moment her nose touched the surface of the water. She felt the sea sapping her strength. Seems to her that one of her allies had taken that extra effort to rescue her, so much on nearly dying on this first voyage... And the baldy has taken down most of the riflemen, but there is a few left for them not to let down their guard. She can't do anything for now, unless she got out of the waters.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rainer looked up to see the shadows of more people appearing. "Dammit, I still can't move!!!" He said as he tried to wedge the rock more into the hole. "Dammit, if only I had a blade or maybe a spear I could wedge this thing in place." He said in desperation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Hey, stop her!" One of the Legion pirates shouted as Abbygail rushed towards a group. "Don't let her... Ack!" A spray of blood erupted from his neck like a magma from a volcano that was well over do. Several of the men that were following him began to turn but paused when they noticed the quick feud that was going on between the woman with two swords and the man with the red hair. They couldn't exactly tell if it was something serious, that was supposed to end in one of them dead, but Red-Eyes looked like she was pretty close, nearly driving a blade into the spearman's face.
"Shit!" One of them mumbled. "That was close."
"No kidding. She almost did some of the work for us."
"We came so close" a third Legion pirate replied.
"Well, we better get to it." One at the far back said, gently pushing the one in front of him forward. "Or we'll be here all day, or at least until the ship hits rock bottom."
At that, everyone turned with fury. "Will you" they snapped in the kind of unison that would make a world class choir wet with envy. "Shut up!" There was a moment of stillness when the large group realized there was no way they could still be unnoticed. So slowly, they all turned on their heels, raised their weapons over their heads, mostly swords with the occasional knife or blunt piece of wood, before charging full on at the angry lovers.
"Damn it!" The purple haired woman cursed as she rushed down the long halls of the Legion pirates ship. Her sense of direction wasn't the best, but she was certain that she had to be on the right track to wherever it was the redhead with the spears had gone down. She could hear water, sloshing around somewhere nearby. The sound had gotten so bad she was throwing open random doors. In a few there was a Legion pirate who tried to jump out at her, but those were quickly enough dealt with. The only room that gave her pause was one with the lights out, candles by the bed lamp and some soft moaning that continued on a few seconds after she opened the door. Neither of the three people inside, as well as herself said anything. She just apologized, stepped back and closed the door before rushing on, telling herself that really it wasn't any more odd than regular forms of self pleasing.

"Okay!" She shouted as she took hold of a doorknob, that was a bit more well kept than the others. "This has to be the captain's room." Which was as good as she was going to get outside of finding the other girl. At least if she had the captain she could possibly get everyone to calm down long enough for her and the rest to get on a life boat and get out before the ship went down.

"Now listen here you!" The door flew open and the Abbygail paused to admire the giant room she was standing in. It had to have been at least fifty feet tall, and three times as wide. There was a massive pile of straw covering most of the room's floor. "The hell is this?" She muttered, rubbing her chin.

"Crap! It's another one." Several of the Legion Pirates shouted in unison.
"He's trying to stop us from taking the other two out." A third pirated responded.
"Stop narrating everything and get him!"
Eight men, a combination of those who'd managed to take a shot at the ones in the water and those whose guns were taken by the bald men, turned their attention towards the attacker. Five of them had swords, two had knives and one decided his bare hands were enough. AS for the remaining seven, three moved into position to continue their assault on the swordsman and boom girl while the last two kept switching their attention between the bald man and the easy targets.

@Crimson Lion@Noodles
Several more shots rained down on the two pirates, struggling to hold on for dear life. "Oh my god!" One of the the masked men shouted. "Terrible aim. Forget shooting." He thrust spears into the arms of the several pirates who took a shot. "Stop wasting the ammo. Bullets are expensive. Go down there and jab them with this till they die!" Without waiting for the men to respond, the leader threw three ropes over the railings and shoved the men towards them.

Grumbling, the men slowly starting making their way down the side of the boat until they got in range, at which points, they carefully aimed their spears to start jabbing at the woman and man.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy nods, understanding why she glared. He may wield spears but he followed a similar code. But he also knew that he'd need a slashing weapon for his plan. "Thank you. I'm sorry for asking, especially when we don't know one another. I will treat this blade as if it were my own. I'll return it in fifteen seconds." He holds the dagger backhand and rushes through the enemies, pushing passed his normal limits. Starting his count, he takes them out faster than an untrained eye can see before collapsing in front of the girls. He holds the dagger out to its owner. "Sorry... I took two seconds extra." His nose was bleeding from the exertion he'd put himself in and his body felt light as a feather from moving so fast. "I have to rest. I'll catch up when I can."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As if the universe was listening to him, a spear appeared in front of Rainer miraculously. “Sweet Goddess of the ocean thank you for answering my prayer!!” He said as he grabbed the spear, tugging it down and dragging a legion pirates with it. “Sorry mister. I'm gonna need that!!!” He yelled as he kicked the man upward in the stomach, blasting the man upward out of the water and into some of the legion pirates up top. As Rainer lodged the spear into the crack, the boulder began to become more stable, becoming a patchwork repair job.

“Now that that's out of the way!” Rainer turns around and grabs the girl above him in his arms, lifting the girl above the water and himself halfway. Immediately after surfacing however he gets stabbed by one of the legion pirates spears, right in the leg. “Gah! Dammit!” He yelled as he tried to dodge more of the spears, the girl still in his arms. He then jumped onto the platform the pirates stood on, laying Janet down before stepping in between her and the pirates. Damn, I'm feeling really woozy all of a sudden. He thought as he tried to stand straight. I've been going all out to much today. The adrenaline is starting to wear off.

As the pirates began to slowly close the distance, Rainer tried to drop into a defensive stance. Emphasis on tried. Doing a wonky attempt. “Dammit. Today's just not my day.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 3 days ago

Six, seven, eight. Eight then. He thought to himself. "There is eight of you, and one of me. I'd say you'd need at least ten more to even make this a remotely fair fight..." He said with a sinister, almost evil, smile on his face. His arms were pulsing with golden light. His eyes, shining, glittering, golden. He surveyed his enemies. They were mostly using melee weapons. Those are easy enough to deal with. He picked up on one with nothing but his bare hands to fight. "AHAHAHAHAHA. YOU THERE! THE ONE WITH NO WEAPON! Are you so foolish to think to fight me with no weapons? Have you no regard for your life?" He said, pointing. By now, even his legs were pulsing with golden light...

Drawing a deep breath, Lee muttered something under his voice and stepped in to begin his assault. As he stepped in, a golden swirl of energy can be faintly seen, twisting from the bottom of his feet all the way into the sky.What came next was a series of strikes, connected with motion of fluid it seemed as if Lee stood in place and struck several enemies at once. The five with swords were first. With the outside of his right forearm, he swung down and made contact with the spine of one sword, bending it into a grotesque shape, no long considered a weapon. Without so much as a transition, he swung his left forearm onto another sword, twisting the metal in similar fashion. With two men essentially disarmed, Lee jumped high enough to deliver a mule kick with his right foot to the chest of one of the disarmed men. Having positioned himself to face the other disarmed men, he threw an empowered right hook to the chin of that man, sending him tumbling away. With the momentum carrying him forward, he tumbled to the ground, tucking his head against his body. When he could, he uncoiled himself like the tail of a scorpion, kicking one swordsman overboard with both feet. Three swords down, two to go.

As his gathered his footing after landing, he swiftly moved forward, right arm coiled. Lunging forward, he struck one swordsman between the shoulder socket of his sword-arm with his right fist while simultaneously pulling the same shoulder towards himself while he extended his right arm. This action dislocated the shoulder of the swordsman, but Lee did not stop there. His movement was so swift that he did not hear the scream of the man he had just injured. As his punch finished, he struck the man across the right of his lower jaw with the back of his right fist, sending him tumbling away. Continuing his movement, he grabbed the next swordsman by the belt with his right hand, the whatever cloth he can clutch with his left. With a savage roar, the tossed the swordsman into the sea to join his fallen brethren. And thus, all the men armed with swords were disposed of.

The knifed one came next. With the shorter range of the knives, Lee can get closer to his enemies more comfortably. Lunging forward once again, he got into a low position to deliver a sweeping kick behind both legs of his enemy. The force of the kick was so strong that Lee kicked up a small swirl of dust and particles and to the man he kicked, Lee may have cracked both tibiae from the calf side of his leg. The same enemy was momentarily parallel with the ground in the air. With a empowered palm strike to the solar plexus, Lee sent the man flying towards the group of three that had focused their attention to attacking the opening in the deck. Assuming the flying man will cause the three attackers to stumble and fall, thus stopping their attacks, Lee turned his attention back to the men he was facing before. There were one more man armed with a knife. Taking a quick, powerful, step, Lee grabbed the arm that held the knife, turning it so the crook of his elbow faced the sky. Pulling the man towards him with his left arm, Lee struck the outside of elbow with a upwards palm strike, dislocating the elbow in a savage fashion. The man was screaming in pain, but Lee could not hear it. With the man so close, Lee simply headbutted him at the bridge of his nose, taking his consciousness away from him as a result.

Grinning, he has now disposed of all of his armed enemies. The only one that remained was the unarmed one. With a smooth, relaxed exhale, Lee gathered himself before going on the attack once more. With flowing movement, Lee approached his enemy. His first move was a slap to both sides of the man's head, aimed at the ears and the purpose was to disorient. As the man was shook and stumbling, Lee struck him with a quick right jab to his left shoulder while keeping his own left hand to the left of his jaw as a defense mechanism. Pulling his arm back, Lee delivered a heavy body shot to the space between the man's rib-cage and left hip. As the man bent at his left hip, Lee went for the knockout punch. Pulling his right hand up and close to his chin, Lee delivered a left hook to the now exposed left jaw of the man, sending him into the ground.

With his own shifting momentum, Lee bent at his right hip, picking up a knife that was dropped by one of the previous attackers. Without even straightening his own body, Lee flung the knife in the direction of the three men that were attacking the opening of the deck, so that if any of them were not knocked away by their flying comrade, this knife should at least distract them from attacking.

There were still a few more men on deck. Lee showed them a sideways stance, leading with a left leg. His hands balled up into fists, left arm relaxed and by his left side, right arm bent at the elbow and fist pulled up to his chin. Smiling, Lee signaled to the remaining attackers that if they still wished to fight, they can fight him instead...

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Well then at least hide yourself."

Musashi looked at Kyy's exhausted form and him crumbled on the floor. She took her dagger back and picked him up with one hand and then opening one of the trap doors that the pirates hid into ambush them, then put him into the hidden compartment.

"Well then it will be a shame if you got stabbed at your weakest and died like chump."

She turned to the hallway that Abbygail ran down, for a moment a faint simile could be seen it would seem that her option of him improved somewhat. She followed the opened doors and foaming bodies that were like breadcrumbs to Abbygail's location. Though there were three people who were hastily dressed and red faced, just exiting their room.

"Excuse me can you tell me if a purple haired girl came though here."

The trio face went crimson and pointed to the direction that she went to. Musashi said thank you and ran to Abbygail's location and finally bumped saw Abbygail standing in the door frame. From the looks of it, it would seem as if she saw a further oddity, which they already had plenty of, so more couldn't hurt she guessed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Finally... You've really got me this time..."

Janet reached for her spears in her backpack, only to find that the one that she took is the last one. The rest, have either been depleted or swept away by that rough waters. Guess I'll have to use it differently... Annoying, but gotta return that guy a favour... Janet plucked the woven hair off from the spear, making it less prone to explosions.

She held her spear with a firm grasp, igniting an explosion at the back of her shoulders. At the instant her spear pierced the masked guy chest, she ignited the front of her elbows to quickly retract her spear. Then repeat for the other masked goons around her, a person like Janet wouldn't miss a close ranged target.

"Machine Spear," Janet wiped out the squad of masked guys just like that, brushing off the dust off her shoulders. "Thanks for saving my life, but... Spear guy, you listening?! I'm out of ammo, so lend me some of your spears!"

Her voice echoed across hull's corridor, hoping that her message would get to Kyy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Ugh!" A downed Legion pirate muttered, grabbing his side, where a thick puddle of blood was slowly oozing from. The flow had started as a spray but had gradually died down as he applied pressure. How he survived the red haired man's barrage was beyond him, but he wasn't going to question things, especially since it wasn't a miracle by any definition of the word. He was still going to die, what with having to have way less of his life fluid that was needed for continued survival. That was of no importance though. He was but an in the hive or a pebble upon the mountain. Which was fine in itself as him going away wouldn't' mean much, but what did matter were the enemies of the Legion pirates as well as the fact that none of them could be left alive.

The man grinned behind his mask looking at the spot where Red-Eyes had placed the quick man with the knife before leaving him. Frantically, which caused his neck to hurt, he searched around for something with an edge or point, since he didn't have enough strength to make use of something blunt and heavy, till he noted a nearby dagger. Grinning even wider he picked it up and put it in him mouth. He started to crawl towards where the collapse enemy had been shoved. Even with the weapon in his mouth the legion pirate smiled.

"What the hell!" A panicked voice screeched from the opposite end of the massive room. "You two shouldn't be here!" He was a Legion pirate just like the rest, but unlike the rest, he had his arms full of bags of treasure as opposed to weapons. "Crap. Crap. Crap." He tossed the loot bags on the ground and hurried towards a nearby gong that had likely gone unnoticed thanks to the room not being very well light and its color being nearly identical to that of the surrounding room.

"Damn it! Forget the loot and life boat! We've got to get them at all coast" The Legion Pirate grabbed a nearby mallet and slammed the thing, causing a thunderous cacophony to echo through the room and the rest of the ship. Suddenly, before either woman could react, dozens of Legion pirates began swarming into the four doors of the room. "Get them!" The masked man shouted. "Forget the life boat and loot. Just make sure those two don't get off the ship!"

The remaining attackers paused to watch the bald man's display of violence.
"We should attack." The Legion pirate in the front of the group mumbled.
"Definitely." The one furthest on the left nodded in agreement.
"I mean, how else are we going to keep him occupied until everything goes." The other slapped the man on the back of the head, before shoving him forwards as hard as they could. One hurried behind the man, intent on striking with his knife once that bald man kicked him aside, while the others went around, intending on attack him from two directions.

@Crimson Lion@Noodles
The Legion pirates grinned as they started moving towards the injured swordsman, certain that even with his strength he wouldn't last much longer against them. The man could barely make a proper stance so there was little doubt that they'd be able to finish him there and then. They kept right on smile as they closed in on the injured man right up to the point where the young woman jumped in front of them and started smashing into each of them with her spears like some kind of strange, futuristic rapid fire weapon. A few of the Legion pirates who're able to see what her attack could do managed to get out of the way, well two, but the rest turned into bloody, and holy potatoes.

"Damn it!" One of the Legion pirates on the floor shouted, as he barely managed to escape certain death. The woman had gotten him through the shoulder blade, rendering his left arm useless, but instead of panicking, he reflexively grabbed hold of her spear, and pushed forward, intent on slamming her into the injured swordsman behind her. "Don't just stand there, you idiots." He called the rest of his group. "Move forward and start stabbing. These two aren't going to off themselves!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The legion pirate would be in for a surprise when he found where Kyy was hiding. Although he'd returnedMusashi's dagger, he wasn't unarmed. His spears were pointed at the way in as he rested, not dumb enough to let his guard down for a moment. Out of breath and a bloody nose wasn't nearly as bad as bleeding out so he still had an advantage. "Try me. One more step and death will be slow. I can guarantee it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Musashi was quite annoyed at the fact that the guy with the number three on his face was hid behind a bunch of lackeys. Seriously the first seemingly decent fight she runs across and it's another round of beat down a bunch of lackeys. She drew her swords and started to tear into them. At this point she needed a freaking drink and a hot meal. Seriously she was getting tired of these suicidal bastards she thought as she sent five men flying into the air. She pointed a blade at legion pirate with a three on his mask.

"Instead of hiding behind your lackeys why don't you put on some pants, take your thumb out of your mouth, and face me like a man!"

She taunted the legion pirate.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Rocket punch," The Legion Pirate that grabbed her spear had just saved her from taking the extra effort to send another piercing attack, as her other free hand blasted him away like a rocket. She then made way to stab the remaining legion pirates normally, piercing their neck and their chest.

But, what annoys her is that there is no response from Kyy or anybody, her voice did not reach them. In short, both of them are stranded from the group. "We'd better get going, gotta regroup with those bunch, as long as we do not take the Captain's head this wouldn't be over." Janet went ahead to finish her job.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 3 days ago

'Such persistence. These aren't your run-of-the-mill grunt. There is something foul at play...' Lee thought to himself as he surveyed the three(?) remaining attackers. "This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this. I am not your ally." Lee said in a cold, monotonous voice.

Dispatching the last remaining aggressors and moving to help his new acquaintances would have been easy and the logical decision. However, as his usage with his devil fruit increased, his sensible side was escaping him. More so it is taking a backseat to his more...clouded...side. Bouncing on his feet, he hopped very slightly twice. Cracking his neck from left to right softly, Lee readied himself for his next attack.

His arms are hanging loose. His eyes were moving between the three attackers that remained. It seemed as if the three had decided to surround him. Middle, left, and right. One in the middle was armed, the other two are not. Lee decided to leave the armed one for... scientific purposes. He was still slightly hooping as if he was a boxer. On his last hop, he launched himself towards the attacker to his left as soon as his toes made contact with the wood of the deck. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the pirate. If he could see in that short time, he would see that Lee had a sinister grin on his face as he was about to attack.

Lee leaped back, fading slightly away from his target. As he faded back, he torqued his body to his own left. As his body twisted slightly, he was able to extend his right leg. With the torsion of his body, his momentum allowed him to deliver jumping crescent kick to the side of the man's head. As the first kick landed, Lee immediately retracted his right leg and extended his left, connecting a heavy push kick to the chest of his first target, sending him flying overboard.

As Lee landed from his two kicks, he turned swiftly to the armed aggressor. With a sharp exhale, he stepped in and closed the distance. As he reached where he wanted to, he reached his right arm out and grabbed his target's left leg where his calf connected with his heel. As he lifted the leg up, he pushed his target by the chest with his own left hand, akin to a Kuchiki Taoshi in Judo, so that his target would land on his back and otherwise be disposed of momentarily as he approached his third target.

As his second target fell, Lee turned slightly to face his third target. As he approached, Lee got into a traditional five-animal stance. He took his approached with the crane style, aiming to strike at pressure points. With another sharp exhale, Lee brought his hands together independently to form something that resembled beaks. With his hands, Lee delivered four quick and precise strikes. To each arm of his target, he struck the pressure points where his shoulder and arm connected and where his upper arm and forearm connected. Even though these strikes were quick, they did not lack power. The arms of his target would be totally numb now, essentially useless in a fight. Shifting into the tiger stance, Lee delivered a palm strike with his right hand to the left temple of his target. This strike would have disabled his target but Lee did not stop there. Drawing his arm back, Lee delivered a lightning quick four-finger jab to the windpipe of his target. This strike completely crushed the Larynx and Trachea of his target, taking away the ability to breathe. Lee watched as his target crumbled, spitting up blood and gasping for air.

Turning back to the fallen, second enemy. Lee approached and since his target was already downed, Lee got on top of him and pinned him down. Before even saying anything, Lee grabbed the hand that held the knife and bent it back against the wrist so that the back of the palm was touching the top of the forearm, essentially hyper-extending it and disarming his target. He did not stop there. He rolled his target on his chest and grabbed the same arm that once held the weapon, bending it back and pushing his chest down at the same time. With a quick jerk, he popped the arm out its socket. Letting the arm drop limp, Lee sat on the low back of the man, pinning his left arm down with his own left hand. Lee also grabbed the chin of the man with his right hand, pulling his head back towards himself in an unnatural position. "Talk! You're up to no good. Talk before I pull your head off!" Lee said to the man in a threatening voice.

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