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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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@Dynamo Frokane I was not confused on any kind of racial prejudice. I just don't know who those girls are.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Racist ideologues affiliated with a hate group ;)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@Dynamo Frokane I was not confused on any kind of racial prejudice. I just don't know who those girls are.

Lauren Southern is a far right youtuber who is very very nearly a white nationalist (calls her self a racially concious western patriot). Works with generation identity; a straight up pan-european ethnostate advocating organisation. Which that martin sellner guy is the leader of (the austrian chapter).

Brittany Pettibone is just a straight up white supremacist, does the familiar song and dance about ethnostates, anti-race mixing, denying holocaust, talking about the great white replacement etc. Also is the girlfriend of Sellner and have attened memorials for SS members together.

Lovely bunch aint they?
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Well I googled 'Brittany Alicia Merced Pettibone' and even though I don't know what she did specifically

(1992–) is an American young adult fiction writer, alt-right commentator, Schrödinger's white nationalist,[2][3][4][note 1] and overall conspiracy theorist who refers to herself as an "American nationalist".[5] Her prominence among the alt-right is generally due to her status as a sort of white power Barbie.

Yeah she shouldn't be allowed in the country :P
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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<Snipped quote by POOHEAD189>

Lauren Southern is a far right youtuber who is very very nearly a white nationalist (calls her self a racially concious western patriot). Works with generation identity; a straight up pan-european ethnostate advocating organisation. Which that martin sellner guy is the leader of.

Brittany Pettibone is just a straight up white supremacist, does the familiar song and dance about ethnostates, anti-race mixing, denying holocaust, talking about the great white replacement etc. Also is the girlfriend of Sellner and have attened memorials for SS members together.

Lovely bunch aint they?

Oh yeah, they sound like keepers
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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You might be more familiar with them by the American term: Very fine people.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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@Dynamo Frokane Are you denying that those three people were detained? You clearly seem to think they were banned because "unlike the US, we don't allow crazy extremists to speak". So that seems to acknowledged they got banned for thought crimes. I haven't "complained" about it, because I haven't seen it brought up. Do you have links for that?

Also, maybe because one is an actual ideological threat and the other is different political beliefs? But I haven't heard that happening the U.K either. I've heard they were planning on allowing Linda Sarsour inside the U.K.

This letter, seems to be claimed "a fraud" because of it's English/American Spelling. But I noticed it cropped out the end segment of the letter.

Here's Lauren's letter. Note what it states at the bottom.

So while I know less about this "Brittany's" situation, so I won't say she's not the type to fake something for drama. But I've not seen/heard Laura Southern do so. Also, I've personally seen government letters have misspellings and typos. The tweet at bottom shows such evidence of that.


(Brittany) She's addressed this and someone has made a comment referring to it.



Even, if the second comment/part is untrue. There's studies that 60% of UK children don't even speak English as first language.



And like I said, seems like there's more problems than speech to deal with.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Apparently Alabama State Representative Harry Shiver goes against the grain and doesn't want to arm teachers, because most teachers are women and are easily frightened by loud noises. At this point, I don't know what to say.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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The white power barbie thing is in full effect here, this video gives me the fucking creeps. Getting two of the best looking white girls in the alt right to ask horny young racist losers "how much are you willing to sacrifice even when all hope seems lost?" Shit sounds like a goddamn cult.

@SleepingSilence Two of those links are broken, and posting two 'supposed' home office letters to twitter isn't proof of anything, they could be frauds too. The vast vast majority of Home Office letters don't have half a dozen spelling and grammatical errors because they are proof read. Out of the thousands that are sent every year posting two to twitter and calling it the rule instead of the exceptions is just dishonest. But I can see why her fans are grasping at anything to defend her. Probably the first woman that has smiled at them even if through a computer screeen.

Lauren's letter also has COH ID: COH ID which makes zero sense and the date of service has been left blank. Notice the spelling of 'Unted' Kingdom too.

And brittany's letter has far more problems beyond english/american spelling and you know it, don't be disingenuous.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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I'll watch the vid when I have time after work but

Getting two of the best looking white girls in the alt right to ask horny young racist losers "how much are you willing to sacrifice even when all hope seems lost?"

I laughed pretty loudly at that shit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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I said borderline terrorist, crowdfunding to hire a boat to block rescue ships because 4chan's pol board mentioned they may be engaging in illegal immigration, is pretty goddamn radical and the only reason it isnt strictly terrorist is because its in international waters. When these operations are funded by an organisation that wants to preserve the whiteness of europe at all costs (in their own words). It falls into racial extremist territory.

Ah yes the infamous[well not really since most people haven't heard about it] Defend Europe boat trip. They heard about how a bunch of NGO ships were illegally ferrying people to Italy from Africa. So basically they were like, let's see if we can track them down and record their misdeeds so they will be forced to stop. Once Patreon realized what they were doing they quickly went the defund route for it and Lauren Southern. Unfortunately the people running the Defend Europe were a little zealous and hinted they might intervene in illegal activities, instead of just documenting the activities themselves. There is pretty much no evidence however that they would do any actions that would actually put other people's lives in danger.

It was an interesting idea to be sure and I believe it went on for about 30 days or so before it had to stop. I don't think there is any real evidence that there were any 'terrorist' elements to the mission nor anything even illegal. Needless to say Patreon lost quite a bit of it's userbase after they defunded her.

And Radical Islamic Hate Preaching is a 'thought crime' but I didn't see any of you complaining when we banned those guys from entry.

Well you know guys preaching that Islam is destined to take over the world, infidels deserve to die, homosexuals need to be thrown off roofs, and generally every needs to convert to Islam or be beheaded is just a wee bit different from people concerned that native cultures are disappearing as massive waves of refugees are flooding into countries without proper vetting. Big difference between threatening death and actively inciting people to kill in Allah's name, and people who want to kick out immigrants after they see a huge rise in crimes such as rape in their cities being done mostly by the newcomers.

Also you know who in the UK are afraid to talk? Anyone who has a beef with their new islamic neighbors. When someone can be visited by police officers for just being critical of Islam, there is something very wrong coming on, especially in what should be a mostly secular society. The UK might be better at keeping out extremists these days but their policing of their country sure has become rather backwards. No wonder people like Tommy Robinson are so popular these days cause the government appears to be actively trying to protect Islam from criticism, among other things.

Might be part of the reason grooming gangs like in Telford have managed to operate for so long before getting shut down. People are too afraid of reporting that their 'asian' neighbors have been doing bad things because they'll be the ones punished instead for being 'hateful' towards them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@Dynamo Frokane Are you denying that those three people were detained? You clearly seem to think they were banned because "unlike the US, we don't allow crazy extremists to speak". So that seems to acknowledged they got banned for thought crimes. I haven't "complained" about it, because I haven't seen it brought up. Do you have links for that?

They were detained entry because the are affiliated with a white nationalist group. We would do the same if they were KKK members, its pretty straightforward stuff.

What do you need links for? Generation Identity? Do you need proof that Martin Sellner is a racist?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Well you know guys preaching that Islam is destined to take over the world, infidels deserve to die, homosexuals need to be thrown off roofs, and generally every needs to convert to Islam or be beheaded is just a wee bit different from people concerned that native cultures are disappearing as massive waves of refugees are flooding into countries without proper vetting. Big difference between threatening death and actively inciting people to kill in Allah's name, and people who want to kick out immigrants after they see a huge rise in crimes such as rape in their cities being done mostly by the newcomers.

So all white nationalists, neo nazis and ethnostaters want is basic bitch conservative 'tighter immigration policy'? Oh phew I was worried for a minute that they might actually be dangerous....

You seem to know a lot about radical islam, can you tell me about ethno-state proposals? I mean obviously you wouldn't be comparing the two unless you were totally read up and informed on both sides right?

Also you know who in the UK are afraid to talk? Anyone who has a beef with their new islamic neighbors. When someone can be visited by police officers for just being critical of Islam, there is something very wrong coming on, especially in what should be a mostly secular society.

Nope Nope Nope you are going to have to do better than one cherrpicked story about a guy getting a friendly visit from the police. There is zero context in this story. We don't know if there are tensions between him and someone else on Facebook that he knows. We don't know if the man has prior dealings with the police. We don't even know the nature of the criticism. I'm not going to ignore literal hundreds of thousands of conservative and anti islam rhetoric which gets streamed into our radios, podcasts and TVs every day with ZERO legal repercussion from our so called thought police because of one anonymous friendly warning reported on jihadi watch.

So I ask you again, if criticizing islam is punishable by law in the UK why isn't a famous commentator like Katie Hopkins in jail for it yet? Tell me your theory has some consistency.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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@Dynamo Frokane All I can say after watching that is those are some upbeat racists. Its weird to see someone trying to wholesomely rally others to a hate cause.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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But I can see why her fans are grasping at anything to defend her. Probably the first woman that has smiled at them even if through a computer screeen.

And brittany's letter has far more problems beyond english/american spelling and you know it, don't be disingenuous.

@Dynamo Frokane The letter you posted claiming fraud is being disingenuous by cropping out likely something debunking one of it's claims. Also, that's some pretty worthless ad-hominem logic. My point is that you don't have any actual prove that it's a fraudulent letter. I'm not saying it is, or isn't 100%. But all I did from checking was confirm many instances of them having errors, just looking up UK home office misspelling online has many people freaking out over their names being misspelled. Those errors are likely for reasons of hiring people where English isn't even their first language. So for me to either believe the U.K government who jails trolls, or people who believe in free speech. Going with the latter. Though what exactly are you claiming is being lied about? Them were detained, where they were detained? Banned from the U.K? You assume someone wanting to get attention, a national threat, would write a letter with misspellings? Over thing idea of the government screwing the letter up? (I guess we do have vastly different opinions on government.)


The links aren't broken on my end. Maybe it's not allowed in the U.K. (specific ones? Anyone confirm?)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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They won't listen. I've tried.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Just trialing it ;)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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Bias really is the new racist, sexist, homophobic catch all phrase now isn't it? Man, we've just sunk to bottom, were something literally every human on earth has. Makes and renders your facts, evidence and thoughts invalid. <.<

Care to literally point out a single thing wrong with what was in the article?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Care to literally point out a single thing wrong with what was in the article?

Not really, if I'm interested enough in a story to read an article it wont be from an alt right rag started by Ben Shapiro. Fortunately there are heroes at media matters who trawl through that trash. Brave souls all!
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