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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Headland, Alabama: E. Main Street, (Driver seat of the station wagon) (E8) -> (A4) (Outside of the station wagon)
Skills: N/A

Riley nodded towards Tatiana and then drove down to the side of the road, moving it partly off of the road making it look like that the car simply parked there and abandoned. Riley then turned off the headlights as well as Tatiana told her to, the woman certainly changed a lot. Riley pulled out the car keys and handed them over to Jack, that way they at least have a set of wheels to get them out of the area if they needed to. "Heres the keys, just in case something happens." Riley said, she didn't want to say that but still they were going to be raiding these people.

Riley then got out of the car, closing it behind her and turned around and made her way towards the back of the station wagon, seeing the bag full of handguns and ammo. She certainly was busy that was for sure now that she got a better view of the weapons that were there, she had her Smith & Wesson 9mm as well. Riley grabbed some extra ammo, while looking over at Amelia and leaned forward and gave her a loving kiss. As much as she hated that Amelia was going to be apart of it, there wasn't really much of a choice, Ashton was injured and they had a newborn as well.

Riley also grabbed a knife as well, just to be on the safe side putting the revolver in her holster, and the Smith & Wesson 9mm behind the strap of her and the knife as well. "I'm ready to go, lead the way Tati." Riley said giving her a slight smile, she looked up at the sky, Riley did not want to be in the middle of a tornado when the sun goes down.

Erica Monroe

Location: Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia (C8) -> (C9)
Skills: N/A

Erica turned to face Hank for a moment when he asked what happened to the other guy that was with them. "He's gone." Erica said calmly, she didn't know the guy very well, so she wasn't really sure to think about it. Yes the death was surprisingly very sudden and she had no clue what to do either. When Nigel questioned her she gave a nod towards him, she didn't have anything to do with it and he wanted to go back to see him. "He's dead, I made sure he wouldn't turn." Erica said rubbing her sweaty arms a bit and sighed a bit and shook her head a bit. "There wasn't anything I can do i'm sorry." Erica said, if Nigel was going to go for his things it was up to him, Erica just wanted to move forward.

Then the crazy man by the name of Wayne spoke up, he still really did rub her the wrong way the guy was fucking crazy and if she felt like she was in danger she wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in him. He was also talking about some weird feathery thing Happy, or he was probably dropped on his head when he was a baby. "Lost faith a long ass time ago, so theres that." Erica said shrugging a bit as she started to walk forward and gave the three men a quick look before answering Wayne's question. "It's Erica, and the camp doesn't have much. But I wasn't there long unless you want to eat bugs for dinner or something." Erica said and looked back at Nigel. "I'm going to show them the camp if you want to come your more than welcome to." Erica said before going forward back up the road again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Quincy : Inside house (G9 -> D7)
Skills: N/A

With Manny finally awake, up and running, Alexander was feeling more confident that the Thalia-situation was getting under control. Somehow. Sometime. And he agreed with Manny's conclusion in regards to Thana, at least half-way. "That's true, but being out there in the dark is never a good idea. Trust me, been there, done that." Alexander said back to Manny, following behind him halfway to the table before turning in another direction. "Go check on our Angel. I'll check the rest of the house for...something. Shout if you need me."

Alexander limped through the house the next hour, his search changing as he made his way through the house. At first he wasn't looking for anything special, but the never-ending sound of THUMP THUD THUMP THUD was starting to get to him. Or perhaps more the thought of him moving so slowly and awkwardly through the house, one step away from falling over like he was some old retiree, of which he wasn't anymore. That's when he started to look for tools and materials. He wanted to make a crutch.

His search for tools fared considerably better than that for materials. Tools he found enough of in the garage, but the house lacked the needed materials to make something sturdy enough to support his weight. He had made it back to the living room with the three others when he realized where to find materials; they were in the middle of an area of construction projects left, right and center. That only meant that it was best to wait until morning, considering the wind was still kicking harder than a Bazooka. Limping to the outwards kitchen counter and slowly sliding down to rest, Alexander brushed the sweat from his frown and looked at the last people he knew to be alive in that world. "Still no can-opener in this house? Use a strong knife, works like magic."

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Okefenokee: C8 -> C9 -> C7
Skills: Survival, Scavenging

While the rest of the group - could they call themselves that by now, a group? They had fought together, sure, but none of them had made it clear to stick together more than they needed. -were prepared to leave Robert, or his body if he was truly dead, Nigel felt it was wrong to do that. Had it been a group of walkers around him, then doing what he was doing now was as stupid as attacking an enemy who's army was built around cavalry while your army was only infantry. But they were out of danger now, so Nigel ignored Wayne's Jesus-comment and gave Erica a quick look before jogging past her towards Robert. "I will check him first. Then I might join."

Nigel "Hadrian" could quickly see what he had already been told, but was doubtful to believe. Robert was indeed dead, with the obvious wound to his head that Erica suggested she'd done. Nigel kneeled down beside his short-lived companion, taking a moment to just look at him and...he didn't know, pray or something? Even if he didn't believe in that himself, he realized the importance of respecting others faith and ways. Especially his students. But he started to just as quickly search his body. He was loyal, but hardened. Robert didn't need his stuff anymore, but they did.

Nigel took what he wanted in Robert's Swissgear backpack, filling it with the Smith & Wesson pistol, the ammunition, the cans of food, duct tape and light sticks. But as Nigel rose up to leave Robert, he looked at him one last time and forced a small smile. "Keep the chips, Robert. I'll be fine." Nigel said quietly to someone who had tried to be his friend, before making his way back to the others with the things he'd taken off Robert. "Thanks to Robert, we don't have to eat bugs at that fishing camp. Now we just need water..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Newnan

Location: Headland: East Main Street E9 (Station Wagon Back Seat Driver's Side)
Skills: Russian

As the car's tires screeched, Jack instinctively, grabbed onto the car seat that precious little Jamie was strapped into. He didn't know why Riley's driving had suddenly taken a turn but he didn't want to risk the sweet tiny thing next to him. Even if Ash hadn't been injured, Jack still would have considered Jamie to be his responsibility practically solely in the back of the car. Jamie was his son. They were connected. The next relative shock to his system was hearing the cold and stern voice Tatiana was using.

He hadn't heard her talk like that before. You listen here husband. The words replayed in his mind and once again, Jack couldn't help but feel that he had failed to protect her - and that all along, she had been the one protecting him. Still, he wanted to argue this point - that if she gave him a rundown he'd be fine infiltrating the building but they just didn't have time for that. They needed to take care of the asshats inside before tornado weather turned into an actual freaking tornado. He didn't like this plan - no, he hated this plan but Jack just shut his mouth.

He grimaced, taking the keys from Riley. "Nothin' bettah happen," Jack muttered. He was trying not to get too angry - that less than an hour after he found Tatiana, he couldn't go to protect her. "YA lyublyu tebya, solovey. Poydi s zadnitsy1," he called out to his wife. He then looked at the baby and then back at Ash and then back at the baby. "...They didn't happen to teach ya how to change a diapah in college, did they?" Jack only had his high school diploma and he knew that his health class sure as hell didn't teach him that.

Beatrice Decker

Location: Quincy: Inside House (C8)
Skills: N/A

Beatrice glanced at Alex, giving him a look that clearly said and what exactly are you proposing I do? She didn't have much time to do much of anything as Thalia started to blush and giggle like a school girl - and from Beatrice's perspective Thalia was essentially flailing around. The nude hug and the confiding that someone had taken her shirt? Yeah, Beatrice had to take a slight breath as certain things stirred. "You could try hitting the can against the table," she suggested with a deadpan expression.

"As for the thief of your shirt...That was you, shockingly," Beatrice said. She had her hands full with Thalia and could feel her breasts pressed against her own from the hug. "Now, Manny is going to take a look at you - and if you sit down for him nicely, I'll get you a shirt. And maybe, just maybe if I'm in a good mood, I'll throw in a can opener as well." She then held Thalia's gaze, aware that she was acting firm but she needed to be. She had no idea what Thalia would do in this condition.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Quincy, Florida: E9. House, B9 -> D10
Skills: Scavenging

Thalia needed more then simple support and canned food, a blood transfusion would be ideal but he lacked the equipment on his person to do anything like that. But doing nothing wasn't going to help at all so he figured he would take the time to see what there was medical supply wise. "Beatrice, I am going to see what I can find that might help us out. Keep an eye on her alright? And try to keep the rest of her clothes on. With the weather the way it is she is bound to get sick of she keeps going at this rate." He didn't need priority patient number 1 walking around drugged up, moaning around, missing limbs, and half naked. Anyone with a functional brain might mistake her for a walker at a distance. That would be a shitty way to go.

Looking around the house there wasn't anything Manny found particularly useful medical wise. That was unfortunate, anything, even some bandages would have been nice. Manny used a lot patching up Thalia today and he really didn't want to run out next time they needed some. "Damn, not even a toothbrush." People really seem to ignore dental hygiene until it's caused damage. It's a shame really.

Manny got back just in time to be volunteered to give a checkup to the drugged up scary girl. Granted, he was the doctor here so it falls to him anyways. "Beatrice, is she behaving or should I avoid giving her a sucker at the end of this?" Manny tried to say jokingly. Little jokes helped at times. Manny was hesitant though to do much though. Seemed the girls wanted their own time, he didn't blame them but he had personally mixed messages. He figured he would let them finish, he new Thalia was in decent enough shape, even if not the best. Though he would prefer not making out with the completely drugged out patient.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Headland: E. Main Street, A4, Car (Passenger side back seat)
Skills: N/A

It could be said that Ash wasn't fully satisfied with the plan. Then again, it could also be said that he was shot and, while not entirely useless, he was not remotely at his best game. Hence, his satisfaction would have to take a backseat to Tatiana's ploy for revenge. Again, the thought crossed his mind that revenge was generally a double edged sword, the darker half of what people considered honor, and overall a waste of resources that could best be used to keep them alive. An unnecessary risk. But seeing as how her bloodlust had a possible ending that netted them shelter and supplies, that made it almost goddamned pragmatic.

Ash made regarded the pistols that Tati handed over earlier. The woman wasn't just a Prima Ballerina anymore. He chose to hang onto the one closest to milspec - not his near beloved Detonics modular personal sidearm system, but near enough that he was highly familiar with its use. If it was in sound condition and fired straight, he should hand no problem using it one-handed. One handed weapons would be the order of the day, until he had time to convalesce a while. He jammed the extra mag into his back pocket and readied for the weapon's rapid use, if necessary. The additional pistol was set aside for Jack, who was in better shape for a firefight anyway were it to come to it.

This moment seemed a good one for keeping quiet as the impromptu strike team prepared to clear an inhabited area. Nothing he hadn't done himself, in the not-too-distant past, and he knew that there were some instances that, in order to be a proper leader, one had to step back and let the team do what they knew how to do. He refrained from speech almost entirely until Tati's Raiders had begun to move on their target. Then he looked over to his friend, left behind with him. "Jesus, Jack... A diaper? I don't know either. I got a degree in Military Engineering, which pretty much means Civil and Combat Engineering mixed with a whole lot of improvised work. I've put up bridges in jungles, built fortifications in deserts, set up whole goddamn irrigation systems and potable water transport relays, wells, walls, fully stripped government issue vehicles and stuck them back together and a hell of a lot more, some of it while taking enemy fire. But neither the wise people in the United States Army Corps of Engineers, nor the knowledgeable men and women at the Virginia Military Institute prepared me for that kind of pressure. Diapers, man. That's heavy."

He joked, but a crying child out in the middle of this was no laughing matter. This was actually very important. "Okay okay, we can handle this. We can do this. I don't want to bleed all over your boy, so here's my idea: If she's packing disposables, there should be directions on the packaging. I'll keep an eye out and talk you through it, you grit your teeth and focus on little James. If you've got a better idea, I am fully open to suggestions."

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quincy (in house, C9 -> B6 -> Back to C9)
Skills: N/A

Thalia blew that damned comma of hair back off of her face with a sputter. She really preferred her hair short. Shorter than t was right then, anyway. The problem with an Apocalypse was, among other things, that she couldn't just hit a hairdresser and get her pixie bob cut restyled and trimmed up to her specifications. It was an easy one to pull off, though the people she'd let near her with a pair of scissors anymore could be counted on her one remaining hand. But anyway, Beatrice was being nice. Ish. For her, anyway. Manny was being condescending. Grateful as Thalia was for saving her life (in the most painful way imaginable), the crack about the sucker narrowed her eyes and earned him a look that, for anyone who knew her family from Before, looked startlingly like her uncle, Casear, albeit in a younger, feminine package. "Dama Muerte nos sonríe a todos."1 she spoke simply, her voice dropping a bit in pitch. "¿Puedes devolverle la sonrisa?"2 Then that damned lock of hair drooped in front of her eye again, causing her to blow it back up inexpertly and begin to laugh at herself.

Her eyes went back over to Beatrice. Her expression became somber once again, but she nodded her head in agreement. The stump that ended her right arm was raised up, about on level with her chin so that it could be clearly seen by the stern woman. Her voice serious, she responded, "That's a thumbs-up. It's just really hard to tell now." Thalia kept nodding as she spoke, but now it was punctuated by an eerie grin. Naturally, the moment that Beatrice stepped away from the table, the headstrong young mestiza hopped back down from the table and entered the kitchen, her steps suddenly more sure.

The direct path led her to a pull-out drawer near the rangetop that oddly had precisely the items she needed, one of which being a functional can opener. You'd have thought she just pulled off a great jewel heist, noting the way she suddenly wore a look of genuine accomplishment. She slipped back out of the kitchen, to the table that served as her operating table/resting spot, and jammed the can between her thighs while her feet swung off of the side. Using a can opener was no small task for a recently handicapped woman, but somehow, inexplicably, Thalia was able to maneuver the device in such a way as to cleanly remove the top from the precious can of O's.

It was everything she remembered that it was and occasionally even dreamed about.

A few glorious bites in, Thalia began to realize that there was still a shirt difficulty that had to be remedied. That, and her skin was paler than she remembered. Her Latina background and European facial features often had her confused for a woman of Greek or Sicilian descent, but the way she looked now she could very near pass for a Scot, like her mother. Had she lost that much blood? And was that the reason the drugs were kicking her ass recently? The thought slammed into her, despite the flagging medication making things interesting, that she needed to keep still and warm. "Yeah. Yeah, you win. Staying put." she said to no one in particular.

The newfound paleness of her features served to highlight her scars with more contrast, a thing that Thalia noted with some interest. The older ones caught her attention first; the ones that she acquired back when functional electricity and grocery stores were commonplace. Slash marks across her side that she knew curved up part of her lower back. She could still feel the blade digging in, be it years later, the memory of it strong. Setting her spoon back into the can, Thalia's hand drifted up her torso to come to rest at a scar below her collarbone. It was from a bullet - deceptively small for the trouble it caused her. Such was life back then for her, and it was still less dangerous than life recently. Or more convenient, at least. The other scars were brighter, more recent. The flesh wounds she took attacking Eden. Minor accidents and misadventures along the way. She was a marked woman, like everyone else around her. Years of fighting for your life left marks that lasted forever, and there was no escaping that fact. Still, she felt a little self-conscious. The pale, one-handed Angel of Death drew the blanket that still lay upon the table around her, careful not to spill her can of precious, precious SpaghettiOs.

Hank Wright

Location: Okefenokee: C7 -> C6
Skills: N/A

Hank took a knee and scanned the area around him. No sounds so far of more Shambling Assholes, which was good. No pressing smell of decay caught in the wind and low to the ground, though that was a more difficult thing to tell in a swamp than in a piece of farmland, say. Likewise, no movement that he could immediately tell as not being part of nature around him. It didn't mean that there wasn't an issue lurking around the corner, but he did feel somewhat more safe to proceed.

He nodded grimly at the news that Robert was indeed gone. He had just met the man, but as annoying as he was, the guy was still a living, breathing man. Every one counted these days. Okay check that, almost every one counted. Something about a total lack of oversight coupled with a brutal survival scenario brought out the worst in some people. If you got enough of those in a group, the sentiment got a lot worse, in Hank's experience. When Erica responded in the negative to Wayne's concerns about being outspokenly religious, Hank just had to pipe up. "Got that right, sister. God is a kid with a magnifying glass and we're all just ants to sizzle and pop for His amusement. Anyway, name's Hank if I didn't say anything before. Lead the way."

The others seemed to want to get chummy, which was not on Hank's agenda. They just met. Killing Assholes together wasn't the bonding experience that most people might find it. To Hank, it was something you did to keep yourself alive. He wasn't going to immediately trust someone just because they were pulling air into their lungs or trying to feed themselves, which was just about the same thing in his book, these days. Living versus Dead. But also, Living versus Living. He'd just like to remain a neutral third party for the moment. The girl knew about a fishing camp? Great. They weren't trying to kill each other and that was enough for him. He didn't rule out the possibility that it might change at any minute. The grizzled and cynical former Sheriff hefted his shovel, made sure his shirt was tucked behind his pistol for ease of reach, and started back on the path. "Hey there, Sportacus? You might want to roll your friend off the road. Or not. I'm not planning on going back that way. Ever."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Year 5: Update

Date: April 1st, 2012

Wayne Maldonado

Location: Okefenokee: C7 -> C5(Road)

(Roll in chat 1d5. Result is how many blocks your character can move in the next round.)

At this point Wayne wasn't really paying attention to what everyone else was saying or doing. He seemed to be off in his own little world but the thing was, he was silent. He wasn't saying anything right then. Instead he either swatted at the air or had this look on his face as if he was trying to ignore whatever was bugging him. Those that knew Wayne would know this was his way of giving his hallucination the silent treatment. To those that didn't, considering how vocal he had been up to this point, it could be down right disturbing. It was like a dog that had been barking all night suddenly going silent, or the damn cicada's in Georgia not making a peep in the middle of summer. It could be rather off putting.

Wayne wasn't thinking about how he was coming off towards the others though right then. He was dripping sweat, adjusting his pants every so often and just trudging across the road at this point. Eventually he even stopped swatting. Maybe Happy had finally shut the fuck up? Or maybe Wayne had just finally managed to tune the fluffy winged bucked tooth bastard out of his head. Though considering he hadn't been able to do that since the fucker had showed up, chances were low. Maybe Wayne was finally just tired? It had been known to happen. Rarely but hey, anything was possible now that the dead came back to life and tried to eat you. All they were anymore were walking Happy Meals to these fuckers anyways.

Tatiana Newnan

Location: Headland: A4 -> B4
Skills: Survival, Athletics, Orienteering

Tatiana gave a look towards Jack and nodded curtly. It was exactly what she intended to do. Taking a breath she checked her weapons. Two pistols, a knife, make shift "brass knuckles", and a spare clip. Looking at the weather she pulled her hair back and tied it out of her face. She was hoping this wouldn't take long. "If veather turn vorse, go first house on left, has basement," was the last thing she said to Jack and Ash before she started towards the back yards of the houses on the right hand side of the road.

Most of the fences were down, wooden ones that had just fallen due to rot and decay over the last five years. Metal ones were rusting and pools were green. The grass was high in most places as Tatiana began her trek from the road and into what constituted as a neighborhood. She kept low, a pistol in one hand as she kept an eye out. It seemed that everything was quiet right now. The winds made sure there was enough noise that if they stepped on a twig and it snapped, chances were no one would pay attention, even if they were outside right then. The house they were aiming for was at the end of the Cul-de-sac.

The Russian woman knew what to expect and she stopped where she was and waited for Riley and Amelia to catch up. One they had she looked at them. "Multiple story house, two or three inside, thinking three by nov. Men, dumb but mean. They usually drunk in kitchen playing cards," she said before turning and continuing on her way.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location:Headland: A4 -> B4
Skills: Athletics, Perception.

The situation improved a tad lil bit when Riley gave her a loving kiss. She had to return in kind of course. That one thing quickly cheered up Amelia, but at the same time, she felt even more so that she didn't want Riley to be part of this task. She couldn't quite object to it still though. She just had to put extra care and effort to keep her love out of the harm's way and if possible all the bad men should be killed before they get the chance to do anything. If it was for Riley, she was ready to kill without second thought. Well at least that's how she felt.

As Tati started moving, Amelia quickly took a breath and started following after the leading woman right now. The surroundings were showing the passage of time without being taken care of. Nothing was really in prime condition, but that was the case for the whole world as far as she was aware really. Thinking about it she had no idea of the situation across the ocean since the whole end of the world as they all knew it happened. She sighed as she studied the surroundings for anything that might be of use. At first she was planning to search for traps, but then she started to look for usable things instead.

She had a little bit of a problem to get over one of the fences, but at the end of the day it wasn't too bad. She didn't get hurt nor did she make any world shattering noise to be found out. Still the best was that she didn't get a wound from this. Any wound from something run down as those fences could lead to a whole lot of trouble, so she was glad she dodged that bullet. Then the even better plus side happened! She found an axe! Amelia tried to grab it, but the handle fell apart in her hands. Luckily the axe head itself looked in rather decent condition. So she decided to take it with her and put it in her bag.

As she caught up to Tati who was waiting for them, she smiled.” I found a decent axe head on the way. Could be useful so I picked it up for later.” She said with a small smile, half taking pride in it. Then listened to Tati when she explained the situation in the house.” Hm... if we do manage to catch them while they are unaware and drinking it could be good. If we could sneak inside...” Amelia nodded, throwing looks around just in case.” I would prefer if they don't get a chance to retaliate... ”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Headland, Alabama: E. Main Street, (A4) (Outside of the station wagon) -> (B4)
Skills: N/A

Riley looked towards Jack and gave him a slight nod as she closed the back of the station wagon, leaving the guys to have some manly time with the little baby. Riley started to follow alongside Tatiana and Amelia through the bit of woods, she noticed that they grass was fairly high now having not been tended to for the last several years. Riley made sure that her revolver was out and ready just in case they were suddenly attacked. As they entered the first yard Riley nearly tripped but she managed to catch herself she stood up straight and straightened her wet shirt from earlier.

Looking up at the sky the wind was now starting to pick up, which was both a good and bad thing as well, and the darkness was also going to be very useful to. Riley caught up to Tatiana and listened to her, and nodded three against three would be a good match as Riley looked at Amelia as her girlfriend caught up to her she smiled to her. "Good, just keep it handy Amelia." Riley said towards her and smiled slightly as she followed Tatiana again. "So we hit them hard and fast in the kitchen?" Riley asked, while she looked up at the sky. ="Or do you want to just sneak in and silently kill?"

Erica Monroe

Location: Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia (C9) -> (C5)
Skills: N/A

Erica gave Nigel a nod as she started to make her way down the road catching up to Hank at least for now she looked at Hank as he reintroduced himself. "Good to meet you." Erica said as she strapped her shotgun back over her shoulder still keeping her knife in her hand as she led the way back up the road. She really didn't want to see Preslee's body again, but she still had somethings there as well, while she looked up at Hank. "There is a body just up the road, a friend of mine is there when we get to it let me gather her things." Erica said she still wasn't sure what to even think of the group of strangers right now.

Erica would adjust her shirt a bit more the humidity was getting really bad, she really couldn't wait until it was sundown now, she looked over her shoulder at Nigel as he decided to come up and join them. Food wasn't going to be an issue tonight at least which was a good thing, though water was going to be an issue to get. She didn't have much of her waterbottle left after trying to tend to Robert, Erica also noticed that their resident crazy man had gone silent. "Is your friend alright he's gone very silent?" Erica asked Hank as they got closer now to the camp.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Quincy : Inside house (D7) -> Garage (D7)
Skills: N/A

"Seriously, nothing?" Alexander asked Manny when he came back with no medical supplies, first with a look of doubt, then of concern as he realized what it might mean. If Manny couldn't find anything to use for a blood transfusion for Thalia, she was at a greater risk of not making it through what lay in front of her. Alexander knew perfectly well what blood-loss did to one, and if Thalia didn't make it...Alexander wouldn't allow it. The one-legged veteran stumbled back up on his foot, looking from Thalia who was still, well, being her drug-high self, to Beatrice who took kindly care of her, and finally Manny. "Keep her comfortable, you two. I'll go take a look again."

Alexander limped out to the garage, a mix of images from near and distant pasts rolling through his mind as he tried to remember. He'd seen Jude, they medic, do his best to help wounded soldiers out in the field, one time taking part in the blood transfusion himself. It wasn't as fancy as it was just before the world ended, but that meant it perhaps could be jury-rigged. And so Alexander rumaged as best he could through the garage, thinking back to when he searched it earlier. And he was lucky. He found a lot of tubing which he had disregarded earlier, which surely could be used! Alexander took some of the tubing with his free hand, and limped back to the kitchen to search some more.

"Here Manny, this can work." Alexander left the tubing on the kitchen counter for Manny to inspect, before sliding down on the floor and doing some more searching. He was sure he had seen some more when he found the water...bingo. Out from one of the cabinets, Alexander pulled out a few mason yars, almost perfect to use for an old school blood transfusion. It would work. It had to work, for Thalia. "Give me a hand with these. This'll help, now we just need the rest. How is she holding up? Does she still have water?"

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Okefenokee: C7 -> D4
Skills: Scouting

Nigel gave a look of annoyance at Hank's suggestion for him to roll Robert of the road, or not. Was it really neccecary to dig it in like that? Nigel hadn't known him for long, not even an hour, but it still pained him enough. "I'm not going back there either, Shovel Knight. He's dead, and we got to keep moving." Nigel told him as they passed each other, having strapped his shield on his back, holding his Gladius with one hand and Robert's backpack in the other. Of all the things he'd wish Robert had, was a sunhat, cap or anything to give some shade. Even if it was humid as Poseidon's buttocks, it would help.

Going past their new stranger to the legion, Erica, Nigel slowed down a little to look at her as she gave a heads up about another body up front. "Let's hope her loss was not in vain. I don't want that to be a permanent thing happening." Nigel said in the passing, but putting on a friendlier face as he looked at Erica one more time. "Call me Hadrian, by the way. It's good to see people not going after oneself again."

Nigel "Hadrian" then kept moving up the road, even making it past Wayne as he was doing nothing. In completely silence, perhaps oblivious to the world around him, Wayne was simply walking down the road. It was as odd an sight as teaming up with none the less than three survivors in one day, perhaps more disturbing though. But Nigel tried to focus his attention around him instead, though he didn't see anything else moving beside themselves. He did however see the line of undead lying on the road, once again dead like their souls with Hades were meant to. "How far is it to this fishing camp you're talking about? I really need to get this armor off me. And yes, it is real and sweaty as it looks like." Nigel said back to the rest of the group, the last part referring more to Wayne's and Hank's bantering about his Roman equiptment. And now that they were seemingly out of imminent danger, Nigel was starting to loose up ever so slightly. Or it was really that he was as sweaty as he looked like. Wearing armour like that really was a pain in the ass in a swamp.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Quincy, Florida: E9. House, D10 -> C10
Skills: General Medical, Perception

Manny thought his comments were rather funny. Based on the death glares he got from his patient, they were not. Humor was not a skill Manny was particularly good at. Though from what he can tell Thalia was doing alright, weak and drowsy sure, but overall fine. A blood transfusion would be ideal but he lacked what he needed for that. To Manny's surprise Alexander came back with tubing, jars, and with his collection of water they could makeshift a transfusion. "Holy shit Alex. This is probably one of the best finds we could have had right now." Manny stopped a moment later thinking about how he would pull off a transfusion. "I'll need to figure out who has compatible blood types here. Also, it seems we'll seem some form of needles just to get the blood going. I could do something simple with what I have but I would prefer to do it as close to the professional way as possible. Let's see if we can find some needles, anything with a point that can allow liquid through it." It would be makeshift at best, but at least it would allow them to make some progress.

Blood types were a huge issue too. Not only where their standard blood types to consider but he didn't have proper medical records on anyone here, nor a way to test if the people here had something transmittable by blood that could cause harm. "Thalia, any chance you know your blood type? If you don't know don't guess. It's not worth the risk." Worst case scenario they didn't do the transfusion. One would help drastically, but messing up would make things worse. If they were lucky at least one of them would be a universal doner. He was A+, which was the second most common type, but he could only donate to A+, and AB+. "Alexander, you were military. Sure you learned your blood type at some point right?" He had trouble remembering what Beatrice was apart of, though he was pretty sure it was law enforcement training or something like that. He wished he payed just a little more attention now. "Beatrice? Any chance you know? Not doing a transfusion is risky with the blood loss Thalia has taken, and the drugs running in her system." Though Thalia had a decent chance to survive without a transfusion, she also had a decent chance to relapse and get worse. Thrown on top, a lack of a transfusion would most likely increase her recovery time. With Thana currently out of the picture, that left it up to Beatrice and Manny to help get Thalia out if things went wrong. Alexander would be able to move a little on his own but not far, and Manny was getting too old for long periods of running. So a sooner recovery was definitely better.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Newnan

Location: Headland: E. Main Street, A4, (Station Wagon Back Seat Driver's Side)
Skills: N/A

Jack nodded a bit, wishing that the girls would come back soon. But how hard could it possibly be to change a diaper? "Well, we gotta be able to figure this out....Can't be hardah than distilling, right?" Jack reasoned. Yet he didn't feel all too confident, as he looked at his beautiful and stinky baby. He grimaced a bit, recalling Ash's choice of the word heavy. He was all too certain that the diaper really was heavy. He started to rummage through the baby supplies in the car, glancing up every now and then at the darkening clouds.

Just like he knew something bad geologically was about to happen, he couldn't help but feel a similar bit of fear baby supply wise. The baby bag had a variety of items that Tatiana had left there and Jack pulled out one of the diapers. "Okay, Jamie, ya got any tips on how to get this on ya?" he asked the child. He stared at his baby for a moment. "Yah, I didn't think ya did eithah. Okay...Well, Uncle Ash and I, we're gonna figure this out, ya just gotta stay nice and quiet okay? Okay kiddo?" He wiped a bit of sweat that had formed off of his forehead, before he started looking for directions on these things.

Beatrice Decker

Location: Quincy: Inside House (C8)
Skills: N/A

"She has a can of O's. I think that's more than enough - so no sucker," Beatrice called back to Manny. She turned her attention back to Thalia, feeling a bit out of her depth. She glanced back at Manny for a moment, contemplating what to do. She had half a mind to restrain Thalia at this rate. She didn't seem to be all too cognizant of what was good for herself. Her clothing was half off and she was messing with can openers. As Alex returned with tubing and Beatrice looked at Thalia, she nodded to herself slightly.

"If the transfusion works....We should restrain her. At least until the drugs have worn off," Beatrice reasoned. "She isn't in any mental state to think rationally and we can't let her get herself hurt - or alert walkers to our presence. Thana might not be back until morning at this rate, so we can't afford to draw a hoarde here." She then grabbed her bottle of water, opening it up again and offering it to Thalia. It was sweltering inside and that couldn't be helping with the recovery. "Drink," she instructed her. "Do you know if any of us is a match for her blood type?" Beatrice asked Manny. She didn't remember who was a match for who at the moment.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Headland: E. Main Street, A4, Car (Passenger side back seat)
Skills: N/A

This was a scene that likely never would have happened at any other time in human history. Two men waylaid by circumstance, sitting in a station wagon in a true-to-gospel apocalypse with a baby in need of a change. The ravenous undead could be chewing on them, random living people could attack them for what supplies they carried with them, and considering the weather right then a tornado could scoop up a downed tree and deposit it unceremoniously atop their heads. The past year had been spent in pure survival tactics and their safe, defensible vehicle had been damaged beyond the possibility of repair. One of the men had been shot and was slowly bleeding out, the window for speedy attention to said wound quickly growing shorter. Yet, their biggest concern in this group of moments was the application of a disposable diaper. Truly a harrowing ordeal.

Ash readied his recently acquired pistol and gave a quick scan to their surroundings. Then he addressed Jack's assertion about the ease of the task relative to that of his family's ancestral profession, distilling. "I don't know, Jack. If you mess up 'shining you could go blind. This looks a lot more dangerous." A joke, spoken in serious words nonetheless. "Alright, then..." he said, leaning over to read the crumpled packaging. "Wait, these tabs face forward, I think. Okay, and this bag is for the one coming off. You've got this."

Ash's attention was divided between the engineering feat before him and the landscape around them. The last thing they needed was anything catching them unawares, be it living, dead, or a sudden shift in the atmosphere. The first two could be rectified with the proper application of violence, but the latter had them at its mercy.

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quincy (in house, C9)
Skills: N/A

"O Positive." Thalia said around a spoonful of Dem O's. She nodded her head vigorously. The young woman seemed quite sure about it. She was toward the beginning of a decent career in her family's company; a private security firm that included, among other perks, a comprehensive health and hospitalization program. Thinking back to the older scars on her body as she had been tracing earlier, she had put it to good use, once upon a time. Getting shot was never a picnic, even back when medical facilities were commonplace, properly staffed, and properly supplied. She spent some time getting to know the extent of her med plan while she convalesced. One big point of that was an initial, thorough examination that included blood typing. It was confirmed before she went into surgery later on.

"It sounds like a name, doesn't it?" she said, slightly amused at herself. She continued in a horrible, possibly racist Irish accent, "Thalia O'Positive, goodtameetcha. And ya've no need tae strap me down, missy. I'll not be running about with any shenanigans, y'understand." She popped another spoonful of canned pasta into her mouth and resumed her normal voice, "Oh God, that was awful." Thalia looked up and accepted the bottle from Beatrice. She took swig and breathed out the word "Thanks." before giving a quizzical look. "Hey, I think we got the dosage wrong. Half a pill next time, yeah?" of course, she had another pill in her pocket. Not the time, though. This feeling was not one that she appreciated. Oh, the lack of pain was vastly appreciated, but everything else was most assuredly not. Having less of a grasp upon her impulses was not something she liked in the least. Or finding most everything funny. Nope, not her. Thalia was the embodiment of quiet, dexterity, and controlled brutality. Thalia on opiates was pathetic in comparison.

These thoughts were very likely forthcoming because she was on the departing half of her dosage. Still a lot of good drug left in her system, although the grip on her brain was less. Less enough, at any rate, to realize that she was not acting normally. Well, being aware was a good thing. It may allow her better latitude to gauge her reactions before her body set to reacting. As if she hadn't heard the conversation about Thana, she mentioned, "I hope Navy's alright..."

Hank Wright

Location: Okefenokee: C6 -> D4
Skills: N/A

Hank eyed the Roman for a few seconds. "When we have some quiet time, maybe I'll tell you why referring to me with those two words, specifically those two, is bad for your teeth. K? Ok, I'm going that way now." He jerked his head in the direction that the road led and quickened his pace somewhat. Hank disliked talking about his family, which of course was the tie-in with the Shovel Knight bit. It wasn't something he really meant to say out loud, and being truthful it was his own damn fault. Assigning little sarcastic names to people and then making a reference to himself in a similar way? He was kind of asking for it. All the same, there were few things that would put Hank in a foul mood like forcing him to think about the origin of that title for him.

The very recent addition to their tiny know of survivors, Erica, raised some concern about Wayne's sudden silence. Hank waved it away, literally and figuratively, with exaggerated movement and expression. "Noooo, no. He does it all the time. Just don't, you know, get your fingers or ears near anyplace he can bite them off." Hank nodded his head and applied one of the more obviously fake smiles that he had to offer. The older man was truly sardonic in both word and action, almost as a form of art.

Coming up behind Wayne, Hank offered him a couple of words. His sudden quiet could be a sign of a few things, but hopefully they could find that fishing camp here in a little while and get out of this damned swamp, which Hank was sure would lead to a boost in morale. "Hey there, big guy." he said cautiously. "We're almost out of here, huh? Kick back in a little while, get some rest someplace with walls. I'm going to look ahead a bit and see if I can't keep 'new girl' from having to roll her dead friend's corpse. Hang tight, huh buddy?" His voice was tired, a little gravelly, even. Hell, he was tired. He had been tired for years now, but all that was left for him was to keep going.

Hank shook is head and kept his pace up, pulling to take point in their scattered group. If he was correct, Erica had mentioned that she and another woman had left from the fishing camp, headed up this direction. Then the one died, and she had to keep moving alone so the Assholes wouldn't eat her. Meaning that the corpse was on the road just ahead. Well, the first order of business was to cover her face. The second was to remove any pack or containers on her person and neatly arrange personal belongings, weapons, etc. on the blacktop. New girl should really get first dibs. Perhaps not a hard and fast rule, though as it came to it, Hank was fairly well provisioned, considering the occasion. That canteen, though? It would come in handy.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Year 5: Update

Date: April 1st, 2012

The sun has set in all areas now. That means out in Ga it is roughly 8:45pm. Out in Florida and Alabama is it now basically 7:45pm.

Wayne Maldonado

Location: Okefenokee: C7 -> E3(Road)
Skills:Athletics, Intellect

(We have moved forward as there were really no Walkers to deal with and there was no point in going another 3 rounds to get us to the Fish Camp. It is now coming into sight. Refer to the map to see where each of you are.)

Wayne just keeps trotting forward as he hummed to himself. Not really paying attention to those around him. Nodding a bit to Hank as he passed him. Wayne kept an eye on the two behind him and waited a bit before making sure that Hank had taken care of the body before moving ahead and turning down the road towards where the signs were pointing to the Fish Camp. At that point he pulled out his gun and took point. Sure the girl had said she was there earlier but that had been a while ago, earlier in the day. Who knew what had moved in since then.

Yet everything seemed clear but it was hard to tell as the sun had set. At least things were cooling down but the humidity was not going anywhere. Swamps just wouldn't allow for it. "Anyone got a fucking light?" he asked as he stopped and looked back at the group. The last thing he wanted to do was to go into a building without any sort of light to use. Even if it was clear of face eaters it would mean stumbling around. At least out in the night the moon helped some with a little light.

Thinking he was pretty sure that Hank had some lighters on him. "Hey man, hand me a light, I got an idea," he chuckled as he picked up a stick from the ground took part of a torn shirt out of his pack. Wrapping it around it before dousing it in a little bit of clear liquid from a bottle in his back pack. "Come on, let's light this baby up."

Tatiana Newnan

Location: Headland: B4 -> D3
Skills: Survival, Athletics, Orienteering

Tatiana looked back at Riley and Amelia and nodded a bit. "Fast and silent hopefully, make quick, get Jamie inside and Ash as vell to fix shoulder," she said as the winds picked up. Yeah, they needed to move quickly otherwise they wouldn't get inside in time. The smell of earth in the air was getting stronger. That told her that either a tornado had already touched down somewhere close or it was about to. Either way, it didn't matter, things were starting to get blown around and they needed to get inside and out from the open. It wasn't safe right then. Thankfully they had two things going for them right then. One, there didn't seem to be any Walkers in their way, the other was that it was now dark outside. That gave them cover.

The noise from the winds was helping as well as Tatiana moved to go to a sprint. "Ve hurry," she said before taking off and motioning for the girls to follow her. At least Tatiana knew where she was going. They had been held up in this area for over a week now and she had been out a bit around the small cul-de-sac. The tree line was in the distance and she moved into it quickly so they could work their way around to the back side of the house. She was hoping to have them move up the porch. If the men were in the house in the kitchen it would be the easiest point of entry for them to take them by surprise. They would be watching for the front door to open, not the back.

Back in the car Jamie was not a happy camper - dirty diaper and all. And while Tatiana had diapers they didn't have a box or instructions. Y'all better roll to see if you an figure out how to diaper a screaming baby - oh and another roll for gag reflex - Jamie made one hell of a stinker. lol
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location:Headland: B4 -> D3
Skills: Athletics, Sneaking, Mathematics

Sun had more or less set now. Everything was dark already and with the howling winds, it left Amelia to feel incredibly vulnerable right now. The storm was going to probably be upon them real soon too, there wasn't much time. For whatever reason there were no walkers to be seen right about now as far as she was aware. Maybe they felt by instinct that weather was dangerous? Her thoughts were pulled away by Riley's words. She smiled at the woman too. Being helpful was a nice feeling.

That said they quickly started making their way to their target. Tati was quite fast and while Amelia wasn't really struggling too much to keep up, she wasn't quite very quiet while doing so. She just couldn't really help it, it was quite dark now and the winds weren't too helpful about moving silently either. On the plus side of said winds, they were actually masking the noise she was making while moving. So she wasn't really going to alert their targets to the plan. She only hoped they kill those men in time to be able to bring Jack, Ash and little Jamie to safety.

Following after Tati they were finally by the treeline near the target. From here it was going to be the hard and important part. She made a mental check of what she had as weapons on her. She had a gun, had a knife and had a baseball bat. A good hit with the bat was enough to knock anyone and a stab or two probably should also be enough to put them down. Finally there was the gun... For now she was going to be on the quiet side and pull the gun when the battle begins after sneaking was no longer required. She looked at Tati, waiting for her to give the green light to approach.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Headland, Alabama: E. Main Street, (B4) -> (D3)
Skills: Scavenging

"Hard, quiet and fast sounds good, continue and lead the way friend." Riley said as she continued to make her way alongside with Tatiana through the darkness, then she could feel the wind starting to pick up. She also could smell a bit of dirt in the air as well, which wasnt a good thing at all either. Riley still had her gun out at the ready while occasionally looking over at Amelia who was also tailing close behind her, and then looked back at Tati.

Riley could see the house now as they got closer in the safety of the dark and wind as well she could occasionally hear Amelia as well as she stumbled through the thick grass. Riley then bit her bottom lip for a moment as she thought for a moment, she was also curious if there were any traps set up close to the house itself. "Are there any sort of traps near the house or in the yard itself?" Riley asked tucking a stray strand of her hair out of her face, Riley did not want to step on anything or set off something that would draw their attention outside.

Erica Monroe

Location: Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia (C5) -> (E3)
Skills: Scavenging

"Right and i'll make sure to not do that then." Erica said, sarcastically, still Wayne just seemed to make her very uncomfortable to be around with right now and she didn't trust him one bit right now. Erica turned her attention towards Nigel as he introduced himself to her and smiled a bit. "Erica nice to meet you." She said as she continued to move forward towards the road, they were getting closer now as Erica gestured down the road. "It's just down the road, you will see a small intersection and head northwest up on that road." Erica told Nigel.

By the time they got to the road, Erica saw Preslee's body was still there and knelt down looking at the woman for a moment, letting out a slight sigh. The woman sacrificed herself to save her, as Erica rolled the girl's body over she took off her backpack and stood up they would have time to look over later. Erica headed up the road gesturing for Hank and Nigel to follow her, Wayne had already sprinted ahead of them, Erica couldn't find anything once they got to the camp as she whipped away the sweat from her forehead it was still sauna here even with the sun down.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Quincy : Inside house (D7 -> D10)
Skills: Electrionic engineering, Jury-rigging electronics

Things were looking up for the group, at least in regards to ensuring Thalia's recovery. Manny was positive that they only needed a set of needles to do the tranfusion well enough not to screw it up, but also that they needed the right type of blood. Which was a given obviously, even Mugsy knew that. He knew Jude had been drilled the knowledge of what happens if a pasient recieves the wrong blood-type, even for short amounts of time, and Alexander had seen their medic make sure he didn't fuck it up on the people he tried to save. And Alexander wasn't about to do the same, and gave his answer to the three others.

"O Positive. I'm a match." Alexander said as he got up from the floor with sweaty palms and a deep breath. He really had to stop getting up and down from the floor so much, he was getting to old for that shit. It was getting pretty dark, and it was doing so pretty fast, covering the house and its interior in darkness akin to the leaves of jungle trees in South east Asia. And worst of all was that Thana still was MIA. "I hope so too, Thalia, I hope so. But she's Navy, they are tough crackers." Alexander hoped so at least. "I'll be right back, just going to search for some light."

Alexander soon was off searching the rest of the house for anything to light it up, more specifically anything electronic he could jury-rigg with his 9-volt battery. But the darkness that he tried to fight back made the search fruitless as the Battle of Hamburger Hill. The old veteran couldn't find anything useful to his electronic skills. He missed fiddling with electrionics, and briefly thought back to the Battle of Eden he had taken part in. Radio-contact with the cavarly, that was part of what had made the operation a relative success. Relative...Alexander limped back to the others, leaning against the wall in the hallway as he looked at them with tired and perhaps dissapointed eyes. "If we don't find any light here, we might as well move all our things into one of the rooms, secure it and get some sleep."

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Okefenokee: D4 -> E3
Skills: Scouting, Survival

So Nigel was getting on Hank's nerves with his own game? Nigel "Hadrian" lifted the side of his mouth into a brief smile, perhaps even a grin, before continuing down the road to their awaiting Fortuna, whatever she might have in stock for them. Perhaps it would be a good idea not to call him by those two words again, but he'd be damned if he wasn't going to do something about his own nickname, "Sporticus". Instead of calling back to Hank, Nigel acknowledged Erika's own introduction and made his way down the road alongside that legion if misfits.

It was getting dark, so it was no wonder that the Neo-Roman had difficulties scouting their surroundings. But he tried nonetheless, stopping in the road leading up to what he presumed Erika had meant was the fishing camp and taking a look with his binoculars around them. It felt heavy to hold up against his eyes in the humidity and armour he was wearing; everything was starting to feel heavy really, but he had to keep soldiering on like the legionaire he was, or face Hades. Looking around Nigel got the impression that nothing of danger was in their immediate area, which was at least not a bad sign. "Coast looks clear." Nigel stated, putting down his binoculars and following Erika. He really hoped he could take of his armour soon and get some rest, hopefully without being called History Channel names again.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Quincy, Florida: E9. House, C10 -> E9
Skills: N/A

Alexander had found most of what they needed for a makeshift blood transfusion. A few years ago he would have cussed out anyone for recommending the means that were being recommended. But what else could they do now? Sure Thalia was stable now, but for how long? If they needed to run, that would leave them vulnerable and unable to protect each other. It was getting dark now too, so there was no telling what was outside now ready to move in on them. Alexander had started looking for needles and lights, those would help. Even if Manny had something to use the tubing with it was getting too dark to risk a blood transfusion. A torch might help but an open flame in a building would be asking for trouble. With that, it might not even have enough light to make things safe.

Though, Manny had a doner, and someone who was trained to keep calm under pressure. Though, he would have honestly preferred anyone else to do this, the lack of a limb can have severe issues on blood pressure, though he's never had to do a blood transfusion from someone who was missing a limb. But as of right now, he was the only known doner, assuming Thalia wasn't so high she thinks she got her blood type wrong. "Retraining her might be good for the transfusion itself, but afterwards it may through her in a panic." Manny said responding to Beatrice. "But off the top of my head, I know my blood type. I am mostly going to need to depend on what everyone else knows about themselves." Though he figured everyone knew their type pretty well. His only concern was Thalia. If she isn't the type she says she is, she'll die a rather painful death. Or be so high she wont notice. If it comes to that, he hopes for the latter.

Alexander's search for light and something to act as needle's for the transfusion didn't seem to go well. "It's foolish to try and preform anything like this without a decent light source. It's just asking for things to go wrong." He stopped to think about Thana when she was brought up. "She may be strong, but she is alone with our only reasonable way to escape. If she isn't back by morning we'll need to figure out what happened to her. Seeing as we're in poor state to travel, and we have only one functional gun among us, we'll need to be smart about how we go about tomorrow. Honestly, I think we need to take a good night's rest and start tomorrow getting Thalia some nice earned blood. Then we'll decide what to do about Thana as Thalia recovers." Truth be told, Thana was skilled enough she could show up in the middle of the night with everything they could need. That would be a great victory. Or worst case scenario, they find her in the smashed truck only a little ways down the road. Manny didn't like thinking of worst case scenario, but what else could he do? They had to be prepared.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Headland: E. Main Street, A4, Car (Passenger side back seat)
Skills: Perception

It was apparent that Ash was duly impressed by the ease with which Jack handled that diaper, once he got past the initial apprehension and actually got to it. He was ready to dig deep into his education and experience as an engineer to mold himself to the purpose, or at least to act as foreman on such a project, but fatherly instincts beat out more scholarly routes in this instance. It was for the best; Ash shouldn't step on toes that way. There was the slightest bit of sarcastic comment inching its way to the surface concerning the whole ordeal which was quickly cut back by a torrent of vomit inching its way up even faster. Luck was with Ash, however, as he was able to force it back down just before it splattered across the floor of the vehicle.

As he was certain that the diapering was in good hands, Ash focused his attention outward. The last piece of dying illumination from the day, coupled with diffused moonlight, gave him just enough of an image to correspond with what he was hearing around him: They needed to move, and fast. "Hey, Jack? We need to get us and little Jamie here someplace else. This is gonna get real bad, real fast. Didn't Tati say that house," he motioned to one nearby that was pointed out earlier, "had a solid basement? I say we grab what we can and head that way. Think you and your boy are up for it?" They were probably better off than he was in that department. At least Ash had a good pistol and one decently working arm in case something unexpected popped up.

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quincy (in house, C9)
Skills: N/A

The heat and the dark. Depending upon the circumstances, that might not be a bad thing. Indeed it might not be here, except that it was just a matter of time before they start falling over each other, trying for whatever tasks they needed to accomplish to hunker down for the night. Were things different, they would have fallen into the routine that had been adequate to keeping them alive and kicking (except for Mugsy, but she immediately cursed herself for having the thought) for the past year. Thalia had to go and get herself bitten, and then ludicrously high on prescription meds to deal with Civil War style surgery pain.

Her head was the slightest bit clearer now. Clear enough to feel embarrassed at some of the actions she had taken recently, and likewise clear enough to be thinking about a way to help out. She was still weak, still shaky, and still under the influence of painkillers, not to mention missing a hand, but she didn't want to do nothing. Doing nothing got you dead. "Hey," she said to anyone who would listen, "My pack, fireplace." Okay, so she wasn't doing the bast job ever with communicating her point just then. She slowed her words and shifted her can of O's to one side, "If someone helps me, to the fireplace, and grabs my pack... I can get us light. Heat rising in the chimney, crack a back window, air circulation. Minimal exposure at night. Fire will actually, cool us down. Give us light." Slow, deliberate words. Not that she really needed cooling down on account of the blood loss. Point of fact, she would likely still need the blanket. But everyone else looked like they were ready to melt. It had been a hard day all around. It would probably be harder tomorrow. But right then, with a little assistance, she could try to help those who had helped her.

Hank Wright

Location: Okefenokee: E3
Skills: Hunting, Scavenging, Survival

Hank looked at his friend with an expression that was part wonder, part incredulity as he set about piecing together a makeshift torch out of things that he had on him. It wasn't a bad idea at all, having some light when exploring a new spot. One doesn't want one's face eaten by dead people, now does one? Nope, not a bit. However, having been the man's constant companion for about five years now, the fact that Wayne was asking him for a lighter made him wonder about his sanity more than his habit for speaking to things that weren't really there.

That last part probably wasn't fair. Hank knew very well the personal hell of seeing things that weren't real. Far better than most, it was his own tiny Hell for a while there. If that was how his friend coped with things, it wasn't his place to judge him too harshly. Still, he couldn't let the request go. "Yeah, that's good thinking, Wayne." he said, dropping to a knee and opening his pack. He pulled out a full sized security issue flashlight and clicked it on for just a second, inspecting the contents of the backpack very briefly, and grunted out a quick, "Here we go..." He extinguished the light and held out one of his disposable cigarette lighters to Wayne. "Real sensible there, Maldonado. Save the batteries on my Maglite." There was more than a touch of sarcasm in the sentence. He shook his head. The lighter fluid was already on the rag, so there was no point in wasting it. And truthfully, they probably should save the battery life. No telling when he would find fresh ones again.

Being as Wayne was the guy with the light source, Hank decided to stick close to him. His pack found its way onto his back, and one of his hands was filled with the grip of a Smith & Wesson pistol. While his unstable cohort took to the scene in front of them, Hank kept his attention to the ground and the area around them. Standard covering procedure, altered of course to account for the fact that they were in the middle of an apocalypse with previously unforeseen dangers lurking. "Area looks clear." he advised in low tones, "No recent movement that shouldn't be there, either. Let's go knock."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Newnan

Location: Headland: E. Main Street, A4, (Station Wagon Back Seat Driver's Side)
Skills: Basic First Aide, Knots, and Survival

"...Ya don't think messin' up a diapah could get ya blind, do ya?" Jack asked, slightly serious. It occurred to him that in some catastrophic chain of events, if the poopy projectile went flying and hit his eyes - maybe it was possible. He had only taken basic science in high school, up through biology. The chemistry of poop and diaper products mixing with one's eyeballs was lost to him. However, diaper in hand, he stared at Jamie and heard the giggling and the squirting. Taking a deep breath - and regretting it from the smell, Jack nobly plunged in.

Drawing on his knowledge of knot work, how to bandage a wound, and pure survival instincts against the poopy menace, Jack managed to change Jamie's diaper flawlessly - as if this had been his true calling in life. He placed the used diaper into the bag Ash had mentioned and was about to admire his handy work, when Jack doubled over and vomited into the diaper disposal bag. His breakfast came up and mixed with the digested and excreted portions of Jamie's breakfast - true family bonding!

"...Sorry, I uh...I gotta think back through what ya just said," Jack said, gasping for fresh air for a second as he replayed in his mind what Ash had said to him. He didn't know if he'd puke again, but he was certain his baby was entertained by it all - the cute little bugger. Once he remembered it, Jack nodded, unfastening Jamie's car seat from the car and picking his baby up, still inside the seat. "...Fresh air sounds like a good plan - even if it's only for a moment."

Beatrice Decker

Location: Quincy: Inside House (C8 -> C9)
Skills: N/A

Beatrice let out an internal sigh of relief, seeing that Thalia was starting to act more normal again. Alex then volunteered that he was a match - O positive - and if Beatrice recalled how blood types worked properly, she was a match as well. She was O Negative. She wasn't too sure if Manny would have a preference as to which of them donated - if it was better to have the exact match or someone who was younger without the medical problems Alex had. "O Negative," Beatrice said.

She then walked up to Thalia and put an arm around the girl, supporting her. "Come on, Gimpy, let's get you to the fireplace," she said bluntly. It was a cruel name but Beatrice knew that Thalia could take it. And if Thalia had finally gotten her hands on a can of O's - she had - then they'd need something new and petty to fight about. As silly as it was, a stupid 'fight' like that might be good for morale. Navy could easily be dead out there. And while Beatrice didn't think she'd do it, it was also possible that Navy could have just abandoned them entirely.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Year 5: Update

Date: April 1st, 2012

Nightfall folks - act accordingly

Wayne Maldonado

Location: Okefenokee: E3(Road) -> F5 (Fishing Camp Inside)
Skills:Athletics, Pistol

Wayne smirked and took the lighter. Lighting the make shift torch and tossing the lighter back to Hank. "Never know when a woman will need those double D's," he chuckled as he stood up fully and put his back on his back. "Right, because I am sure she has a portable night light... Fucking christ," Wayne said to the air before pushing forward and swatting at a dead space in front of him. Apparently whatever he had been talking to earlier had returned and was annoying him once again. He swatted two or three more times before finally making his way onto the front porch.

The man was anything but subtle as he got to the front door. "Lucy! I'm home!" he yelled but didn't bother knocking as he kicked open the front door. Shoving the torch into the building he drew one of his guns and pointed it forward. Stepping slowly as he glanced around. "Looks clear," he called back as he kept looking around. It did and the place looked like it could work as a place of rest for the night. At least it had fucking walls as far as he was concerned.

Sleeping in a truck was bad enough, out in the woods even worse. He had spent one too many nights actually sleeping in a tree with a rope tied around his waist trying to stay up high enough in case some fucking face eater came waltzing by and decided that Wayne would make a nice fucking Happy Meal. Though if one ever did get a bite of Wayne people would find out without a doubt if drugs affected the dead because if you were going to get high off a dead mans flesh the only person that could out do the drugs in Wayne's system was probably Keith Richards. If that fucker was still alive that was.

Tatiana Newnan

Location: Headland: D3 -> F2 (House Map)
Skills: Survival, Athletics, Orienteering

Tatiana shook her head. "Supposed to be, I took dovn," she said to Riley. It wasn't a lie. Tatiana was supposed to check the traps that were set up but she had been disarming them slowly. She had been wanting to make a break for it soon and figured that she would have to try to get her and Jamie out of the house itself. It was only by sheer luck of the draw, or rolls in this case, that she had come across Jack and the rest of them when she did. So she took advantage of it. It was a last ditch effort that had seemed to pay off.

Looking up at the sky, she knew they didn't have long. Not only was the weather looking back but if the group she had been with wasn't back soon the people that were still inside the house were going to start getting worried. They needed to work quickly so that they could keep the upper hand right then. Glancing towards the girls she motioned for them to follow her before she quickly darted from the tree line and made her way up to the back of the house at the end of the Cul-De-Sac. There was a wrap around porch on the two story house and she kept low as she made her way up the stairs.

Ducking down she moved to the wall and peeked in the window before squatting out of site from those that were inside. There were three men in there. All of them looking rather ragged. Drinking something from bottles as they played cards and smoked. Their backs were to the door behind them that lead into the breakfast area right to the side of the kitchen. If they moved fast they could easily take these men out before they knew what hit them. If they fucked it up, it could mean they wouldn't make it out alive. The men had weapons on the counter near them and within reaching distance. They had one shot to get this to work in their favor. After that, all bets were off.
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