Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

Final Fantasy: Reverence

Chapter 1: Raelin

The city of Valennia. The crown jewel of the archaic nation of Raelin. As old-fashioned as many of it's buildings and people are, it is without a doubt still a nation of excellence, yet it is little surprise this ancient nation with centuries of history, stained with both blood, and both magic runes and blades engraved with blood. Still, a certain tension pervades the air around the capital, Valennia. Whispers of a rebellion are on the streets themselves, a group they say, calling themselves the Swords of Valor. To the common person it is a simple matter of rabblerousers trying to get their lot in life in the wrong way, that they should just join the Adventurer's Guild if they just want to fight for their money. These days after all, there is no shortage of monsters or bandits, as conditions beyond these high walls worsen, bit by bit. Though the grip of this deterioration is not as noticeable as one may think.


The nation of Raelin was a more temperate climate than that of the icy grip of Escain. The two bounty hunters would find themselves in something a little lighter for their stay, yet did not compromise on any tactical advantage doing so, yet today they were not wearing that, or their thick Escainian coats. Today they wore some finer garments. Today, they stepped through to a VIP lounge in the prestigious Royal Garnet, a high class establishment that hosts from celebrities to government officials. The two knew whatever job they were about to be told about... This may be serious.

As they arrived to the room, two guards welcomed them in, with another two standing guard inside, and sitting in the lounge setup in the center was a man, not anyone of particular renown as far as they know. Likely a senator of Raelin, but not anyone with any fame behind their face.

"Well now, good afternoon, I see you are as punctual as I am told, and the lady as charming as her name appears", so a charmer was he? As they got closer, they recognized his uniform... He was...

"I see the look of confusion. That is correct, I am not a Raelin official, as you may have expected. I represent the Sultan of Ayntayikk", he states. Interesting. He motioned the two to take a seat. As the two got closer and sat down, they beheld their client's features. Long hair, a shoulder cape, and a long coated somewhat militaristic uniform, yet it would also be recognized as noble garb. Still even then, his own features did not resemble any of Ayntayikk heritage, what with his fair skin and almost white hair, he seemed more like a Frinian if anything.

"Aah Raelin, ever the grandiose with a hollow soul...", he began, taking a swig of the alcohol prepared on the table. "Anyways, I know you two were expecting a Raelin official, but trust me so was I. He was my friend you see, and could not attend to this meeting, and so I am here in his place. Whoever recommended you two to him, must be an immensely trustworthy friend to him, but enough chit-chat", he snaps his fingers and one of the men behind his sofa walk over. Soon he procures a bag, it's gil, even before seeing it almost shackle the table as it lands in front, it was obvious it was a large sum of gil.

"... This is a ransom", he says, after a pause, watching their reactions. "Right right, the job. Okay so, basically this is all Ayntayikk coin. My friend who is a Senator is currently in the court of Raelin, attending to matters he is forced to tend to. You see someone in the Raelinian Court wishes to see him silenced, and to be honest I would not be helping him if not for his benefit to me, and... Let's say trade agreements with my own home country. The task is simple. Kill who's paying the kidnappers, and rescue this poor man's... Daughter I believe, these men will give you the picture of the daughter so you can identify her as you walk out. Take this big bag with you too. The ransom location is somewhere in the Hinds District, near a broken aqueduct I hear is being used for various smuggling operations as it also leads outside. The time is tonight, when the moon is approximately 45 degrees in the night sky. I'm sorry that the ransom time and place is so soon, but if you wish for any clues, might I suggest a visit to the palace? Maybe you can see who his political opponents are? Who knows. Anyways, off with you two, the sooner you go the more time to investigate you have", he says, snapping his fingers to away them.


A man bearing a Dragoon's armor would do nothing but attract attention, yet he was a brazen one, and so was his mentor. The Hinds District was not a popular place, but for many it was also the only place they had. The Gargling Drake was a small inn setup in this dark side of the city, a place many of disrepute and occupations of dubious nature would convene to speak, yet amidst this dark and not quite misunderstood lot, is a pair of misunderstood and rather intimidating knights.

"Good of you to come Malik, come a long way have you? Well, it's been a month since you'd formally completed training under me, there is little else I can show you as a Dark Knight, other than what you on your path will lead you to learning", he says. "Anyways, I did not call you here for a social call", he leans in. The blue and dull silver knight, with clothes that seemed marred with dirt from afar, yet up close would be recognized as more unworldly. As he himself would put it, the darkness has tainted some of his cloth and armor, after such long use. Apparently this is the same armor he used back during his days as a Dragoon. In any case...

"I have firm belief they are moving, and so I need you here in this city while I go... Investigating. There are other strange occurrences too, such as the corrupting beasts that I have been cleaning up for the last month, but the adventurer's guild so far has that under control, so I can leave that worry for a little while... Anyways, as I was saying, someone's stirring up in there. The Swords of Valor that were formed a few months back have suddenly been stirring them up", he informs, almost whispering. The Swords of Valor... Yes the rebel outfit, led by a former Raelinian General. He has good intentions and according to other accounts by the Dark Dragoon, is a good man. It wasn't too much of a secret that he was helping him.

"Basically, I want your ears on the ground, while I go dark... Or darker, I guess", he then leans back again. "I will not be gone long, but until then, protect the people of this town in my stead. We share this common drive and a common history, though not directly, our wings were clipped the same ways. The poison of the nobles of this city must be purged, lest they rob others of their lives and loved ones... Now I am off, before I begin ranting again as I do. I know how much you dislike that", he states, standing up, grabbing his gigantic blade off the wall it was leaning on, and then walking out, flipping a coin at the barkeep to pay for his drink. So what to do then... Protect the good people, where to start... Just go patrol? Or perhaps take an active participation? Well whatever Malik's way as a Dark Knight was, neither could go wrong.

For Others

Please feel free to explore the city. There are some questlines available to you that will lead you to the main story of this chapter, it's just some characters have relevance to it and are introduced in such a way. Pursue the questline and you too can join them eventually, or go your own way and pursue your own goals. It's up to you.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Malik Rayse

"...I will not be gone long, but until then, protect the people of this town in my stead. We share this common drive and a common history, though not directly, our wings were clipped the same ways. The poison of the nobles of this city must be purged, lest they rob others of their lives and loved ones... Now I am off, before I begin ranting again as I do. I know how much you dislike that."

Malik chuckled to himself at his mentor's self-deprecation, knowing full well that he, of all people, couldn't criticize the man for "ranting."

I've done enough of that myself, especially just after... well. He stood along with Sigurd, leaving his lukewarm drink on the table. It hadn't been all that great, anyhow. Malik inclined his head respectfully, armor clinking slightly as he did. Good thing he hadn't worn the more conspicuous set of armor he owned- he was already noticeable enough as it was. Black and blue was much more subtle- most wouldn't be able to confuse him for anything other than a typical Dragoon.

"Thank you, Master. I'll take your advice into consideration. Before you go, though, I have to ask- should I make contact with the Swords of Valor? Offer my services? Forming an alliance with the local resistance could help our goals in the long term."

It could also make them more exposed to danger, but then, their situation was already dangerous enough. Perhaps it was worth the risk...? Sigurd stopped for a moment, then turned back, shaking his head.

"Hm... I see their goals as similar, but not selfsame. They are born from the same seed, and mayhap they can be of some use, but... I recommend not being directly associated with them."

Malik pondered this for a moment, before accepting his master's wisdom with a nod. It was reasonable, now that he thought about it- the Dark Knights survived for as long as they had by not being subject to the whims of other powers. Even for an organization like the Swords, it wouldn't behoove to break that trend. Malik glanced up again, to see that Sigurd had gone, as per usual.

For a man wearing so much heavy armor, he sure can be quiet when he wants to be, he thought ruefully, before walking up to the bar, and drawing a much heavier couple of coins out of his pocket for the bartender. Trashy as the tavern might seem on the surface, it did have its virtues for those in the know. The bartender nodded, grabbing a smaller bottle hidden under the bar and pouring out a healthy portion. And with that, Malik hunkered down to wait, sipping at a much finer brew than he'd been muscling through before, and listened for any good rumors or gossip from the other patrons.

It was amazing what one could learn just from listening closely...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Library of Valennia

The Stanier family and their affiliation to the Imperialist view of other Nobles were treated a little lower than their own standards by the current Republic however it did not change the influence when coming through the great Library of Valennia. Arius's own Library that is still a public hub for mages who wish to learn the arcane and master them. This was Eawyn's favorite place whenever the Royal Garnet had so much snobby nobles just slapping commoner servants with their sacks of gil.

Truly... Raelin's pride has sunk to a new low.

Eawyn thought that if she mastered the schools she has learned and perhaps revitalize True Sorcery, she can gain political influence as a legendary Mage in order for the government to change hands back to its Imperalist roots.

Alas, she has made no progress so far. Reading the same book once or twice and whenever new books come she would read those as well often times sharing the book to people who share her interests in magic mastery and/or how great if imperialism came back to Raelin.

"Ruins... ruins... no alternate entry... yada yada..." The young girl would yawn, several books stacked together on her left. "Ugh, those slowpokes at the newest ruin don't even know what's going on! I have to check on it every now and then to see if it changed but nothing significant even moved, not even an inch."

Scattered about were "doodles" or perhaps drafts about what she believed are the entrances to this new ruin compared to the "official" one brought around by highly respected Spectrum Magi. There was nothing she could do but just look on and hypothesize every path. This was getting nowhere.

Frustrated, she slammed her head down the table to which she quickly cried adorably, rubbing her forehead to ease the pain. Her eyes trail down the Dragon's Breath just dangling on her waist. It had been a day since she turned in the quest and whenever she returned to the library, she couldn't find any record of such an artifact.

There were no records of it being a Dogma just solidified into a fire crystal, no records of it being an Eikon despite its near-similar use and she wasn't even sure if this was connected to the Sage Civilization from eras past. If it was, why was it embedded on a "corrupted" Bandersnatch?

"...hmm..." Her head turned to the librarian. She had never once asked them if they've seen anything like the amulet she was wearing. Maybe they might give a hint to whatever the Dragon's Breath is?

Standing up, she walked toward the desk, amulet slung over her palm before clearing her throat. "Yes, hello? Excuse me. It's the Stanier girl again... I was just wondering if there are any other editions for magical artifacts you might be keeping somewhere? Kinda looks like this? If you can't maybe you can show me where you keep the books for the Multi-Realm Theory?" The Noblesse brought up the bright red, fiery jewel in front of the librarian. If they don't know anything maybe they can help by giving them a book not normally found in the library.

Worth a shot.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


What was the last time Annika wore something formal? Not even herself knew for certain. The sniper garment was, for her, almost like a second skin. That dress she was wearing right now, no matter how elegant and beautiful it was, felt strange on her. Too restrictive, not allowing her to move comfortably, it was everything but practical. Despite her protests, Garsin had insisted that they absolutely needed to wear those fancy clothes. His arguments were that they were going somewhere sophisticated and they wouldn't want to attract unnecessary attention. As they walked towards the meeting place, Annika's dissatisfaction, which would pass unnoticed for most people, was incredibly apparent for Garsin, who was already accustomed enough with her to know what she was thinking.

Entering the extremely luxurious establishment they were sent to, they immediately went to the VIP lounge, where they were said they would meet their 'contact' to talk more about said job. Getting there though, they were greeted by a... strange figure to say the least. The man who began speaking with them, upon closer inspection, wasn't neither from the military nor a Raelin official at all. According to his own words, he was representing the sultan of Ayntayikk, despite having clear Frinian features. According to his own words, his friend, the senator couldn't attend the meeting and he was sent in his stead. Annika's eyes carefully analyzed the man as he greeted them. His sweet words were met only with silence and a discreet nod.

The second he put a big, heavy bag of gil on the table and explained the situation, it was undeniable that he indeed knew what was happening. The bag in question was full with Ayntayikk coins. The senator, having made an 'agreement' with the Ayntayikk Sultan, had a simple, yet complicated request. His daughter was kidnapped. The senator wanted simply his daughter to return safely and the death of whoever was responsible for contracting the kidnappers. If they knew exactly who was the responsible, it would be way easier, but in that situation they would not only have to rescue the senator's daughter, but capture the kidnappers alive (which was already something inconvenient for Annika), but also play detectives... If they were lucky, the kidnappers would let out who the contractor was or at least some hints about who they were...

To make things even worse, the ransom was that very night in the Hinds District, near a broken aqueduct. They wouldn't have much time to prepare themselves, which would make everything even more complicated. Their job was something that required precision and careful planning. Something that was simply not possible in such a short amount of time. Still, she couldn't help but to think that there was something wrong on all that. Not only the senator didn't show up to the meeting regarding something as important as his own daughter's safety, but the man who was talking to them was also strange... A man who said that was representing the Ayntayikk Sultan but looked much more like a Frinian than someone from Ayntayikk... Her thoughts were interrupted when the man suggested them to visit the palace to search for some clues regarding the culprit. The moment he said so, Annika rolled her eyes. She knew that Garsin wouldn't let her off that easy. He had said that they might need to visit somewhere important when he was convincing her to put on the dress but she dismissed that as just an excuse.

"Please don't..." Annika whispered to Garsin the second the man sent them away. She knew so well that he simply would have to say 'I told you so'.

Standing up, Annika gave a slight bow to the Ayntayikk man before moving to the door, purposely letting the heavy gil bag for Garsin to carry.

"Strange... That man was clearly Frinian..." Annika said, low enough so only Garsin could hear.

"There's also the fact that the senator didn't care to show up even though it's regarding to his own daughter..."

"We should go to the..." Annika started saying, but hesitated for a second, sighing. She knew exactly what Garsin would say about that and she didn't want to admit he was right about the whole dress thing.

"To the palace..." she finished, looking down and blushing a bit.

"After that... to the broken aqueduct... It would be better to capture the kidnappers and not kill them..." Annika said, trying to change the topic even though she knew it wouldn't work. That was the hardest part. Capturing someone alive was, ironically way harder than just killing them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CaptainSully
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CaptainSully πŸ††πŸ…ΈπŸ†ƒπŸ…·πŸ…ΈπŸ…½ / πŸ†ƒπŸ…·πŸ…΄ πŸ†πŸ†„πŸ…ΈπŸ…½πŸ†‚

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Recently Leo obtained the irrefutable proof that his entire circus troupe had perished, leaving him with no direction in life. During the long search for any possible survivors he took hunting contracts in smaller villages and towns to rid them of whatever pest or monster was troubling them. Hunting had become a somewhat enjoyable passtime for Leo, particularly when it meant it made the lives of the general public easier. He had fought and killed beasts of all sizes and genus, often getting paid handsomely for doing so. However in all that time he had never worked for the Adventurers Guild.

The Guild's reputation spread to each corner of the world and the next natural step for Leo was to become a full time, professional monster hunter for them. In addition to his talent in combat, he brought with him his trusty wyvern Draig. It would allow him to get to locations quicker and provide him with the support needed to take down larger foes he may otherwise have difficulty with. The only issue Leo had...he had to return to Valennia to get his license.

The last time he was in the city was when he was made the scapegoat for the governments orders to attack innocent villages on the outskirts of Raelin territory. It meant that he had to try and keep as low a profile as he could, even though it had been many years since the incident.

Approaching the Guild's headquarters Leo was left breathless by the sheer number of people moving within the grounds. The number of animal skins, skulls and bones being worn by people were almost countless, nearly every person having some sort of trophy on display. Leo picked up on conversations as he manoeuvred through the thick crowd of people, each one even more exaggerated than the previous. Fortunately it didn't take too long before he found himself at the reception.

He approached the desk and the person behind it, greeting them with a wide smile. "Hey there. I'm looking to get a Monster Hunters License. Is there any sort of paperwork I need to do or some sort of test?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ItMeGritty
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ItMeGritty A Friend

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mata Hari

The Gargling Drake Inn

Not a bad place to start...a woman thought to herself as she strolled into the establishment. She wore a long robe and a facial covering. The only thing visible was her blue eyes surrounded by brown skin, betraying her Eastern heritage. She walked silently towards the bar of the rough establishment, not even making the floorboards creek under her feet. IF you weren't looking directly at her you would not have known she was there unless you listened attentively to the slight jingling coming from underneath her clothes. She was either armed, bejeweled, or likely both.

The Gargling Drake had a certain reputation. Being located in the Hinds District, it was a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Those who plied their trade on the outskirts of what was considered good and decent congregated here looking for work, contacts, cheap board or even just a drink. Surely not a place for a lone Ayntayikk lady, but the spectre of cloth felt oddly welcome in a place like this. The seedy criminal element of anyplace resonated with her, made her feel nostalgic...

The woman seemingly floated past the dark knight not giving them a second glance and took a stool at the bar. She removed her covering slightly and pointed to a bottle, indicating to the bartender what she wanted. Glass in hand she took a sip, then placed the covering back over her mouth. Her eyes shifted around the room suspiciously.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

Library of Valennia

@Seirei No Hai

The librarian leaned forward, his eyes on the curious gem in her hands. Unfortunately, he was but a librarian. Hired to keep the books here in order, he only knew where and what kind of books lay where or if they were at this great library. Still he gave the young girl an answer,

"I am afraid I cannot help you appraise this gem of yours, but perhaps someone at the Academy may be able to help you with that. On the other hand, I can also show you to the few books on Multi-Realm theory, and if you want the journals and public documents on the subject, I can find those for you too".

Depending on her response, he would either let her be on her way, or show her to the books and documents on Multi-Realm theory. There were numerous documents. Multi-Realm theory is essentially the theory of there being multiple planes of existence, and the common belief is that this is where the gods reside. The main meat of the theory though is travelling to these planes. There was still no solid theory on this, but what exactly did the young girl wish to discover about this theory? In any case she had two obvious choices presented to her. The day was young and the Academy would be bustling at this time, on the other hand there was the whole day to peruse old texts about this topic, or even time to go out and ask should she find something interesting.

Valennia Adventurer's Guild


It's been a good two or so decades since the founding of the Adventurer's Guild, starting here in Valennia. As such, the establishment was pretty upscale, but the atmosphere did not feel that way. The cafeteria hall was bustling as always just off the side to the reception, decorated nicely by cloth and carpeting, as well as armors and portraits of the guild's leading members from each of the branches in the world. It was a fairly grand place. Behind the counter was a giant magically projected board with requests, and just outside was the old noticeboard used for smaller requests, like the very days of founding when jobs at this guild were but finding lost pets, or being an extra hand at a restaurant.

As Leolin posed the question to the receptionist, she sized him up...

"Oh! Leolin yes? Well, it seems you already have some history on being capable at combat, so it won't take long to get it approved aaaaand... Here", she handed him a kind of plate. It was made of copper, with the guild's symbol on it. A kind of license it seemed. The receptionist had a rather good memory, but it always took her a little time. After which she placed a form in front of Leolin, she would talk as he would peruse it, but basically everything on the form is what she's explaining.

"Okay, so, you may be a little confused. Basically Monster Hunting is a bit different from kill missions you may be used to. Hunts are focused on minimal damage to the target, while capturing or killing them. Hides and parts are not very valueable once they are broken, plus you will get less back if there is too much damage. As you will be Copper level, you cannot take anything higher than Copper, and if accompanied by an appropriate other hunter, you may do up to Silver level hunts. Normally you would only be allowed Bronze, but a proper combat background lets you bypass that, you can note that by the strike at the corner of your plate",

"If you have any questions feel free to ask", as she put herself on standby. A few other details not mentioned but are on the form is the terms to promotion. There seemed to be no test to become one, but it seems by completing hunts you obtain crests to be added to the plate, and with enough you can take your first hunt alone in the next difficulty rating with a senior hunter to watch. If completed, then you get your promotion. It seemed like a fair enough system.

The Gargling Drake


The underbelly of Valennia was surprisingly, not called the Underbelly District, it was the Hinds District which is probably the closest there is with the other district names, such as the Wings, Fang, Claws, Scales, etc. The further up the dragon it was as a part, the higher class it was, the Fang District being the Royal Palace itself. In any case, here Mata Hari was called for a job here in Valennia. A surprising job for that matter, to be 'insurance' to another job. A hostage exchange was to take place, is all she was told. She was not to interact, but watch. If it looked like it would fail, or go awry, she was to assist. It seemed like babysitting duty, yet if only that were all it was. The job was an assignment from the leader himself... Or herself... No one knew who or what the head of their order looked like. This was not quite a direct order, Mata herself was just unlucky enough to be in the same room to be given the assignment.

Still, even if it felt like she was just given this job out of other's convenience, it was a job from their own head. There must be some honour or prestige to be gained here. Furthermore, who were the two she was supposed to watch...? Or rather, if she found them so easily, maybe they were not so great. Who knows.

As she sat at the tables, her well-trained ears, able to hear over the music she dances to, eavesdrops unintentionally over the bar itself... A lot of whisperings of rebellion or revolution, none of it harmful it seems, a lot of them disgruntled and badmouthing the governing class here, yet one stood out...

"So what, it's a noble and his daughter, how's she uhh-"

"She's barely a child really. I tell ya we're gonna be told to be 'gentle' or whatnot. As if these nobles are gentle to us, is why we formed this whole outfit anyway right?"

"Says you, you weren't 'ere when the leader formed it. We don't treat them as people, we're no better than them. We just want a fair lot", the talking went on for awhile. It was pretty non-specific, so at least they're careful, but what can be gleamed basically was they were that rebel outfit she'd heard of for awhile now. The Swords of Valor.

A women stepped into the inn, making a beeline for that particular table. She stood out greatly. In a place like this, those of dark or questionable ilk blended in, but she was a shining example -at least in appearance- of righteousness.

"What are you all doing? It's almost time",

"L-look alright, okay let's get going. W-we're just... Getting the nerves under control an-",

"I don't care, we've been planning this for awhile now. We can't just miss it, now get your arses in gear. I swear if we don't make it I'm going to tell Raigh we missed it because a bunch of jackasses to decided to go for a drink in broad daylight", the men groaned and got up, slipping the fee for their drinks to the barkeep.

The "Swords of Valor", they called themselves... Their objective as she heard was to capture an official and his daughter. A corrupt official apparently...

The exchange was not to happen for another several hours, but it seems this inn was a nest of information. Perhaps she has found a common stomping ground ever were she to need information in Valennia. And this was just from eavesdropping, who knows how much deeper she can get if she were to find an info broker.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Library of Valennia

A straight-forward answer at the Academy where she graduated not too long ago? Or more research on the Multi-Realm theory and its connection with the mysterious corruption of monsters and her Dragon's Breath. She closed her eyes, deep in thought before snapping them open with a determined smile.

"I'd like to borrow one book you would recommend on the Multi-Realm theory and whatever is the latest journal entry and document update that's been submitted to the public thus far." She didn't have to worry about getting past records of the topic itself as her family has had connections with the scholars that allowed them to study up and research further on what the other mages were on about. Like tradition, she is to follow in her footsteps and find out what the Dragon's Breath really is.

Waiting at the desk to withdraw her books and exiting the library, she turned her head to the direction of the Academy... maybe one of her old teachers can help her with this curious predicament? An old classmate? Perhaps even the head master? Lots of information and opinions to gather from them, maybe she could find a connection between them and it was right under her nose the whole time! Nah, she's probably overthinking things... looking out for number one way too intensely could lead to downfall.

One step... two steps... and then she started skipping freely toward the Academy's direction in sight, the books swaying back and forth in her awfully large satchel and a document in hand for her to read on. She can't wait for her own discovery to be made public and further increase the standing of the Stanier nobility.

@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

Lost again, are we?

Humming quietly, Aria's large, blue eyes looked around for any familiar sights. Despite staying at The Royal Garnet, her desire to explore the city had triumphed. After making sure her cat-eared hood made sure to hide her face, she traveled through the city rather liberally. The architecture had a curious sheen to them, the people bustling and going on their merry way. In truth, she loved it; it was so much better to be out and about rather than in a stuffy room full of people who couldn't care less about anything outside of their own selfish lies. Not that she was any better, as she had come to Valennia to perform for those selfish people. But before she would, she wanted to look around. She had heard the Library may have books on the myths of the Empire, and myths meant deities.

Now that she had finished looking around, she realized much too late that she hadn't kept track to where she was going.

Aria continued to walk, her head turning this way and that. The people looked much too busy to ask for directions, though she didn't want to turn back just yet. Clucking her tongue in disappointment, she wondered whether or not she should turn around, though as she stopped in front of a building, she peered at the letters to see what it was called. It looked like the Adventurer's Guild--she had somehow gone in a complete circle, having passed it earlier. Oh well, it was probably a sign that she should be heading back to the Royal Garnet. Kicking the ground in disappointment, she turned on her heel, a soft song playing from her lips as she walked.

Eventually, she managed to find the place, though it was surprising she had missed it at all; she had been told it was an inn, but its appearance greatly contrasted the humble inns she had visited in her travels. The inside matched the name as well, the people around being all too familiar despite never having met them before. Oh, it was too easy to recognize the polite laugh, the boisterous bragging, the judgmental looks received. But she was here on a mission, and so she approached the front desk.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@13org@Sho Minazuki

If Garsin ever said he was confident in the safety of this mission, it would be a bold faced lie. Nothing about this mission made sense from the moment they took it up. Annika didn't look very convinced either. Not only were they meeting a contact instead of the other way around, but the contact didn't even show up. Instead there was a Frinian, representing the sultan of Antayikk, who was the stand in for Realin official. If someone didn't see that as a red flag, they hadn't been in the business long enough. The first words that popped into his mind were 'oh great, we're scapegoats'. He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, one leg up resting the ankle on his other knee, and one of his hands up to his chin in thought.

An eyebrow raised when the sack of coin hit the table, dubbed the ransom or the girl that was to be kidnapped. Which was, yet again, strange. Hiring two snipers to make the ransom exchange when they would be better suited in an overwatch position? Not normal. The more he listened to the situation the more he didn't like it.

He stood up at the end of the meeting and left the informant with a small bow. When they had left, he was about to say something about being right about choosing their attire, but when Annika asked him not to, knowing just what he was going to say, he just grinned as she went on to explain some of her concerns with the mission. They were pretty much the same as his. He simply shrugged. "Well, I can agree that it is very suspicious. A Frinian man, representing Antayikk, contacting us on behalf of a Realin senator to save the senetor's daughter and work out who took her." He stopped on the sidewalk for a moment and thought about their position and where to get information. Garsin noticed her blushing about mentioning having to go to the palace and couldn't help laughing. He turned to Annika, and then looked around to make sure there weren't any prying ears.
"Well, as much as I would like to rub it in that 'I told you so', I'm not quite so sure that is actually the best place to go. Leave it to someone in high social status to tell someone to get info at the palace. Nah, that's too risky. Too many people that could be close to the political enemy running around keeping an ear out. It would also be highly suspicious for two people they have never seen before, dressed up or not, to show up and start snooping around the palace asking people question about current politics. It would warn whoever we are after that we are there and digging for intel, and could botch the whole mission. I was actually thinking of a bar. If its anyone who hears everything that is going on around town between anybody, its the barkeeps. Besides," he started to add, pulling at the collar of his suit that seemed to keep a snug grip around his neck, "This thing is really starting to get uncomfortable. Lets just hope that the picture matches the girl," he waved the photo in his hand before storing it. He took off his suit jacket and draped it over the sack of coin, hiding it from view in his other hand. "At least we looked nice for the substitute contact, eh?" he jeered.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

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The Drowned Dragon's Inn


The Scale district. It was the everyman district, with the marketplace not too far from here. People who lived in the city were the main customers, coming here for a good drink from work, those passing through but could not afford rooms in the Royal Garnet, but did not wish to stay at a place like the Gargling Drake, and soldiers too. Of course, this was in the middle of the day, it was not as busy as it would be in the evening. The question was, would gossip here be relevant to their mark? The political going-ons seemed to be far less important to the general populace, than the Swords of Valor, which the ruling class have taken to calling terrorists and rebels, while those of the working class seemed more open to their presence. Just within earshot they can already hear of their deeds outside the walls, defending and helping the unfortunate... Still. That was not what they came here for.

The Drowned Dragon's bar floor was large, likely to accommodate for many of the city's inhabitants on busy nights, with drawn on the board their menu and Happy Hour, which was conveniently just after dinner. It was spaced out, with people just starting to slowly fill for lunch, as such it was rather quiet all things considered, as quiet as a large establishment with loads of regulars can be. Among the people present, some stood out, such as the mage in the far back buried under books, or the man dressed in a military officer's grab. Not just a standard officer either... Still it was unclear what he was just yet.

The Adventurer's Guild


As the young lady entered the Adventurer's Guild, she was met with the curious gazes of passing by adventurers. In their line of work they often saw nothing more than common folk, guardsmen, and the occasional haughty noble. But a woman of elegance and air of mystery surrounding her would grant the ire of many. She was most certainly not someone they would likely meet in their travels.

As she approached the counter, the girl at reception was almost a little surprised. Yet she did her job, as soon as Aria approached the front desk, she was asked. "Is there... Something I can help with ma'am?"

The Academy of Valennia

@Seirei No Hai

The Multi-Realm theory book that the young mage was given was the collection of the most established theories on the matter. The understanding that gods and goddesses lived on a different plane, each of their own. Summoners did not create an aetherial phenomenon like mages do when they cast magic, they used the power of faith, Dogma, to create a link to the realm of their chosen deity, and bring forth their power into our own world. It was all rudimentary stuff, but it raised the question, as there was a bit on artifacts as catalysts to summon these gods. What a catalyst was could vary, from a weapon dedicated to their worship, or an item or weapon that is theirs, most notable examples being something like the Gungnir, the spear of Odin. So the Dragon's Breath, this small gem in her possession... Could this be a catalyst of some kind? Being a mage, she had never learned anything of the use of Dogma, more to the point, the practice of Dogma outside of small orders of Summoners was outlawed... Still, perhaps the academy can tell her more.

She beheld the Academy before her, many robed individuals were about, the colour of their garbs symbolizing their schools. Most were of a pure black representing the Black school, the white with red trimmings representing the White, and various others such as the more common Blue and Red, and Green, as well as other less common colours such as Yellow and Gray. The building itself was towering, set upon the center was a stained glass window depicting the symbol of the Specter Mages, an aetheric sun.

Within the halls were large marble pillars, all lined up and leading up towards the reception desk at the far end, with doors leading to long hallways set upon the left and right sides, lined up in a symmetrical fashion, with plates at the top saying which part of the building they lead to, as well as a board near the entrance to show what facilities are here, and where one can reach them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Academy of Valennia

Breathing in that nostalgic air of mana, the smoke from conjured flame, the soothing aura of healing magic, as well as the chill of ice. Yes the academy was home to her and it wasn't too long ago that she had graduated from said Academy as a Red Mage. Strutting up to the receptionist's desk she hit the bell and as Eawyn waited, put the book in the satchel for later reading. She took one look at the pretty gem before her, studying the rock before looking back up at the receptionist. Clearing her throat and chin up: "Good morning, is the Head Master available today? If not, maybe one of the teachers that can help me appraise this?"

She held up the Dragon's Breath in front of the receptionist's eyes. "It's kinda urgent. I want to know what this thing is and I've been doing research on this ever since I carved it out of a Bandersnatch... or at least I think it was a Bandersnatch." She remembered that day like a permanent scar. Maybe if she found out what it was, it raise her standing quite significantly as a bonus.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Jollan@Sho Minazuki

Annika wasn't surprised when Garsin showed to have exactly the same worries as her regarding that mission. She could sense that something was weird regarding all that. Despite that feeling, they had no options other than accepting that mission. After she mentioned about the dress she was wearing though, Garsin couldn't hold himself and started to laugh, making Annika look at him, pouting with a surprisingly adorable annoyed expression. But despite his laughter, he did have some good points. It would indeed be really suspicious for them just to show themselves there, without knowing anyone. There was also the possibility of their mere presence there, asking questions would put the culprit on guard.

When he mentioned going to bars and inns around the town to search for intel, Annika couldn't help but think that it would be undoubtedly hard to find that type of Intel on mere bars. They were dealing with power struggles and politics. Those weren't the type of things people would discuss on bars...

"We..." Annika started to say, hesitating for a second.

"We will stand out a lot going to bars in such formal and fancy clothes... I would prefer much more to be wearing the clothes I always wear..." She said, still feeling uncomfortable using that dress.

"I also don't think that the people that go to bars are the type of people that are interested in politics and power struggles..." Annika said, in a low tone.

When they finally arrived on the scale district, things turned out to be exactly as she had murmured a while ago. The general populace seemed to be much more interested in the deeds of the 'Swords of Valor' group than politics. They would have a hard time finding any meaningful information around there.

Despite her silence, it was incredibly clear by her expression what she wanted to say. 'I told you' were the words that were almost written in her face when she looked to Garsin.

They were already there though and as such, they should try to search for any information worth noting.

Inside the Drowned Dragon, the bar that they choose to go in first, despite being still a bit empty, with most of the clients still arriving for lunch, there was a couple of people that clearly stood out from the rest, such as a mage on the far back and the man with a military garb.

Between both of them, at least on Annika's opinion, the one that had the better chance to have some good information was the military guy.

Discreetly pulling Garsin's sleeve, she pointed towards the man with the military garb, nodding her head, silently saying that they should probably start with him.

But the hardest part was yet to come. Even though Annika had the 'target' on her sights... What would they do? Simply go to where the man was and just ask him a lot of questions, revealing themselves and possibly their intentions?

She was a sniper and a scout, not a detective. Only if they knew who their target was, studying his schedule to find a perfect moment to kill him was much easier than that.

Looking to Garsin, the confusion was clear on her face as she waited for him to say or do anything.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@13org@Sho Minazuki

Garsin nodded to Annika as she mentioned their clothes. "I figured as much, we'll stop by our inn and get changed first. Believe me, This isn't the most comfortable suit I've worn." he said pulling at the collar. "As for intel, it depends. A power struggle effects everyone, big and small, as we both know. People pay attention to this stuff and lips get a bit looser when a few drinks have passed by them. If its a bust, we still have time to swing by the palace before we need to set up, but if all else fails, I think capturing our kidnappers after the transaction may be our best bet anyway," he explained.

Eventually, now in their regular clothes, they made their way to the Drowned Dragon. Though, it was just as Annika predicted. He could feel eyes burning through him, and he knew just who they belonged too. Garsin sighed as he crossed his arms and looked down to Annika with a weary grin and a chuckle. This time it was his turn to say it, "Don't say it. I already know," he said, his wry smile becoming more genuine as he found the thought of him now saying it to her pretty funny. He noticed the man that seemed to draw her attention, reading her eyes and facial expressions as he had gotten used to over his time with her. "How about we get a drink first, ask questions later. Find a close seat and then relax a bit. We'll only talk to him if we need to," he said as he patted Annika on the shoulder. "First round's on me!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

The Drowned Dragon's Inn


Over the next hour, the bar would fill up with regular patrons taking a break from work, here for lunch, as one would expect. The two could order something to eat or drink if they so pleased, regardless most of the talk that they've gathered from murmurs were largely about the Swords of Valor. From tall tales to petty stories, it seems they were either a scary bunch, or a helpful lot. Most helpful stories were outside the wall, with all the farmers and simple folk, and far off towns... Soon though their waiting paid off. The military garbed man was here to meet someone it seemed.

With all the noise of the bar though, they would not be able to eavesdrop, but the person he was meeting was... Well, they weren't familiar. That much was sure. But it was recognizeable. Anyone who either has lived in Raelin, or has served military anywhere would recognize it. They were part of the Raelin Praetorian Guard, royal vassals, who work directly for the Emperor. The two were talking for some time, but soon the man got angry,

"Don't you DARE talk to me of patriotism! I swear you royal lapdogs are getting younger and younger! Begone and let an old man sit in peace", he said, before sitting back down. The royal guard seemed rather downtrodden, and walked away...

This seemed to be relevant to the politics of Raelin, the question was... Who was worth pursuing for questioning?

The Academy of Valennia

@Seirei No Hai

The receptionist looked at the young lady, then to the stone, then to the young lady. It was clear she herself didn't know what this was in the slightest, she wasn't hired to take looks into artifacts. Still, she could point her to someone helpful. She took a quick look at the catalogue for departments on a magical screen, floating to her right, a few swipes and then she turned back to the young mage.

"I am sorry I don't know personally, anything about that... But let's see... If you say a Bandersnatch, you may have luck either with the Alchemy department, or the Artifacts department", well that made sense... If it was a drop from an enemy, mayhap it has some use as a material, on the other hand... It could be an artifact? It felt like it was neither yet both. Some level of extra running around felt expected, now that these were her options. The receptionist then proceeded with a bunch of directions for both, but being a student (former) here, hopefully she'll already know the way. After she was done,

"Is there anything else I can help you with?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Jollan@Sho Minazuki

Truth be told, Annika was feeling way better wearing her usual attire. No unnecessary frills or excess clothing, it wasn't hot nor she felt unprotected from the climate. It allowed her to move herself perfectly well... To say that she liked those style of clothes was an understatement. They were almost a second skin to her.

"It feels... Much better like this..." Annika muttered as they got inside the bar.

Garsin indeed had a point when he said that power struggles did affect both small people and strong people alike... But they had fundamentally different views of what was happening. But still... she was secretly hoping that she was wrong... She most definitely didn't want to wear that annoying dress full of frills and go to the palace...

When Garsin patted her on the shoulder while saying for them to get something to drink first, Annika simply nodded as she followed him. While she wasn't really that good with alcohol, she apparently had completely misunderstood Garsin's intentions. The way she thought was that if they simply stood around doing nothing, it would be really suspicious, instead, ordering something to drink would help them to pass like normal customers.

The simple thought that maybe Garsin simply wanted to drink something didn't even pass through her head.

To anyone who looked at Annika, it was incredibly clear that she didn't drink at all. From the way she was holding the tankard, with both of her hands almost as if it was something dangerous and the way her face contorted discreetly after taking a sip despite it being a sweet and weak ale were dead giveaways... Albeit it was indeed adorable to see her like that.

As the bar began filling up with patrons coming for lunch, so it became higher the number of rumors and stories they heard from other patrons talking with each other. Just like Annika had previously said though, most of them weren't related to their mission at all. Although... the same name was heard by Annika in a frequency that made it unable to at least not pay a small attention about those. Swords of Valor... Judging by the tales she heard (which ranged from obvious exaggerations and fairy tales to rumors that could as well be true) it seemed that the normal people had quite the mixed opinion about them. At least for now, it was improbable that they had any anything to do with their mission, still, Annika would keep her ear open to any strange comments about those.

Unlike the other patrons though, their 'primary' target, the strange man wearing a military garb, indeed seemed to be waiting for someone... The one he was meeting with though was quite a surprise for both Annika and Garsin alike... It was none other than a member of the Raelinian Praetorian Guard, who worked directly for the king.

Unfortunately for them, due to the noise inside the bar, they weren't able to eavesdrop on the conversation the royal guard and the old man wearing a military garb were having other than a sudden outburst of rage coming from the old man, mentioning something about patriotism before the royal guard walked away.

They were both obviously relevant characters that could give Annika and Garsin precious information, but the question was: how would they even approach them, how would they make them speak and who it was worth to chase after?

Turning to Garsin, the confusion was clear on her face as she looked at him.

"The old man should have more information... But the other one is a Praetorian Guard and not a retired veteran like the old man is... maybe..." Annika discreetly said to Garsin, her voice getting a bit lower on the last word.

"How are we going to approach them or even convince them to talk?" she asked, with a slight sense of urgency in her tone as she watched the Praetorian Guard walking away.

It was clear that Annika was really annoyed by the complete lack of information they had at the moment. They didn't even know who their target was, despite being snipers. Were those who offered them that job unaware of a sniper's modus operandi?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Academy of Valennia

"No thanks. I know the way, I just graduated a year ago after all. Thanks again." What Eawyn held in her hand was no alchemy ingredient, she'd never seen anything like it. Corrupted Bandersnatches are as rare as they come, an average person could've only seen at least two in their lifetime so there's no way something like this would be an Alchemy ingredient. Must be an artifact. She surmises.

Taking familiar paths to the Artifacts department, she finds herself at yet another door, giving it a few knocks before speaking out: "Excuse me! I'd like to have this artifact appraised? I was told the staff here would know what unknown artifacts would do!" If any staff members would recognize her, it'd help her get used to the place as herself instead of acting all diligent and student-like.

@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@13org@Sho Minazuki

Garsin looked to Anika with a withering grin. Still not used to thinking on her feet when the mission wasn't standard, was she? Garsin had another drink already on the way to make his next move, the timing of the man getting irritated at the younger guard couldn't have been any better. He looked over to the military man and nodded to him, hopefully getting his attention. "Being called to 'fight the good fight', eh?" He lifted the fresh tankard of ale and sat it on the bar in front of an empty bar stool next to him. "A draft never hurt to take the edge off. Been there myself, never a great spot to be. Two sides call for your support, both claiming to be fighting for a better future." He took a drink from his own tankard.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 days ago

The Drowned Dragon's Inn


"Edge?! HAH! If just a few were enough I'd be home passed out in my bed already, waiting for tomorrow. Christ, what's it to you...", the old man turned to the one who seems to have joined him for a drink. Despite the drunken flush in his cheeks, his eyes were still sharp. His features were rough, a sharp and short beard that lined his jaw, along with a short matching mustache.

"Heeehhhh, from Escain huh? No guns like that around here, you'd need to special order those", the old man took another swig.

"It ain't about the 'good fight', I guess a foreigner wouldn't have heard. A bit hush-hush. Damn princeling's a slob is what! And now those Guard want to keep supporting him. Yeah good luck supporting someone who won't even get off his damn arse", there was a fair amount of frustration expressed in his voice, but there seemed to be some semblance of information regarding the political situation in Raelin. The country is run by a monarchy, with a council. Ultimately the Emperor is able to order or bring about change as they please, although a council was made to handle civil matters. However, the two are meant to keep one another in check... The problem became a bit more obvious, after learning this.

"But enough about that! Come on huh?! Let's see how much you can pack away!", the bartender then retorted as he handed the old man yet another flagon.

"Enough, don't drag the good man into being silly drunk in broad daylight. Should know better than that Colonel", so this man was... Decently influential.

"Oh shaddup! You killjoy!", now could be a good time to stop or... Drink? Probably.

The Academy of Valennia

@Seirei No Hai

"Remarkable... A bandersnatch you say?", the professor that beheld the young mage's peculiar gem held it up against the light, he pulsed mana through his fingers occasionally, and in response the gem would flare up with heat and light. It's conversion rate for mana to fire was absurdly fast. So it seems he's found it's property already. This was professor Rolan, head professor of the artifacts department. He studied the gem carefully... He seemed to grab a book from the shelf and flip through it awhile, before he spoke again.

"Hmmmmm... This is a ritual gem...", he finally said. A rather direct answer.

"But... Where did you get this? When the use of dogma was outlawed, so too were rituals to call upon gods. These gems would be the catalyst to summon them. In this case... This gem has such a powerful fire, it is most absolutely related to Ifrit", he explained. The old man's eyes were sagging, it was hard to see his wrinkled squint as he examined the gem as he talked. He stood up once more, his long robes flowing behind him as he walked back over to Eawyn, handing it back to her.

"There's a lot that can be done with it, but you would need to ask a summoner about that. They are gems, so they can be turned into trinkets, or inscribed into weapons, for that you may need a blacksmith too. Or... You can find a buyer on the black market and sell it for a fortune too. A charged one like this would go for a large house", he explained. He smiled to her as he finished, "but I trust you won't do something so irresponsible now would you?" The professor then headed back to his desk and sat down.

"As a result, it is actually quite valueable. Do be wary on who you show it to", his advice came out rather serious. Still, it was not unreasonable, cults still exist for various gods, both malevolent and benevolent, though it was not the god that was the problem, but the lengths people would go to in order to serve their object of worship. Still, this left Eawyn with a fair few options... These were rare too, so she couldn't expect to just find another unless she really went looking. She can keep it this way to augment her spells, or maybe do something more with it.

The Royal Garnet


The young songstress caught the gaze of men as she waltzed through the establishment. The red and gold decor with finely carved wooden railings and pillars, amidst a variety of flags along the rafters representing some visiting nobles, against this, the stark and almost pure white Aria stood out far more than others. As she approached the front desk, the receptionist seemed to have been staring at her for a good solid minute, wondering if she was here for this or... Just visiting? In any case, as soon as her body language made it clear, the receptionist inquired to the possible customer,

"H-hello, ma'am. Is there anything I can help you with? Perhaps you would like a room? Or access to our buffet? We are serving specialities from Frinia today, if you are interested". The receptionist was a young man, well-dressed and polite, he stood there, awaiting a response.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Jollan@Sho Minazuki

Annika silently followed Garsin as he approached the man. He was indeed much more accustomed and undoubtedly the better choice for situations like those. Taking a tankard himself and starting to drink as fiercely as the other man, Annika understood the approach Garsin had planned. Using both the drink and a common background to establish a sense of familiarity with the old man and allow a more... comfortable conversation... Or at least that was what Annika thought. He might as well just be drinking for the sake of drinking and just approaching the man without thinking about anything like that.

Annika wouldn't be of much help in that part of the conversation, but she had to at least try to do something to make herself a bit less suspicious than just straight up start eyeing the man almost as if that was some kind of interrogation, as such, Annika tried as hard as she could to continue drinking despite hating alcohol. Holding the tankard with both hands and delicately raising it to her lips, she took another small sip of it, followed up by a discreet shake of her head with a disgusted expression.

Despite being obviously already somewhat drunk, it was clear that the old man had sharp eyes, as he quickly noticed their weapons and assumed, correctly, that they were from Escain. As he started complaining about the political situation, Annika immediately started paying close attention. If that guards who came here before was directly supporting the prince, that old man surely mustn't be just a nobody. Confirming her thoughts, the bartender came just a moment after that, calling him 'Colonel'. That man was more influential than what Annika had previously thought... That was a good sign.

But when he mentioned drinking more than they already were, despite discreet, Annika's facial expression was clearly one of panic. She was already struggling to just take small sips, let alone starting drinking for real... That was a very good opportunity to make the colonel more friendly towards them, and possibly make him let slip more information, but Annika wouldn't be able to do anything regarding alcohol. She hated it and was notably weak to it.

Immediately looking to Garsin, her expression already said everything without actually saying anything as she pushed the tankard away from her with a discreet disgusted face and looked at him shortly after, with a determined expression. He had to take up that Colonel's challenge.
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