Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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“Well recently we’ve had some break-ins at night. My inn, the local grocer, and the general goods shop has all been hit every night for the past week. At first it was just small stuff, food and what not. But recently we noticed coins missing, and just last night we spotted the thieving rat who’s been stealing from us. If you could catch em, I can promise you that me and the others who’s been affected will pay you a hundred gold coins, plus a few free favors here and there. Can’t speak for the others but I’ll let ya room here whenever you want if you can catch the criminal.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sylvia listened as the job was described and a couple of thoughts bubbled to the surface. A hundred gold and the favors would probably go a long way for her here, however, it sounds like the criminal may have been stealing food and other small items before going for the money...

What would be done to the criminal once they were caught?

She let out a pensive "Hmmm..."

She then asked out of curiosity, "You said you spotted the thief last night? Could you describe what they looked like?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

“Real skinny fella, short too, but he ain’t no kid. Young though, maybe twenty odd years or so? Dressed like a bandit you know, ragged looking with a face mask. Dirty yellow hair. He has a bow but no arrows. Watch out though, last night he stole a shortsword from the general shop. He might try to stick you with it if he gets cornered. We tried chasing him down last night but none of our boys were fast enough. By the time we thought we had him trapped, he was already gone.” The old man wiped his nose and leaned forward, taking a small worn map out and o to the counter.

“Thing is we got a good idea of where he runs off too every night when he tries to escape, since we know he doesn’t live in the village. We can get some of our boys ready to capture him, block em off if he tries to run from you. All we need you to do is catch em. After that well... We’ll just have to leave em in the stocks I guess, at least until the duke sends his tax collectors and soldiers by. We can turn him over to them then.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

So...around my age...

Sylvia thought to herself. She listened as the innkeeper as he described the thief, and what he has in his arsenal. She couldn't help but think that a shortsword from a thief is probably not as bad as a spear from a skeleton.

She looked at the map and listened to him as he stated that they knew where the thief runs off to, and that they can organize a way to corner him. She commented "That would be most helpful...!"

She then commented, "We'll probably need to discuss a plan further with your friends, make sure everyone's ready for the thief...but other than that, I'm in,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

“Great! They don’t live too far, I can easily bring them over. Just give me a few minutes to fetch them.” Sure enough after the old man left, he came back in a few minutes with three young but strong men, a rather portly woman, and a middle-aged looking man. “This Iola, she runs the general goods store. That’s Yerro, runs the grocer. The three lads are Toi, Krik, and Dura.”

The woman, Iola, spoke up. “Aye, that rats been into my secret coin stash, stealing at my life’s savings! Worse he took me old pap’s sword, bless his soul. I’d be in your debt if you could help me get it back!” Then the other man, Yerro, chimed in. “Fortunately for me he hasn’t stolen anything as valuable, mostly just pillaging my shop and making a mess of things. Still I can’t have him ruined my business either. I don’t have much but coin, but if you could bring him back to us to face justice I’ll throw in an extra reward on top of what we’re already paying.”

Finally the three young men spoke up, or at least Toi did. The others just nodded in agreement. Unlike the others Toi had an elvish look about him, but he was build big instead of lanky. “We ain’t warriors, but we can’t just do nuthin while this thief picks on our neighbors! Now that we know where that blighter comes from, me and the lads here can nab him if he tries to make a break for it. Out of the three I’m the fastest, but that thief is a quick climber. If you can somehow cut me off from climbing the roof, I’ll be right there with you to wrestle me down.”

The old man smiled and nodded as he looked back at you. “I’m Ricks by the way. As I mentioned before, our plan is mainly to cover every exit we can, to trap that rat in town. You can help you secure the thief, and with your help I’m sure this time we can bring his reign of terror to an end. Sounds good?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sylvia nodded to his answer, and she waited as he brought his friends over. She listened to their introductions and their plights caused by the thief. She took mental note of their names and mentioned abilities. After they finished, she answered them nodding, "Sounds good to me. My name is Sylvia. I can use martial arts, and I can be pretty stealthy myself,"

She then asked the group, "Do you know where and when he'll strike next? I can start pursuing him from there. Maybe if I'm lucky, I can sneak up on him and knock him out before he even gets the chance to run,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

“Aye, he always seems to start at my shop first. Usually grabs coins and tools, then hits Yerro’s shop for groceries. What that little rat does with money I can’t fathom, not as if he trades with anyone in town.” Iola snarled. Yerro chimed in with a finger raised. “He might be paying those Iron Hammer brigands to the north. I remember seeing a strange amulet he had on, looked like a miniature hammer. He might be a member.” Ricks sighed. “That doesn’t make it any better. A thief we can deal with, but a whole gang of bandits? We only have about six Well armed men. The rest of us are just fishermen and sailors.”

Iola shrugged and looked to you. “Then we’ll just have to catch that rat and ask him why he’s doing what he’s doing. See if he’s a spy for those bandits or not. Either way, we gotta deal with him first. Pretty sure we can start as soon as you’re ready, lassie.” Iola smiles and nodded at you.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sylvia nodded at the answer, already her mind figuring out what might be the best idea to go about this job. She did raise an eyebrow at the mention of the Iron Hammer bandits. She had no idea who they were, but she wasn't about to question that now. That was a discussion for another day. Apparently, they were bandits...and apparently a somewhat feared group as well. Only six well armed men were here? That's not good...

Sylvia turned her attention back to Iola as she spoke once more. After moving her shoulder slightly to see if it still somewhat hurt, which it did but not badly enough to hinder her, she answered Iola, "If it's not too late at this point, I'm ready. Well, I'll probably want to drop my backpack off in the room I rented for the night first. Wouldn't want to be weighed down during the chase,"

She then stated her idea, "Let's prepare for his arrival at Yerro's. We can let Iola's shop give the thief a false sense of security, and thus, we get the element of surprise. I can hide in Yerro's store, and while the thief is pilfering Yerro's store, I can sneak up on him and try to knock him unconscious. Best case scenario, it works and I'll be dragging him out of Yerro's. Worst case? We'll be cornering him and wrestling him. Plus, this way, he might be weighed down by whatever he steals. Sound good to everyone?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Iola didn’t seem to like the idea of letting her shop get robbed, but she let out a begrudging sigh. “Suppose I could try and stash my lighter tools elsewhere, make him carry the heavier stuff. Just make sure you catch em tonight!” With the plan set the group went to prepare. Ricks went over to you and gave an approving smile. “I’ll be honest with you lass, I didn’t actually expect you to be so willing I assist us, specially not this late at night. Here,” He drops two silver coins in your hands. “Your room and meal are free for tonight. And if we catch that criminal, you’ll always have a place to stay here in Cassari.”

Eventually everyone was in place. The young men hid in the building where the thief usually escapes to, ready to get to the roof once they got the signal. Iola and Yerro stood by the gates to make sure the thief could t exit that way either. And finally Toi and Ricks were positioned near the beach, once more cutting off any escape the thief could take. This way Toi could also easily storm through the streets if you needed him to try and catch the thief.

All that was needed now was for you to wait in Yerro’s grocery store and try to make yourself hidden. How well this operation went relief entirely on you.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki

Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sylvia nodded in response to Iola's request to catch the thief tonight. Once the others had gone, she turned her attention back to Ricks. She accepted the two silver, and answered him, rubbing the back of her head, "Thank you. And really, I'm happy to be able to help out,"

After that, she put her backpack in her room, but kept her quarterstaff and throwing knives on her for the mission. She made her way to Yerro's grocery store, and managed to hide herself behind a wall. Soon enough the thief does show up. He didn't seem to notice her! Everything was going according to plan. So she took her chance. She snuck up quietly behind him, and with both hands on her staff, she proceeded to try and hit him on the head, and sweep kick under his feet in order to just knock him unconscious, and knock him to the floor.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

He never saw it coming. As the thief was tossing salted fish into his sack your staff knocked him clean on the head, causing his body to freeze up fr the shock. Then you swept him off his feet and face first into the ground in a complete daze, leaving him KO without even a peep. Only the ragged breathing was any sign that he survived the ambush. You’ve successfully knocked him you.

Among the possessions he had was some sturdy rope you could use to tie him
Up, as well as a coin purse containing what you’d estimate to be 20 gold and silver coins. On his hip was a rather well made shortsword. While lacking any ornaments it was very well kept with a keen edge. Inscribed onto one side of the blade was the word “Promise” and the otherside has the word “Heyrin”. Finally around the thief’s neck was a strange sort of amulet. It was a rusty iron color and appeared to be a stylized capital “I”, but with the bottom part slightly longer and more pronounced. If you had to guess this was likely the “Iron Hammer” amulet Yerro saw.

With the thief secure, all you need to do now is bring him to the others, who were still waiting to see if they needed to give chase and help you. What shall you do?

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki

Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sylvia had to admit, she didn’t expect the plan to go this well. After the thief fell, she muttered “Sorry,” before getting back to business. She didn’t hesitate in using the rope he had to tie his ankles and wrists together so he can’t try and escape. She also proceeded to take any and all weapons she could find off of his person. Can’t have him using a hidden blade to cut the rope.

After inspecting the possessions, she thought on what to do next. Even with this guy bound, she didn’t think just leaving him in the store was a good idea, and she needed to let the others know that the plan went well.

So she tossed the thief over her shoulder, like she was carrying a sack of potatoes, and headed out of the store. She headed for the Toi and Ricks’ position, as they might be the closest to her spot. The stolen items were left behind in Yerro’s.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Toi looked like he was ready to pounce when you showed up, but seeing the thief over your shoulder made him stumble. “Whuh? You caught him already? That’s.... Wow! Good job cos!” Ricks was also surprised, but just let out a heart chuckle. “Well well well! Looks like our worries were for naught then! Great work lassie. Toi, get the sticks set up, I’ll go inform the others.”

Before too long Toi and his boys put the still knocked out thief securely in the stocks in plain view of the sentries, having still been unconscious since the attack. Iola got her father’s blade back while Yerro cleaned up the mess in his shop and turned over the stolen goods there. Finally, you and Ricks returned to the inn. “Gotta say, I’m mighty impressed lassie. I wish I could say our boys could have easily done the same but well, no point in lying. Still it’s getting mighty late. Come down tomorrow and we’ll have your reward ready for ya, plus some extra stuff. And go ahead and keep that key too, consider Room Five your home now.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sylvia couldn’t help but smile a bit at the surprise from Toi and Ricks. She answered Toi’s question, “Yup! I just hope I didn’t hit his head too hard,”
She smiled at the praise she received from the two, and she helped put the thief in the stocks.

Soon enough, she was back at the inn, and she rubbed the back of her head at the praise. She commented, “I honestly didn’t expect my plan to go so well. I was mentally prepared for it to go south. Still, I’m glad I was able to help out,”

At the mention that she can keep the key, she answered happily, “Wow! Thank you! That’s quite an honor,”

She then asked Ricks, “Before I turn in for the night...When you guys question the thief, would it be alright if I’m there as well? I’m kinda curious as to why he was stealing from here as well,”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

“Of course. Frankly we wouldn’t have started questioning him until the chief shows up, which he can’t do right now on account of being asleep. But rest assured that we won’t start talking to him u til you’ve arrive. If he does anything funny, it’s be great if you were there to help us.” If there was nothing else, Picks himself was going to rest easy tonight knowing that his inn was safe.

As for you, your room was small and frankly not too great. Your bed consisted of a box filled with hay and a flax sheet stretched over it, possibly as either a blanket or bedsheet. There was no pillow either. Aside from a small table and window there wasn’t much else on this room either, not even a candle to provide any illumination. Only the moonlight allowed you to even see what’s inside. Still there was a bar you could use to lock your door and window, so it was at least mildly secure. If there was nothing else, after everything that happened today you’d fall asleep easily.

And if being in this strange new world wasn’t weird enough you had a strange dream. You could see a huge storm, a hurricane perhaps, but soon a ray of light breaks through the dark clouds. That rat grows bigger until a large hole of divine light shines through but what comes out we’re not angels. No, it was a massive black dragon, with piercing golden eyes as he fell through the skies and plummeted towards the ocean. But before he would hit the water he spread his wings and flew forward. Accompanying him, thousands of harpies and other winged monsters, even smaller dragons. The dream fades just as you looked closer to the drago’s face, right before he turns to look at you.

And then morning came. Whether due to your dream or your own body’s natural urges, you awaken somewhat early and feel fairly well rested. The wound on your shoulder was also fully healed at this point. Thanks to Pylia’s quick first aid, there wasn’t even a scar, just the bloodstains on your clothing showing any sign that you’ve even been wounded. Soon there’s a light knock on your door and a feminine voice called. “Hello dear? Breakfast is ready.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sylvia nodded and answered Ricks, "Okay, I'll be there. You just let me know when. Have a good night, Ricks," After bidding Ricks a good night, she headed for her own room. She would be lying if she had said that she wasn't disappointed. Of course, it may have been too much to expect the inn room to be like a hotel room back home. But still...this was better than nothing at all.

So, after making sure the window and door were locked, Sylvia immediately fell asleep on the bed, completely forgetting about the pajamas that she had stashed into her backpack. Today was a busy day...and she could feel the last couple of hours or so catch up to her. At this point, she didn't care if she could feel the hay poking at her, she was just glad to not be sleeping on the hard ground.

Then...the dream came to her. A hurricane, above the ocean before the clouds part to show...

What in the...?!

A Dragon?! And it had an entourage of monsters and smaller dragons with it. She felt fear as she gazed upon the black scaled being, but she also couldn't help but wonder where it was flying to. However, that thought was interrupted as the dragon turned its golden gaze...to her.

She gasped and sat up straight quickly as she woke up from the dream. Sylvia panted to catch her breath and she asked "Wh-What...?"

She then shook her head as she thought to herself "Calm down...It was just a dream," At least...that's what she hoped it was. She then checked her shoulder to see that her wound had healed, completely. She made a mental note to thank Pylia. Apparently those berries worked wonders!

She then looked to the door as she heard a voice call for her saying that breakfast was ready. She called back, "Ah! Thank you, I'll be down soon,"

Come to think of it, breakfast sounded pretty good right now. After trying to straighten her short blonde hair and fluff it up so that it's not completely flat, she decided to head downstairs for breakfast.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

An elderly woman guided you downstairs towards the dinning area, again fairly small and rustic. It consisted of two largish tables with long wooden benches as seats. The woman went into the kitchen and served warm, fresh bread, baked fish, and a sort of sea food soup to you. It wasn’t pretty but it tasted really good. Another person came down, a rough looking man, huge with greeting hair and a full beard, who was also served the same meal as you were. He ate in quiet.

The morning seems quiet. It was still early with only the sounds of the ocean waves and seagulls to cut the silence, and even then it wouldn’t be long before those noises fade into the background. Over the course of breakfast the sun would rise though, signaling the start of a new day.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sylvia followed the elderly woman down to the dining area. Once there, she took a seat at the table. She thanked the elderly woman politely after she brought out the food for her. It didn't look appetizing, but Sylvia's stomach growled at the smell of the food. She quickly found that the food was delicious. She noticed the rough looking man who also came down for breakfast. He looked rough. Perhaps he had been traveling and fighting off dangers longer than she herself had?

Sylvia kept to herself though, as she ate her breakfast. As she ate, she took in the peaceful scenery and the moment around her. If there was a window near where she sat, she would have looked through it towards the outside from her seat, and notice that the sun is rising. The sound of the ocean and seagulls reached her ears.

The Ocean and seagulls...

The sound brought the dream to mind once more. Wasn't the dragon flying over the ocean?

Sylvia told herself once more that it was just a dream. It was probably nothing.

She continued to eat slowly and in silence, until there was nothing of her breakfast left. Whatever today had in store for her, she figured that she was probably going to need all of the energy she can get.

After that, she stood up and decided to get some of her things, and look around town if the Ricks and the chief weren't ready to question the thief yet.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Your search wouldn’t take long. Just outside of the inn Rocks was walking with an equally old man, with a bald head and a beard. They seem to be discussing the thief when Ricks sees you. “Ah, and our hero! Chief, she’s the one who helped us nab the rat sleeping in the stocks right now.” The chief stepped forward to you, smiling. “My name is Arduo, Chief Arduo. I’m thankful for your help. We are a peaceful village, and most of our troubles are usually just a bit of drunken revelry or bad weather. I’m glad you’ve caught the thief before more drastic measures had to be taken.”

“Aye, old Iola wants to flog him right now! Good thing we got the boys holding her back!” Ricks gave a chuckle as he lead you and the Chief over to the stocks. As the name implied, it was little more than a cage with a restraining device for a prisoners head and hands. Iola and Yerro were there, as was Toi and his boys. And perhaps to your surprise, Pylia was also here applying some sort of medicine onto the thief. She’s too focused on her task to notice you.

“As soon as he wakes up, we’ll question him about what he’s been doing here. Then we can decide his fate.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki

Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sylvia certainly hadn't expected to find Ricks so soon! Apparently he was talking to someone when she stepped out of the inn. After Chief Arduo was introduced, Sylvia nodded with a smile and she greeted, "It's nice to meet you, Chief Arduo. I'm Sylvia," She listened as he mentioned that the most trouble they get are weather problems and drunken revelry. She couldn't help but laugh a little as well at the mention of Iola being held back. She followed the two to the stocks.

Sylvia didn't quite like seeing the cage with the restraints, but...there were probably worse things than this. She easily noticed Iola, Yerro, and Toi and the boys. Oh! And there's Pylia as well! That came as a pleasant surprise to Sylvia. She was applying medicine onto the thief...

Oh...Maybe Sylvia used too much force in her attacks last night?

Sylvia decided to leave Pylia to her task and she turned her attention back to the Arduo and Ricks, and after they stated asking him once he woke up, she decided to ask Ricks,

"How's his condition? Did he wake up in the middle of the night at all?"
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