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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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The more Faolan shared of his.. situation, the more curious that Lucien became, but he still managed to hold his tongue in asking, and simply agreed. Perhaps later down the line he'd have a better chance to ask.. once it had already happened a few times. While the thought of being left alone who knows where was a little scary, his faith in Faolan and knowing he'd come back for him was reassuring. Even though this whole circumstance was weird, the man sounded completely genuine. He wasn't lying to him, and that was enough for him.

At his next words, golden eyes shifted back to him, as they had went back to staring at the passing trees when he had thought the conversation was over.

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you for the consideration." He said, giving him a small smile. Despite the statement though, he didn't really think he'd want to part from Faolan's side anytime soon.


As they reached the next town, Faolan went about his usual routine of trying to find work. Lucien went along, since he had been determined to not be dead weight. When the man was able to find bartender jobs, he was given the task of helping in the back with washing dishes and cleaning, since they refused to believe he was twenty years old and therefore old enough to help out behind the bar. He simply didn't look it no matter what his identification said. Still, he was glad he was able to find something to help out with in terms of expenses.

When they had earned enough, they continued on their way again. Lucien used whatever chances he could to ask Faolan to teach him how to fight little by little. Despite his lack of knowledge he had strength and speed that was far greater than anyone with his physique would have, thanks to his divine blood. He wondered if doing more physical taxing labor could help him become stronger like Faolan, and maybe allow him to now look as childish as he did? He had a lot to hope for.

It was when they were travelling through a large forest that Lucien had a strong urge to bring up the topic he had been avoiding for a while now. If it wasn't for their current location he might have held out longer but.. this was a perfect place. They were pretty far from the next town.. no civilization in sight. No one to see him, no way he could expose himself. He fidgeted a little as he struggled to speak. It was hard to bring up, after all, but he really wanted to tell him. He knew he could trust Faolan to keep this a secret, just as he had when he learned of his ability of healing.

"Hey.. Faolan.." He spoke up a little hesitantly, glancing at their surroundings again. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you.. I figure.. this is a good place to bring it up.."

"It's about me.. and well.. what I can do.. and what I am."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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As they reached the next town, Faolan immediately set about finding them a place to stay and a way to earn money. He took another bouncing job, not as rowdy as the first one, but having Lucien there to help earn the wage was good. He doubted he would have been able to support both of them on the meager income he was expecting. They found cheap lodging in a boarding house nearby, and although they had to sleep in a room with six beds, all of them full, it was comfortable enough for a night's rest. Faolan then took a construction job, which earned them some more cash during the day, and the two set out within the next two weeks. Faolan wanted to make sure they reached their next destination in time for his solo field trip.

He had bought a map of the surrounding area and located a shortcut through a wooded area. Most would not venture through the bayou of Louisiana unaccompanied by a guide, he was told, but Faolan was an experienced hiker, tracker, and hunter, among other things. To pass the time as they traveled, Lucien had asked him to teach him how to fight and show him correct form for training, for which Faolan was happy to oblige him. Although his "affliction" made him strong on its own, Faolan still valued physical labor and strength training. It helped him relieve excess energy and keep his mind sharp as well, the adrenaline was a good grounding point for him.

During the training, Faolan was actually surprised by how quick Lucien was to pick everything up. He seemed rather small and sleight for his age, but he was a fast learner and willing. Faolan enjoyed their training together, and accelerated the process more quickly than he had anticipated. He expressed his surprise when he felt Lucien's punch for the first time, and judged his reaction time. Although, of course Faolan was quicker and stronger, Lucien was already advanced for someone who had done absolutely no physical training before. Not to mention his high stamina; the lad never complained, even during the longest walks. The two seemed to be getting along well, and Faolan was more glad for his company than he anticipated.

During their current trek towards their next stop, Faolan had decided to take a mid-afternoon break to eat and re-hydrate. He was sitting on a rock, drinking from a canteen, when Lucien had begun to speak. He looked over at him and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. He raised his eyebrows, completely caught off guard by the lad's words.

A moment of silence hung between them before he responded, screwing the lid shut on the bottle and placing it back in his bag. "Lad, you don't have to do this." He said, then looked back over at him, resting his hand on his knee as he leaned forward, shaking his head. "It's none of my business." He hadn't asked Lucien about anything he had seen or noticed, nor had he really given it much thought since the lad had healed his wound. This was partially out of self-preservation; asking questions of someone tended to get them curious in return, and that he intended to avoid at all costs. The rest was out of respect for Lucien's privacy, simple as that. He didn't want the boy thinking he owed him an explanation.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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Lucien shook his head, having expected this sort of response from Faolan. He truly did respect his privacy, but he did have to do this, not out of obligation, but because there were things he couldn't do simply because Faolan didn't know about him.

"No.. I do. You've been very respectful of my secret, and I really appreciate that, but there was more than one reason why I wanted to leave. I wanted more than just one type of freedom. I grew up sheltered and restricted. I had never been able to do a lot of the things I wanted to freely because they didn't want me to be exposed. Now that I have that freedom.. I don't want to be restricted anymore. I want to do the things I never got to fully enjoy before.. and I can't do that if I'm keeping this secret from you. I also think.. it's a little lonely to be unable to talk to you about these things honestly." He told him, his tone completely genuine. He really did want to be able to talk to Faolan without having to hold anything back anymore.

Honestly he didn't even know how he could go about it. He felt like explaining would make him sound insane, though he didn't really think Faolan would think that of him. It was hard to formulate the words. He was clearly nervous, after all he had never had to tell this to anyone before. After a moment of inner struggle, he shook his head.

"I guess it's best.. If I just show you." He said. Without another moment to waste, Lucien tensed for a brief moment. Seconds later, pure, large white wings spread from his back, stretching to their full wingspan, causing some of the leaves on the ground to shift away from him with the small gust of wind he created. He had almost stumbled a little, but he quickly regained himself. He wasn't really used to having the weight of his wings on his back.

When was the last time he had been able to do this? He couldn't even remember. They had certainly grown a lot more than from the last time he had taken them out. As a child, he had been able to do little movements of flight within his room, but as he had grown older, the space he had to work with became smaller and smaller, and he was restricted from being able to do this outside because the priests were afraid someone would see him. Now, in this completely emptied forest, he finally had the chance to enjoy it, but he really couldn't unless Faolan knew the truth.

"I'm.. a nephilim.." He told him a little nervously, figured he should just up and say it. This would be harder to guess than just assuming he was an angel.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan opened his mouth to protest Lucien's offer once more, but the lad kept talking so he shut it again. He listened silently to all he had to say, not interjecting or making any changes in his posture or expression. Once it was all out, Faolan couldn't really blame him for wanting to share his secret. Faolan had been curious, especially after the healing incident, and as long as the lad didn't demand any information in return, he didn't see the harm in letting him speak. He kept his mouth shut, watching Lucien's face as he struggled to find the words. He was clearly nervous, but if this was something he was determined to do, Faolan knew the cost of trying to talk him out of it.

The Irishman's jaw nearly dropped when wings sprouted out of Lucien's back. It was as if they had always been there and he had just never seen them. All of a sudden, everything made sense. The healing, the smell and feeling of purity that surrounded him, and his conversation with the priest. This was the Divinity Father Cyril had mentioned. His eyes moved over the wings, tracing the feathers as he processed what he was seeing. Lucien could definitely use these to fly, if he needed to, they were the right size for him.

Before this moment, Faolan had never entertained the idea that angels and demons existed, but this had to be proof. Religion had always been a point of contention for him, especially growing up in an Irish Catholic household, and when he was younger he had thought it easiest to discount everything he had been taught, including the winged men that did God's bidding. Now he felt a little foolish. Of course, he had been well-versed in Irish and European mythology, and had done a bit of research on curses, even vampires, but this was an entirely different matter. If Angels were real, than what else was?

Once everything had settled and Faolan had a chance to let this knowledge wash over him, he couldn't help but smile as he looked at Lucien. It was clear that freedom meant much more to him than just leaving a life at the church.

"Well," he said, finally breaking the silence, "I can't say I'm surprised, what with the healing and the way these priest's seem to have kept you." There was another pause, and Faolan looked around. "Now I see why you wanted to do it here." When Lucien didn't respond, he laughed and gestured toward the clearing, "Well," he said, "Go ahead."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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Lucien didn't speak for a while, mostly because he wanted to give Faolan whatever time he needed to process all this. It was.. a lot to take in, but he was relieved by the reaction. There was a part of him that should have expected this from a man who tended not to question things. The smile Faolan gave him immediately eased all of his nerves, making him let out a breath he hadn't realized he was even holding.

When Faolan broke the silence, golden eyes shifted toward the sky, and then back at him. This was what he had wanted to do, and now that he was about to he almost couldn't restrain the excitement. For a moment he had forgotten how to even do it. It had been a long time after all. He flapped his wings a few times, wanting to calculate his control over them. It really had been too long. It almost felt foreign to him. When he was a child he remembered he had flown around his room with ease. He tried to remember that feeling as he quickened his pace. Leaves and dust rose from the air as he did so, and then his feet finally lifted from the ground. The feeling had been much too weird, the weight having shifted in a way he hadn't expected. His body bent fell forward, but his elevation from the ground kept it from actually colliding with it.

"I-It's been a while." He said, a little embarrassed. The man's body was practically parallel to the ground, but he tried to straighten out a little before going higher. "There's.. certainly a lot more weight to balance out than when I was a kid." He said a little jokingly. Once he got the hang of it a little more, he went higher. The forest they were in had a lot of tall tree's so there wasn't much to worry about in terms of being seen over them. He wasn't sure how high he wanted to go either. He stopped thinking about it the more of a grasp he got on the movement. His expression brightened up. In the enclosed space of his room he had never been able to go this high before.

"It's a lot windier up here!" He commented. Considering his only true experience of flight was indoors, it wasn't something he had really been expecting. Having to focus on the movements of his own body, his wings, and the trajectory of the wind was a lot more work than he had thought. It was also a lot colder too. As he tried to make his way further up toward the higher ends of the tree's, a strong gust of wind hit him. It caught him off guard and threw him off balance and knocked him off his trajectory, causing him to begin to fall. He tried to straighten his wings, but it was a lot harder to do with the force of the fall working against him. Having resigned himself being unable to recuperate, he simply braced himself for impact.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan couldn't force his smile back from whence it came when he saw Lucien excitedly rising into the air. It truly was a sight to behold, a nearly grown man flying with two six foot long wings sprouting out of his back. If Faolan hadn't seen the things he had seen, this would have knocked him flat.

He watched a little nervously as Lucien rose into the air, and when the Frenchman tripped up, Faolan instinctively jumped to his feet to help if he was needed. It seemed that Lucien had caught himself, but Faolan watched all the same.

Suddenly, he thought of his mother and if she could see this how vindicated she would feel. His smile turned slightly sad, but remained on his face at the thought of what she would say if she were here with them now.

He watched as Lucien rose higher and higher, and stepped forward, almost underneath him just to be sure he would be okay. At the height he was reaching, he would break the canopy soon. "Don't get out of sight..." Faolan whispered to himself through gritted teeth.

And, of course, the inevitable did happen. Lucien was blasted by a gust of wind from the side and swerved off of his path. Faolan knew immediately that Lucien would not be able to right himself, and positioned himself under the lad as he plummeted toward the ground. A couple of sentences passed, and he held his arms out for Lucien. The Frenchman fell into them, and Faolan's braced knees barely moved with the impact,; wings and all, he was much lighter than the Irishman expected.

He looked down at Lucien, smiling a little more confidently now, "Well, you really made bags of that." he said, clearly joking with him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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The type of impact he had expected didn't come. Lucien had instinctively closed his eyes during his fall, but when he opened them, he saw he hadn't landed on the ground, but instead that Faolan had caught him. Honestly he had been so concentrated on flying that he hadn't actually been paying attention to the fact the man had positioned himself under him. He was a little surprised, to be honest, but as Faolan smiled and made a joke, Lucien broke out into a lighthearted laugh, tucking in the wings a little so they wouldn't be in Faolan's way. Despite his fall, he had enjoyed his flight.

"I did didn't I?' He said in between his laughs. "This is going to take a bit of practice, but thank you for catching me. You can set me down, I promise I won't fly off that high again until I'm better accustomed. I guess I have to start from scratch." He said. It'd be like learning to fly all over again, but either way, he thought it'd be fun, and his expression reflected it.

Once Faolan had set him down, he stretched a little, shifting his wings around as he tried to grow more familiar with their movements. It was strange how something that had been a part of his body all these years could feel so foreign to him.

"Oh!" He exclaimed, realizing there was still a bit that he had to tell him. Considering he knew what he was now, he figured it'd be good to tell him what he could do too, then maybe he wouldn't be so worried about him. He was pretty sure the fall to the ground would not have hurt him.

"Now that you know about all this, I can finally tell you. I can't really um.. get hurt I guess? At all. My body is.. very sturdy, even if it doesn't look it. I've never sustained any form of injury, or caught any illnesses either." He explained. Now that he thought about it, in the time he was here he hadn't received any type of bug bite either, as opposed to Faolan who had collected quite a few. He supposed this was handy in more than one way.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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"Probably best, yeah." Faolan said, and chuckled again lightly. There was a moment's pause and then he remembered to put Lucien down. His cheeks felt a bit hot as he realized he had just been standing there holding him, how foolish he must have looked...

But the conversation took his mind off of his embarrassment for the time being. Faolan couldn't help but furrow his brow and tilt his head at Lucien's next statement. If the wings hadn't been enough, now he was telling him that he was unable to feel pain? Faolan believed him of course, and was even a little envious. It was too bad his particular affliction hadn't come with that perk, or he would have avoided most of the pain in his life. If his scars had anything to say, his experience had been very much the opposite.

"So, yer tellin' me I shoulda' just dropped ya'?" He asked, eyebrow cocked. It was then that he realized how quickly he had grown comfortable around Lucien, enough to joke with him at least. He'd thought, after all these years of being alone that it would be a little harder to crack his shell. He couldn't tell if he was softening or if it was just Lucien's natural charisma that made him comfortable so quickly. Either way, it was better than worrying about what he had to say all of the time.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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Lucien couldn't help but chuckle amusingly at Faolan's question. He hadn't really expected it, but he had realized since they had left on their journey that Faolan seemed a little less tense than before, and that made him happy.

"I probably would have been fine. I mean when one of those Englishmen hit me over the head with a pole I just became a little disoriented, but I recovered pretty quickly." He said thoughtfully. "Though, I feel like even if you had known that, you might have still not let me hit the ground. It just seems like the kind of person you are." He said lightly.

"As far as I know, fire doesn't burn me.. knives can't cut me, and apparently, bugs can't bite me. Oh and, I can hit someone else with my face and be perfectly alright." He joked, remembering that other Englishman. There had been a couple candle incidents when he was a child, and Father Thomas had been given quite a shock at seeing that Lucien had gotten out of it without any burns whatsoever. There were also a couple kitchen incidents with a slip of the knife when he was making food.. things like that.

"I can still feel things. I can feel the heat, and I feel the force of impact of the things that would have hurt me. It just.. doesn't seem like anything can tear through my skin." He said, before he began trying to hover above ground again, just to keep getting the feel for it.

"I figured if I told you maybe you'd worry a little less. While I know I could get out of fights unscathed.. I don't really feel like being a punching bag in spite of that, so I wanted to learn to fight so I could be a little more efficient." He said. It was hard knowing that he had all this physical ability his whole life but have never been able to put it to good use. He felt like if he kept training with Faolan, he could really become stronger.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan felt an ire rise in him at the thought of one of those pricks back on the ship busting Lucien over the head. He almost scolded the lad, but thought better of interrupting. It wouldn't change anything now, even if he did.

He made his way back over to the rock he had settled on originally, leaned back and crossed his arms as he listened to Lucien's explanation. Faolan, try as he might, could not imagine not being able to feel pain. The concept didn't quite make sense to him. Of course, he could withstand a good bit of it before it was anything to cry about. The knife in the gut wouldn't have effected him so if the damned thing wasn't silver. Although he had been stabbed, kicked, punched, thrown out of windows and knocked on his ass more times than he could count, the pain never really let him. It dulled, sure, and was less intense as time went on and his body grew accustomed to it, but it still hurt and was unpleasant.

A thought struck him then; he wondered if the priests knew this. It didn't entirely add up if they did, if Lucien couldn't feel pain then what had they been so protective over? His healing powers, he supposed. It wasn't every day that someone stumbles upon a part-angel, or whatever he was. He supposed the priests were more worried about people using Lucien than they were hurting him. But still, it didn't excuse their behavior. At least the lad could have run to the store without getting hurt along the way.

When he was finished, Faolan nodded, watching him hover. "It's a good instinct you have, not to rely on that. Just because you haven't been hurt yet, doesn't mean you can't be hurt. Might just be waiting to find the thing that gets you." He almost growled the last couple of words. It had been an accident that he had even discovered his aversion to silver. Beforehand, he had experienced vastly accelerated healing. He could be hurt by any standard means, but the wounds would heal nearly instantly. He had even watched as his flesh pushed bullets out that had been lodged there only seconds ago.

The accident that lead to him discovering his weakness to silver was one he would never voice aloud: he had been helping a family move and had scratched his hand on the spout of a silver hot-water jug. The wound had not healed right away, as he was used to, and instead festered and drained his health. He thought he even may loose the entire arm, but within forty-eight hours, the fever had ended and he had regained consciousness, drained but alive. He made sure to stay away from the stuff ever since. He had only ever had few incidents with it, the worst of them being his encounter on the ship.

No need to share this specific information with Lucien just yet...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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Lucien couldn't deny that Faolan was right. Maybe there was something out there that could hurt him but he wouldn't really know about that until it happened. He honestly couldn't think of any possibilities though.

"It's possible.. but in terms of lore I don't know if there's anything angels are weak to aside from well.. being corrupted.. I guess? Sure.. I'm half human too but, I honestly don't know how much that changes in regards to that. I didn't get too much of a chance to explore this kind of stuff." Considering angels could fall, it's not like he could say they were completely invulnerable, but that was more of a psychological thing. Either way it wasn't like he had anyone he could ask about this. His father wasn't around, and the priests were a little.. biased. So he really was on his own when it came to this stuff.

"Oh, there's this too." He said, pulling out the relic from under his shirt. "This is a.. relic.. that was my father left to me. It's supposed to 'protect' me from evil, I found out after a few years of being given this that I could use it to create barriers." He explained, before extending his hands a little. The relic glowed slightly against his neck, and a medium sized barrier formed around him, shimmering slightly against the light.

"This I did get to practice often back at the church."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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So, it seemed that Lucien was in the dark about a lot of things as well. It wasn't surprising, give his upbringing, that a few things would be left out of his education about himself. Faolan's situation was not dissimilar; he had had to find out much of what he knew today about his 'condition' via trial and error. It wasn't like he had anyone around to really explain anything or show him the ropes, so to speak. If he had, his life may have turned out differently.

The more time he spent with Lucien, the more he came to realize how much the two of them had in common.

Faolan's eyebrows raised at Lucien's next demonstration. The list of things that Faolan didn't think possible was growing longer by the second. The "barrier" that Lucien's relic created was visible only for a second, but Faolan could sense it's presence in the back of his mind even without having to see it.

"Hm." He grunted, not really knowing what else to say. Instead, he got up and walked over to Lucien, then waved his hand in what appeared to him to be pure air. His hand stopped and fell against the barrier, and now he could see it underneath his palm, reacting to his touch with a small remittance of light. He rubbed his hand against it, feeling a slight tingle on his fingertips, before dropping his arm.

After a pause, he shrugged, "All of this, and they still wouldn't let you run to the market, eh?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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Lucien was quiet as Faolan approached the barrier, letting him inspect it as he pleased. At his comment, he couldn't help but let out a laugh, before dismissing the barrier around him.

"I mean, while I did think they were more than a little paranoid, there's more to it than that. My father er.. tasked them to protect me, and they might have taken that a little too far. I assume you are familiar with the tensions in France around the time we left. The threat of war was near, and they feared that if I was discovered my healing ability would be abused. That kind of thing is.. pretty useful during war.. So I can't say I don't understand why they weren't worried. However now that I was here, I honestly feel like there wouldn't have been much harm in me at least going to the store on my own." He said with a small sigh.

"But anyway, that doesn't matter anymore. I can run to the market whenever I want now." He said a little amusingly.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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"Hm." He grunted and nodded again before moving back to the rock and taking a seat once more. He supposed his earlier guess about Lucien's ability to heal was right. The priests clearly had good intentions, but their execution of Lucien's guardianship was done...poorly. Still, he could not fault them too much, they had raised the boy, hadn't they? At least they had kept him safe, if the alternative was a life of servitude to the military, imprisonment was preferable, at least in Faolan's eyes.

"Well, they were right to send you away if that's the case. The military would use you 'til you were bone dry, if they could." Faolan had no doubt of this. He had seen his fair share of battling between the Irish and the English over their occupation. He had even taken part in some small scale battles. He had no doubt that if they knew of supernatural beings like himself and Lucien, they would do whatever they could to get the most out of them. "I might've been dead," he added, "If it weren't for that healing of yours."

He couldn't help but chuckle at Lucien's next statement, "You're not wrong. And, I'll do you one better, you don't even have to ask for permission." He was unsure where all of this playful banter was coming from, but there was no need to hold back. Too much effort, anyway.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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The idea of that was not something Lucien was particularly fond of. He would have definitely lost all hope of freedom by that point.. he was just glad he had been able to get out of there before any of that happened. He glanced up at Faolan at his last comment, thinking back to when he had saved him. Had.. it really been that bad? It was good that he had acted when he did if that was the case, but he couldn't help but grow more curious about it.

He chuckled at Faolan's next comment, a little amused. "Good to know, but I'd probably at least let you know." He wouldn't want the man to get worried after all.

Lucien had maintained his hovering throughout the majority of this conversation, occasionally going a little higher and lower as he spoke, though he couldn't deny he was beginning to grow tired. Perhaps it was because he hadn't really got to use them before. With the small moment of silence that followed, Lucien's thoughts went back to considering Faolan's.. silver situation.

"Is silver really that dangerous for you? I've read about allergies before but.. the reaction I saw was.. pretty extreme.." He couldn't help but ask. It was good of him to know for the future, since he'd probably want to keep the man away from it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan had gone about checking the inventory of his pack, tightening straps, and organizing things before they moved on again. He carried so little with him, just a couple of changes of clothes and some food, that it really didn't need to be done. But, as long as they were sitting here doing nothing but hemming and hawing, he might as well make sure everything was accounted for.

He froze when Lucien started speaking again, but only for a moment before he zipped his pack back up and let it drop. This was exactly why he had not wanted the lad spilling the beans about his 'situation', that would lead to reciprocal questions, and Faolan didn't like that. Although, he was sure that Lucien meant no offense with this question and was only curious, but it was curiosity that could lead to...mishaps.

Faolan had learned that avoiding questions, keeping his mouth shut, or answering vaguely could lead to more questions though, and he wasn't about to invite that. He decided to go with his usual tactic of being direct as possible without giving too much away.

He did not make eye contact with Lucien as he spoke, and instead pretended to inspect a rip in his pant-leg. "It can be...in the right doses. That was especially bad because it was stuck in me, usually a scratch or prick isn't so bad. Nothin' to worry about, I've learned to avoid it." Lucien was absolutely right that his excuse of his reaction being an allergy was borderline unbelievable, but it was what he had told people in the past. It was just easier that way.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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Lucien took note of the fact that Faolan wasn't looking him in the eye as he spoke. It was quite odd, considering the man never really had any problems doing so. It made him think that there was more to this than he thought but.. he decided not to question it further. He didn't think Faolan would like it.

"Well.. that's good to know. If you ever find yourself in trouble because of it again, I'll be able to heal you, so it should be okay." He told him.

"Are there.. any other allergies I should be concerned about?" He asked, figuring that there probably wasn't much harm in asking that. He wanted to know so he could know when to help Faolan if anything ever happened.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan finished fiddling with his pant leg and stood up from the rock, stretching, before he reached down to retrieve his bag. "Hm." He grunted his assent, as usual, then shook his head. "Nah, me little sis was allergic to onions, but as far as I know it's not genetic."

He was relieved that Lucien had not questioned him more about the silver, if he had pressed, Faolan wasn't sure what else he could say. He wasn't ready to reveal more about his condition, not yet anyway, and he didn't know if he ever would be. He reminded himself that he didn't know the lad very well. Despite his sharing from earlier, there was still much yet to be discovered. Although...Lucien did not seem the type for deception, and Faolan was usually pretty good at telling a liar from an honest man. Besides, Lucien had no reason to make any of this up, not to mention he had seen his abilities firsthand now. He only exposed himself by telling Faolan these things, the Irishman just hoped he would not be as forthcoming in the future with any others that he met.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lucien raised his eyebrows slightly upon hearing that Faolan had a little sister. It was the first he had heard Faolan mention anything about family, and while a part of him wanted to inquire further, he decided against it. Maybe he would ask at another time.

"I see, well it's a good thing you aren't. I think there are a good amount of foods you might miss out on if you were." He commented, before heading over to his bag and shuffling through it for a moment, pulling out his small journal.

"There are a few things I've been meaning to ask you. I wrote down a few words you've used that I don't quite understand, would you mind explaining those to me?" He asked. Considering he hadn't heard of them before, he supposed it was some form of Irish slang he was unfamiliar with. If he was going to be travelling with Faolan he did want to be able to learn a bit of his language and the way he spoke. It was a nice way to get to know him, and also a good way to pass the time if they were going to go on the road again.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Faolan slung his bag over his shoulder and nodded to Lucien's comment, "Too right."

At the Frenchman's next statement, he nodded and chuckled again. There was quite a bit of that going on as of late. "Diligent, aren't you?" He said, then began walking in their original direction. "Go ahead and ask, let's walk and talk." It was about time to end their break, the two of them were burning daylight.
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