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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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She heard the rampaging sound getting closer and closer. So much for time to lay around. She tried to roll away from the epicenter of what would soon become a disaster area and breathed fire forward to mold as quickly as possible into the rough shape of a shield just in time to have the wall off to her right side burst inward. Thanks to her shield she probably managed to avoid a fatal blow, but it could only defend against so much damage. The flames faltered after the initial impacts and she was then buried underneath the rest of the falling debris, luckily these being the less energetic rocks due to hitting her after the first wave. With her resistance against blunt force trauma she was able to withstand the force without getting herself too badly hurt, but she was indeed still hurt and now trapped as the wall was collapsing down on her. The monster's feet hit with a thud nearby.

Judging by him not immediately crushing her at this point he couldn't see her right now underneath all of the rubble that scattered the area, but it obviously wouldn't take too long by process of elimination. Using the cover of the rocks she breathed fire to form into a shape of a spear and try to lance at his foot through an opening in the rocks before he could react. Hopefully a deep enough wound would severe the important walking muscles inside, whatever those might be, and limit his charging attacks that he seemed so fond of. In all honesty it was just a random attack to the closest point of his foot and hopefully it would do as desired. Whatever it would do it wouldn't be good for him unless he could avoid it.

Unfortunately for her she was trapped and it was unlikely she could escape the rubble in time to dodge any counterattack. Hopefully either her spear would keep him at bay so he couldn't approach her or her ally would come to the rescue in time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Snarnorgul had set his mind into the proper state of awareness in the hopes of locating his prey. He had expected an attack of course; still he never divined the coming blow over the other smells of burning ash and soot. A sharp burning pain shot up his leg as something pierced his hairy hide. The smell of burnt fur soon assaulted his senses amid the smoke swirling around him. The object, which Snarnorgul discerned felt like a mix between a hot piece of steel caught between flowing water, that had struck into his leg seemed to have partially pierced his tibia bone. Luckily a spear was a terrible weapon to cut tendons, especially for a creature his size and autonomy.

Snarnorgul roared in protest all the same though as his weight buckled to his right. Ironically however, the same weapon that had so wounded him had also cauterized the puncture site. The process of course was extremely painful, but to a creature such as him which was already highly resistant to fire and lightening, he turned that searing pain toward focus. Obviously the humanoid he sought must have attacked him. The audacity of this creature! Yet, more importantly they had erred, for now they were easily within his considerable reach and range.

Focusing his acute hearing he made out the sound of breathing and the faint sound of heat beat. Snarnorgul other senses, far sharper than his poor eyesight, easily made up for the lack of visibility. He raised his massive upper right arm, the one that held one of his two pincers, far to the right and behind him. He a growl he swept it in a wide arch before him with enough strength to shatter steel, stone, bone, like frail glass. The sweep would have the added benefit of clearing a great degree of smoke and debris as well. With an easy 10 feet reach he was confident he would hit something, as the average spear was only 6 feet long. Even so he was already inhaling so that his chest puffed out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 29 days ago

Niks hovered safely in the sky after catching up to the creature. Its attempt to clear the rubble it created didn't faze Niks as it sent smaller chunks flying at him and the bigger chunks were thrown backwards towards the buildings. There was no sight of the girl however, and Niks took it as a chance to agitate the creature and launched the Hex at the creature's scaly backside, taking a small moment so that his aim wouldn't hit any of the more armored part of its body. He has no idea how strong the effect would take hold on a creature of its size, although he knew that it wouldn't even felt the hex coming in contact with it, as much as he knew that it would ignore a splash from a glass of water.

Niks remained hovering where he was, just a small distance away from its reach and height. Roughly 14 feet high and 12 feet far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The big, big meanie had clearly located her after her attack, bringing back his massive arm to presumably make a swipe at her, or at least her general location and would surely make contact either way. Dodging was impossible in this sort of time, but perhaps a counterattack was in order. Rather then keep attacking his lower leg she yanked the fire spear out and raised it in the direction of his arm that was now swinging at her. For his swipe to reach her then it would have to be embedded all the way through spear; either that or her fire would break apart from the force of the impact, but more then likely not before it had a chance to do some serious piercing damage, using his own momentum to drive the flaming tip through.

His arm smashed into her before she could properly see what had happened, instantly knocking her out and flinging her into the other wall of the alleyway along with the rest of the debris. She crashed limply to the ground, her fire lance now extinguished without her control over it. Her right arm was broken at the elbow and that entire side bruised, and a small puddle of blood pooled underneath her head. The damage wasn't fatal to her, but it certainly took her out of the fight for the time being.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Snarnorgul's massive claw collided with the flaming spear. Unfortunately Snarnorgul's fighting arms where his most armored segments of his body, so when it struck against the flaming spear, it would either be ripped out of Evvie's hands or simply shatter from the force of the blow. The attack sent the small dragonoid flying. However, no sooner had he swept the uppity mortal away his keen ears heard the distinct sound of flapping wings somewhere behind him. While he was momentarily surprised he reacted quickly. His left pincer latched onto an over turned large wooden beam that had once stood as a support for the build he just tore through. His right fighting arm stuck fast to the earth in order to support his weight and relieve pressure on his wounded leg. A simple enough task due to how long his arms were.

Then shifting forward he pulled using his right upper arm which was now anchored in the ground effectively spinning about to his left. As he did he brought the 8 foot long wooden beam to bear swinging it in a wide left hook, with enough speed and strength to easily shatter bone as well as the wooden beam itself should he hit the strange dragonid flying some feet away from him. All the while his throat gurgled as it bulged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 29 days ago

Niks' satisfaction that his hex hit the creature's backside was short-lived as he had no moment to see if it had any effect while the creature spun to its left with an extended pincer. To his surprise, its reach extended as it tore out a beam out of the ground. Frantically beating his wings, Niks tried to flew higher to make the beam pass harmlessly below him. It was too late as the beam hit his leg and shattered from the blow, digging some shrapnel into his meatsuit and throwing him off-balance. Niks spun out of control and crashed into the ground 15 feet away to the left from his last position. He groggily lied on the ground, his leg hurt from the shrapnel and was slightly bent outward, as was the bone of the leg. Not a major wound, but he wouldn't be able to run properly on his feet.

Sitting up, Niks blew a fireball towards the creature, not expecting it to do anything but distract as he tried to take into the air again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 5 days ago

Raelis VaerkturianChampion of Rhay

His ship had been flying for a fair amount of time when one of its sensors woke the pilot's senses and directed them to a hologram which promptly formed before him. A smile spread over the pilot's face, then forming a smirk as he pulled up several more screens with which to analyze the planet that had just shown signs of life. His ship changing course so as to reach the planet, the Asaraen directed the systems of Eriinn, his ship, to zero on the location of the ongoing conflict, which he was sure it had detected before. His grin growing as the systems detected a considerably sized estimation of relative power, he began the secondary scans as he allowed his ship to be pulled into the gravitational field of Sortiarus. "A magical world, how glorious, though it might prove troublesome in some aspects..." glancing down at the planet he beheld it in all its celestial glory before he nodded and initiated the processes necessary for the ship to enter the atmosphere of the planet and then to port him down near the area that he had detected the life signatures of those whom he presumed worthy. His eyes gleamed eagerly, their fiery light going from a low candle flame to searing embers that just happened to be embedded in his skull.
Several minutes later the Asaraen found himself on the surface of the magical planet. Taking a deep breath he allowed his cloak to filter the air properly, but to let the the energies of the planet reach him. He could feel it in the air, and even in the soil beneath his armored feet. It was the hum of power which thrummed through the planet as if it were its lifeblood, which it indeed might be. Turning his attention away from the planet's prevailing aura, the Knight of Rhay unfurled his mighty wings, armored as they were, and thrust them downwards, sending his body into the air, and activating Maelstrom as they did so. With the wind in his wings, Raelis soared high into the air and quickly managed to locate his query. Three individuals, or...perhaps only two. One of the three seemed more like the machination of a madman's delusion, the other two seemed to be identical, odd, and were some mixture between Asaraen physique and that of a great lizard. Tilting his head slightly as he observed the ongoing hostilities, the Knight managed to discern that the two identical beings looked much like Asarae with several odd defects, such as leathery, featherless wings. Noting this, a small smile formed upon the knight's hooded features, hidden from prying eyes, as he tilted his body and flew once more, entering the space of the battlefield and landing gently with no sound of metal despite his armor's composition. Still there was a soft thump as his weighty frame made contact with the ground once more.

A scent of burning metal might become vaguely apparent to the monster as Raelis Vaerkturian rose into the air, drew the Blade of Rhay, and then half-furled his magnificently armored plumage behind his body. As he landed for the first time, he noticed that his wings appeared to be more effective and his body lighter on this world. This amused him, for it meant that, as his ship's reading had suggested, the gravity on this planet was less than what he was accustomed to on Asara. His capabilities would be greater than their norm, what wonderful circumstances! "Excuse my intrusion," the knight called out as he drew the Blade of Rhay, "...but I'll be slaying this beast, he deserves a proper combatant, rather than one bereft of reptilian wings and mutation." With that Raelis' pace increased as he crossed the fifteen yards between he and his newly chosen adversary.

The clone did not interest him, it was the monster that did, "Ready yourself as best you can, beast, though in truth there is little an ant can do in defense against an envoy of Rhay!" Upon naming the star of his system, his pace increased somewhat as he jogged towards Snarnorgul with the intent to kill shining clearly from his fiery eyes. The beast would fall by his blade, he'd make sure of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The beam within Snarnorgul's massive claw shattered at one end upon hitting what appeared to be another flying dragonoid. These creatures were truly becoming an annoyance to him. Sadly the creature was catapulted out of his reach. Snarnorgul continued to inhale and was about to unleash his surprise on the annoying creature before it suddenly spat an orb of fire at him. Snarnorgul snapped his left fighting arm to defend against it, a moment later the fire collided with it. The impact exploded outward with a roar of fire that left the chitin plates there glowing red hot. However it seemed to barely cause even superficial damage on the tough armored hide.

Snarnorgul lowered his massive arm and looked down smugly at the little dragon creature. Heaving, his chest expanded even more but before the blow could be given a voice came.

"Excuse my intrusion," a humnoid looking figure with armor and wings called out as he drew some sort of sword, "...but I'll be slaying this beast, he deserves a proper combatant, rather than one bereft of reptilian wings and mutation."

Snarnorgul tiled his head at yet another newcomer--they seemed to be crawling out of the abyss!-- regarding the stranger with narrowed fiery deep crimson eyes that promised only death. One great hoof -his uninjured leg- stomped the ground with an agitated movement that shook the earth.

"Ready yourself as best you can, beast, though in truth there is little an ant can do in defense against an envoy of Rhay!"

With a rumbling growl Snarnorgul's own response to the challenge came quick and decisively, in the form of a vomit of his own just as the man was only 15 feet away assuming he had kept closing in. It was not one of fire or a burning column of flames like the dragons, but instead a great spray of toxic and acid liquids burst forth like the opening of some dam. Having stored this some time now the expulsion of a hail of highly venomous and corrosive stone, flesh, steel, burning stomach acid that if it washed over this new figure, the spray would melt through nearly any material in a matter of seconds and reduce the unfortunate victims to a steaming pile of bubbling goo. The 60 foot radius of the attack easily placed the second dragonoid he had hit in the firing range as well.

As he spewed his breath of acid his upper body had shifted forward so that his lower arms hugged the ground supporting some of his weight off his still healing leg.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 5 days ago

Raelis VaerkturianChampion of Rhay

The beast reacted, but the blade of Rhay had already reached a piping 80 degrees before it managed to spew the caustic liquid in the knight's direction. Transferring this heat to his armor, Raelis began his reaction. Following this his wings moved from their half furled position to fully unfurled, this process was sped up by the magnetic draw and pull of Maelstrom's plates, as well as the wind that it controlled, to thrum through the air and blast Raelis upwards and back into the air where he escaped the acid's cone. Small bits of the acid hit, but the layer of light and heat on his armor caused it to slip off uselessly, though tiny scars formed on the surface of the metal where the acid touched. "Always with a trick up their sleeve, especially when cornered," Raelis practically shouted as his wings kept him aloft. The Blade continued to increase in temperature and in a few moments it would hit 160 degrees. Considering his options, the Asaraen circled the beast, maintaining an altitude of 50 or so meters above the ground as he did so. Then, deciding on an interesting tactic, the knight began to emanate the Light from his body and allow it to drift downwards in a cone to surround the beast. He had noted that it had shrugged off a heat based attack before, but how well could it handle being heated from all directions at once. Thus, as he circled and increased his speed, the knight guided Maelstrom's ability, along with that of the Light, to form alternating pressures in the air, some cold, and some hot. A miniature tornado quickly formed. This only took Raelis roughly 8 seconds, surprisingly, and after those elapsed he soared off and away to await the beast's reaction.

However, if the beast were to attack during those 8 seconds, as unlikely as that was due to his altitude and the beast's injury, the knight would break the pattern and react as best he could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 29 days ago

Niks growled as the creature blocked his fireball and tried to lift off the ground as fast as he could upon realizing that the creature was preparing to breathe out something. Whatever kind of breath it was, however, was spared from Niks as the creature looked to another direction towards the newcomer and breathed out a glob of foul stench acid that melted stone and wood it touched. Niks took off from the ground although the acid splashed against the ground and some small bits bounced and hit his skin, burning and sizzling several spots of his right side before the skin's, fortunately still fresh and existing, regeneration stopped it. With the realization that the acid would've done a lot of damage to his suit, if not ruining it, Niks flew a bit higher than before and, hearing the winged man's taunt, keeping his direction away from him. Niks frowned at the creature, it was hard to judge how much Hex he would need to bring down the creature, his suit's physical power probably wouldn't matter much as the acid breath was annoying. If it wasn't because of the possibility of gaining a renewable source of fresh suits, Niks wouldn't even bother with this. Still, Niks wondered if the creature's head could spin backward.

His thought was interrupted by a glowing light formed above them and started to circle around, which caused Niks to flew backwards, although it was too late as a sudden tornado formed and threatened to suck him in. It was all he could do to prevent it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Snarnorgul spewed forth with his acid breath the winged creature suddenly sought to spring upward. The move did not surprise the tanar'ri as one could only expect a creature with wings to be able to fly. Snarnorgul though, had to only adjust his aim, by merely inclining his head back in order to catch the flying winged creature in the effective range of his breath attack. If the winged warrior still managed to survive the onslaught and attacked with it's rays of light, Snarnorgul would lock one of massive pincers into the earth. While the other clutched a larger stone pillar created earlier to help anchor him in place. The hot waves of heat to having little effect on his scales, though they forced his eyes closed for the time being.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 29 days ago

Niks took the chance as the creature's momentarily distracted away from him to flew towards it and attempted to latch to its back. If he succeeded, he would then climb to the head, if not, he would try to avoid being caught in front of it.
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