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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

What the ghouls could smell and ADVENT had detected in the last second would finally emerge under the form of a massive pod bursting through the center of the peace shrine. As it would then expose its contents, acid would be sprayed all over the area in an attempt to soak the attendees. Tatara would already have his white coat lowered to his waist, exposing his upper body. A red tentacle-like Kagune resembling an absurdly long tongue would swiftly emerge and shield the Outliners targeted. The acid would burn the Kagune somewhat, though it seemed the burnt portions would be severed off instantly by a second Kagune of exactly the same shape; the appendage would simply whip the other and slice the portions off.

"Oswald, we're leaving."

Ordered a more stern and solemn Eto as she'd stand and turn to follow the Speaker and elder Quincy who were already making their way toward the exit. At this point, Tatara's Kagune would rapidly wrap around him and breakdown into a foul and monstrous armor that spared no part of his body. While still humanoid, only his mask would remain out of the whole metamorphosis, leaving only the body of a completely turned monstrosity exhaling loudly with constant flames burst out of his 'mouth'. Multiple of these tyranid creatures would of course aim for the Outliners and especially the flashy one of the gang. The morphed ghoul would easily obliterate the minions charging at him with the masses formed under his arms while his Kakuja armor easily tanked their assault.

Evidently these creatures could pierce ghoul flesh, but a Kakuja was definitely another story.

Flames would suddenly be released out of the Kakuja's entire visage, not just his mouth, and engulf the entire center of the meeting kiosk with searing flames going over 4000 degrees Celsius. Inevitably the Tyranids caught in the the flames would have little to no chance at doing anything about it. Tatara would slowly back up as the whole floating meeting spot would quickly catch on fire as the RC cells that ignited the fire would spread on even the most resilient of fabrics and start cooking the foundations.

Meanwhile, Eto and her two lackeys were speed walking their way out with Tatara covering their retreat. They would be surprised when a few of these critters would emerge from difficult to access areas and assault them before they could reach their UFO transport ship. Eto would be swift to react and defend the Speaker at all cost with her Ukaku Kagune launching large spears of RC cells at the speed of bullets at the assailants. The Elder quincy would also be quick and draw a Reishi-created blade and cut down a couple. Little did he know that a smaller one of the minion Tyranids would have been able to exploit an opening and scratch his ankle.

Eto would of course witness it and quickly impale the menacing creature with her Kagune projectile, killing it off quickly. The older quincy would look up at her fear in his eyes.

"Oh no, Terry! What are we going to do?! ..."

She seemed distressed, even saddened that her colleague had been struck by what the Imperium representative had announced was fatal and a massive risk if kept alive. The man would look at his wound, just as distressed before looking back at his superior.

"Eto, I think I- ..."

The ghoul's more monstrous Kagune would have lunged and impaled the man's entire abdomen, cutting him off instantly.

"I forgot my lighter than none of you smoke so ... Guess it's stomach city for you!~"

The Speaker seemed indifferent as he'd only glance at the scene before rushing into the UFO. The older quincy would widen his eyes at Eto's display of cruelty and jolly reaction to his inevitable fate. Her Kagune would rise before catapulting the impaled man over Tatara. The timing was just right, as the Kakuja spewed a new wall of flames, blasting to ashes the Quincy in the process. Kagune new retracted, Eto cough as she noticed Tatara's flames filling the area with noxious fumes.

The Head Executive would make her way to safety within the UFO ship that hadn't been invaded yet while waiting for Oswald and Tatara. With her around there was little chance of a breach if they were to hurry.

Meanwhile ...

The Temple Ship they had brought over for the Envisioning One's luxury was under heavy fire. Many of the pods would attempt to pierce through, though the many layers of alloys used by ADVENT would prove to make the task difficult. By then the Tyranids would have the misfortune of having the Outliners' leader within the ship, an entity said to be able to confront the other two grand leaders. Whether it was true or not was a mystery, but it was an accepted truth that they wielded exceptional power.

With radars and maintenance systems alerting of an imminent breach, the entity that had be teleported back to the ship thanks to the Avatars would simply sit on their previous seat, overlooking the panicked crew. While a simply gesture of their hand, a massive power spike would have been detected by every organization with eyes on Arcadia, and the Tyranids' hivemind would also sense it. A danger that had awoken as they rattled the wasp hive.

A massive explosion of repulsive gravitation force would effortlessly push back all the beings outside of the ship, ejecting them hundreds of miles backwards. The smaller beings out of their pods would be completely rendered to mush with the force alone. The ship was Tyranid-free for a moment, allowing them to raise an energy barrier to safely push any returning force long enough for the Temple Ship to vanish back into the massive portal it previously emerged from.

The shock of the gravity blast would have been felt all around the world, provoking seismic reactions to the nearby continents while rogue Tsunamis would hit the closest coastlines for a good hour. The burning negotiation area would be somewhat shaken, but otherwise spared from anything of consequence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


A jolt of panic still running through his veins, Damien felt the grip of Firebrand's feet around his shoulders and was rescued from a bone-crushing death. He watched in a mix of both horror and intrigue as the rooftop accellerated downward away from him. It was like the building had jumped off of him instead of the usual vice versa. The sound was deafening as it collapsed on its own rubble and a thick cloud of smoke and dust bilolowed up rapidly. Firebrand moved away accordingly and had another demon to bestow his powerful amulet around Damien's neck. The necromancer gave no resistance, having jsut had his life saved, although the symbolism of collaring him did not escape his notice.

Instantly, he felt the firey warmth of the claw talisman affect him. The feeling was familiar, akin to the infernal, and welcomed by his darkened heart. Firebrand gave him free license to make use of the talisman's power, and that is exactly what Damien would do.

The red light on Enki was reaching its maximum, and Damien quickly realized it was a weapon of mass destruction charging up. The only way to survive now was to avoid being caught in its blast, but neither flying nor falling at that very moment could've escaped its range. A bead of sweat dropped from Damien's brow as he felt the wind of the wing-beats of the demon above him. This demon had seen what he could do with his necromantic magic and had given him his trust, not by any coersion, but by its own free will. He wasn't going to let that victory be lost now.

Grabbing onto Firebrand's feet, Damien drew on the power of the talisman to empower his ability and shifted both himself and his flying ally into the spectral plane. Outwardly, it would have looked like the two beings simply vanished a second before the laser cannon went off. Inside the shadowy realm, Firebrand and Damien would watch in a sort of slow motion as the laser blast shot right through them, or where they had been, then went awry in its course behind them.

Before Viral had been blasted off the side of the office tower, Damien had placed one final spell upon him, a curse, a hex. He had done it as a precaution, incase Viral had any kind of resistance to his sickness and fear spells, and now such precaution would show its worth. The curse would ruin Viral's aim, causing him to suffer a high miss chance with every attack he made. The tank he had thrown with Enki hadn't crushed Mortanius, and the laser blast managed to barely wiff on catching any of the other heros. Oh sure, it destroyed buildings and carved a swath of hellscape on part of the city, but Oso, Cyano, Morty, and any other important, plot-armored PC's not heretofore mentioned, somehow lived.

Damien and Firebrand re-materialized behind Enki as they exited Damien's spectral death-plane together, in spell casting range, and they were safely on the ground.

"...I am here to show them their place. Any who wish to follow me are free to. I am in need of troops..."

Just as Viral sat back in his chair, confident about the terror he had inflicted with his mech's laser canon, he began to feel something wrong. His vision began to darken, and the familiar sensation of death-magic ws upon him. Then, he lost all sight completely. Panic ensued.

Damien chuckled darkly. "Heh heh. You are in need of troops? Bah. This world does not belong to you, Viral. It doesn't belong to any of us. This world languishes since the dawn of existance, since its damnnation by chaos. It awaits the return of The First who has promised to cleanse and reclaim it. You are a stray dog who knows nothing of the truth. You ARE nothing." Damien signaled to Firebrand and the others to get ready to tear Viral apart.

Hundreds of skeletal arms reached out of the ground centered around Damien, grabbing the legs of any remaining enemy troops, clawing at them and incapacitating them as he continued to taunt Viral. "All who stand in His way will fall, as it is fortold. You will not defeat me, because He commands me and He is the strongest. Your army has fallen, and you unfortunately, cannot command the dead, so... Submit, Viral, or I will will make your last moments very painful." Damien grinned from the ground somewhere around Enki.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Having rolled through the cupcakes and skidded to a halt in front of the parked Imperial ship, Mithias quickly looked back and forth like a cornered rabbit between the strange teenager vampire and the halted horde of venomous aliens behind him. With soaked, corroded blades still raised, a slowly healing wound across his chest, and covered in green and red blood, he panted a few breaths while the air was decent. It appeared the hormogaunts weren't coming any closer, and Mithias could feel the aura that seemed to be holding them at bay. Slowly, he turned his head to the other vampire and lowered his swords.

Frequent confusion was a plague on his immortal life it seemed, as Mithias was always finding himself in worlds he didn't understand and with beings he could never have dreamed of, and the fact that he could not remember who he was or where he had come from made it all the harder to relate. Where was his place supposed to be when he was always a stranger and never fit in? After all this time, he had just given up in searching for it.

But now there stood before him, or rather lounged before him, a being that claimed to be kin, a vampire, clearly, and something about this vampire stabbed Mithias' memory like a razor-sharp dagger. He stood frozen, golden eyes staring, as he scrambled to recall anything he could with a connection to the being he was seeing. Something was there... Something! A name? Ss.. Su... Sue-something, but he knew that wasn't it. It was gone.

The aura was familiar, and his feelings told of a deep connection, deep to the level of his soul. Feelings like elation and reverence came to him, despite the fact that this vampire had just threatened to kill him a moment ago. The urge to drop to a knee was strong. For some reason, his heart innately belonged to this vampire.

One foot stepped forward and Mithias mentally forced himself to remain standing. The effort was visible that he was resisting immediate submission. Could this be the first time that a being with emotional control had been able to sway him?? He furrowed his brow and replied calmly but with conviction, "I am nobody's servant." He stepped forward again, his resolve strengthened by his own words. He had no reason to withhold his name, which was the one thing he had retained throuout time, and perhaps giving it would provide more insight on who this person was. "My name is Mithias. Have we met?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

- Dark Angels Strike Force -


A strange, wool-covered humanoid creature exited the building. A xenos species? However, the way the creature referred to itself made it seem more like it was a mutant. Amon bit back his natural disgust. Mutation was one of the many indicators of the Warp, although on this new world it appeared many such creatures existed in a benevolent manner. While he was loathe to trust a mutant this fellow seemed harmless. "My name is Luitenant Amon of the Dark Angels, representative of the New Imperium of Man. We've come to secure the area, and investigate your claim. The weapons are to ensure this is not a trap of some kind." Amon did not mention that it was not just a trap they feared. Others would no doubt also respond to this claim, and he needed to ensure the Imperium got a hold of this information. "As long as you don't prove yourself to be an enemy, you have nothing to fear from us. Now, please -"

Amon was cut off, as a human voice could suddenly be heard from a ways back. A soldier in strange attire moving into the open, behind where Squad Alpha had set up. Two members, including Remus Day, turned around, and the soldier would find himself staring down the barrel of a Heavy Bolter. The rest pointed in different directions, estimating Vulga to be only a minor threat. Remus raised an eyebrow, as he examined the fellow before them, mechanical eye whirring as it examined the new arrival. Luitenant Adrian looked over, waiting for Remus to make a statement. After a short moment, Remus sighed. "Tell me everything you know. Whatever faction you represent, assuming you are not a new arrival, and what reasons you have for being here. If you lie, I will be able to tell. If you withhold information wilfully, I have my own ways of extracting it." His state was cold and dispassionate, but Vulga could tell he could back up the threat. This man knew something was off, because this stranger seemed invisible in the Warp. A trait heretofore believed only to be possessed by the Tyranid, and Blanks.

Luitenant Amon turned back to Martin, as Remus waited for Vulga's response. "Regardless, I am going to need you to offer all the information you have on the subject. We may be able to help, as we represent an institution with significant access to scientific and supernatural resources. We will also be able to protect you from the less pleasant creatures on this world." As well as safeguarding him for Imperial use, but Amon didn't add that. He had every intention of befriending this individual. This mission would be so much easier if the mutant agreed to help them of his own volition.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Vulga Remmington

Location: Unknown, Switzerland

Vulga was now facing the dead end of the Dark Angels' guns, just as he expected. He then put away his arms and put his hands in the air, as to seem compliant. In reality, Vulga did not fear these space marines at all, knowing they would be child's play to dispatch if he was so inclined to, but he didn't want to incite an international incident and tarnish the name of his lord. So for now, Vulga feigned fear.

"P-Please! Don't shoot! I am an agent of the Infernum Outer Colonies! I was ordered by my superiors to respond to a distress signal and came as soon as I could! I am only armed for self protection!" Vulga's sight was immediately turned to the wool covered human who had exited a building. "Are you hurt!?" He exclaimed, pretending to care about Martin's well being. "Did these men hurt you!? Are you injured!?" He then turned his attention to the space marines. "Look, I am carrying medical supplies. I can attend to anyone that is wounded. That is why I am here, to make sure everyone was okay and see what is going on. I don't want to start a fight." Everything Vulga said was technically true, which was his favorite type of truth to use to his advantage.

He would then wait to see what kind of action the space marines would take next.

@thewizardguy @supertinyking
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

- Kaldor Draigo


It appeared that the last of the leaders had exited the area. Looking around, all Kaldor could see was a couple of strange figures wielding supernatural energy to combat the Tyranid. No doubt loyal troops left behind to cover the retreat of one of the leaders, although Kaldor couldn't recognize what faction they were from, besides that they were not from the Goa'Uld. The display of power from the undead creature known as Tatara had also been impressive, and Kaldor made a mental note to, when the time came, have He'Stan deal with it. Those flames had looked lethal, but there were none more resistant to fire than the Salamanders. He also appeared to have lost track of the diplomat he had been meant to protect, but with the Tyranid attacking, the priority had been for the leaders to exit safely. While in other situations the destruction of an enemy leader would have been a vast advantage, if the Tyranid truly were attacking then every faction present would need to work together to stave them off. A single hive fleet could erase entire sectors from the map, devouring hundreds of worlds before finally being halted.

Kaldor Draigo's thought process was interrupted, as a massive force slammed into the Grey Knight. He staggered backwards, staring into what appeared to be a massive light to him. A pillar of power, an ability beyond the ken of mortal men. The Tyranid who had moments before swarmed the ship were sent flying, the smaller among them simply being disintegrated by the force. And entire army leveled with a single power, and the sky was filled with raining bugs, both alive and dead. Kaldor stared at the ship as it activated it's engines, and once more vanished into nothingness. So that had been the power of the Envisioning One, the mysterious figure that lead the Outliners. There had been rumours and talk, but many had doubted whether the Envisioning One even existed, or if it was merely a puppethead for the Ethereals, who truly masterminded the entire thing. After that display, Kaldor harboured no such doubts. From this distance he had been fine, but if he had been the target of an ability of that magnitude....

Grimacing, Kaldor turned back to the task at hand. Bolts of flame burst from his hand as he burned a path through the Tyranid, back to his ship. It wouldn't do much good he knew. If even one Tyranid survived, the corpses of the fallen would be reborn as new Tyranid. And these tiny creatures were but the first wave, the scouts of an infinite army. A full complement of marines would be needed to deal with this infestation, and the strike, when it came, would have to be swift. Prolonged warfare with the Tyranid was suicide.

On the way to the ship, however, Kaldor was nearly knocked off of his feet as the floor underneath him shifted and cracked. The pods had damaged the foundations, and the anti-grav engines keeping the compound aloft had taken critical damage. He dashed forward but was too late, the ground shattering beneath the weight of his armour as he was sent plummeting down towards the sea below, surrounded by Debris. About half of the Pavilion was following him down, along with a number of unlucky tyranid who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. As the wind whistled past his face Kaldor Draigo forced himself to contemplate his options. He could survive the fall, but an ocean infested with Tyranid? He was damned the moment he hit the water. Most of his powers focused on the destruction of his enemies, but he did possess one power that could be used in this case. It was risky, however. As he fell he was surrounded by the energy of the Warp, leaving a purple and white comet's trail as flying Tyranid known as Gargoyles flocked to his location. Several opened fire, but moments before he would be incinerated he simply vanished. Nothing remained, as if he had been ripped from this reality.

- Tyranid Forces -

The Goa'Uld forces sailed forth, canons blazing as they tore into the Tyranid threat. Force fields protected the ships themselves, as fighter craft cleared the larger specimen from the sides. Pods were intercepted and destroyed, hundreds of tiny burnt corpses falling back into the ocean that had spawned them. At first things appeared to go well, as the Tyranid were driven back by the superior firepower of the Goa'Uld. The Tyranid, while certainly numerous, were mostly landbased fighters, unable to combat the fast-moving fighter-craft, and lacking the raw firepower required to damage the larger warships. That, however, if when things began to change.

An emergency frequency was broadcast by one of the pilots, screaming about worms under his flesh before the deranged individual slammed his fighter craft into the ocean, his last screaming moments broadcast live across the fleet as his cockpit was swiftly torn open by the underwater Tyranid. A wing of 3 ships in the middle of a strafing roll suddenly breaks off, the pilots spasming as organic sensors show their nervous system going completely haywire. Although the assault of pods seems to have slowed, a trio of strange creatures has emerged from the waves, tall serpentlike creatures with immense heads that seemed to levitate by nothing more than power of will. Laser fire slammed into invisible force fields, seemingly completely useless. By no physical means, these creatures seemed to instil hallucinations, fear and agony, weakening and destroying Goa'Uld forces without moving a finger. A second, and then a third trio of these creatures rose up, each new group forming a new obstacle. Concentrated heavy weapons fire managed to destroy one of these groups, but they were too small to effectively train the ship-based weapons on them. And even the ship's main forcefields seemed inadequate at blocking their mental assault as several of the command personnel began frothing at the mouth.

New creatures began appearing all across the battlefield. A winged beast shot out of the water, propelling itself at speeds previously thought impossible for wing-based movement. Several missiles seemed to detach from the beast, homing in on their targets. Worryingly, these missiles were living creatures with full control of their trajectory, dodging around any attempt to shoot them out of the sky, and homing in on their targets at high speed. On impact the creatures emitted a powerful bioelectrical pulse, equal parts physical and supernatural, knocking out all ship systems. The ship dropped like a rock into the ocean, even as more missiles sought out their targets. The beast itself entered dogfights with the Goa'Uld fighters, with the unorthodox strategy of closing into melee and grabbing onto the enemy ship, large claws tearing it to shreds before allowing the rubble to drop. Many of it's kin soon joined it, and a number of the strange living missiles hit the battleship shields, dealing serious damage to both weaponry, defensive and propulsion systems.

Blasts were detected in the air, a series of powerful explosions rocking the ship itself. Far below, dozens of strange creatures the size of tanks had appeared just above the surface of the water. Large carapace armour protected a massive cannon, launching strange globs that exploded on impact. Any shots that missed simply hovered into the air, small tentacles unfurling from the projectile. The tiny creature then acted as a floating mine, rapidly propelling itself into the engines of any enemy ship that got too close. Living artillery, covering the sky in lethal mines and battering the battleship forcefields with maintained fire. Like a machinegun mortar, each of the strange living bombs like a cruise missile.

It was a horrific force to fight, the strange creatures employing tactics and abilities the Goa'Uld had never faced before. But still, it would have been a winnable fight, had it taken place anywhere else. Concentrated fire took down many of the strange floating psychic creatures, and the biological fighters were met and matched in the skies by skilled pilots and powerful weaponry. The ship weapons ripped through banks of artillery cannons, smaller spread weapons attempting to clear the skies of the pesky floating mines. But soon the Goa'Uld began to notice the enemy force was not decreasing in size. Massive creatures swam beneath the surface, collecting and devouring the dead Tyranid even as they fell. Initially dismissed as a non-threat, the Goa'Uld would soon realise that these creatures were in fact recycling the dead, using their biomass to create more Tyranid. And not only that, they also caught the destroyed Goa'Uld ships. Metals and machines were broken down by powerful bioacid, and from these base materials new organic death machines were forged. For every moment that the fight continued the Tyranid force grew, while the Goa'Uld only suffered casualties. In addition, the newly created Tyranid seemed better adapted to the Goa'Uld weaponry, their armour-plating designed to specifically deflect and disperse the Goa'uld energy weaponry. Acids were modified to eat through Goa'Uld materials more quickly, and the electrical explosions were optimised for maximum devastation. The natural response was useless. Destroying one of these swimming monster factories merely caused it to be drawn downwards by some even larger, yet unseen monstrosity, presumably to be recycled and recreated in identical fashion.

To fight the Tyranid was to know the meaning of futility. A terrifying opponent that could not be stopped, could not be outthought. An infinite army of horrors, each more dangerous to the last. Psychic parasite beasts that devoured entire worlds, each enemy that fell before them merely adding to both their knowledge and numbers, adapting the very best genetic features of their prey even as they designed specific weapons to best abuse their weaknesses. This was the force that had cleansed entire galaxies of life, leaving billions upon billions of worlds barren, crushing intergalactic empires as they moved through the universe. The true Apex predator had arrived, and it was time for every other creature in the universe to realise it's place on the food chain.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The wizard didn't act in time to top the laser from firing. He did, however, act in time to save himself and Firebrand.

Firebrand felt the world shift around him. It wasn't quite the feeling of traveling to another world, but it was similar enough that it wasn't much of a shock. It was an odd thing seeing death coming toward you then passing harmlessly through your being, an odd electric tickle playing in his limbs as a ghostly laser ripped through his form.

The other demon wasn't nearly so lucky. From this worlds distorted time he could read the Red Arremars face as the beam engulfed him. There was no surprise. There wasn't even any pain apparent as Firebrand watched his disintegrate, atom by atom. He'd been taken so quickly that there hadn't even been any fear. Firebrand had seen many of his kind fall in combat, far to many for one more to register as any more than a faint regret he would never dare share with any other of his kind. As far as demon deaths were concerned this one was pretty good. Painless, dignified, and fighting against impossible odds. He had nothing to be ashamed of.

The demon blew away like sand in the wind, leaving behind only a slowly flickering flame that seemed to glow against the backdrop of the beam. Firebrand smiled. He had been a fine soldier to the end. Firebrand reached out an immaterial hand to grasp the immaterial flame. Even with his injury it was easy to grasp, but he was happy he didn't have to carry it. He could feel its weight even for the few moment it would sit in his palm. Heavy with sin. A fine Demon's Soul.

He felt the soul dissolve into his palm, the fire of the nameless Red Arremer being added to his own. The weariness and the lingering cold vanished as he felt his palms begin to burn. The edges of his wound glowed like molten metal as his hands stitched themselves back together, muscles and veins and skin and all.

When the two reappeared in real space Firebrand was a new demon, hale and hearty. He kicked off from Damien's shoulders and took flight towards the head of the machine. "Stop posturing. Your enemy is in front of you." He called back as he ascended.

He reached the head and clamped his feet onto the metal ring, hanging upside down facing the crown of the machines skull. That beam came from here. From this ring. He felt a flame welling up in his gullet. A great a terrible flame capable of reducing even demon lords to ash when none else could. A flame capable of burning the very soul. The Ghoul Realms hottest flame. He felt it burning at the corners of his mouth. He would take the stamina his subordination had given him, and used it to destroy the weapon that had killed him. He opened his mouth and out streamed a horrifying flame, a dark flame, that poured over the top of the machines helmet to melt the base holding this ring aloft.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ozo would swim through the great river, seeking another source of power. He would need an opponent he could devour, and who might grant him the power to deal with the giant mech. Many of those fighting the undead are gathered in groups, making it hard to attack any one of them without attracting unwanted attention. Small bands of warriors from the same world, fighting back-to-back against the undead, or lines of soldiers standing together. However, after some time spent searching (and avoiding stray bullets), he manages to discover one individual that might meet his criteria.

A tall figure sits at the edge of the battlefield, surrounded by corpses. He is adorned in long, flowing robes, black and blue with a golden trim. The figure's face is hidden underneath a deep cowl, topped with an odd-looking bronze crown. At his side he carries a steelish grey long sword surrounded in a blue glow, and in his left hand he holds a long wooden staff, curved at the end to resemble a question mark. Both appear pristine, as if they had yet to see a day of use, although the many dead surrounding him prove otherwise. Closer inspection also reveals that this figure doesn't appear to be breathing, and it is only the occasional gesture of self defence that separates the figure from the pile of bodies beneath it.

The soldiers under Viral's command avoid the figure, and the figure doesn't attack them on the rare occasions that they're forced to approach, betraying his allegiance. He seems mostly uninterested in the battle, however, only acting when one of the undead or an Alliance soldier foolishly mistakes him for an easy kill. Gesturing with the staff he sends out bolts of blueish energy, ripping his target apart on contact. While at first it seems by pure luck that attacks miss him, Ozo notices him shifting slightly out of the way of attacks, allowing bullets and energy blasts to move inches past his face as he estimates and avoids their path.

It's up to Ozo if he's willing to try and eat this figure, or whether to look for less dangerous prey.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The Sleeper smiled down at the strange little morsel that presented itself to him. It stood fearlessly, an act of either foolishness or bravery. Or perhaps simply ignorance. And yet, it seemed to recognise him, interesting indeed. The Sleeper allowed a slight smile to play onto it's face as it sat straighter. "One of my first discoveries upon being brought here was that there are many worlds, and they tend to share some elements in common. A being of my importance is present in many, although most as mere pale shadows of my true self." he hesitated for a moment, before continuing. "We have never met before, although you may have met one of these shadows. My name is Alucard, Lord of Vampires. You may also know me as Dracula." Alucard waited a moment, to see if this little creature would start shooting him, as those warmongering freaks had done. Seeing no immediate hostile reaction, he continued. "I have seen many good monsters become mere servants to human scum. But surely not one of my kin. A vampire, in the true sense of the word."

Not waiting for an answer, Alucard continued, glad to finally have a target for his monologues. The Tyranid formed wonderful servants, but were lacking in the conversation department. "This world is the center of things. The most important piece of the puzzle. I've been brought here in order to clean it and present it, to prepare it for the ordeals to come." He gestures at the vast Tyranid armies outside, as they tore through the Goa'Uld forces. "These are my servants in this matter. A gift, from my master. With these I shall cleanse this world of the unworthy. It appears that in my slumber my previous work has been undone, and life has sprung up anew. Sturdier life, as well." He nodded with admiration at the Goa'Uld warships. "But it is no matter. None can stand before the Lord of Vampires and live. The fate of the world is to bend to my will, and mere mortal beings cannot hope to oppose me."

Imperiously, Alucard surveyed the world, as if daring the horizon to question his statements. When no answer came forth, he instead looked to Mithias, as if begging him to ask a question. It had been a while since he had had an audience to impress, and he did love his theatrics.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Naturally, Qetesh was not amused by how this all was going. The fight had been a cinch before, ripping through these things with ease. But now it was like facing a swarm, like those Replicators that Ba'al had told her about. Even worse, they seemed to be doing....something, to her crew, making them unable to fight.

She didn't particularly care about the Death Gliders of course. They were mere Jaffa, and it should be their honor to die for their God. What she did care about was the view this presented, the fact that the might of the Goa'uld was being destroyed by mere animals, and the humiliation it would bring from everyone able to witness this display. And that was something that she would not tolerate at all.

"Fine, I'll do it myself," she said at last with an air of frustration, rising from her throne and pushed the addled Jaffa to the side so she could get at the command console. That was one of the good things of the Ha'tak, aside from being flying vehicles of destruction. They were made so they could be flown by an idiot. Which means they were sufficiently automated so that she could do what needed to be done. The fact that they shields still held was good too.

"Pull back," she radioed to the other Ha'tak, without saying the same for the Death Gliders. They were expendable, and if they distracted these things then so much the better. She pulled back as scanners sought out the largest concentration of enemy forced, after the Temple Ship had made its exit. It was impressive, sure, but it didn't change the fact that they were still being attacked.

The Tyranids would have no chance to intercept what came next as the beaming technology that had been used to deliver Ba'al to the peace conference would now be used to deliver an explosive to the largest concentration of Tyranid forces that could be detected. Specifically, a Naquadria bomb, one that detonated a second after arrival in a several megaton nuclear explosion. Well, it wasn't like the meeting place was really going to survive anyways. that would be followed by another bomb, and so on and so forth until the enemy forces had been devastated

With that the Ha'taks would take their leave, retreating to lick their wounds and marshal a bigger force. Qetesh was going to destroy these things, even if she had to burn down this entire planet to do it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago


It appeared they were to be interrupted. A massive bomb was detonated, as the entire pavilion was erased from existence. First a scorching light erased everything in it's path, wiping out all Tyranid forces with a fireball over a kilometer in diameter. The shockwave ripped the pavilion to shreds, shattering concrete and spreading the debris across several square kilometers. Then the second bomb hit, just to be sure, annihilating once more all in it's path. The third bomb was really unnecessary by that point, but drove the point home. When the bombing was done, nothing lived above the waves. Fortunately for the Tyranid, the blast was weakened by the ocean itself, although the radiation would have killed anything less resilient.

Sighing, Alucard held Mithias by the scruff of his neck. The now ever more confused vampire would have no idea when that had happened, nor how he was not dead, or how Alucard was seemingly standing on thin air. The elder vampire looked down, disappointedly, at the bombing site. He'd been in the middle of a monologue. "Hey, Mithy. What's that race called? I'm going to genocide them in particular." Peeved vampire lord was peeved. Nonetheless, he had plans to complete. Places to be, things to steal, planets to cleanse. "Well, to cut a long speech short, I'm going to need you to inform the races of this world that I'm giving them 7 days to prepare. Call it a courtesy. For 7 days you shall die, and then for 7 days again I shall cleanse. This is your ultimatum." The line was cool, or at least Alucard thought so, but the monologue before it was missing. Oh well. The important part was that the message came across.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Horatio Isodore

Location: Classified, Great Britain

Horatio knew that a great threat loomed over his forces, and, by extension, all of Arcadia. Some great power had made itself known, and nearly every devil on the planet could feel it. This caused great concern for Horatio, for he knew that an entity with this magnitude of strength would not be content simply with existing on a planet, but had far more sinister intentions, and no one was safe. Nevertheless, Horatio was undeterred, concerned, but not afraid, for he knew that no threat existed that did not have a way to be defeated given enough time and proper preparation. When and where this threat would make itself visible, he could not predict. It was time to prepare for a worst case scenario, that he would have little time to react to this phantom threat, and needed to make every second of action he did have count.

The first priority would be to reinforce every single centimeter of this underground bunker, to make it as unassailable as possible, should the enemy already know of its location and be either preparing to or on their way to strike. Housed within the bunker was the colony's most important asset, the terminal, a portal that opened a gate to hell itself. He knew this was to be defended at all costs. Should the enemy get their hands on this important interdimensional junction, not only would it prevent any infernal forces to march into Arcadia, grinding its conquest to a screeching halt, but one would be able to land at the very shores of Infernum itself. Horatio knew he could not let an asset of such import fall into anyone's hands, least it be used against Infernum. He and his commanders would take every single form of defense into consideration when addressing reinforcing the integrity of the bunker, and to do so immediately. Assuming the enemy did not possess knowledge of its location, the devils would also go about making it as undetectable as possible, from magical sensors or otherwise. This would involve complete radio silence effective immediately.

The next thing to do would be to identify the enemy. This would involve establishing telepathic communications with all scouts on the ground, in the air, under the sea, and everywhere in-between on the planet. Have them always travel in groups and search all the four corners of the globe to identify this alien threat. They would make sure to of course, steer clear of any territory already held by the other factions.

The next step would be to prepare his forces, the bulk of which stood just behind the portal, awaiting their master's orders. It would not be used much as a show of force though, doubting that an enemy of such caliber to be intimidated by an army it would see as inferior, but he could use the enemy's hubris to his advantage. Horatio would have none but the toughest and most trained warriors in his vast legions guarding the bunker at all times, but would have the rest of his billions of infantry, cavalry, artillery, vehicles, mechs, and various other instruments of war deployed all across Britain. Naturally, he would establish fortifications upon the highest hills, but he would also invest sending vast amounts of his troops to areas that had little to no strategic value in keeping, making the enemy think that one such location was important when they were not, while attracting little attention to places that were, such as the bunker. He would further bolster the appearance of security by utilizing illusion magic, so as to seem to possess greater numbers than were actually present.

Simultaneously, he would send some of his servants to negotiate with the other factions not to attack his forces, telling them that Horatio's army were preparing to counter a different threat, and to convince them that this threat loomed over everyone's head as well. Horatio would then negotiate open radio communications with Infernum's colony, sharing information that could be vital to detecting and addressing any threat. Horatio knew that information was the key to winning any conflict, and with open access to it, he could act and react to any and all of his opponent's moves. Now thy enemy, his movements, and strike at critical times and junctures. That is how you win the game.

A metaphorical chess match between this mysterious force and Horatio had just begun, and Horatio would make sure to seize the initiative and make the first move. From now on, he would ensure that the enemy would dance to his tune, and make this enemy fall the way countless others have fallen before him.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Mithias listened intently, perfectly unmoving like an owl, save for when his shining eyes blinked under his black brows. He titled his head suspiciously at Alucard, "Your.... master? ..." Who or what could possibly have been the master of this eminent being? The Tyranid didn't seem to suit him. Again, Mithias was faced with only more and deeper questions. He wouldn't get to say anything further before the Naquadria bomb began to vaporize existence around them. In that moment where time stood still, Alucard was already moving, grabbing Mithias' collar and flying with him faster than the accelerating blast wave of the first explosion.

Before he knew what had happened, Mithias was dangling over the sea, watching the fiery mass of the pavilion plummet downward, blasted over and again by the starship above. Had his life just been saved? Holy shit... Alucard was a god.

Mithias peek up over his shoulder, still dangling. "That would be the Goa'uld. They apparently want to destroy anything and everything associated with that pavilion. I can't believe we're alive." Mithias thought of the others that had been at the meeting with him. Losing a few of them would honestly relieve a lot of tension on this war-torn world, but their deaths weren't exactly his wish. Still shocked by Alucard's speed in escaping certain death, Mithias gasped at his proposition.

"7 days?! And you want me to tell these beings to get along well enough to fight off your swarm of monsters? Is that even possible?!" He looked down at the strangely writhing waters below. "What are you killing this world for? Surely bestial insects are not the ultimate form of life. What company can be found in an instinctual machine? What soul?!" He would have struggled in his anger if it might not have dislodged Alucard's grip on his nape. "And what if we survive? What if we cleanse the planet of them ourselves? Then will you leave us in peace, or will you finish us off like an honorless pig? I don't see much point in playing your sick game, Alucard. Death might be the better choice, at least it would deprive you of entertainment." Mithias grit his teeth. Fucking gods, and their fucking games. Mithias may not have been able to contend with this being's physical power, but that didn't mean his will would break. "If you, or your mysterious master, wish to see this ridiculous show play out, then you are going to have to give us some concessions. Otherwise, what is the point in fighting?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cyano Conablum

Well then.

That was certainly a pretty large beam there. Larger then any Cyano had seen before, certainly. But, she wouldn't have called it the most impressive. Sure, sure, mass destruction, death, etc etc etc. And she was pretty sure she had seen some kind of thing get vaporized. But, way too flashy. No doubt it wasted tons of energy. Though, it was likely the mech had something to account for that. Something she would need to look into if she had the chance. For now though, the only outward sign of acknowledgement would be a condescending whistle.

Though, quite suddenly, she would find the mech foot beside her. Mere inches in fact, it having only just missed her. She hadn't even really noticed it. Too caught up in thinking, she supposed. Sloppy really. But, this did give her an opportunity. And, her sword and multi tool were already out, so...

Cyano would take and stab her sword into the mechs leg. Then, with a flip of a switch, her multitool would become a small energy dagger, which she would stab further up. Before one knew it, she would be climbing up the mechs leg, moving slightly to the side the further up she went, due to the way she was climbing. Rather then pulling the blades out at every interval, she would instead drag them up, slicing through the mech outer shell, and dealing damage to any systems within. And then pulling the blade to the side, locking it in place long enough to do the same with the other blade. She would continue doing this until one of two things happened. Either until she made it up to the top of the mech. Right below where the laser had come out, thus ensuring it couldnt hit her. Not without damaging itself, or until she was thrown off. An unlikely occurence, considering that the damaged systems likely would have disabled the leg long enough for her to make some progress at the very least.

For now, only minimal attention would be payed to the other combatants on the field. There was awareness of their actions, what they were doing at the moment, the ones within her line of sight, but attention was out of the question. No, she was too focused on knocking the mech and it's pilot down a peg or two. Supposing she could, at least. It was certainly something she would try to do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 5 mos ago


Mortainius could only stand behind Cyano, jaw openly agape, looking upon the horror of Enki's destructive laser. What was Mortainius thinking, posing such brazen challenges to individuals that can decimate the battlefield with such horrific ease? Mortainius was buckling in the knees, pretty sure he just signed his own death warrant. The only good news is that if he was going down, at least he would be going down with his wonderful leader and role model, Cyano. "Lady Cyano." He said aloud. "I don't know if you have ever known this, but, I've always thought you were awesome, and there is nobody I would rather travel to the cold, uncaring void than with-" It was then that Mortainius noticed something in the shape of his mistress missing from view. "-you?" Mortainius was scrambling to find his great overlord, who had just vanished like a magician from his sight.

After a second or two of cursory glances, he noticed something climbing up the mech's leg. "There is no way..." But sure as day, there was the great Cyano, climbing up the mech like a boss. Mortainius immediately went into full panic mode. "M-m-mistress Cyano! W-What are you doing up there!? What you are doing is admittedly pretty cool, but also really, really dangerous!" He was sprinting at speeds that others would be pretty sure would break several world records, just trying to keep up to the mech. Oh no! He thought to himself. If the mech driver notices her, he would crush her like a grape, like the inconsiderate douche that he is. "Don't worry Mistress Cyano! I! The Magnificent Major Mortanius, shall save you!" Mortainius then pointed the rainbow rod at himself, attempting to manifest the Orange ray to increase physical stamina, speed, endurance, and strength to keep up with the mech. And it worked! Mortainius would now find himself running faster than a cheetah on a combination of steroids and crack-cocaine. Racing at breakneck speeds, he would be just to the mech's right. He pointed his rod at the mech, taking great pains as to not shoot Cyano by mistake, and attempted to fire an armor-melting red ray. And it succeeded!

Mortainius was beyond pissed at this moment. Countless of his loyal minions had fallen to this monster, and he wasn't about to let him take anything more away form him. With focus and precision, he fired at the mech's right hip. "Get away from her you bitch!"

Edit: Corrected some spelling errors

Edit #2: Mentioning @thewizardguy @Absolis @supertinyking @gentlemanvaultboy @Wraithblade6
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Then choose death." Alucard shrugged, as if it made little difference to him. "I'm merely the janitor here. The beasts you see below you are nothing but my broom, a tool given to me by my master. And not the only such tool." He sighed, looking down at Mithias with a glimmer of pity in his eyes. "Your world is doomed. I am unstoppable, and I am not the only one you would need to face. Even if you could eliminate the bugs, and defeat me, there would be many others to come, erasing life on this world in their own ways. The forces stacked against you are infinite, unmoving, unstoppable. You have no hope for victory. Honestly, if you killed yourself now, it might be easier." He smiled. "But no. Life struggles to the last. Else, it would be life, now would it?"

"As for why I'm giving you seven days, well...." Alucard turned away, looking off into the distance. There was something nostalgic about the way he smiled. "I once held a speech like this to a vampire a bit like you. I was going to destroy the world in seven days, and he disagreed. I was invincible, unstoppable, and completely immortal. He.... disagreed. Suffice to say the odds weren't as impossible as they seemed." Looking down, Alucard seemed to size up Mithias. "So maybe it's just for old time's sake. I've always enjoyed the seven days thing, after all. So go struggle, as life does. Do not go quietly into that gentle night, and all that jaz." Grinning, Alucard tossed Mithias a few feet up, and waved at him as he crashed down towards the ocean below. "Swim for your life, little vampire. And next time we meet, we'll see how impossible the odds are, no?"

Watching the black-clad vampire tumble downwards, Alucard sighed with self-satisfaction. He was allowed to play. After all, this time, it really was impossible. He didn't particularly get along with his.... colleagues, but there was no doubt they were effective. And as for their master... well, they'd better clean up before it got back from wherever it had gone. Alucard reached out to the hive mind, and took control of the feeding Tyranid deep in the water. That little vampire was not to be eaten. Just chased. Snap at his heels a bit, make it look dangerous. The killing would come later.

Carefully, Alucard made a small cut on the tip of his index finger with one of his sharpened nails. A single drop of crimson blood delicately hung from the tip of his finger. With a gesture he cast it into the abyss below, a tiny drop into an ocean. But this was not normal blood, and it contained Alucard's true power. Even as it hit the water it had begun expanding, mutating, growing. It pulled into it nearby Tyranid, corpses, and other organic matter. Great tentacled black fins emerged, as tortured screams echoed through the air from a dozen disjointed lungs. The corpses of Jaffa and Tyranid alike were stitched together, reanimated as old brains were grabbed and locked into, mutated into a horror beyond measure. Finally the creature was complete, a 10-meter shark-like creature, it's sides lined with screaming faces as it's twisted fins somehow propelled it through the water. The abomination swum, and it had only one target. To kill the little vampire before it could bring it's message. And then, after absorbing Mithias into the mass of corpses it consisted of, to take the first steps in wiping this world clean.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Mithias tumbled downward, his heart racing, if he had one. Wind rushed by and as hopeless as it seemed, that quiet part of him deep within that wanted to continue to exist refused to accept defeat. ...It wasn't hopeless.

Meters before breaking the surface of dark blue ocean, Mithias stopped. Yes, he stopped, mid-air with arms out, face-first, looking at the water below him. He paused for a moment, sensing the alien life slithering in the dark depths, then he floated up to a more normal position. He had had telekinesis the whole time, and of course he could lift himself.

Looking back, he didn't see any sign of Alucard. That was so very strange. Alucard had seemed uncharacteristically sad for what he was about to do. Mithias actually didn't want to have to kill him. Mtihais hovered above the water for a moment contemplating what the hell had just happened and what the hell he was going to do about it. In any case, the tyranids would have to be dealt with first, and Kaldor Draigo seemed to have been most effective at that, at least, when it came to not simply blowing up the entire zone. It seemed the Imperium wasn't at fault for the invasion after all. Had they meant it when they offered to shelter the others behind their walls? The vampire sighed and ran a hand through his long black hair. The wisest move right now was to inform them first, then he could attempt to educate the other factions. The Alliance would be second, then the Outliers. Hell knows, the Gou-ald would probably just blow up the...

Suddenly, the water below Mithias turned jet black and opened up like a sinkhole in the blink of an eye. With a rush and a crashing splash a 100-meter long, mutated monster shark with faces on its sides and tentacles for fins launched its open-mouthed face directly at the vampire. Reflexes jolting into action like lightning, Mithias shot upward, narrowly evading the surprise attack. He screamed in horror as he did this completely fumbling for... weapons, fucking... anything! Fucking hell!

The nightmare fell back down into the water like a humpback after a breach, and Mithias could swear he saw a grin of white teeth aside its head. He didn't need any further encouragement to get moving, and began telekinetically flying as fast as he could.

Shortly later, Mithias finds himself entering the Empire's territory.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Wraithblade6 @thewizardguy @Gentlemanvaultboy @Absolis ((Not sure if I missed anyone else, but if I did, Edits will be made.))

Ozo knew he had little time, and finding weaker prey would waste that time. He prepared himself, swimming around to build speed, before he began to swim upwards. In a huge splash, Ozo would erupt from the ground, just behind the figure, his tongue already reaching out towards the unknown figure's sword arm, intending to wrench it from him, before devouring him in a swift moment. He showed he was fast, but Ozo hoped him erupting from the ground would catch this being off guard, from his flank. He was expecting to take some damage from this figure, he seemed capable..but Ozo could not falter now.

As Ozo began his attack, and as Cyano began her climb of the mech, and as Firebrand began to unleash his fire against the ring, hoping to melt the base of it, they felt a change coming, as if the air itself writhed with the arrival of a new threat. Bursting from the ground, and then vanishing to the shoulder of Enki, a small Rat Man stood, looking down at the lot of them, his claws clamped down on the metal of Enki's shoulder, keeping him on the mech while it no doubt did crazy movements.

"My name ,is Threek, the Stubborn. Today, Winipeg falls to Viral!" He declares, most likely causing some hearts to sink. "So has proclaimed the Horned Rat, and the council of 13. It is why I am here, and it is why now, you all, who have opposed him, shall die!" He screams, before leaning forwards and seeing Cyano pulling a Raiden. With a snap of his clawed hands, Threek sets Enki alight with warp fire, scorching it. While the flames would not harm Enki, nor Threek, it is obvious that anyone trying to climb the mech would want to get off of it, very quickly. "Viral, the Horned Rat has sent me to assure your victory today. They say, you are key to the future. However, do not think I will bend my knee to you, for I am not your servant. Only theirs." Threek declares to Viral, thinking he could hear Threek as he talked.

After setting Enki alight, Threek would vanish, appearing before Mortainius.
"You there, Great General. I challenge you, a leader against a leader. You betrayed Viral, after you had honorably surrendered. For such a disgusting show of trickery, I will drive you into the dirt, broken....and I will allow Viral the pleasure of ending your life." Threek states, drawing his combat saber. To anyone who knew of Skaven, those words would shock them. Skaven were known, and prided themselves on their trickery, and deceitful nature. To have one of them show disgust at such actions, insane. "..you get the first move." He adds, awaiting Mortaninius's reaction.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Nightknight @thewizardguy

Martin nods, and stands up. "Well..Gentlemen. I err, will need to warn you of a few things. On my station, I have some alien lifeforms that I use for experiments...so, if the abuse of a lesser species agitates you, we'll have to discuss that later." Martin begins, as he begins to walk towards the dome, before stopping. "Oh. The next group that appears here, armed, detain them. I'm a little peeved at people disregarding my message of coming unarmed. While I'll let it pass for you all, as I think you armored fellows are most likely in a war..." Martin says, pointing to the glowing horizon where the Kolons are perma-nuking a location that used to be Sweden. "As for the other fellow, he came here to help, maybe expecting me to be harmed by some sort of monster..so I'll forgive him. But the next group, I am going to give a piece of my mind, and perhaps, a good ass kicking." Martin states.
He then begins to move towards the Dome Facility. As they would arrive at the dome, from several spots under the ground, combat robots would emerge. However, they would do nothing, other than stare at the men gathered there. With a wave of his hand, the robots would return to their ambush spots. "Sorry about that. They're a bit..jumpy." Martin explains. "I had to secure this area, as I expected a possible fight from..." He begins, before once again pointing at Sweden. "....Does anyone know why that area is constantly being bombed? Is there a biological threat on that part of the world that needs to be wiped clean?" Martin asks, having been worried about the nuclear armageddon happening a little more than 2000 kilometers away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Sighing, Viral turned to the tiny human. He wasn't dead yet? He soon would be. Small humans should know better than to make boasts they couldn't keep. Even if he had somehow evaded his laser and messed with his targetting equipment, this small figure was in no place to make demands from him. "Allow me to demonstrate your error here." Viral once more activated his laser, red energy gathering into his helmet as he aimed it downwards. Although his aim might be off, the sheer size of the explosion would erase most of the enemies around him. Even his armour would take some damage from this attack if he set it off around his feet, but there was no way he could miss the ground, and none of his enemies would be able to survive this. He could find a new army afterwards, most of them had been weak anyway. Enki alone was more muscle than he would ever need, and others could always be forced into submission.

Suddenly, a blast of high-powered flame slammed into the focusing ring atop Enki's helmet. The creature took a step back as the energy gathering there destabilized. A shifting burst of raw energy shot into the sky, narrowly missing Firebrand as Enki stumbled backwards. Viral hissed, a giant mechanical hand clutching at the broken ring. They would pay for this! He shifted position, before suddenly dropping to one knee, one of his legs paralyzed. He'd been too distracted by the puny human to notice another human crawling up his leg, somehow damaging his synthetic muscles along the way. Suddenly, he was also on FIRE, which he hadn't seen coming, and which no doubt at least forced the human to get off.

"You insignificant little..." Not bothering to finish the sentence, Viral reached around, several more slots opening as he aimed a barrage of Kunai and missiles at the little neon-haired pest. Then his other leg gave out, a beam of bright red energy slamming into the hip joint and melting the armour into the circuitry. Enki was forced down, the immense mech leaning on one hand, both of it's legs compromised. It could still move most of them, but they lacked the strength to support the mech's weight. There was a moment of frenzied movement as the Mech tried to get back on it's damaged legs, or at least in a more tenable position, crushing pretty much anything near it unintentionally. However, once Viral realized the extent of the damage it merely sat back against a building, finally coming to a halt.

Slowly, the mouth of the mech opened. Viral himself stepped out, sighing. Blood ran down his side from where he had stabbed himself, blood ran down his face from a head wound, caused by one of the many crashes he had been forced to endure. From his back he drew a long bladed weapon, a modified cleaver designed for combat. He stared down the small group of individuals who had been responsible for getting him into this position, gripping his weapon tightly. His army had been wiped out, and yet his enemies still stood. A single old rat still fought for him, boldly declaring his challenge to the skeleton face. It mattered not to Viral. He had accepted his fate. His supposed immortality could not protect him from the clutches of death, merely ward him. It would not be enough for the fight to come.

A clawed finger ran along his forehead, wiping in the blood, before Viral licked it off. Smiling, as if appreciating the taste of it, he brandished the weapon in front of him, stepping down from the mech's mouth to stand before his enemies. "Very well then. It appears you have bested me. So let us see how many humans I can kill before I go down." With these words Viral leaned down and dashed forward, aiming for the necromancer. Midway he would jump in the air, throwing a kunai he had kept in his other hand at the blue-haired human before closing into melee with the necromancer, seeking to bury at least one before his time was up.
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