Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

It was such a small thing. Such a little, insignificant thing. And yet it was what had held this entire world together? This place that she'd known since childhood. This place that had spat on her, that had time and time again showed that everyone despised her. The only person who had ever shown her any care, now, had even treated her with horror just hours ago. And for what? Because she thought she could do better? Because she thought she could make something better?

It had been lies all along, hadn't it?

The light twisted in her hand. Such a simple, pure-looking thing... staring at it, she could hardly believe that it was the core of such a rotten world.

But that was why she had taken it, wasn't it? She'd take it away from here. And she'd make something new. Something for everyone who had suffered. Something that would never allow such horrible treatment to happen again. And she'd make everyone who had ever wronged her, hurt her, everyone who had ever looked her in the eye and told her how despised she was, she was going to make them all pay for it.

Even Charmeine.

Zuriel could hear her sister calling to her, pleading to her, but she didn't listen. With a single blow of her sword, she tore a hole in the fabric of reality. Without a moment's pause she passed through it.

Nothing Charmeine could say to her any longer would stop her.

She'd gather whoever she needed to. From all different worlds.

She'd make her utopia. Even if it took walking over the dead, she'd do it.

It had all happened so quickly.

Charmeine had been calling, pleading. But Zuriel had given her one last look, one last grin full of manic obsession, and dismissed her. And it was her fault, wasn't it? She had been the one to drive her to this. It had been only hours ago that Zuriel had told her, told her about how they could make a world so much better then this one she called rotten.

Now, only a small fragment of their world remained. Charmeine had managed to create a barrier, and pull together the chaotic mess that was left in order to make... well, it was a simple house, as of now. It was all she could do. She wasn't powerful enough to forge something more complicated. She couldn't remake the world. With the loss of its core, it had faded to nothingness.

What could she do?

She couldn't face Zuriel. But... she couldn't give up, either.

The girl clutched her fists. No. If it was her fault, she'd have to fix it. She'd have to stop Zuriel. She'd call people, from all over the multiverse. She'd bring them together, tell them what was at stake, and stop Zuriel from claiming any more cores.

This was hope. Charmeine's hope.

She'd assemble a team that could defeat the terrible cause that Zuriel had so misguidedly dedicated herself to. Even now, at the end of her world, she knew it could be restored. She knew that hope hadn't faded.

And Zuriel could be shown that hope didn't die, no matter how grim things had become.

My co-GM @RolePlayerRoxas will be along to elaborate on this all shortly!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 day ago

So, crossover roleplay! Everybody likes those, probably! The general gist here is that the bad guys have found a way to collect the 'cores' of a world, essentially dooming it to fade into nothingness, and it's up to the good guys to stop that from happening. Simple enough, huh? Well, here's the thing about the Cores; they're not just lying around in a treasure chest slightly out of view. They only appear under specific circumstances.

And what would those circumstances be, you ask? Well, it varies wildly between worlds, but the general idea seems to be fulfilling a scenario that otherwise never come to pass. Whether that be defeating an unbeatable opponent, revealing a horrifying secret to the masses... once that condition is met, the Core will reveal itself.

How to stop the bad guys from pocketing these cores and skipping off their merry way? Well, the heroes will be equipped with the necessary tools to 'lock' a Core that's been unveiled. technique that effectively forces the Core back into hiding - at the cost of making that world impossible to return to for a while. Certainly preferable to a slow death.

So, there you go. Heroes must defend the many, many worlds from those that would seek to take the Cores. And restore any worlds that are regretfully lost with the return of said Cores. Friendships will be forged, limits will be tested, and worlds will not-quite-collide-but-still. What will you do?

Rules for the game:

1. No godmoding - Self explanatory, really. Take hits when you can't dodge, don't assume you'll always hit.
2. Relatedly, no blatantly overpowered characters. Mind control, complete invulnerability, stuff like that.
3. Maximum of two characters, preferably one on each side.
4. No Original Characters, I'm afraid. Canons only.
5. More of a suggestion, but when deciding on which side to put your character... keep in mind that the personification of innocence and rainbows will not get along well with a group of ne'er-do-wells, and a moustache-twirling avatar of chaos and grimderp has no business palling it up with a group of justice-loving warriors.


  • Name:
  • Universe:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Abilities:
  • Alliance: Team Charmeine or Team Zuriel?
  • Other: For any info that doesn't fit elsewhere, like which point in time/version of the character you're using or something.

Aaaaand that should be it. If you have any questions, fire away,
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Welp. I got a good guy character made up. Wasn't present much in the Anime, and having a limit of three powers, but I like how she looks. If it's ok, I may add more abilities to her later on... that is IF we get that far. I'll get a villain character up later... if only I know who it may be...

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

-Evil Laugh-

  • Name: Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik
  • Universe: Sonic (Classic, I'd say)
  • Appearance:The real GENIUS!
  • Personality: A brilliant genius and scientist at a time, Robotnik is a man who lives for his science! Too bad that he usually employs more than questionable methods to achieve his goal, like trapping innocent animals and steal dangerous mystical artifacts to suit his purposes. A rather stubborn fella, he will keep trying no matter how many times his machines are blown up or his plans are twarthed. He's a little bit wee obsessed with certain superfast blue animals and certain artifacts called Chaos Emeralds. He, also hilariously has a fondness for egg-shaped constructs and overblown robotic monstrousities, which he usually employs to fight in the frontlines aswell. Even so, he knows when to fold 'em and make a strategical retreat. Or as someone say, run for the hills.
  • Abilities:
    Super Genius: Ivo Robotnik is the kind of guy that can make a superweapon in A CAVE. WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS. Granted that superweapon would inevitably be egg-shaped and aimed to kill a certain pesky hedgehog and his friends, but still... He's a one man crew when it comes to build any kind of mechanical and hi-tech device, including but not limited to doom lasers, industrial complexes, evil robotic knockoffs of heroes and Space stations.
    Nimble: Even if he looks a bit round, this fella can run pretty well.
    Durable: As well as survive his mechas exploding in his face EVERY SINGLE TIME.
  • Alliance: Zuriel
  • Other:More inspired in the classic Sonic 16-Bit Era than the modern ones. He was probably called by Zuriel after having his super robot being wrecked in outer space at the end of Sonic & Knuckles.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I don't think I see any issues with either.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hostile
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Hostile Endorses Galactic Genocide

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A canon player character counts, right?

  • Name: Vandor, the Last Dragonborn
  • Universe: The Elder Scrolls
  • Appearance: Vandor is a young man in his early twenties with pale blue eyes that glow violet due to his dragon soul, and has short light brown hair that goes down to his neck. He is mostly clean-shaven, though many scars dot his face, most notably a set of scars above and on his right lip. He stands at the average height of six feet two for most Nords, and has a muscular build. He has been described by many innkeepers he had previously performed for as being rather handsome, and ‘the kind the ladies like’. Armour wise, Vandor wears a full set of ebony armour, minus a helmet that shows his face. An Amulet of Talos hangs around his neck.
  • Personality: Vandor is a kind and outgoing individual with the drive to do what he feels is right, although he still has a naive side due to his relatively young age. While this would make him disarmingly friendly, many forget that he is the Dragonborn of legend, meaning that he still has some elements of a dragon’s personality, namely the love of destruction and minor greed. While Vandor has managed to keep this from showing, it has surfaced on multiple occasions when he was angered. According to an old innkeeper and several town guards in Falkreath, a group of mercenaries had decided to harass the bard while he was performing. Unfortunately, they had unknowingly angered the Dragonborn, the man who had saved all of Nirn on multiple occasions. While the residents cannot be certain, records state that the mercenaries were either literally shouted apart, burnt to cinders, frozen and then shattered, or had their souls ripped out. Vandor was said to have calmly sat in the middle of the carnage, calming eating a sweetroll. At least he had the decency to pay for the damage. He has dreams of becoming the best bard in all of Skyrim.
  • Abilities: Vandor is a talented bard and warrior, extremely proficient with a blade. He is also an experienced mage, being well-versed in the art of destruction magic, casting powerful spells at enemies. He has also been shown to be a good archer, having a keen eye for detail. According to him, he once hit a rabbit from two-hundred yards away during a blizzard, at night. Vandor wields the legendary sword Dawnbreaker of the Daedric prince Meridia. Its rain guard glows with infinite energy. Dawnbreaker bears the unique enchantment known as Meridia’s Retribution, which may cause targets to explode. This blast damages any nearby undead. With his, he carries around Auriel’s Bow, another legendary weapon which works well against undead creatures. He also carries the Wanderer’s Lute, an ancient family heirloom passed down from generation to generation. The lute is of clearly ancient design, with a longer and thinner neck than those of modern design. It has a black body resembling a stag beetle. When played, the lute has an effect on the user and allies, though the effects differ and depend on the type of song played. The effects can range from healing allies to making them fight harder.
  • Alliance: Team Charmeine
  • Other: Starts off after completing the main quest and every DLC.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Unfortunately, I'd file "blank slate" characters under OC. If you make everything about them and there's no canon appearance and personality, at all, I'm going to have to say that they they fall under the no OC's rule.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Shovel Knight
Universe: Shovel Knight
Appearance: By my SHOVEL!
Personality: Shovel Knight is loyal to his allies as well as those who follow him with no real reason as to why they follow him. He is a kind and caring person who goes out of his way to help those in need of help even when he is on his own journey. Shovel Knight is a man of honor and he'll always fight fair and along what ever rules are set. He follows the code of shovelry and is to be believed the perfect example of it.

Blade of the Shovel Knight: He is able to bounce on enemies with his shovel, and dig giant holes in the earth with ease.
Relics: Throughout his adventures Shovel Knight has acquired a lot of Relics
Durability: He has great durability, and can hold his breath underwater for long periods of time.

Alliance: Team Charmeine.
Other: He would've been called in the time that takes place after the game because he's acquired all the relics in the game.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I'm afraid that bio is a bit too skimpy on details. ^^;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hostile
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Hostile Endorses Galactic Genocide

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll use another one, then.

  • Name: Saitama
  • Universe: One Punch Man
  • Appearance: "OK."
  • Personality: Despite being the strongest hero to ever live, Saitama is quite indifferent. Since his foes pose no threat to him, he is easily bored once he starts defeating them with a single hit. As he has no one to challenge him, he has slipped into a self-imposed existential crisis, and claims that his abilities to feel emotions has dulled considerably. He stated that he just became a hero because it was his dream and for self-satisfaction and that before becoming one, he used to suffer from anxiety issues. Despite his boredom, Saitama does not ignore crime. He is also humble and selfless, allowing a watching crowd to turn on him just to let some defeated heroes claim some credit. Another surprising thing about Saitama is that he is surprisingly tactful and insightful, being well able to discern situations and character traits from the people and environment around him fairly easily.
  • Abilities: Saitama is the strongest hero to live, and his almost invulnerable. Saitama's only power is that his body is far beyond human limits, allowing him to achieve astounding physical feats. He is able to defeat opponents with a single punch, and often time his foes simply explode when struck. However, he normally holds back just to have a decent fight. A single "serious" punch is able to somehow counter Boros's destructive energy beam attack, and split the sky in half along the whole planet effortlessly, and even then, Boros, who was the fatally injured victim of the said move, said that Saitama had plenty of strength to spare and that he did not even try to give it his best shot. He is also extremely fast, being able to run at hypersonic speeds, and is able to react to faster attacks. He is so fast that he leaves afterimages in his wake. He is immune to most attacks, such as electrical and psychic. To add to this, Saitama has shown to possess incredible willpower, even before he started training. He had the will to remove his natural limiter during training, even after receiving grievous injuries.
  • Alliance: Team Charmeine
  • Other: He comes from the end of the first season of One Punch Man, after defeating Boros.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

He is WAY too powerful. The entire series is built around him being overpowered. Going to have to say no.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 1 day ago

@PatrickDrummer What kind of details?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

More on his personality, details on the relics he wields, that kind of stuff.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Here's one. Still need to think of one to balance the scales...

Name: Sogiita Gunha
Universe: Raildexverse
Appearance: When in doubt, trust your guts!
Personality: Gunha is... A bit of an idiot. A kindhearted idiot who fights for the sake of justice, yes, but an idiot nevertheless. Incredibly hot-blooded and eager to solve issues without thinking them through first, Gunha also has a bit a tendency to get involved in messes that might not have BEEN messes in the first place. Often misunderstanding problems and context, he'll often jump into a problem with the idea that "if he has enough guts, then it'll be fine" or something like that. He's not a COMPLETE idiot, though; even though he may be the type to get caught up in rather strange situations, it's not as if he can't understand people or their issue. He just jumps to conclusions... Really quickly. If forced to, at least, he can stay put and TRY to work something out otherwise.
Abilities: As a Gemstone and one of the top espers in Academy City, Gunha's potential arsenal is... Rather large. The most relevant of this set is listed below.
  • Super Strength: Gunha can launch things a fair distance; for example, he launched a certain spiky-haired misfortunate high school student down a long path towards their target.
  • Pain Resistance and Increased Healing Factor: Gunha doesn't really FEEL much pain from most normal attacks and can shrug off things like, say, gunshots. Having resisted one of Misaka's larger lightning strikes and having caught one of her famous Railguns with his teeth, Gunha doesn't really care about that. He can also forcefully reconnect broken bones and staunch bleeding with, as he puts it, 'guts'. He can still feel pain, though; it's just the smaller stuff that really doesn't faze him.
  • Explosion Creation: In classic tokusatsu hero fashion, Gunha can create explosions of various types for different circumstances. These can be used to make a dramatic entrance or for more practical, combat-oriented purposes.
  • Attack Crash: Gunha takes a deep breath, takes a karate stance, dramatically opens his eyes and yells out the name of his signature move before launching a punch at his intended target. With enough force to damage a target over ten meters away, this attack is able to break through rubble. Gunha claims it to be psychokineis, but the truth is that even the scientists don't understand how it works.
  • Aurora Guard: In a similar fashion to his usual attack, Gunha shouts the words 'AMAZING PUNCH GUARD' and... Well, punches projectiles to the ground. Though it's not a perfect defense, it can deflect projectiles that have no real tangible form, such as electricity or lasers.
  • Enhanced Physical Capabilities: Aside from his super strength, Gunha can also move at superhuman speeds, can jump absurdly high, and... Can shout loud enough to create a shockwave that can break a fall.
    No, that's not a joke.
Alliance: Team Charmeine
Other: Likes quoting 'guts' as the reason behind most of his actions. Don't think too hard about it. Comes from the latest release on Index LNs (which is, as of this post, NT16).

Dammit if I can't play him in that one it'll be this one :U
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Unless @RolePlayerRoxas sees any issues, he's in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I don't think there's too many problems, but when you have status effects I'd like to see how they'll work in prose, which naturally doesn't work like a video game.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Well, here's my first character. I'll probably submit a villain when i come up with a good idea.

Name: IF

Universe: Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth


Personality: IF is a knowledgeable person, used to traveling on her own and relying on her self. She can be overconfident when it comes to areas that she has a lot of knowledge in, and can be pretty headstrong when it comes down to it. She tends to plan out things and accomplish them in her own way, which can lead to problems when she is being dragged into ding things that she doesn't think help accomplish her own objectives, or those of the group. She does have a sarcastic side to her, but is ultimately a good person who will do the right thing.

Has a bit of wanderlust, due to not really knowing what it's like to have a home. Annoyed by the conversation topic of chest size, and has a serious addiction to her cell phone. Nonetheless, when the chips are down she will stand by her friends through thick and thin.

Demon Flames - A series of explosions rip through an area before a pillar of fire rises from the ground to burn anything caught inside it. Magical based, and it deals fire damage as you might expect

La Delphinus - Another area of effect attack that causes a pillar of light to rise from the ground, striking anything inside. While causing magical damage as a result of this, it also has a chance to seal an enemies skill, or in this case, Ability.

Green Nova - A skill that allows her to heal a single target of damage they have suffered. Can fully heal broken limbs, scratches, but more significant damage requires additional time and energy that she may not have in a battlefield situation.

Apocalypse Nova - IF's ultimate attack, this can only be pulled off when she has sufficiently charged up with energy. Bolts of energy are thrown out that explode on contact with the ground or a target, which she then follows up with a solid energy laced punch, before delivering a final vertical slice of energy for significant damage.

Alliance: Team Charmeine

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Going to have to say the same here, about her healing ability. I need a better idea of how it'll work in prose.

I'm probably not going to approve anything until tomorrow, when @RolePlayerRoxas can also take a look.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I did edits on Ensa-Taya. She is no longer able to inflict any ailment.
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