Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @December & @Spinosaurus&@Metronome

Day 5 2:30pm
"That is really cool Jason. So I could carry you in my pocket into a battle and pop you out like a surprise attack. That is very cool."

She looked down at Grayson. Harley was concerned about him. Something was still off with him and she thought maybe he just wasn't ready to talk so she leaned over and kissed his forehead and got up. "Do me a favor? See if you can get him onto the bed. Something is off but I'm not sure he is ready to talk yet and I have something I need to do."

She needed to check on Sasha and the commander said something about re-opening the doors now that most were feeling better. They were worried about land pirates attacking so she wanted to be there just in case they did. She went looking for Sasha and she found him in the cafeteria just after a sudden wave of fear screamed through her head. She thought it was weird because it wasn't her fear. She brushed it off since so many weird things were happening today.

"Hey Sasha, How are you feeling? Better I hope." She sat down across from him. "Is anyone else having weird things happen to them? Like getting powers? I know there are some things happening and I'm wondering if it's happening to you as well? Are you getting powers?" @King Tai@MissCapnCrunch@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse@Metronome@alexfangtalon
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@Metronome@December@Venku@alexfangtalon

Kwan was slowly bringing herself under control when she felt fear wash through her and it made her smile because she’d long ago learned to embrace the adrenalin rush fear gave a person. She fought the debilitating effects as her mentor had taught her and rode the wave of her fight or flight reflexes. She’d experienced fear in her every performance because she knew the capricious nature of her industry could ruin her on little more than a whim then there were the required stunts she had to do herself and each had to be over the top in danger; she’d broken 10 bones in her short career.

The adrenal energy helped her to center herself quickly and calm her physical reactions so that she felt she could reach out and pick up her bowl of soup without splashing it everywhere; it was silly actually. She reached out and picked up her bowl and drank it down as carefully as she could managing to not spill it all over herself.

Just as she’d finished a white woman who liked to be called Harley like the big motorcycle came into the cafeteria and walked over to the big russian man asking about his health. But it was her question asked generally that Kwan thought odd but not because of the subject but because of the affirmation that Kwan wasn’t alone in experiencing such strange physical events.

I am unsure what you mean by powers but I am experiencing tremors said Kwan picking up her spoon and lowering it to the tabletop. The spoon made a buzzing sound as if it were some kind of vibrating sander.

She pulls the spoon away from the table and looks at the spoon which is now bent at an odd angle the surface of the table where she’d touched it smoking Interesting if you’re not trying to consume a liquid
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

• Grayson •

Interacting with @Wick & @Spinosaurus

Harley's sudden entrance into Grayson's room wasn't even noticed by the disoriented man. She made a few comments, however they sounded muted and distant, almost as if he was hearing them through a layer of water. She joined him on the floor as he slowly regained his bearings.

"Gray, what's wrong?" Harley placed her hand on his forehead and furrowed her eyebrows in concern. "How did you end up on the floor? What happened, how did you end up on the floor?"

He shook his head, unable to form a complete thought. She made a comment about him owing her something after he saw her naked, a memory he didn't dwell on but wasn't all that unhappy about, however his words refused to formulate into cohesive sounds. He wanted to make some witty retort about how he was in his underwear already and he wasn't sure what more she wanted, however his throat closed up.

Before he could form a response, a new figure burst into the room, a man he recognized but couldn't name. He babbled on shortly in words that were too fast for Grayson's overtaxed brain to understand and then closed his eyes, freezing for a moment before disappearing entirely.

Grayson managed to release a confused groan before Harley stood up, looking rather concerned. She made a few vague comments he didn't understand before disappearing, making her way down the hall and out of sight.

The reality of the situation was far too distant for Grayson to fully cope with, so he took a moment to rest before dragging himself to his feet. He glanced around his room, looking for the invisible man. He was wary of moving around too much for fear of knocking into him. He was unaware that he was merely tiny.

The underdressed man's innards twisted over themselves, however before any vomiting could occur, a wave of confusion and fear washed over him. For a brief moment, he felt part a hive mind entwined within his. A focal point of panic and uncertainty was at the core, emanating dark emotions and pain. The unglorious symphony of minds lasted for but a moment, vanishing as suddenly as it arrived.

Grayson's legs gave way as he sank to the floor, leaning on the wall for support. His breathing was rapid and shallow. He looked over at the rest of the room and addressed it as a whole.

"Okay," He coughed, feeling ridiculous for talking to supposedly empty room. "I don't know if you're real or not, but on the off chance you aren't a figment of my imagination, follow me." He brought himself into a shakey stand and grabbed his pants, throwing them and a hoodie on before making his way out of the door.

He wanted to find whatever it was that had invaded his mind.

Assuming it was real, that is.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @Rumikoohara & @Metronome

Day 5 3pm
Harley turned towards the Asian woman that she had seen before but not had a chance to speak to with all that had happened this week. "You are having them too? That looks a little like Hyperspeed or something. Mine is, well I haven't managed to control it well at all yet. I appear to be a ...Do you remember that anime The Avatar? Well unless I'm totally losing my mind I am a water creator and manipulator or a water bender of sorts. My friend Jason can now shrink to an inch tall and climb like spiderman. And who is so freaked out that they screamed fear into my head? My...well Grayson is acting weird and he is worrying me alot, something is going on with him too." She looked back at Sasha and asked him again. After looking at his physique again she took a wild guess. "As strong as you already are I would imagine superior strength would be just about perfect for you. Am I right?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park

Interacting with: @Aeternum

Day 5, 12PM

JJ stepped out of the communal showers, his clothes damp as to avoid erupting in flames again. He had spent a whole two hours in there trying to figure why he was suddenly bursting in flames every time he moved. In the span of the first 30 minutes in the showers, he had succeeded in setting every part of his body on fire. He danced, he jumped, he ran in place, he rubbed his hands together until he had tired himself out. Everything he did set his body on fire and he had to extinguish the flames with the shower each time. It was strange that he didn't feel pain or heat. He checked his body. No burnt skin and his hair were all still there, not a single strand singed. All he really damaged were his clothes. They were completely soaked, some parts were missing and there were singed holes all around.

He had literally become the Human Torch. How cool was that? He could warm up his food without having to use the microwave. He can heat water with his hands. He can cook whatever he wanted. Cool and handy. His mind drifted to the superhero, Johnny Storm, and his eyes widened. Whoa. Imagine if I can fly.

Although it was silly, he thought he'd try it. There wasn't anybody in the showers with him anyway. "Flame on," he called out, willing himself to burst into flame. When nothing happened, he tried again, focusing on that single thought. Nothing happened the second time. And the third. He tried several more times until he ended up laughing at himself.

As his laughter died down, the worry settled in. Will he be able to control this strange new power? How will it affect those around him?

And then there was the issue about the clothes. How the heck will he walk around if he kept burning what he was wearing? He looked down at his pants. Half of his left pant leg had been burned off and there were holes in the other. I don't think anyone would appreciate it if I walked around naked. His eyes fell on the shower head. He grinned as an idea popped into his head.

His idea worked. Keeping his clothes damp allowed him to move around without setting himself ablaze. It would have to do for now, at least until he can figure out how to control it. His stomach grumbled and he headed towards the cafeteria. He looked forward to not needing to fall in line to heat the food that was almost always cold whenever he went there to eat.

He frowned as pain lanced through his head. I must be really hungry, he thought as he shook his head in an attempt to clear it. But when he looked back up, he stopped dead in his tracks. The cafeteria was burning. A horrified look settled over JJ's face as he realized that there were people ther. People that were burning. Agonized screams filled the air as people tried to escape the blazing inferno. JJ stared at the scene, his heart thudding in his chest from guilt. Did he set the place on fire? Fear and panic washed over him. There were no other people in the bunker that can generate fire like he can. He ran inside, his heart pounding. What can he do to save the people? How can he stop the fire? He ran in, towards the closest person he can reach.

Half of the person's face was burnt and he was screaming in pain. He turned towards JJ and reached out a hand.

It was Robert.

"JJ, you okay?"

JJ blinked. He looked to where the voice came from. Ben, one of the rescuers that had helped him the day the doors were opened, was staring at him, a spoonful of gruel poised just a few inches from his mouth. "You look like you've seen a ghost dude." He said, raising an eyebrow.

JJ looked around. The cafeteria was back to normal. There was no fire and no people burning. His brow furrowed as he turned back to Ben. "Did you see---" he stopped himself. If he was the only one who saw the vision, then he didn't want anyone thinking he had gone crazy. "Yeah... I'm fine. Just...uh..." Or maybe he had really gone cuckoo. "...never mind."

Ben shrugged and then turned his attention back to his food. JJ looked around, trying to locate a face in the crowd. When he didn't find it there, he headed back towards the rooms to find him.

It didn't take too long to find Robert. Although he half expected the boy to still be in bed, he didn't count on seeing him crumpled down like some sort of rag doll that had been tossed aside. At least he's not burning. Wait. He isn't dead, is he? He hurried forward and felt the boy's pulse. When he felt it there, he sighed in relief. He reached out, grabbed the boy by the shoulders and shook him gently. "Hey. Wake up."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Sasha Belov

Sasha nodded in agreement. "Some weird things have been going on around here. A lot of people have been developing strange powers; like some kind of forced evolution. Maybe a survival mechanism." He brought another spoon of watery soup to his mouth. He was slowly getting the hang of his own new developments. He had yet to test the limit of his newfound strength. When Harley brought it up, he paused.

"I do seem to be a lot stronger than usual. I thought that I was just getting better after being so sick, but then I pulled a door off its hinges on accident. I felt like I'd barely touched it."

To be honest, it scared him a little. If he could do that to a door, imagine what he could do to a person if he wasn't careful...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @Metronome & @Rumikoohara

"You know that would make perfect sense. Each of the powers manifesting are helpful in some way and are probably something tied into who we are or at least one of our strengths. Kwan was already fast with her martial arts and her career stunts. You, well look at you. It's not any wonder why you would get a strength boost. I was a lifeguard in the summer and I swam all the time." Her brow furrowed and creased in annoyance. "I still have no idea what is going on with Grayson though."

The commander came over and put his hand on Harley's back and she jumped and winced in pain. "Oh ouch be careful commander I hurt my back in the shower. When my power for water first showed itself it blasted me across the showers and into the wall and sprayers. my back and hip are black and blue." The commander put his hands on her back and she felt a healing power run warmth through her body and it took away all of the bruising and made her feel wonderful again. She turned around. "Oh my god! You can heal! That is the best gift of all! Thank you!"She hugged him tightly.

"Are we going to get those doors open like we wanted to today? Are any of the camera's outside working at all?"

The commander nodded, "That is my intent. Hey we could use some help with the water system too so we might be needing your gift soon too in the bunker."

"No problem whatsoever I'm probably using it the most anyway." She grinned.
@King Tai@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse@December@Venku@alexfangtalon
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@Metronome@December@Venku@alexfangtalon

Kwan contemplated Harley’s statement and thought how she should be worried about her and the other woman’s own sanity but couldn’t because so far evidence pointed to its probability. She decided there was only one way to test the theory so she stood and headed to the center of the room with the bent spoon and held it out at arm's length then let it go. She had performed this stunt before in training but this time instead of going into motion as soon as she felt it leave her fingers she delayed as she focused all her senses on the falling spoon. She was surprised when she did because the spoon fell as if it were sinking in a dense liquid and it took all the willpower she could manage to wait for it to fall almost to the floor before she acted and caught it about an inch from the floor.

To Kawn all this seemed to take about 10 minutes to happen and her catch about five seconds but to anyone observing it all happened in the space of less than two seconds and she catch was accomplished in a blur of motion so fast that she looked like she smeared from a standing to a squatting position.

To someone else perhaps this would have been enough but for Kwan it was a beginning. Next she took the spoon over to a nearby concrete wall and took the stiff handle and placed the but against it then focused all her muscles to tapping it as rapidly as she could for a moment and was amused and surprised when the spoon bored a small hole in the material. She was forced to drop the spoon when she felt it trying to burn her fingers where they were in contact with the metal.

She had made the stainless steel utensil heat by shear friction and that was understandable when she looked at the hole in the wall and noticed she’d dug about an inch deep in seconds.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 15 days ago

Kai Funches

Not long after Kai started heading back, he was coughing a bit more, becoming lightheaded and was starting to have nausea. Was it the cockroach he ate? He kept feeling that was the case at this moment when he stumbled, losing a bit of balance when he spat out blood. He made it back to the bunker but not until he passed out once making it inside and being brought to a room to rest, being in and out od consciousness.

Throughout the week, he had a hard time breathing, others thought he was going to die but instead, simply suffered the whole time until his sickness passed and he finally awoke from it, getting up. During that time as he was suck, he didn't eat anything since then. He was in too much pain and even if he did eat, would he have been able to hold down the food? Kai got up with intent to get something to eat as he jumped out of bed to notice that he wasn't touching the ground, hitting his head on the ceiling.

Not only was he not touching the ground but he seemed to be stuck to the ceiling with wide eyes wondering if he was just going through a trippy hallucination or if this shit was real Uh......help??? he said nonchalantly.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park

Interacting with: @Aeternum, @King Tai

Day 5, 12:30PM

JJ shook Robert a couple more times before giving up on waking him. The boy was either a really really deep sleeper or he has some sort of mental problem. "O-okay...maybe shaking you that much wasn't such a good idea," he muttered, belatedly realizing that he might have cause a lot more harm than good. He stared at Robert for a couple minutes. His breathing was slow and steady and it didn't look like the shaking did him any harm. Well, he really can't be sure and the only way to know was to wait for him to wake up. JJ pulled Robert's blanket, draped it over the sleeping boy and then settled down on the floor.

Ten minutes passed. JJ leaned back and closed his eyes.

Fifteen minutes. JJ began tapping his foot to a song playing in his head.

Twenty five minutes. JJ began singing to the tune that was continuously playing in his head. He would have gotten up to dance but he'd probably burst out into flames again if he did.

Thirty minutes. JJ had already finished singing two whole songs. He glanced over to Robert who hadn't even moved. His stomach grumbled.

He stood up. "Okay, it doesn't seem like you're waking up any time soon. I'll just go grab something to eat cause...yeah... my stomach is about to eat me alive. I'll check in on you again later." He patted the boy's arm and then turned and walked out of the room.

Wondering if there was still food left in the cafeteria, he hurried towards it, passing by another room on the way. The door was partially open.


The tone of the voice wasn't exactly urgent but it was a call for help all the same. JJ stopped and peeked into the room. At first, he didn't see anyone and thought he had just imagined the voice. He was about to turn away when something on the ceiling caught his attention. He looked up and his eyes widened. Kai was up on the ceiling... Is he stuck up there?

JJ always followed a strict policy to help first before asking questions but this was an exception. The situation had him so curious that he asked just as he extended his hand up to help. "I was just thinking about flying earlier but it looks like you beat me to it. How'd you get up there? I don't suppose you just floated straight up, did you?" It was a silly question. But with all that's been happening lately, he wouldn't be surprised if Kai said yes.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 15 days ago

Kai Funches

Interactions with JJ=@Kyrisse

Did Kai expect anyone to hear him? No, in fact, he was thinking to himself on what the hell just happened and why did it happen. He was going to have to figure this thing out. Hopefully, he wouldn't just all of a sudden stop sticking to the ceiling and fall straight down to the floor to bust his ass.

With his mind at a tangle of questions and looking as if he was on the shooms, he looked down at the Asian dude that walked in looking around and then up at him. As the guy extended his hand, Kai was hesitant. "I was just thinking about flying earlier but it looks like you beat me to it. How'd you get up there? I don't suppose you just floated straight right up, did you?"

With a raised eyebrow, Kai was going to give a witty retort but nothing surfaced in his mind at that moment Fly? if only...and yeah....that exactly what happened. Getting up to get some food but then I felt like I became weightless and ended up stuck up here. Guess morning wood wasn't the only thing rising today. Kai said extending his hand to grab on to JJ's hand and proceeded to lightly push off the ceiling to give JJ the assistance to get him down from there. In that instant of trying to get down, the seeming weightlessness felt like it was wearing off, causing Kai to notice he was going to simply drop. d'aaawww shit....

@Wick @RumikoOhara @Spinosaurus @Metronome @alexfangtalon @Venku @December @Aeternum

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@Metronome@December@Venku@alexfangtalon

Dam she was so hungry now and it wouldn’t do her any good to go back through the chow line because of rationing; she then remembered her goody box. She had hid it knowing there would come a day when she would need it to cheer herself up; two of heaven’s most delectable creations from a micro confectioner out of San Francisco. They were trail bars made of honey, oats and blueberries, well there were other ingredients but those were the parts she loved most.

So eager was she for her goodies that she left the room in a whooshing sound as she hurried to her room and opened her steamer trunk so quickly she almost snapped the hinge. That near disaster made her careful as she popped the old smuggler’s drawer open and find her two lovelies and pull them out she also noted that her honey jar was crystallizing but that just required a little heat to solve.

”Honey! Blueberries! And Oats! said Kwan in Mandarin we voice as sweet and light as a school girls.

Then she strips a bar and though she feels like she takes several minutes to eat it and actually eats it in less than 5 seconds then inhales the second moments afterwards’

Oh Yes! Orgasmic she says breathlessly enjoying a strange rush of energy.

Well now I need to figure out where my next fix is coming from.

I guess gathering honey might be easy now that I’m so fast, I might even be able to take a Queen and make a hive so I’ll always have honey

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park

Interacting with: @King Tai

Day 5, 12:45PM

JJ chuckled as Kai reached out for his hand. As soon as he had a good grasp of the older boy's hand, he gave a quick, strong tug, taking into account Kai's weight. He figured he'd need to exert a little effort to pull him down. What he didn't expect was the sudden help gravity decided to give them. His eyes widened, not even getting that chance to dodge or to brace for impact. In a matter of seconds, Kai's entire 175 lbs was on top of him, pinning him to the ground. (Visual aid minus the cat)

He groaned as he got the wind knocked out of him. He stared at the ceiling, momentarily regretting helping out. "I'm glad I could be of some help as a cushion to break your fall. But I think you may have broken me."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Sasha Belov

Sasha nodded to the Commander as he came over. The hulking man was just scraping up the last of his soup as Harley spoke. He perked up a little at the mention of the doors being opened again. Being stuck in here for the last few days hadn't been very fun. Sasha had spent a lot of that time sleeping, but during his waking hours, he had been bored out of his mind. He didn't really know anyone here well enough to waste time with them.

"Maybe we should organize a hunting party," He suggested, "The soup's getting a little thin." Sasha demonstrated by swirling the last watery drops of broth in his bowl. "If we could kill one of those mutated animals out there, we could have a couple hundred pounds of meat."

During his three days out in the wild, Sasha had encountered several of the new fauna. Among them were roaches the size of cats, wolves that traveled in packs and easily out weighed a pony, and deer with massive antlers and thick muscles.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @Metronome & @Rumikoohara

When the commander opened the doors Harley was right in front and one of the first outside. She looked towards the mass graves and it looked like some of the animals had tried to dig into it. She walked over to the pile of disturbed dirt and shoveled it back into place. Harley decided to make it more difficult to move it for the animals. She stood back and lifted her hands and aimed them at the dirt. Nothing happened. Frustrated she tried it again and again nothing happened.

Suddenly, she felt like something or someone was watching her and she tapped into that feeling and blasted towards the direction she felt the disturbance in. She half expected it to be one of the others messing with her but it wasn't. It was a very sick tumor ridden, tiger-like creature. Harley jumped back and aimed her hands at it and kept up the gushing water. She was standing on the wrong side and the water was coming back at her instead of going down the other side of the hill. When the water knocked the large cat back she cut out and ran through the water that was both her savior and her bane. "Sasha! Tiger!" She screamed.

@RumikoOhara @Spinosaurus@Metronome@alexfangtalon @Venku@December @Aeternum@kyrisse@king tai
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 15 days ago

Kai Funches

Interaction with: @Kyrisse

And the Humanitarian Of The Day Award goes too........Mr. Jae Park!!!(I'm not familiar with South Korean honorifics so...not even gonna try :D) Kai wasn't expecting to drop like a piece of meat but, since gravity actually became applicable again, all 175 lbs of black ass was pinning Mr. Asian persuasion. D'oh!! was the sound he made upon impact and could hear the groans of his savior.

Looked over at Jae, Kai motioned himself to move Damn! I'm sorry bro... moving from him and smirked from Jae's comment Thanks for lookin' out for me....I hope I didn't break ya....nothing worse than having to break your balls to break falls. Kai stood and held his hand out to Jae to help him up Don't think I've actually introduced myself....Kai....Kai Funches... he said.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@Metronome@December@Venku@alexfangtalon

Kwan had heard that they were heading outside today and was thrilled on so many levels. She was beginning to go buggy from confinement and the idea of honey she’d put into her head was still teasing her with its probability. So when the doors were opened she headed outside and looked for the nearest piece of high ground and headed to it so she could survey the area.

It was a low hill about 230 meters from the entrance and it rose about 40 meters above the local terrain and she ran to the top in less than two seconds and began her observation of the local area. While she stood up there she focused on objects far away which was how what looked like a mangy wolf that had grown to the size of a quarter horse was able to get close enough to her to attempt an attack which might have succeeded if it’s target had been a normal person.

Kwan cursed when she saw the monster begin its attack but quickly switched to a grin because as fast as the beast was it as if it were in slow motion like that movie she’d done where she played a cyborg cutie. She pulled a throwing knife and pushed it into the creature’s neck and slashed it from ear to ear nearly decapitating it and so fast did she move that she even dodged the spray of arterial blood as it tumbled down the other side. Now on guard she looked around the hilltop and discovered she was surrounded by five more of the ugly things.

She now faced a puzzle and that was either to flee the animals that still surrounded her or to kill them all. At first she thought she was being rushed to a decision till she realized that they like their former packmate were moving so slowly she felt like she could have a seat and work the problem out for a few minutes. She came to the only logical conclusion she could and that was that the wolves must die because of the danger they posed to the others from the bunker.

To accomplish her task Kwan had to gather five large fist sized rocks or at least that’s what she thought at first till her first throw sent the rock clear through the monster’s skull as if it were a cannon ball from an artillery piece. So she used smaller rocks about the size of ping pong balls to finish off the rest and as their bodies tumbled down the hill around her Kwan scanned for any further dangers
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park

Interacting with: @King Tai

JJ took Kai's hand and stood up. "Well, everything still seems to be working." He laughed. It was strange that there were some people in the bunker that he wasn't so familiar with even though they all spent the whole year cooped up together. Of course, it wasn't exactly a soirée or something. "Jae Park." He gave Kai's helping hand a firm shake before releasing it. "So, you floated all the way up there, huh?" He glanced up at the ceiling. "Well, it's a good thing there's a ceiling there or you would have floated up into the sky. It'd probably be a bit more difficult to get you down," he chuckled and then shook his head. Apparently, the strange ability he had wasn't just an isolated case. "I have to say though that I'm glad that I'm not the only freak show around." He lifted his hand and rubbed two fingers together. It took only a second for a small flame to erupt from the tip of his index finger. "If I smoked, this would have been really really useful." He chuckled again as he extinguished the flame on his still damp shirt.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 15 days ago

Kai Funches

Interaction with: @Kyrisse

A bit relieved that Jae was still in one piece, Kai continued to shake his hand after Jae stood and introduced himself That's what's up. Cool to meet you, bruh. He said knowing he's seen him before but Kai was not really a guy that stood out, being as quiet as he is.

Listening to the comment Jae gave about him floating up, Kai nodded Yeah....if that was the case, that would take high as a kite and higher than a giraffe's ass to another level. But...that shit was trippy. I thought I was hallucinating but...obviously I must- Wait...freak show? he said wondering what Jae meant as the Asian dude pulled off a little trick, starting up a small flame on his finger tip. For a moment, Kai stared at the finger with the flame on top of it as if it hypnotized him and when it was extinguished, Kai shook his head seemingly as if he snapped out of a trance .

Okay........what the fuck!? I used to smoke that maryjane myself and it could be useful for me but......what the fuck!? He said looking confused.

@Wick@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Metronome@alexfangtalon @Venku@December @Aeternum
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park

Interacting with: @King Tai

"Yep, that was exactly how I reacted earlier," JJ said. "Now, imagine that small flame earlier... but everywhere!" he gestured at himself. Like this! XD The more he thought about it, the more it sounded cool. Maybe not the part about burning people and exploding like some sort of bomb, but still pretty cool. "I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with the radiation out there. I mean, how else are we able to do this shit? We all got sick after the doors were opened. Maybe that was what triggered it all." He thought back to Robert and wondered if he was manifesting his own powers. Super sleep? Nah... probably not. He shook the silly thought out of his head and then felt his tummy complain again from the lack of food. "Come on. I was just headed to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Let's ask around if the others have been getting these... uh... superpowers too." He turned to walk out of the room then turned back to Kai as an afterthought. "Wait...How do you turn on your ability? You don't need me to hold you down while you walk, do you?"

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