Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 17 min ago

Her disappointment was immeasurable and her day was ruined.

The second ghost seemed to have done it, and the toad itself proved to not have been so tough after all, rotting away from its face at the behest of the reaper-like monstrosity that speedo-boy had pulled out of the aether. Really then, it must have simply been the case that Maive was lacking. So Verity didn't even bother to stop her from falling a second time. She survived one spine-cracking hit. She wouldn't die from a nap.

Instead, she turned towards Daniel, motioning towards the sheer nothingness that was there. No frog, thus no food. No frog, but also no Sofia. Made sense. If the rot-blast hit the face, the rot-blast would hit the arm hanging from the face too. So, as for the fate of top twenty sciences track...

"So you hit Sofia with that too?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Imogen Reed

A captive audience, Imogen watched from down the beach as Maive and her gale-force poltergeist stood against the monstrous frog. She trembled instead of cheering, and she dared not raise her voice even if it couldn’t be heard above the howling wind lest she attract even a modicum of the terror’s attention, but all the same she fervently wished the other girl the best, and hoped that she would succeed. Whether she knew or liked Maive made no difference; this nightmare was an enemy far greater than petty interpersonal quibbles, and against such a foe, human beings stood together. Well, at least in spirit, if not in the flesh. The knowledge of Imogen’s own powerlessness gnawed her with shame and despair, but those feelings hadn’t quite quenched something else that smoldered inside her. Deep within she still burned with anger, but that pilot light still sputtered in the dark, searching for more fuel. It wasn’t yet time to ignite.

Some of the others did what they could, however. Orlando hurled rocks to try and give Maive a chance to recovery, and Verity gave…’advice’. A Maive couldn’t live on words alone, though, and she needed more time than the Orlando’s courageous distraction could provide. But help did, coe, and came from an unexpected source: after a very long internal dialog, and no small amount of head-splitting agony, Daniel made his entrance. In the wake of the windstorm that rolled across the tropical island came a sudden, terrible chill. As its frigid fingers brushed across her skin Imogen tensed up with a gasp, hunkering down as she wrapped her arms around her shoulders in a protective self-embrace. Her gaze snapped to the figure that emerged from the foliage, wreathed in pearlescent fog. “H-huh!?” Behind him he cast a long shadow, deep and black as the bowels of the earth itself, and from the fated union of cold and dark rose a terrifying specter, hooded and shrouded in archetypal black robes. Imogen gawked, shivering in the sand. That tornado-mummy had been one thing, but this? It could only be Death.

"Kharon!" Danny shouted.

...Oh. Imogen blinked. The boatman from Greek myth, right? Not Death. Gotcha.

But like the apparition that preceded it, Kharon. seemed less interested in finishing the haggard students off, and more interested in the frog. In what seemed like a matter of seconds, the fearsome Persona smacked the frog in the face with his Boatman Blast, and things went poorly for it. The bug-eyed beast freaked out, its already-reprehensible face melting away as if doused in acid. In its death throes it hurled its captive (who Imogen could now identify as Sofia, restoring her belief in justice) into the air for a wild aerial rave. It reminded Imogen of old Sauce Engine physics. Unfortunately for Sofia, but fortunately for the world at large, her majestic flight soon turned into a headlong plummet into the eldritch ocean. Sploosh.

Diverting her attention from the toad’s gruesome demise, Imogen watched the spot where Sofia disappeared. No sign of her could be seen either attempting to breach or struggling beneath the surface. “That sucks,” Imogen muttered. Despite her righteous vitriol toward Sofia, she didn’t actually want the other girl to die. But Imogen wasn’t about to risk a dip in that weird water. She glanced back toward the action to find that everything seemed to be over. The frog was gone, the wind subsided, and the cold relented, so Imogen walked over. She could see no sign of either of the mysterious beings that appeared to help the students in their hour of need. Maive passed out, and Daniel looked like death, but even if they seemed fine Imogen felt no need to pester them with useless questions. In a make-believe world like this, things didn’t need to make sense.

That said, Imogen did have one question. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t care about their well-being. With Maive unresponsive, she furrowed her brows toward Daniel, a worried frown on her face. “Are you okay?” she asked. Their future might be uncertain, if any future awaited them beyond this purgatorial place, but at the very least she could focus on the present.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DarckLeon
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After having thrown his 4th rock Orlando realized that perhaps this wasn't one of his brightest ideas. The frog stood unfazed by his puny artillery and yet what he truly feared is what would he do if he did get to attract its attention, run and hide behind a tree? Luckily he didn't have to wait for too long, out of the corner of his eye he could see Maive getting up, he didn't know how she could call the spectral wind figure but as long as that thing could save them from the frog he honestly didn't care. He saw her raising her hand... and then faltering.

The situation worsened by the second, and Orlando could only hope the frog stayed tired for a few more seconds, maybe a miracle would end out happening? But it wasn't an act of God that got his attention, it was a familiar voice instead, and he could turn his head around just in time to witness, for the second time in the day, something truly mind-boggling.

Danny stood there, all the fear and nervousness having left his face, as a cold that chilled Orlando to his soul started to permeate the area. An icy, shadowy mist seemed to follow him, but on closer inspection, he could see it started to coalesce on an approximation of a person. Once Danny and the weird figure approached the monster frog, a hand that looked like it belonged to a long-dead corpse appeared within the mist, in its grasp was an oar made of extremely old wood, which the figure used to dissipate the mist that cloaked it.

It was Death, no other way around it, who had finally come to reap their souls. But instead of taking their lives, it raised a finger towards the monstrous amphibian and from it, liquid blackness flew towards the frog. He could not see what it did from his position, but the way it started thrashing around it looked like it worked.

So enraptured was Orlando with the events in front of him that he almost didn't see the big chunk of upturned dirt that almost pulled him, but he managed to dive out of the way in time. He rolled a few times to stay as far away from the berserk frog as he could, and after a few seconds, the trashing stopped and only the necrotic remains of what was once the biggest threat to their lives could be seen, before even it evaporated, leaving no traces behind. And he could only stay there, flat on the ground, breathing big mouthfuls of breath and trying to calm his beating heart. They had managed to survive, and the others started to approach their part of the jungle.

He had a fuckton of questions swimming in his mind, each one crazier than the other, but after the ordeal, they survived only one left his mouth: "...Now what?"

He didn't expect a coherent answer, hell he didn't expect an answer at all, but that didn't stop him from asking.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 1 day ago

Despite the chill in the air, Daniel looked as if he'd just run a marathon. A droplets of sweat ran down his face as he panted in unsteady, adrenaline-fueled breaths. He wasn't quite sure what he expected to happen. He wasn't sure anything even would happen. But of all the possible options, he definitely hadn't expected to watch the frog waste away over the course of a few seconds. He supposed he did intend to kill it and Kharon apparently obliged. As he turned back to the spectre in question, Kharon dissipated with little of the fanfare that preceded his arrival.

Was that, like, a one time thing, or...?

Verity's question popped him out of his thoughts. Right. Sofia was in its mouth - no, it spat her out, he saw it, so that meant- no, she went flying. Oh god, did she break her neck or something? It all happened so fast- wait, they could find a body if so. She could be fine. Unless she had been hit and turned into a puddle like the frog did.

"I- I don't know. Did I? I don't even know what that was," Danny mumbled, eyes squinted in a lackluster search for the missing girl. Imogen drew his attention next, with a much less distressing question. Was he okay? He was tired. Antsy. Still in fight-or-flight mode. May have just killed someone. But aside from that? He felt great. A rush of power churned in his soul, a cold hand extended that offered purpose and competence and freedom.

He nodded after a few moments of deliberation. "I think so. Did anyone see where Sofia fell?" With luck, someone would've kept track. Then they could get back to more pressing issues, because any time wasted meant more questions asked and none of them seemed to have answers.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by stone
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stone read Helck

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Mentions: @hatakekuro

Unfortunately for Victor, the moonlit figure did little to answer his questions. Rather, the man from his visions simply turned and left, disappearing behind the cliff face.

It was now nearly 8:30PM. Victor had luckily gotten somewhat dry and fully clothed, but that couldn’t be said about the others. What would happen if, no, when they came back? Make the same trip down to the docks?

Or would he try and make it back to the island?

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by stone
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stone read Helck

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Back on the island, the buzz of insects resumed. In the frog’s rampage, most of the island’s plant life had been devastated—flattened or torn from their roots.

Looking at the ocean wasn’t giving the group as much of a headache as before, but there was still a sense of discomfort every time they glanced at its depths.

Sofia was nowhere to be seen. No struggling about, no flailing in the water, nothing. No signs of anyone drowning. And still no sign of Victor, either.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 7 days ago

His autopilot was based on fear. Fingernails dug into the sand as he breathlessly dragged his scorched, tormented imagination across the island, toward the spring. There was not a clear set of emotions laid across his face. He drooped and staggered in his blinks, and his breath was akin to suffocation. Franciszek had callousness all across his skin, his mind and soul. So harshly did his chest burn, as though it were a pressurised valve awaiting eruption. Sickness plagued him from within. How much more could it hurt? As if he were allergic to the beach itself, everything was in accordance to a horrific reaction. The amphibian and its demise, the relished power of some other no-name's of his, all mixed in how brilliantly or sourly they relished in their abilities. There was no explanation. It was a cosmic confusion, a horror of the unknown and by all cases it terrified the living hell out of the boy. He was quiet. Alone even. A soul that hadn't been paid even in pittance. He was there, soulless. His contributions were like gales in a storm. So he crawled, onward ahead, as he isolated further away to the island spring.

The water was still. Whenever he looked at it, there was no way to tell if it looked right at all. Something, if not everything, felt off. It was like an translucent pane of glass, awaiting its shatter. His fingers touched it and he confused its calm for aggression. He withdrew his hand and gagged on his own spit. Not one shade of comfort - the island had made its way through him. He despised it, and it despised him. There wasn't a way to comprehend any of the madness around him. How could he accept something so heinously against reality, so vicious in its mockery towards all that is normal? He ran his hand back into the spring. It burned again, like acid to skin, yet he kept going. He crawled further, and further, to escape it all, as with the spring came the allure of freedom. Yet after what he'd seen, what he'd felt, the doubtless sense that it was never a dream, was it possible to be free, and true, to remove himself from what he'd seen?

"Just take me home..." A voice inside of him rebuked it, and asked him to stay, but Franciszek's body did everything else to let that notion go forth. He crawled into the spring.

Back into the burning depths he went. In a downward spiral his body twisted and turned as the descent became a burning ascent. The further up he rose, he twirled upward into the burning heat of the water. He trusted himself enough not to scream and drown, and the submersion ended in the blink of a watered eye. Franciszek emerged in a blur, in a far more familiar place - a stall, with several pencil scribbles on the wall, and with a confused mess latched onto his head. His body was soaked and his heart was ablaze. But he did not get up. He gasped, in a panic, then settled, and Franciszek spent a while sat, with his legs against his chest, back to the stall wall, and he breathed slowly.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Remram
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"Hey, I'm talking to you! Don't you walk away from me!" shouted Victor uselessly at the figure that retreated into night. He stood there, bewildered and shaking with rage. "What the hell is wrong with this school?!" The boy shouted again and, in his frustration, kicked someone's clothes that were left strewn about.

His anger did eventually simmer down. Victor tiredly looked down at the water like the valet was. He could not help, but to think what that voice said.

"Water... I see. The gateway, the horizon, the boundary..."

It really was the water that was the doorway. He had a suspicion, but it was strange. If this stupid tradition existed and it was not some sick joke concocted by Ms. Top 15 Science Track, then this should have happened before. Some other students, even the freshman this year, pressured by tradition should have been sent to that piña colada deathtrap and either died or made it out, but either way there would've been rumors and urban legends. There should have been panic over students disappearing. There should've been, so why was it happening now?

It wasn't just some freak accident that they ended up in another world and it was not some weird coincidence that the blue valet appeared in their world when he went to investigate the docks. No, he absolutely refused to believe that it was some cosmic coincidence that the fabric of reality opened its maw and spat them out in another dimension just because they won the eldritch lottery. Something happened, something forced a gateway between their world and that other world, and they were either collateral or they were being strung along by something greater than what they could comprehend. All of this led back to the blue valet and the man in black. They were the only lead that he had.

It was crazy and even a jump to conclusions with what little evidence he had, but it was either believe that there was meaning in what he went through or fall into existential dread.

The question was if he could bring himself to take a leap of faith into the sea. For all he knew, there was a possibility that he could be sent to a completely different world. And what were the odds that his peers were still alive? If they were he knew how to get them out of there though surely, they would've figured it out on their own, but they would have to Mission Impossible it back to the docks like he did. It was not like he needed to do it. Why should he risk himself his safety for them?

Victor glanced at the water, to the clothes, back to the water, and sighed. He gathered up their clothes and looked down at the water. "If I die over this, I swear..."

He jumped into the water and hoped to whatever god there was that he would make it out this alive.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 17 min ago

There was a lot Verity could say, of course.

She could go on about how this must be a world that was way more fantastical than expected, if monsters such as the frog could appear and then disappear like the mist. She could talk about the necessities of gathering food and water and shelter, as the nights would definitely be a killer when all they had was swimwear. She could mention that 'Persona' was a weird word to use to invoke magical monsters. If Maive's Persona was full of hot air and Daniel's Persona was the incarnation of death, what exactly did that say about the two of them?

Probably that they were both fucked up human beings. Not that Verity cared enough to think any further than that.

Except even that was what she would consider an extraneous thought, when she noticed one of the weaker boys crawl over the spring and then crawled in.

Disappearing, just like that.

"Ah. That makes no fucking sense."

But it'd explain where Victor went. Where Sofia went. Was the internal logic here 'saltwater foreign, freshwater home' because humans could only drink freshwater? Because humans depended on freshwater sources to found civilization? If she left now, could she ever return again? If she left now, could she return, but this time with everything she needed to truly explore? Across the ocean, within the islands, searching for new springs and new beasts?

Well, no matter.


It took ten seconds for Verity to walk into the spring.

It took an eternity before she could walk out of the toilet.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DarckLeon
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Well, that's that I guess" The group of students became even smaller after Verity followed briefly over the blond guy to the spring. It seems the unspoken theory that the calm waters near them could get them home was accepted by the majority, or perhaps the alternative, that is, spending more time on the deserted island was so much worse than whatever could happen to them if they dived in.

He breathed a few more mouthfuls of air before seating in the dirt, the cold presence of the hooded corpse no longer pressing on them. Looking around, Orlando noticed less than half of them were still there, and after a few moments of thinking, decided that he would enter the waters next to last. The logic behind his decision was based on the fact that if for some unknown reason the "portal" closed before the last one could pass through it he wouldn't be the unlucky guy or gal to stay on a deserted island until who knows when, and on the other hand, gave him more time before he had to deal with Sofia again who, in his mind and maybe unjustifiedly decided, was the main person to blame for all of this.

With a set course of action, all that was left was to wait for another student to take the plunge. With no other way to pass the time, Orlando asked a question that begged to be asked, one that he got from some time back.

"Hey sooo, do you think that crazy chick, Verity, is, you know..." At this, he used his right index finger to circle the side of his head a few times before continuing. "...for real?"

He only hoped she didn't find out he asked that question, not that Orlando thought she would even care, the little time he had spent with her didn't paint Verity as someone who really cared about the opinion of others, to say the least.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by stone
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stone read Helck

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Those who entered the spring on the island found themselves in the school restrooms, on the second floor of the main building, soaked in seawater and sand. It'd be a hell of a night getting back to their bed, but given enough effort, carefulness, and stealth maneuvers that would make even Solid Snake blush, they'd make it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by stone
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stone read Helck

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

As for Victor, however, he found himself once again soaring through dark skies above an endless ocean. Still, a bone-chilling cold ached through his soul, and he saw the same vision again, of a raft on the waves.

However, the valet was conspicuously absent from the raft—the same man he'd seen before that very evening. He'd try to call out, but no voice emanated from his lungs. Only the roar of the high seas sounded out in that world between worlds.

When he washed ashore once again, Victor found himself about as dry as he was before he jumped in. Things had clearly changed in his absence. Maive looked bruised to hell and back, and was collapsed facedown on the ground. A few members had disappeared from the island—Sofia, Frankie, Victoria, and Verity were all absent.

He arrived just in time to hear Daniel's question.

"...Did anyone see where Sofia fell?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bloody hell, he will never be able to get used that. Victor stood up with a start and looked around with an urgency that quickly faded away as he realized that there was no Pepe le Hell Frog jumping around. From what he could tell, there were still survivors though Maive looked ready to be buried in a grave and the others were unaccounted for. Dread sat in his stomach like a lead ball.

Probably to the surprise of the remaining group, Victor said, "If she fell in the water, the second floor bathroom if my experience is anything to go by. That's where the spring led to." The French boy hesitantly glanced around, bundled clothes in hand, to see if maybe the rest were just wandering around. No, they had to be alive. If they weren't then the rest of them would be either panicking or shell shocked from seeing someone eaten alive. Tired and stressed, yes, but this was strange.

He settled the wad of clothes on a rock for the two people left in their swimwear, Orlando and Daniel, to grab their clothes. "What happened? Where is everyone else?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 1 day ago

Verity was the last thing on Daniel's mind right now. Was she strange? Yes, extremely, but they had bigger things to worry about and gossip was hardly productive to survival. Unless Kharon or that wind thing could fly them off to England again, they were still up shit creek without a paddle. At least, until Victor's voice rung out from nearby, eliciting a startled flinch from the resident persona wielder.

He definitely was not there a second ago, but the words that left his mouth gave Danny enough information to fill in the blanks. The water was a portal, then. It made sense; the dockhouse led to the beach, it would follow that the spring led somewhere else too. Though it raised the question of why a second floor bathroom. Was he supposed to climb out of the toilet or something? Victor dropped a multicolored wad over a rock, which Daniel surmised must've been their clothes. The guy was absolutely mad if he jumped back into the haunted water just to deliver a couple shirts, but Danny was immensely grateful all the same. He could've hugged him!

But he was shirtless. And that's gay.

Tempting as it was to rush right in the spring, his French savior requested an explanation and Danny figured he was better qualified than anyone else to give it, even with how little he understood of the situation himself.

"Were you here for the tornado monster?" he asked as he made his way over to the rock and rifled through the pile of fabric for his shirt. "There was a... storm that was, like, alive - I think it came out of Maive - but the frog killed it, or made it go away, or something. Anyway, then my persona - that's the monsters on our side, I think - came out, and I really wanted to kill the frog, and Khar- my persona just made it rot away really fast, and then it just dissolved into water. And then my persona disappeared, but I think I can still feel it. Sort of. I- I dunno how to explain it." As he rambled, it fully occurred to him that nothing he said made any sense, but neither did anything else on this island, and if Victor could wrap his head around a spring connected to a toilet without any headscratching, he could surely settle for something as nebulous as a protector manifesting out of the aether.

"As for everyone else..." Now fully clothed, he took the opportunity to look around again at last. Huh, this place cleared out fast. "I didn't even see them leave." There definitely hadn't been another frog, and the island, leveled as it was by the rampage of monster and personae alike, didn't exactly have many places for most of their group to be hiding.

That meant they all figured out the spring before him and didn't even say anything!

Unless they all left him behind to die after he saved their asses, he had to assume the answer was so obvious that no one assumed he'd miss it. Which meant he probably looked like an unobservant idiot for not noticing. In fairness, he was, but he wasn't about to go down without an excuse.

"I promise I'm not stupid or anything! There was just a lot going on and I left my glasses in my dorm and honestly I'm still trying to wrap my head around the part where I killed a demon frog with my mind," Danny explained sheepishly. "Sorry. Thanks for bringing our stuff, a lot of people wouldn't have come back in after that, I think. I guess everyone else must've stumbled into the spring too."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Imogen Reed

The stranded teens’ terrifying brush with a gigantic mutant frog might be over, but despite the restoration of the deserted island’s natural ambiance in the wake of amphibian onslaught, roaring wind, and freezing cold, Imogen hardly felt at peace. She doubted she’d ever be fully at peace again, in fact. Where at first she’d kept herself more or less together with repeated self-assurances that all this could only be the product of a comatose fever-dream, that theory didn’t explain everything nearly as well as she would have liked. Still, she clung to that idea. It was all that separated her from disaster as the walls of her worldview, built brick by brick over the course of many years, came tumbling down by this deathblow to her definition of normalcy. The monster being done with wasn’t enough. Imogen needed all of this to be over, and as soon as possible.

Daniel’s question stirred her from her miserable reverie. She knew the answer, of course, but she hesitated to reply. If nothing was amiss with the ocean after all, then the girl plunged into its shallows would’ve already arisen from the surf, shell-shocked and soaked but otherwise alright. But she hadn’t. Sofia was gone. That realization weighed heavily enough on Imogen’s own mind, despite how little the girl meant to her personally. Who knew how it might affect the others here? That guy with dirty-blond hair looked like a week-old balloon, pitiful and deflated. The news that someone had disappeared might be all he needed to pop. “...I don’t know,” Imogen muttered. Wherever Sofia had fallen, she wasn’t here anymore.

Speaking of Franciszek, though, where was he going? The fallout from the froggy fiasco had leveled much of the island’s foliage, which made his delirious crawl toward what looked like a spring more public than he might have liked. Imogen watched in horror as he immersed himself in the freshwater pool, seemingly trying to drown himself. “H-hey! Stop!” She mustered just enough manic energy in her weary muscles to run over toward the spring in a futile attempt to drag him out of the water, but by the time Imogen arrived he hadn’t just submerged himself–he was gone. “...What!?”

Of course, Verity did the only sensible thing and followed suit, vanishing as suddenly as Sofia had. “Aaagh!” Imogen yelped. This spring clearly wasn’t natural, why were people so willing to hurl themselves into the unknown?

Then again…this purgatorial place had betrayed no signs of either entrance or exit until now. Imogen emphatically did not want to stay here. Any minute another malformed monstrosity might drag itself up from the depths. Verity probably took the plunge because the same thought occurred to her: no matter where this spring might take her, it had to be better than here. At worst, it might lead to a demise more merciful than slow, agonizing dehydration on a desert island, or digestion inside some primeval beast.

As if to lay her concerns to rest, Victor suddenly appeared. He informed them about the endpoint of the island’s spring-based transportation system, that being a random bathroom in the school the teens left behind. The news let the lingering fear that clouded her mind leave her in a rattled sigh of relief. He must’ve gotten dunked during all the chaos, then jumped into the ocean again to return here. “Weird,” Imogen almost laughed. “Really weird. But I’ll take it.”

Daniel couldn’t definitively answer Victor’s question, but Imogen backed up his hypothesis. “Yeah, in there, I think. Same as you,” she told him, letting the others assume that Sofia escaped through the spring as well. Still a little loopy from the series of incredible events, she almost burst out laughing when Daniel basically said I killed a frog…with my mind. I killed a freakin’ frog with my mind!. God bless quippy dialog and its diffusion into pop culture. “I guess we should all get goin’,” she added. “Before any more monsters show up.”

Imogen went over and prepared to make her own jump, but stopped at the edge of the spring. Something was nagging at her. She turned around to see Maive, still unconscious and draped over the sand where Verity let her fall. Imogen furrowed her brow, but didn’t ultimately need to think twice about what to do next. A moment later she stooped over Maive, then worked to pull her up and support her with her shoulder. Thank goodness the other girl was small. “I’m gonna pay ya back,” Imogen grunted as she started to move, half-carrying and half-dragging her new acquaintance. “For forgivin’ me.”

Decrying any attempt by the others to relieve her responsibility, Imogen approached the spring and carefully inserted Maive feet-first. Doing that took some serious effort, but at least Maive was on the smaller and lighter side. After catching her breath Imogen jumped in herself.

In a blink, her surroundings changed. There was no fanfare, no magical interdimensional interlude, just a flash and then she and Maive were sitting in a girls’ restroom. To her displeasure Imogen quickly realized that, unlike her first strange journey, she was soaking wet and shivering from the air-conditioned chill. But she was back in the ordinary world, and that was a trade-off she was more than happy to take. Imogen nudged the body of the girl she’d brought with her. “Oi, you okay? Experience existential dread if you can hear me.” Hopefully the cold water had jolted Maive into wakefulness as well.

As Imogen prepared to leave, though, she became aware of another problem. It was late, it was cold, and she’d forgotten something important. Her beloved dark green overcoat still hung from a spar of driftwood on that phantasmagorical island. Given a little time she might’ve been able to dismiss this whole ordeal as a bizarre hallucination induced by the cafeteria food, but the loss of her coat smothered that coping mechanism in the crib. Without a coat, it would be a very brisk run back to the dorm indeed. “Ugh…crap.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Were you here for the tornado monster?"

Victor blinked in silence while he processed what he had just been asked. "Here for the what now?" Daniel would then explain in his bumbling manner the summary of the events that transpired while Victor snuck through the school grounds to get back to this world. It sounded like the words of a mad man. Summoning monsters called Personas to act as summons for combat? Monsters dissolving into sea water upon defeat? In any other situation he would never had believed such an insane claim, but after everything that had happened that was least craziest thing he heard today. If anything, it explained one mystery; the voice and sensation of warmth that he had been experiencing ever since they broke through the boundary.

From what he could understand, these Personas were part of them as if they were an extension of themselves if Daniel could still feel its presence. What they were specifically was up in the air, but whatever they were they were it was clear that they were to be of help. More importantly than that though was the state of the rest of the group.

Thankfully everyone else was alive as corroborated by Imogen, but those that figured out that they could leave the island without telling Daniel or checked to see if Maive was alive. It was weirdly fucked up considering from what he heard, the two of them saved everyone from the monster frog though maybe they expected them to figure it out on their own since it did not take a genius to put two and two together. Then there was Daniel.

Victor watched Daniel flail about with excuses and the pure silliness of hearing someone say they killed a frog with their mind was met with a laughter from the French boy. After everything they had been through today, falling through a portal, being nearly killed by that hell frog, and just being stuck with Sophia, appearing stupid was the one thing that Danny was afraid of. It was just so absurd. All of the tension and stress that he had just melted away.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm not laughing at you. You're just funny," explained Victor calming down with a few deep breaths, but still smiling. "In hindsight I should have guessed you guys would have found your way back without me, but I was panicking too. I'm glad that you're all safe."

And on cue, Imogen suggested that they left while they still could. Victor could not have agreed more. "Yeah, let's do that. I did find something back in our world, but it can wait until we're safe. Come on, let's go."

Glasses girl picked up the other glasses girl though she shunned any offer to help her bring Maive to the spring. Soon enough, the two girls fell into the spring and were gone. Victor eagerly followed and jumped into the spring with no hesitation.

And there he was, back in the school bathroom drenched to the bone though instead of being drenched in his swim trunks his entire uniform was sopping wet. The only improvement was the lack of being arrested for public indecency.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Unsurprisingly, Maive did not wake up when Verity let her fall nor did she wake when Imogen half-dragged her and submerged her in water. She only woke when Imogen nudged her; a holdover from having early-rising children nudging her awake. From Maive's perspective, she had summoned a persona, been flung into a tree, had a fuzzy conversation, then woke up in a bathroom. A normal person would take it all as a dream induced by some toilet-related disaster were it not for the sand and water.

The first words out of Maive were not of existential dread as Imogen would quip. Instead, it was of worry.

"Is everyone okay?"

She shot up from Imogen's side and glanced every which way. Just her and Imogen. It made sense that it would be that way. After all, having two people in a stall together was already a tight fit. Cooperative toiletry was not exactly an spacious experience for either party.

Like a bat out of hell (more accurately, a magic roach in a public restroom), she quickly sprinted out of the stall. Her worn-down and wet soles squeaked as she slid into a stop. Then, she turned and faced Imogen. Their eyes met and Maive's body bent into a fierce bow. Then she spun again and ran out of the washroom.

Of course, she didn't exactly think her next move through. Traumatic brain injuries did that to a person. It would be her first time storming a men's washroom. Thank goodness there was nobody there to watch, save for the group being put through the way-home-randomizer.

Or maybe it wasn't a good thing they were there, considering how Maive immediately ran into a sopping wet Swim McTrunks.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 1 day ago

They're laughing. He bore his soul to Victor and they're laughing.

The other boy at least felt the need to clarify that he wasn't laughing at Danny, but presumably at what he said, and he supposed it was probably incoherent enough to be funny. He'd just have to take Victor at his word and hope Imogen was barely suppressing a giggle for the same reason. His mouth floundered open a few times as he mustered a defense, but the duo - and Maive - had already vacated the island before he had a chance to get his thoughts in order. Probably for the best, lest he say something to further embarrass himself. The adrenaline dump he felt coming on certainly wasn't doing his brain any good anyway.

Daniel followed close behind, tentatively deciding escape was more pressing than defending his reputation. He dipped a foot experimentally into the spring and, as it never seemed to touch the sand at the bottom, continued until his entire body had slipped past the veil between worlds. No weird vision or dream of flying accompanied the return trip, and instead he found himself seated on a toilet in a cramped little stall with a suspicious lack of dicks drawn all over it.

The spring really did lead to the toilets. Gross.

A relieved sigh escaped his mouth and, although his body urged him to stay seated and rest, the remaining higher reasoning centers of his brain convinced him that being found asleep on the shitter in the morning probably wouldn't be a good look for him. Unfortunately, said higher reasoning centers seemed to be working on a slight delay, as when Danny exited the stall and found himself staring at Imogen, it took him far too long to notice anything amiss. No urinals. Girl standing there.

"Oh fuck- Is this the girl's room?" He didn't wait for an answer, and instead dipped his head and power walked out the door. At least it wasn't occupied, Imogen aside.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 7 days ago

The quiet was disturbed by the sudden arrival, or return rather, of several other people - assumedly those that had ventured into wonderland with Franciszek not too long before. The room was dark and, admittedly, the others had found themselves in other stalls than his. It should've beckoned for him to move right away but he didn't. He was scared. Afraid of opening that little stall door and to face the others, lest they were different. He'd seen the illusionary confusion that they'd gone through, the strangeness of creatures and their reactions. Them simply arriving at the same location as he had created the worst of all things that day - confirmation that something had happened.

There was a strict sense of dread coated across his skin. He lifted his head and pressed his skull against the stall's wall. He listened to their conversations and was unsure of whether he should have or would ever speak. None of them knew his name either way, and he didn't know theirs. Did they share his problems? The ways in which the others reacted were all their own ways indeed but he couldn't shake how disturbing it all was. What had he encountered? That was the question that plagued and followed every second thought. Someone then left the door, proclaiming that they had ended up in the girl's bathroom. It almost broke a smile on his face for the sheer absurdity of it all, but it only hammered in one motive - to leave, to go back and to attempt to sleep again. But perhaps he'd had enough of sleeping. Those dreams weren't worthwhile anyhow.

He got up, undid the stall and without as much as a word, he departed. It was cold, and the night was fruitful. He shivered so greatly. The march, the sneak back to his own dorm and bed, was the most discomforting of his time since arriving at the academy. And the hour he returned to his room, he laid on his bed - eyes peeled open, and he was kept restless until dawn.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 17 min ago

Well, it stank like piss, so it must have been the boy's washroom.

Verity closed her eyes, listening briefly to her surroundings, forcing her vision to adjust to the decreased light in her environment. She could hear the others. Not in another stall, but in a close-by room. Girl's washroom, same floor. What was the logic here? Was there any logic, here? She'd have to check the calendar date, but if the date itself hadn't changed, then that means, at the very least, time hadn't passed in too abnormal a fashion since they slipped from one world to another.

Her bare toes curled against the tiles. The spring had washed away the soil that had stuck to her feet, but now it was being soiled by something worse. Boys and their hygiene. They had a dick to aim with and yet, they're still so sloppy.

She opened her eyes. Reviewing her memories now, she recognized it too: Sofia hadn't fallen into the spring. No, she had sailed a tremendous distance. A distance so massive that she had flew over all the palm trees, past the entire width of the beach, and crashed, presumably, into the ocean. Freshwater was home. Saltwater had lead them away from home. What would happen to someone who dove into the sea twice?

Verity marched out, footprints tracking the lonely hallways. She recognized the second floor, recognized which windows could become which exits, and popped open one of them with little concern, stepped out onto windowsill, then leapt. Caught a sturdy branch, let her momentum swing her towards the trunk, and then caught herself again, shimmying down the rough bark until she hit the grassy fields below. Dew cleaned her. Dirt coated it. Pavement scraped against it. And, some time after, wood heaved beneath it.

The dockhouse, bathed in moonlight. Everyone's clothing, gone. Collected by a good Samaritan, or perhaps...no, it didn't particularly matter to her. She stared out at the waves, blue ripples rendered in monochrome by darkness and reflection, consuming what scant stars shone brightly enough to be seen in sea. A breeze passed through, many times more hostile than the breeze at sunset, and Verity took in a breath.

The matter of her clothing, of her wallet, of her keys, of her phone, could all be left for another time. Now, however?

Well, it wouldn't be the first time she had to break into her own apartment.
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