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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Though House Balaerys follows the ancient Valyrian nobility in not having official heraldry, it is widely known that when necessary they use the image of Verrax and the words of their lady dragonriger who landed in Volantis after the Doom when asked how they survived.

House Balaerys was fortunate. Unlike House Targaryen, fellow nobility of the Freehold of Valyria, House Balaerys did not move away following the dreams of a dreamer. Instead, they survived the Doom simply because the grand sire and mother of the current generation of House Balaerys simply happened to be traveling on the dragon Terrax over the coast of Sothoryos at the time. They heard a sound that sounded like the world breaking and saw the ground tremble and seas frenzy.

Though they attempted to guide Terrax back to the Freehold, the dragon would have none of it—he flew around where the Lands of Forever Summer had been, and landed in Volantis. The sights and sounds the couple saw from the back of Terrax during the trip removed any doubts in their hearts and minds that there would never be any going back to Valyria. When they arrived at Volantis, after seeing the couple safely to the ground, without warning, the dragon Terrax sounded his anguish and pain before launching into the sky, riderless.

House Balaerys largely believes this was Terrax being lost in grief for the loss he understood on a level they simply did not, could not, until reports of what remained of Valyria began to slowly trickle into Volantis as the result of voyage after voyage of the Volantene either not coming back, or coming back and almost immediately dying of mysterious illness and wounds. So chaotic was Volantis after the Doom that House Balaerys removed itself from the city, stealing away to a remote, fortified, manse manned by household guards and slaves named Casmus Valelyx by dragonlords long before House Balaerys moved in.

In time they released the slaves from bondage, though some would stay behind as free men and women and allowed the guards to share the residence as fellow Valyrian survivors instead of simply servants. Most of these men would perish in defense of the compound when it was attacked by a small, elite, force sent by wealthy Lyseni and Myrish merchants, believing House Balerys actively behind Volantene aggression in the chaos after the Doom. Those that survived, including the members of House Balaerys, survived only due to the timely return of the dragon Terrax.

Terrax was home, and had grown even larger than before, returning to his old riders. Slowly, over a generation, House Balaerys would begin to reintegrate with Volantis. Though they largely married the sons and daughters of the original Valyrian house guard that survived the defense of Casmus Valelyx. Though the property is still a well defended property largely hidden in a shallow canyon holding an oasis, the current generation of House Balaerys primarily resides in Volantis.

The death of the current generation’s parents still holds mystery in it, yet Volantis nobility has largely settled into the belief that their deaths were a tragic accident of higher mysteries gone wrong. Though very few of the original House guard descendants remain, politics have began necessitating House Balaerys begin at least entertaining the idea of marrying with other Valyrian pure blood nobility of Volantis. The current leader of their House is the eldest of four children, Vhandyr, a renowned warrior and poet. His heir is the second eldest of the current generation, Vaera, the two younger siblings, a girl and boy, not yet having reached adulthood and heavily taught and trained by a small army of priests, artisans, archivists, and more, secure in their Volantis home.


Dragonlord Vhandyr Balaerys, rider of Terrax

Dragonlord Vaera Balaerys, his eldest sibling and heir, rider of Saeryx

Rhaxes, boy of two and ten, called the Elder

Aenara, girl of ten, called the Unseen

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Vanq
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ezekiel
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Arnorian
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Winston Smith

Winston Smith

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Hello :)

It's been a VERY long time since I've posted here but was wondering if there's still room/time for an ASOIAF fan who misses being creative to join?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

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Hello :)

It's been a VERY long time since I've posted here but was wondering if there's still room/time for an ASOIAF fan who misses being creative to join?

There's always room in these games. :)
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

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Hey long time since I've been on the site, any chance you guys are looking for a small time villain to briefly unite some houses?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Arnorian
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Member Seen 21 days ago

Hey long time since I've been on the site, any chance you guys are looking for a small time villain to briefly unite some houses?

So, your best bet would probably be to hit up either Zeke or Ruby, our GM and co-GM, respectively. They should be able to hook you up :)
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Vanq
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Vanq The Chaos Ladder

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<Snipped quote by HellHoundWoof>

So, your best bet would probably be to hit up either Zeke or Ruby, our GM and co-GM, respectively. They should be able to hook you up :)

I am hurt
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Arnorian
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<Snipped quote by Arnorian>

I am hurt

I much sorry (insert crying Pepe emoji here)
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Apollosarcher
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