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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

As they fell, Trinity had done her best to hang on to Karn. She remembered how he'd been, in the river that morning. It worried her. She was doing an alright job of hanging on, and had been formulating a plan to get Karn to a shore or something, when... he started transforming. The rapid expansion and contraction of Karn's volume caused some nasty local currents, sweeping her away from the Trasformation mage. After steadying herself in the water, she finds herself in need of air and little other chiice but to surface immediately. The Archery Wizard broke the water's surface and turned about, looking with urgency. "Karn?! Kaar- Karn!" She spotted him on the rock, with Jarvis, and began to approach. She'd almost forgotten the fight in the room, taking just a moment to locate the participants before she continued to Karn. She climbed up on the rock and moved to hold the poor dear in her arms. "There there, I've got you. Easy, now, shhh..." She'd stroke his hair in an attempt to calm him, before looking for a larger land mass to move him too, away from the water's edge. She looked to Jarvis. "I'm not sure how well I can move him like this. You seem rather dry, could you move him to a larger landmass without nearing the water?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Penny sighed and said "Of course I can do more then Phoenix flying. Sayuri? Not beyond a quick talk. She seems okay. Why? Are you worried about her?" She asked, watching Masahiko with some curiosity, "She seemed to hold up well with Master Jamie in the council chambers" She remembered the sound ball, and Karn "I had two members with me who could be eyes and ears in the council room. heard and saw everything"
Jarvis let out a breath as Trinity appeared, and climbed up with them, bundling Karn, and soothing him. He nodded when Trinity asked if he could move them to another place, away from water. "I can" He said, yet another Lacrima appearing him his hands. He thought for a moment on how many transportation Lacrima's he had left. enough he thought. "I'll take us back up" He said, smashing the Lacrima, they disappeared and reappeared back in the building, away from the unstable floor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn Fiore || Kabo || Council Underground Aquifer Interacting: Trinity, Jarvis, slightly Maddox
Karn had jumped a little in his curled sitting position as that man named Jarvis popped up beside him. All these poofers! Give someone a heart attack eventually they will. At the soothing voice and being bundled in the Guild member's jacket, the blonde boy slightly relaxed enough to at least slow the vibrant trembling and whimpers. "I-I know.. I-I just can't help it..." Karn stuttered softly, slightly ashamed in his uncontrollable behavior. If he could, he would love to love water or something. It would make several things much easier for him. Every time though, he just loses it. It was quite annoying, but it was a behavior that so far he has been unable to cure. As Trinity soon joined them, he gave a soft sigh in relief and finally stopped his utter trembles and shivers as she soothed him with words and touch. It was comforting, and it helped calm him down a little, despite how he was surrounded by water. "Sorry..." he managed to say to her, and how he had pretty much thrown her off in his thrashing. At her words of moving, he mildly tensed a little, not really wanting to move and remain stagnate in his current position on this little bit of land he had. Still, Jarvis seemed to be able to, so Karn glanced toward to the battle, giving a little wave to Maddox but not having the mental energy to convey a friendly hello. Though did manage a smile. Probably was best anyway, let him focus more on his opponent. As they were teleported and safely away from the water, Karn gave a deep exhaled breath in relief. "Thank you. Thought I was going to have a heart attack. Or be there awhile." he said softly as he slowly regained his full senses again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Jarvis watched Karn, making sure the kid was alright. It didn't seem like there were any lasting consequences, but Jarvis figured that Karn would eventually have to get use to water. Jarvis wouldn't push it, since he didn't see any water travel in the guilds future. "It was no problem. I'm just glad you are both okay. And you wouldn't have been there any longer then necessary. We don't leave our fellows behind, nor in distress, Karn" Jarvis gave him a smile
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia was shocked when Sasha suddenly hugged her only to begin panicing, thinking the mage might feel her wings from under her shirt, which Sasha would before Amelia jerked away, her expression nervous. All Sasha would be able to tell though was that Amelia had something thin and hard wrapped around her person. "S-sorry. I'm not the biggest fan of huggs." She said, looking away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sasha was slightly taken aback at that, but didn't take any offense. "Oh. Okay, sorry" She said, with a kind smile. She went back to the bar, and said "Did either of you want a drink or anything?" She asked, trying to move past that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus chuckled a little bit. When he was still in the process of learning angelic magic as a boy, he sometimes would get stuck with his wings formed. Hiding them from the church folk was a huge annoyance. "Hey... little girl." He grunted. She held the same expression as he did when he was dealing with that issue. "You know we dont hide things from each other in phoenix wing?" He smiled a little before pausing. "Wing formation..." His own angel wings fluttered out from his back, and opened wide. "Pretty neat, dont you think?" He grinned and offered her a fist bump. She would probably realise he knew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"You have any tea? And maybe some honey to add to it?" Joshua asked Sasha Amelia meanwhile, was busy being confronted by Lazarus and it quickly became apparent he knew what she was hiding. He then further emphasized this by growing a pair of beautiful angel wings. Amelia's response was to finally reveal her wings, the skeletal appendages coming out of a pair of thin cuts on the back of her shirt. Each wing had six crystals, with swayed after the movement and glittered when they caught the light. Joshua watched but said nothing, for fear of hurting the girls feelings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus was taken aback by her wing style. "Wow! They so awesome!" He pumped his fist. "Just look how they catch the light!" He exclaimed out, "You look so totally badass!" He grinned. "When you get older and stronger, you will fight me, and we will see who can fly better." He smirked and grinned at the same time, looking forward to it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sasha was about to make joshua the tea, when Amelia revealed her wings. A gasp escaped her, at the sheer beauty of them. "Oh, wow" she said breathlessly, "they are amazing!" The hot water was left forgotten, as she looked at Amelia, and her wings. "Are they apart of your magic?" She asked curiously, sure that people were not just born with wings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia couldn't help but look shocked at everyone's reaction to her wings. "You... you think they're pretty? You don't think I'm a freak or some sort of monster?" She asked, unable to believe what she was hearing. Her face quickly turned red and she looked at the ground again." I... I can't fly with them. But the crystals hold elemental spirits that I can call on to aid me." "I assume you didn't always have those?" Joshua asked. "No. They were... added." Amelia said, wincing at the memory of the operation. She had been conscious the entire time and the pain was still fresh years later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Anger flashed over Sasha's face, and she leaned into the bar, gripping it tight. "You aren't a monster, Amelia. Whoever did that to you is." She took a breath, letting herself relax. "How do you know you can't fly with them? If we live our lives by boundaries, then we will never find out our own capabilities, are own...strengths" she said She thought for a minute, and then brightened "master Jamie might know how to help you there" she said, and remembering the tea, she turned back to it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

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Masahiko gives Penny a look, "Worried? Of course she's my only living daughter how couldn't I be. Though mostly for different reasons. Was it any other day and any other mission you guys were going to go on I probably wouldn't be. Your going to Edolas right? How much do you know about that world?" he gets up and starts looking for a book.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Here we are, sweetie. Safe and sound." Trinity gave Karn a gentle squeeze before she let him go. She left a hand resting on his shoulder for a moment, removing it only to tug light at her drenched clothes. "Goodness, we're drenched! Hmm... maybe we should go find the others. They might have something to help us dry off. Wouldn't want to catch a cold, now. Or maybe we should build a fire somewhere nearby?" The inside of a building might not be such a good place for that, but... this was kind of shoddy construction, right? And they'd already busted it up pretty good... Aaah, but the fire could spread, right? There were probably other buildings that'd go up, too. And the Library. Books are good things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn Fiore || Kabo || Council Underground Aquifer Interacting: Trinity, Jarvis
Karn smiled a little up at Jarvis as he said assuring kind words. On how Phoenix Wing members worked. It sounded nice, with nice people. They were a little.. Excitable but they all seemed to be friendly in their own little ways. He was glad this guild was recommended, he had no real complaints really. Well maybe other than running into the Council and going into battle but then again no one was killed or anything so at least that was a thing. As Trinity comforted him before mentioning the others, Karn hummed as he glanced around. "The blonde man and JJ are nearby, though I think at another entrance. I'm not so sure of leaving them and Maddy alone. This place seems to be a little unstable. Maddy can teleport, but if the buildings fall, I'd be worried a little for the others." Karn said softly. Now he definetly didn't want to go anywhere near that water again, but he'd also feel bad if he just left as well before making sure everyone made it out just fine. Now, he was sure their abilities were quite the high level and they could take care of themselves, since Guild members were known to be tough wizards in general, but that didn't stop him from being concerned for them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Interacting with: Masahiko
Penny gave a shrug. "I know enough. And I trust Master Jamie. She wouldn't send us on a mission that might end up horrible. Nor would he let any of us be seriously hurt. She hasn't so far, has he? Excluding these injuries" She waved her unhurt hand over herself "Which aren't that bad really, despite the pain. Sayuri will be fine. She's Phoenix Wing now. She's family. Or thats what just about everyone else will say"
Jarvis looked towards the fighting was going on, and then gave a heavy sigh."Go back to the library, to the others. If anything happens to Damian and James, I can get them out easily enough" He took a mental stock of what he had left, what Lacrima's he could use. It wasn't good. While he had plenty of teleportation Lacrima, he didn't have to omany offensive spells. "Tell Master Jamie that everyone should be out of the building. I feel like it might collapse soon"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Magic Council's Aquifer Cavern "You your voice sounds really genuine as to how you feel towards your guild. Yet, it sounds as if you are about to surrender which is something that I would not expect from a duel, especially from the person who made the request. Besides, why do you still doubt yourself and the power that you wield at such a young age. It is not every day for me to witness someone scratch or burn my scales, it has been a long while since the last person attacked me with such power." There was a pause for a moment when a roaring scream came from the lake and later disappeared with the person. "Hmm, as I was saying. Although you might be fighting for your comrades, your guild. I am fighting for my colleagues, for the Magic Council. And I cannot let thr actions that your guild have done go unnoticed and without punishment! So if you truly indeed decided to surrender, then you better say it now!" Grane said as he clapped his hands together to have the blue flames covering him spiral vertically up around, he stretch his right arm above him and the flames formed into the shape of a giant long sword, still retaining the flames from what it was made from.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 15 days ago

Maddox's eyes narrowed. "You seem to have mistaken my intentions. I was giving you a chance to surrender." Maddox moved the hand that was facing Grane to his side, creating a long sword of red light and grasping it in that hand. "Nor do I doubt my power. I respect it. That is why I refrain from using it. Or perhaps..." Maddox held his other hand out, forming another sword of light in that hand too. Now he wielded two extra large swords, but apparently they were light enough to be wielded with one hand each. "Maybe I fear what this kind of power can do to me?" Maddox brandished both weapons before taking a combat stance. "Who knows... Now... I will put an end to this." Maddox rushed forward, rather than teleporting. He jumped towards Grane with a spin, bringing his left-hand sword around first in an attempt to get him to block or dodge without teleporting. He'll continue leaping around. I just need to get him still for one, quick moment...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Trinity read the worry on Jarvis's face. That didn't bode well. "I'll go with you. I haven't even fought anyone yet. What kind of initiation would that be?" Who said anything about an initiation? "When you guys seem to like fighting so much." She reaches back to her quiver, making another Love Arrow and holding it out to Karn. "Here, take this and stick Penny with it. It'll help her feel better." It wouldn't heal her wounds, but it would give her a bit of oil. Er... She turned back to Jarvis, smiling softly. "Whenever you're ready."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn Fiore || Kabo || Council Underground Aquifer >>> Council Library Interacting: Trinity, Jarvis
Karn blinked softly as he listened to Jarvis before Trinity handed him a arrow and gave him instructions. He hesitated as his green eyes looked to them then down at the arrow clasped in his hands. Body slightly shaking again. It's not like he didn't want to do it, after all if the building collapses then it's even more dangerous for those injured like Penny and Mayt. But he had a hard time removing himself from his crouched ball position. Karn was still soaked to the bone, and his body felt frozen in place. Like the water encased him in ice and simply froze him to that spot. Still, he wouldn't be much good here and the others should know what's going on. So he had to force himself to go, despite how hard it was to even stand. Trinity wanted to help the others, as well as Jarvis so he couldn't ask for help. Not like he really should for something so pathetic like his problem. Master Rian would of yelled at him for being a pathetic wimp. "O-Okay. I'll go let them know. Stay safe." Karn forced a smile before forcing himself on two feet, his body trembling as his body extended out of it's comforting ball. Starting to walk, he moved one leg over the other as he headed down a hall, following the scent trail that led back to the library. His pace was slow and shaky at first, but his pace quickened eventually.
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