Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Good morning, Everyone. With the usual first week, 'jitters', out of the way, I think it's time for me to actually start teaching you all. If you didn't remember me or my assistant because of the weekend, I will introduce myself once more. My name is Nathaniel Warburton, but you can all call me Mister Warburton." The bearded man who wore a vested suit spoke as he stood in front of his class. The first semester had started on a Thursday for some odd reason he didn't quite care enough to take notice of, and he had simply spent the first two days getting to know his students and how they worked. He also paired together and stragglers who had compatible wavelengths. Now that it was a Monday and he had the entire week instead of two days, he was going to start teaching. He spoke with a rather gruff English accent, telling everyone who heard his voice where he had come from and where he was raised. He didn't truly care whether people talked about his accent or not, and simply answered any questions they had after heading him speak, as tedious and annoying as it might be at times.

He had a well built body, but one couldn't tell that by looking at his clothing. It was slightly loose on his body, being tailored to be just the slightest bit big so that he could move around well in it when fighting with his partner, who was, in comparison, fairly small and scrawny. He wasn't thin or short, but one could appear that way when standing next to the muscled man who stood up at almost seven feet. He was a giant, and anyone standing next to him would look like a small child.

The older and larger man then pointed to his partner, who was leaning up against the wall right next to the door of the room. The Teaching Assistant looked up when a majority of the people on the class lay their eyes on him, revealing his oddly vivid purple eyes. James Kress wasn't from the United Kingdom like his partner was, and didn't use any sort of accent when he spoke up.

"Hey. My name's James Kress, in case you forgot. Like my partner here, I'd prefer that you call me by last name." Kress had grown up within the wall of the DWMA of America, but was elected to be a part of some sort of exchange program at the age of fifteen. Because of it, he was forced to leave his life behind to trade spots with another Weapon. He had gotten used to being in another country, and did enjoy it; but he was elated to hear that he and his partner would be going back to the main Academy in America. That was the big news that he had been told on his twentieth birthday, which was almost eight years ago, as he was only a month away from being twenty-eight years of age. He had acted like a tour guide once they reached his home, despite the fact that so many things had changed since he was last there.

Warburton cleared his throat and brought the attention of the class back to him. Kress didn't seem to age in the slightest, as he still looked like a nineteen year old young man despite almost being thirty. He would still act like he was nineteen, though, and could still get away with almost everything he did.

"Now, if you'll all follow us outside to the court yard, we'll start off by doing some partner exercises." He spoke as he began to walk to the door, having to duck due to his height.
Karin Hayashi did as was instructed and followed the teacher out of the class room and out to the main courtyard, just in front of the steps that led down into the city. She wasn't quite sure what to say about her teacher this year. On the first day, he burst through the door holding a giant greatsword, and practically demanded that all established weapon and meister pairs go out to the courtyard for evaluation. He didn't fight anyone, and simply watched as they demonstrated their skills. He seemed like a muscly fool, but he wasn't the dumb, fitness-addicted man that most people thought he was. He was actually somewhat cautious when fighting, and only took the defensive once he was sure that he could attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Evan sat at the back of the room With his feet on the table, or the top, the desks were all out of wack in this school anyway. He watched there slack off teacher talk about jitters and actually teaching the class. Evan was not really feeling the teaching part of the man's speech, and jitters, if anything his amazing display of power on the first day of school was what gave all the other students the jitters. Then the teacher went on to talk about his assistant, which was also his weapon, another thing Evan was not "feeling. How come the weapon was always the assistant, the weapon was the one always doing all the work, without the weapon the Meister would be useless, but Evan never really showed and prejudice or hostility towards Meisters, he really.could not hate them, especially his Meister, who was like a brother to him or something.

Evan continued to day dream while the assistant/weapon droned on about his man and how he liked his name to be said and what not. Even did not really care, he was probably gonna call him by his first name just because he expressed his dislike for it. For the last 2 days they practically did nothing but find partners and slack off, his kind of school.

"Now, if you'll all follow us outside to the court yard, we'll start off by doing some partner exercises." said the teacher.

Evan sighed, as much as he liked exercise, that did not mean he actually wanted to do it, but unfortunately Even had not choice. Evan followed the class outside e into the open courtyard that were next to the long stairs the led up to the school and played the waiting game.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dante listened intently, tapping his foot rapidly with excitement. Truth be told, he never did like being taught, but this was a whole different situation. He knew from the first day that he would very much like his new teachers, not boring like the ones he was used to. For some reason, a teacher that wielded a great-sword was much more entertaining than an old nun that you could barely hear. His first few days were pretty interesting; he got paired up with a girl that seemed a bit older than him. Although they had a few days to get to know each other, he really didn’t know much about her. Although her weapon form seemed pretty awesome, so he was excited to be her partner. He figured all of the other stuff would come later; they did have quite a long school life ahead of them.

It was then that the teacher’s assistant started to talk. He seemed like another interesting character. Granted Dante didn’t know a thing about him really, but he had a feeling they would be fun to talk to if he ever got the chance.

"Now, if you'll all follow us outside to the court yard, we'll start off by doing some partner exercises."

Dante quickly stood up and rushed down the stairs, pushing his way as quickly through the crowd as he could. He was pumped for his first day of actual exercises. The first taste of actual combat training he would ever experience. As he reached the courtyard, he looked around, marveling at the size of the Academy. He did wonder just how he ended up here after passing out, but he decided not to worry about the trivial things. It was then that he noticed his partner.

“Yo, Karin!” He said as he ran over to her. “You as excited as I am?” He said in a happy tone, unable to wipe the grin from his face. It seemed as though this was going to be a fun new experience.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Archer was deep in thought about his new life at the DWMA not listening to the teacher or assistant speak. He might have been new to the whole weapon thing but he knew one thing, a weapon protects his partner, or at least that's what he had been told. Archer groaned and stretched a little, he still had gotten used to the academy already, it felt natural weirdly. Of course he had been bored to tears with class and had yet to make any friends beside his meister. The teacher's were strange but reasonable at least, weirdly though he wondered why meisters and weapons shared a house, it was kind of strange but also made him feel more relaxed about the whole thing, like they trusted the students more than most schools did. He shook the thought from his head as he heard the instruction for weapons and meisters to head outside for exercise, he got up and walked over to his partner offering the girl his hand with a small smile. "Come on, lets give it our best Eloise, I promise I'll give it my all." He hoped the shy girl would warm up to him, even if he had to put on a brave face to try and encourage her, he was her partner and they needed each other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Conrad was listening intently, even while he appeared to be mindlessly sitting there. Torso stretched out over the desk, his head just inches above the surface; Conrad looked upon the teacher and student with formidable jade eyes, distinctive and promising. All in all, he had to say that his teacher had earned some form of aspiration from him. Strength oozed off of the muscled man like a tangible form of experience, and while not as exuberant as his father's, it was undoubtedly there. The weapon was another story; he wasn't too physically built and with Conrad's lack of soul sense, it wasn't like he could discern the beings real strength. However, since he was the teacher's weapon it could always be assumed.

Pushing himself out of his chair and following close to Evan as they filed out, Conrad found himself yawning from the morning session. With a tug at his black and red stripped scarf, he thought to himself. Finally, I get to spar. Another small step to finally surpassing Aaron! I'll prove I'm the best in the class with this exercise! The whole class is going to be shocked by my strength this time.

Walking up behind Evan once the class had paused, Conrad casually placed his arm around the red-head's shoulder and smiled a wild grin. "You ready partner? Let's go all out this time!" Conrad was staring at the teacher and his weapon, his grin still on his lips.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eloise had been listening, quite intently, in fact she might have been one of the most intent listeners in class. The reason for this was not exactly because of any great desire to learn, it was just when the teacher had arrived that first day and kind of threatened them with a massive sword, she was too scared not to pay attention in class. The teacher's weapon partner was not as intimidating but even his purple eyes could make her uncomfortable. Her first few days at the academy were certainly less than comfortable, due to her shy nature she found it near impossible to get to know other people which was quite a problem when weapons and meisters started to pair off so easily. She had nearly been scared out of her wits when the teacher, seeing that she was a bit of a straggler in the partner department, grabbed her by the hand and pretty much deposited her next to archer while explaining he would be her partner.

The first meeting had been awkward to say the least, for one thing she did not expect her partner to be a guy and the only things she had manged to say was a rather stuttered 'hello' and well, that had been that. She was at least thankful that her partner was someone who seemed kind and rather calm, looking at some of the other weapons in the room she was glad to have not been paired up with them or she would never be able to feel at peace, not that she felt at peace feeling like she had to listen to the teacher or die a horrible death. When the teacher told them it was time to go out and do partner exercises she quickly stood up but she did not immediately head toward the door, not wanting to get in anyone's way she waited for more of the class to head out first.

She was a bit startled when she heard Archer call out to her, her focus on the door where students were filing through. She managed to suppress all by the smallest of 'eeks' as she turned to look at her partner who promised to give it his all. She stared at his outstretched hand for a brief moment and felt like she might overload as she felt her cheeks redden. "Umm, y-yes lets do our best..." was the best she could manage as she turned away fidgeting a little, her fingers interlaced with each other as he brought her hands up to her chest and started to walk toward the door. She felt a little bad about ignoring his gesture of kindness but taking his hand in the classroom, she would have died of embarrassment! She hoped he didn't take offense but couldn't bring herself to look back at him for the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Regan was the only NOT student in this class. It was a little intimidating, but... she couldn't let it shake her.


She had been surprised when some of her usual NOT classes had been replaced, and they wouldn't let her change it back. Now she had to sprint clear across the school just to make it from the NOT wing to the EAT wing. Thrice! And it wouldn't have been so bad if she didn't have to go up two flights of stairs, down three, and up one more, not to mention dead ends and wrong turns. She almost didn't make it on the first day... actually, she didn't make it, because when she showed up, everyone was gone! Much to her relief, the Teacher's Assistant had shown up to get her.

She was even more relieved to see that her partner was in the class! The two met over the summer, and she was actually a little sad that she wouldn't get to have any classes with Eliza, but apparently she worried for nothing. She greeted her meister with a hug, pleased to see a familiar face among so many strange ones.


The girl made it through the door just as the teacher began speaking. She only broke her stride after she climbed the steps to her row, and slipped through to get to her seat next to Eliza. She greets her meister by brushing her hand across her shoulders as she passes, and finally settling into her seat... only to hear that they'd be leaving the room again. "Haha, at least I made it this time..." She rises again, just a little out of breath from running the halls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Elyse shifted in her spot in the middle left of the classroom. It was the closest to the door she could get without sitting directly next to anyone. She was comfortable with two empty spaces to the left of her, the end of the row to the right of her, and only partners behind her.

Claustrophobia aside, Elyse was feeling comfortable in her classes this year. She especially thought that this class would be an extremely interesting class throughout the year. She listened to Warburton speak as her eyes traveled around the room. She was curious about the others in the room. The demon weapons had demonstrated their forms to their meisters as they paired up. She had watched them from aside, not being noticed much by anyone in the group. This didn't bother her at all.

As Elyse eyed the partners, she wondered what their past was like. They all looked interesting to her. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Warburton told the students to head outside for some partner exercises. She quickly moved to stand away from the row's end, making sure no one would need to brush past to get out of the room. Once a few pairs of partners left, she followed behind, watching them chatter about their excitement towards partner exercises. Once outside, she moved to the side and looked towards Warbuton and Kress for further instructions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Altair watched the class with focused, calculating eyes. He noticed the way the students acted and also their attention to the class. He noticed a few engrossed in the teacher's words, and some others completely absorbed by their own thoughts. He smirked lightly at the latter before it faded as he moved his gaze to the next student. He eyed the partnerless student for a bit before looking at the next student. He also began to pick out the pairs of students that he would want to fight. The rest his brother could have.

As the students began to shuffle out of the class, he looked towards his brother. "Looks like this year will be an interesting one, Alistair." He smirked lightly before standing and walking calmly outside, one hand in his pocket.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Her first months in Death City passed by in the haze of laughter and increasingly idiotic shenanigans. Eliza hadn't known what to expect, though she was pretty sure she would end up living off the streets, transforming into her rabbit form during meal times so she can eat grass or carrots. Of course, none of that happened (which was just the tiniest bit disappointing), as she'd find that her mom took care of everything. Comprehensively so. She had a fully paid for apartment that was stocked with food to last her a while, enough savings in her account to buy a cake every day for the next four months. Eliza spent her days getting to know the new city, making friends and enemies (and even a partner!), just waiting until the first day of school arrived.

It's been a few days since then, and Eliza surprised herself by managing to stay on relatively good behavior in class. She happened to like her teacher and his antithesis of a partner; they seemed like they could be loads of fun--or, they would be with a little bit of pushing. Eliza looked to Mister Warbutton (she was 10% sure that was his name) now, her eyes trailing over the sharp contours of his beard, imagining it growing out in an unrealistic triangular shape. His words went through one ear and out of the other, incoherent in her unfocused mind. She had been tempted to use her magic—to poke out her head through the blackboard behind him—but then an out of breath Regan came over, effectively distracting her. Eliza grinned at her partner in greeting, and gently nudged her on the side. "A new record!" she said teasingly, laughter bubbling in her throat.

She didn't know what was happening when the other students started getting up from their seats, but she followed suit, happily sliding off her seat. Her partner can tell her about it later. Eliza hummed a cheery tune as she hooked her arm around Regan's and led her out to the courtyard. She looked at the others excitedly, swayed by the sudden energy that radiated from them as they came together with their partners.

Eliza turned to Regan expectantly. "So, what are we doing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Regan smiled warmly as Eliza claimed her arm, tugging the other girl close. As they move with the other students, she notices someone that's by herself. Did she not have a partner? She would have thought about it more, were it not for having to keep up with her partner. "Eliza~, quit tugging so much." She stumbles forward a bit and plants her foot, swinging Eliza around and into her chest, catching her with her other arm. "Goodness, you're so troublesome..."

Before she got caught up in something, though, she reminded herself that they were moving. And in class. She maneuvers the two of them to walk side by side and lets Eliza lead her away, again. Once outside, she... really shouldn't have been surprised that Eliza missed the point of coming out here. "We're doing partner exercises. I suppose I should probably change, then..." The brunette closes her eyes and focuses her mind. Image it...

Slowly, her body gives way and her consciousness is swept into the air. She swirls around Eliza once before gathering in front of her, waiting for her partner to take her hilt. She would materialize, white leather with a pattern of divots for grip. It ends with a brass handguard, and extends in a while steel sword. The blade was reversed, too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hearing her name being called, Karin turned her head to face her Meister partner, curiosity written on her face. Dante seemed like a good partner, as she had only been wielded by him a few times before, and she didn't know much about him. She knew that she would learn more about her partner in time, and had no worry about losing sync with her partner.

She nodded with a small smile as he approached her. "Hai. Yes, I'm excited bout getting back into the swing of things. It's been far too long since the last time I fought or used my weapon form, and I'm eager to get training from such an odd teacher." She spoke with her typical Japanese accent. At home, she always used her native language, as her mother was slightly paranoid of Karin losing her roots to American soil, or something similar to that.

She always liked the odd and crazy teachers over the normal ones. They always had more things to teach and in more ways, offering multiple possibilities of battle styles. Going by the book could help at times, but fighting was something that was learned through feeling, not reading. At least, to her it was.
Alistar watched the class with focus, silently picking out all of the weapon and meister pairs that he wanted to spar against, with him being the meister in the battle. All of the others that he had little interest for could go to his brother. Some of them had actually been listening to the teacher and his assistant, both of which he found fairly interesting. and the rest of the students were of their own devices, thinking about other things than school-related things.

He was too focused on the students to get up and move along with them, and was snapped out of his thoughts by his brother's words. The weapon looked at his brother and nodded with a similar, but more wild smirk. "Yes, and hopefully we can befriend a few of these pairs." He spoke as he got up and walked as well, following behind his brother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Archer sighed following closely behind his partner, he shouldn't have offered her his hand like that she was nervous enough without his help. Looking over the assembled group he hoped to find a good sparing partner for himself and Eloise sighing slightly he stopped beside her looking over at her decided he should apologize, he had known she was shy and pushed it after all. "Hey Eloise, I'm sorry I pushed it earlier I'll try to be more considerate of you feelings. But we are going to have to start getting to know each, later lets hang out and talk alright?" He gave her a soft smile then looked over the field as everyone looked for partners. "So who should we partner up with for the exercise?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Evan was taking down mental notes of each and every student he saw, he needed to be ready to lay the smack down on them when it was his turn to fight.
"You ready partner? Let's go all out this time!" as voice yelled enthusiastically. He realized it was his partner Conrad as he was placed his hand in his shoulders."Haha, let's show these weaklings our power, they will bow before our might!" He yelled as he pumped his fist into the air. Evan was ready for a fight, he could not wait to completely demolish the competition, although it was just a spar, Evan took it seriously. He was ready to take on what ever was thrown his way. "Ready Conrad!" he yelled, unfortunately Evan did not wait for an answer. Evan walked a few feet away from Conrad, and transformed, his body became engulfed in a bright red light, the light flew high up into the air and changed into a sword in mid air. The blade twirled in the air for a few seconds before hurtling towards the ground. With a loud clang the blade smashed into the ground in front of Conrad, the hilt facing towards the sky, waiting for him take the blade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Altair gave a small, indifferent shrug to his brother. "I suppose it would be ideal to befriend these classmates." He watched with interest as a few of the weapons transformed. "It seems we'll be fighting other blades. This is right up our alley." He pulled his slender hand from his pocket and interlocked his fingers together, stretching his arms up above his head to warm himself up a little.
Elyse began to stretch, glancing around at the others. She eyed the twins, wondering which of them was the weapon, and which was the meister. Automatically she assumed that the one that was stretching was the meister, and the other was the weapon. The two looked like deadly opponents, but she herself was a decent opponent as well. She interlocked her fingers and pushed an imaginary object away from her, loosening the muscles in her arms. It always felt better when the blades grew out of her arms if her muscles weren't tense. As she finished her stretches, she eyed the other weapons before she looked at the twins once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Conrad smiled at Evan's enthusiasm, it kept him in a good mood and made their victory seem all the more certain. He watched his friend leap into the air, a crimson light glowing from his core before it flew skyward and turned into a familiar weapon.

“Alright,” He said, stepping forward as the blade stabbed itself into the earth. This weapon had been one that he had grown accustomed in the past week; learning sporadic and acrobatic ways to utilize it. Clamping a firm hand over the blade, he pulled it out the earth and with a fluent spin and swung it out to the side.

“As usual you feel perfect in my hands, Evan. Whoever is our opponent is going down, no doubt about that.” His spare hand reached up to loosen his scarf, the heat from their two souls were warming the air around him; it was something he hadn't grown completely use too.

“Who should we take out first?” He asked his weapon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dante couldn't help but smile as his partner replied. He found her accent to be a rather interesting trait. But he had to agree on one thing, their teacher was a bit of a loon. Not that it bothered Dante; those were the types of people he liked the most. Anyone interesting was a friend to him. He looked around, noticing a lot of other pairs were getting ready for something. Truth be told, Dante had literally no idea what he was meant to be doing. Whether he had slept through instructions or simply forgotten, he couldn't be sure, but he did know he was confused.

“So, I know this seems like a silly question, but what exactly are we meant to do now?” Dante asked with a slightly embarrassed expression. He always had a bit of a problem with instructions. In a completely new situation like this, he would usually do what felt natural and worry about the rest later, but since this was a lesson, he decided it probably wasn’t the best idea. Not to mention when it came to doing something he thought would be fun; he was the most impatient person in the world. He began to do some stretches to limber up, and went to grab near his waits only to find that nothing was there.

“Oh yea” He mumbled to himself, remembering that he had left his sword in his room. Not having it around would take some getting used to, but it was the first real step towards his goal. Now he looked to the teachers, trying to hide his excitement as he prepared for the exercise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eliza's hand was already moving in position when Regan began transforming, the familiar glow surrounding her partner making her hop in excitement. Sparring seemed like the perfect way to start the day. She hated boring lectures that only put her to sleep. Her lips twisted into a lopsided grin as she felt the hilt materialize right in her hand, and her grip tightened automatically. The sword felt natural in her hands, felt as though it was an extension of her arm, and she brandished it jubilantly. She did a quick sideways sweep and then a chop as a warm up.

"Reeeady, Regan?" she asked in a singsong drawl, free hand against her forehead as she scanned the courtyard for her first victim… er, sparring partner. Half the meisters in class had already wielded their weapons, while the other half still looked to their teacher, awaiting further instructions. For a second, she wondered if Warbutton was still going on about something, but her attention lasted all of a second before it diverted to the loud voice coming from behind her.

She zeroed in on Conrad and Evan, already in his weapon form. They looked ready to fight. Without warning, she sped toward them, a small cloud of dust left in her wake. She leaped right as she was a couple of feet away from the pair, and thrust out her front leg and tucked in the other, aiming a flying kick at the meister's chest.

"Eliza kick~!" she called out, grinning. She raised her sword as she neared them, Regan's white blade almost gleaming in the sun, ready to strike down once her targets put up their defense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 23 days ago

“Who should we take out first?” Conrad asked Evan

Evan' face and bare chest appeared on the blade. "I don't know, it's up to you." Even really did not care who they fought, he just wanted to destroy somebody. Even could feel the heat that both of there souls put out.
"Just don't forget to use our Soul Resonance, it's our power house, and it would catch all of our enemies of guard quickly. GOT IT." he yelled making sure his Meister remembered.

Evan was about to yell at his meister once again, then hour noticed a pair of students, a meister and weapon jumped at then, readying them selves for a kick in mid air.

"Conrad look out!!!!" he yelled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Sparring? Regan was a little panicked. She didn't feel ready at all to spar against another pair, but... well, she was a little used to being thrust into things she didn't feel ready for. Certains things will find you, after all.

Like this fight.

Ready? Uh, not really, no- ooohhh! Too late to object now. Her blade was still reversed, too... which worked out, here, honestly. She didnt have to worry about hurting her classmates so much, that way. Eliza leaps into the air and Regan saw who she was gunning for.

The weapon of the pair certainly looked fancy. The meister... felt strong. Be careful. They seem tough, don't drop your guard. She'd have to be steadfast, herself. The other weapon looked heavier than herself. She'd have to watch how they react to their attack.
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