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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Snipes stood over on top, watching the two duelists duke it out... And was astounded. Not by the sheer skill put on display here, but at how terrible of a duel that was. Not only was the first Action Card a curse rather than a blessing, the blonde haired kid also barely put up a fight. The Action Field disappeared, and alongside it, the teacher as well. "Lessons end early. You all have free time. Find me around the arena if you wish to Action Duel yourself." came from over the speakers, the students now free to do what they wished. Normally they'd still have an hour worth of lessons, but it seems like that duel was so embarrassing the teacher decided to blow it off.

Ethel was sitting with her legs crossed, carefully examining the cards each player played. The first time one went for an Action Card it bit them back, causing a small little smile to cross her face. The first two turns were extremely uneventful, but by the time the third one rolled around it suddenly got a lot more interesting. That boy from wind had summoned three monsters in a single turn, not only that, they also managed to completely lock out Leander from doing anything. Seems that particular light member wasn't anybody interesting... Being beaten so fast by a wind is a complete disgrace. Speaking of wind, the boy from it had suddenly gotten a lot more... Aggressive for some reason. But Ethel liked seeing that. She couldn't help but grind wider as they completely obliterated the opposition, feeling the same joy herself when she's allowed to do so. Soon after the Action Field exploded into a bunch of stars. When it did, Vincent turned around and scanned the audience for... Her? Ethel was confused for a second at why they locked eyes, and even more so when Vincent gave her a thumbs up. Was he trying to impress her? Ridiculous... Just because they had one successful match doesn't mean Ethel's going to pay any attention to them.

Though she tired of this place. This whole 'Action Dueling' wasn't anything that interested her in any particular way, with how you had to run around if you wanted even a slight advantage over your opponent. The girl rose from her seat, glancing over the shoulder to see if anyone was of interest. Well, Venwyn seemed to be getting surrounded by four girls. That at least looked ridiculous. From the corner of her eye however, she did spot two particular duelists of interest: Shinrei and Andre. Andre, whilst looking tacky in that outfit, showed some extreme prowess with just a tad bit of anger issues. Shinrei on the other hand never had a placement duel, yet was in Light anyway... How did they earn that?

Well, it's not like mulling over those thoughts would do any good. Nobody else of interest was here... And dueling Venwyn was out of the question, considering they were surrounded by girls from all angles. Damnit... Ethel walked away from the audience seats, handbag flung over the shoulder. Maybe she'd wait around at the entrance a bit, see if anyone walked by...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Hmph that was quick. That guy got into light dorm? That's almost as much as a joke as I am in this dorm. I guess they got the dorms backwards." Andre muttered as he watched the duel end and he started to clap though he tried his best to hide the sarcastic undertone he had to his clap by making it go a little faster. Given the circumstances he doubt he could've done any better due to his own lack of skill with action fields. However he did note that he had outs to some of these guys. Skill Drain, Royal Decree went a long way. Hell even sinister Yoshirio went well with his deck. The problem mainly being it was so damn slow...the trade of being some of his cards having outs to targeting effects like Skull Archfiend. Still he couldn't help but not like his odds against some of these cards. Also he couldn't help but think of Vincient's attitude as a bit overboard. Though he wasn't one to talk...he had after all been quite pissy with that one kid...what was his name? Haas? Though he believed he had right too with him bouncing his archfiends back to his hand like the after effects of a bad date and his first attack being stopped so cleanly. He wondered if that Haas kid had been simply unlucky or was his starting deck really in need of some structure? He thought it being the latter. Regardless Ben hadn't even made it back yet and the first duel was done. That bode bad for Ben. Hey it was his fault for being such a massive pain.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Megan grinned when she saw Camryn sit next to her. "Nope never seen him before, but-" the rest of her statement was cut off by the duel starting. It was exciting for the first three turns, then it was over and Megan was left with not much more knowledge than she started. Luckily however it seemed they still had a chance to action duel. "Hey lets go see if we can get into an action duel!" Megan said excited and grabbed Camryn's hand leading her to Snipes. [color=reed]"Teach- I mean COLONEL, can Camryn and I have action duel please."[/color] She asked eagerly, hoping he would accept. Megan wondered if they would play on the same field or not. So many things to wonder about.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hayato had tried to get away from the group but sadly his sister had decided to stick around with Shinrei and Tsukiko and Hayato was dragged along with her watching the Action was not very impressive as it was over before it even began...
Hayate noticed Leander and Vincent arriving and knew what would happen if Leander came close to Shinrei again, She hated how he would be so cold to everyone he met and grabbed Shinrei's hand and ran away towards the academy leaving Hayato with Tsukiko,Vincent and Leander, Hayate never actually realized how fast she ran as they arrived at the entrance within a 3 minutes she looked at Shinrei and remembered her dream and looked like she was ready to bolt again but attempted to speak [color=00aeef][/color]

Hayato who noticed her sister running off with Shinrei and tried to be witty "Bronapper Hayate strikes again!" following it up by looking at Vincent and walking towards him "Vincent." Hayato called out his name "if that's your name that is... I hope you are ready to face death! do you have any last words? Hayato said threatening hinting at a duel by tapping his duel disk and looked at Leander and wondered if he'd be alright with just Tsukiko as he felt like he needs a way to blow off his frustration what better way for a duelist to cool down? a duel of course!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LunarStandard
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LunarStandard The Highest Standard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sitting in the stands, Nathaniel could not help but cover his wide-open mouth in response to how atrocious that was. Good for the duelists for trying their best with what they had, but man, that was terrible! First the boy from Wind picks up Lousy Luck, then the boy from Light picks up a complete dud. Nathaniel has seen duelists make even Mad Hurricane work to their advantage before, so seeing this was pretty sad. Nathaniel could already tell from some of the students' reactions that Action Duels were about to get a pretty bad reputation, which was frankly an upsetting thought.

Nathaniel let out a sigh as he stood up and prepared to leave, when his ears suddenly perked up at the sound of "Action Duel." He looked to see a red-haired girl and her friend ask the Colonel for an Action Duel. Grinning, Nathaniel decided to sit back down and stick around. Hopefully, this one will go a little better than the last one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shinrei saw Leander was approaching where he stood up from where he was seated and was about to say something when the girl named Hayate grabbed his hand and took off with him. He didn't really get upset though he found unusual and the sign of someone who was lonely. He thought to himself as Tsukiko covered her mouth in complete surprise by what Hayate just did. So... she's just like... is it possible? This girl knows loneliness just like me, but she is reunited with her brother so why does she feel so abandoned? He was about think more about that until they reached the door where something unexpectedly happened because Ethel was waiting at the entrance of the door.

"Hayate, put my brother down, please." Tsukiko requested but the girl had already gotten too far out of range for her to be heard. She sighed deeply as she saw Leander bringing over another individual who she saw was dueling earlier who beat Leander. Probably a good thing she drug her brother off because Leander looked kind of down after the duel due to the fact he lost. "Hey, you did your best, Leander." Tsukiko said as she approached him with her encouraging words following right behind her. She placed her hands on his shoulder and nodded as she smiled for a moment then added. "That's all that matters, right?"

"Who is this new friend of yours, Leander?" Tsukiko questioned as she pondered the thought as he approached her. She noticed he had a really strong deck that could be comparable to her brother's old deck he used. She didn't want to say anything about her brother's past, because she knew that he might not like it if she did. She was about to say something to Vincent when Hayato said some rather disturbing words where she kept her giant fan on stand by in case he was out of line.

"Vincent." Hayato called out his name "If that's your name that is... I hope you are ready to face death! do you have any last words?" Hayato said threatening hinting at a duel by tapping his duel disk and looked at Leander and wondered if he'd be alright with just Tsukiko as he felt like he needs a way to blow off his frustration what better way for a duelist to cool down? Tsukiko was a bit confused and on edge when she heard Hayato speak such disturbing words. She almost whacked him over the head when he said 'Do you have any last words?' but stopped her from being moved from behind her back to strike him with it. 'I hope you are ready to face death!' made her make a very long sigh in disappointed where she unveiled the fan, but luckily she followed his words closely and just didn't whack him by instinct like she did her brother and father.

She turned her eyes toward Vincent who gave her a rather disturbing aura. She couldn't contemplate what exactly bothered her about him, but she knew that he looked like a trouble-maker. She stared at him in suspicion with a very icy cold gaze which stared into his eyes like a Medusa and if you stared too long like her brother it would paralyze in place most of the time. The gaze sent chills down the spine of her own brother when he came into eye contact with that creepy look on her face as it was a serious 'don't mess with me or I'll kill you' kind of stare. "So you're the one they call Vincent..." She said with such a cold voice and the atmosphere around her must have dropped below zero because she was as frigid in expression as her brother was now. The dangerous stare from her meant only two things one a prankster or two a pervert. It had to be one of those two, but she just didn't know which one. She kind of laughed in his direction with a smile that tend to flinch.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

well that was short Angelo said with a yawn seeing that it wasn't very entertaining considering how fast the duel went. Angelo will no doubt do better when he is in his first turbo duel for now he didn't know what to do. He didn't really want to action duel in the first place he was just offering to the teacher because he didn't want to be hand picked when nobody else volunteered. As Angelo grabbed his things he got up and headed towards the entrance seeing Ethel was their Angelo gave her a wave of hi before he started to head back to the dorms. He decided to try and give her the aloof style and see if she responds to guys that don't give her the time of day as Angelo started to head back to the building
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Seeing how no one was coming around once more Andre pulled out his harmonica. He'd decided to bring it with him just in case he got into another duel. He played the song quietly but it was once again the same ominous and dark tune he had played during his duel. He liked that theme. It was spine chilling and it left people uncomfortable. Though if someone asked him to stop, like the teacher for instant, he'd put the thing down if asked. It was just something he enjoyed doing in his spare time. It was soon after that Ben showed up and patted his brother on the back, "Woah man that was one hell of a jog. How'd it go?" Ben asked as Andre told him the match was piss. It lasted three turns and it was incredible one sided due to sheer luck. "Really dude? I guess the other dude needed to chill out and let his opponent make a move. But not a lot of people like to chance a loss. Some people don't care about making their opponent look bad. I just hope the next one's better...well I got another two more laps to go better get moving." Ben said as he patted on brother on the shoulder one more time. Andre noticed he had taken off his blazer and put it around his waist and had unbuttoned the top of his white shirt. His brother was a health nut through and through and he figured he would not give up the chance to get in one more work out before another class. Though he had the feeling Ben wouldn't be much alive for the next class. So once more Andre put his lips to his harmonica and let the music flow through. He only hoped the next little activity could be at least plain not bland. A normal duel should have SOME stuff at stake and not be a couple route of one player. It made him want to volunteer for the next one and make it a three way action duel. But Andre hated the stipulation he was playing on some bull crap card's terms that could screw him up bad. "The world's so cold..." Andre muttered between verses in his song, "The wind's so sharp..." - "Sending chills down the spine..." - "I feel it in my bones... that old scrapin' pain...."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Camryn blinked in surprise. "Well, that was... fast. And kinda scary. The one guy seems kinda full of himself, honestly." Then Megan grabbed her hand and yanked her over to the (very imposing) teacher to request an Action Duel. After she regained a bit of composure, she joined in the begging. "It'll be better than that other one, I promise!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Poke
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Poke Unreliable

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Venwyn Ael

That's Some Pretty Dar—Oh, Nevermind.

A seemingly huge wave of disappointment seemed to wash over the students after they had witnessed the shortness of the Action Duel. Venwyn too was "disappointed", not from the shortness of the Duel per say, but from the surprising lack of Action Cards that were obtained and revealed. It was to be expected - he wouldn't be able to see every single possible Action Card from a single given Duel (especially one as short as the one that had just taken place), and he would have to watch multiple Action Duels in order to see more the cards in action (lel).

"Unfortunate." Venwyn said to no one in particular, although to be fair, he was pretty surrounded at the time he said this. A few of the other students had sat near or next to him to watch the Action Duel too, which would make sense considering the fact that he didn't go for some kind of out-of-the-way seat to avoid people this time like he normally would, he was just so invested in seeing those Action Cards that it didn't really matter. He could gather some of the students' names from passively listening, if "some" meant "one". Megan was one of those students. Venwyn felt that he had spoken to her at some point before, perhaps in a different timeline?

The rest of the girls however, Venwyn did not know. He could only classify them through the first impressions they gave.

One of them seemed pretty hyperactive, she seemed to share Venwyn's like for the Action Cards, which was nice. She kept glancing at him from time to time though, which Venwyn had picked up on, but didn't quite want to mention. Another was probably the most normal of the bunch, reacting exactly as Venwyn would expect from someone who had just ran up several stairs within a minute. The final girl was, uh, animated, and had already made her displeasure at the short Duel known. For some reason, that girl reminded Venwyn of volcanoes, the Baltic Sea and lone warriors.

He was also pretty certain that she had called him a weirdo, but chose to not acknowledge that.

Still, aside from being kind of... surrounded by people, there was very little that was keeping Venwyn from staying in the Action Duel Arena, which is why he decided to go somewhere else.

"I'm leaving." Venwyn said, getting up from his seat and beginning to perform the same hand seals he used to arrive in the Arena a while prior, except this time, there wasn't really enough space for runes to appear on the floor, so they kind of just appeared in the air. Before he had finished whatever dark n' dank magic he was about to do, someone—Megan, had dragged Cameryn over to the teacher to request for another Action Duel. For Venwyn, that would mean a chance to see even more of those Action Cards he so desperately wanted to see. He quickly changed his mind on leaving, opting to stay and see whether or not this second Action Duel would take place.

"...Nevermind, I'm staying." The young ninja announced, sitting down again, the runes in the air disappearing as he did so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Vincent Gulfus

With the Duel over Vincent followed Leander over to where their friends was supposed to be, his mind filling with thoughts of curiosity as he neared them, Noticing Hayate pull one of them away he chuckled with deja vu of what happened the day before, when he was quite suddenly dragged to be basically outside his dorm room. She seemed to be taking away a Light member whom Vincent hadn't seen before. Probably because they never took the entry exams and this little detail caused Vincent to become curious as to who the person actually was and how they got into the light dorm so easily. No matter there was more pressing concerns as when Vincent neared closer to the two people standing there, Hayate's brother whom looked awfully like a girl at a glance suddenly and if not quite hastily challenged him to a duel and of course Vincent responded.

"Threatening death on someone isn't really a way to greet them is it? I mean honestly, Hayato if I remembered your name correctly, That is not a way to greet someone whom comes as a friend and not as a enemy. Yet if you want to fight so badly, I guess I can accept your offer if you explain why the hell you want to fight me!" Vincent said to the boy quite honestly a little annoyed to be thrown into another match so soon but what can you do really, the entire school was focused on duelling it was bound to happen. Yet Vincent was growing less focused with the boy and more focused on the person behind them with the paper fan, looking like they were about to hit something, what an odd pair, wait... a thought crossed Vincent's mind were they boyfriend and girlfriend? Probably not and Vincent shrugged it off quickly when the girl started giving him a stare that would make a normal man freeze. Yet Vincent had been given that stare once too often, he knew what it meant what it insinuated and he would always deny it.

Looking the girl square in the face he met her eyes as if to reply 'Try and kill me and see who dies in agony or 'I am not in the mood for your arrogance, Its not true and that face won't work on me.' His face seemed darkened and become slightly grim for a fraction of a second barely noticeable before Vincent returned to his regular attitude and looked away before he spoke up. "Yes that is my name" He said with a smile as if he was purposely ignoring the change in the atmosphere. "Who might you be if your asking?" He asked looking at her dress. What was with the kids at this academy and short dresses they just cause problems. He already had a rumour going around because of dresses which made it harder to make friends, great. Vincent turned back to Leander "Would you please care to introduce me." he said smiling with a upbeat voice. His eyes wide with anticipation. He quickly decided to give the female a message to put her mind at ease "That rumour isn't exactly true." He said quickly before waiting for Leander to do the introduction.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Snipes was standing in his usual pose, and with that I mean the one he was standing in at the entrance earlier on, at the stairway up to the commentator's podium. Two girls, one rather eccentric, ran up to the hulk of a man to request another Action Duel. "THAT IS THE SPIRIT!" They yelled, loud enough so the entire body of students could hear. Well, as far as those that were still there goes anyway. "Take your positions on the Action Field. I will start up the field." the instructor... Well, instructed. He watched the girls run off at around the same time they made their way back up the podium, looking over the field. Once both were in place, Snipes started to yell again: "ACTION FIELD, ON! BAMBOO BATTLEGROUND!"

Ethel was... Extremely bored, to say the least. Everyone who passed by seemed to be some Earth or Wind duelist that showed little skill in their opening duels. The excited chatter went over her head, alongside Angelo casually strolling by. The girl decided to glance around the corner, looking into the doorway to see if anyone was approaching. She didn't quite know what she was hoping for, but someone that caught her eye was approaching. Down the stairs stormed a girl from wind, Light member in tow. The boy from earlier... The one that didn't do a placement duel. Alongside a mediocre duelist who hardly knew how to play her deck right? Ha, what a laugh. She probably was dragging them all over the place. Maybe Ethel should show her a lesson?

Ethel turned her head back around the corner, taking a casual stance against the side of the wall. Once footsteps started becoming louder, and by extension, closer to the girl's location she'd 'Accidentally' misplace her foot. When she did, Hayate should've tumbled into the sand next to the road, caused by how fast she was running as no human would have reflexes fast enough. How she landed didn't interest Ethel, pretending to not know of anything. Whether Shinrei tumbled alongside or not remained to be seen. The girl raised one eyebrow as she looked down one Hayate, only the faintest of smiles showing how she truly felt. "Whoops. My bad. Didn't see you coming there." Obviously that was a bold-faced lie, though her voice didn't betray any of that. The girl herself could hardly not burst out into laughter at the pathetic sight though, clearly finding some form of joy in this.

Ethel then shot another glance at Shinrei, who seemed to be less than amused on more than one level. Figuring he didn't appreciate her little 'joke', Ethel decided to not really throw anything his way. He was always with that one girl from Earth anyway, they probably didn't realize everyone was inferior to them. "What's the hurry, anyway?" the blue-haired teen asked casually, throwing it out there as a way of looking down upon Hayate. Probably forgot their disk or something, and is now running away in shame.

Haas let out an exasperated sigh at the awful sight he just had to witness, and proceeded to be bored out if his skull. There wasn't much of interest left to do here, considering the awful Action Duel that he just had to witness. Looking over his shoulder he sees a lot of people gathered around a ninja boy, as well as another boy slightly more out of the way and alone. Hayato was messing around with Tsukiko and two boys from different dorms, and two other girls just bugged Snipes for another duel. Things were... Average. And Haas wasn't really up for dealing with people now.

So what'd he do? Fall asleep in his seat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Before Ben got too far he noticed a white haired girl was having some issues with something. She was standing next to her, what he assumed was, brother who was getting riled up against him and that Vincent fellow. Ben sighed to himself and internally groaned at what he was about to do but hey it was worth a shot. He quickly wiped the sweat off his brow and put on his blazer back on and took a deep breath. Ben walked over to the small group around them. "Excuse me Miss...Tsukiko, one of the teachers believe you lost something in the fusion class room. When I was off jogging I found one of the teachers on their way here and offered to bring the message too you. If you'd like I can accompany you there." Ben said professionally and calmly as he gave off a rather simple and truthful appearance but he winked at the girl quickly as to signal he was just trying to get her out of her current situation. She looked like she was a bit apprehensive about her current situation. "If not I'm going to go sit over there." Ben pointed with his thumb to the opposite side of the seats. "Before you guys ask I don't know what she lost I'm just the messenger so don't shoot me." Ben said shrugging as he awaited the girl's response.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hayato sighed and lowered his aggressive voice "I've had a bad day and i needed someone to talk to so I could blow off some steam... and now I just feel like a duel is the best way to do it" Hayato said and remembered what he was supposed to tell him "Oh and Hayate told me to tell you she left you something on your desk I don't know what it is but it's up to you to figure out maybe you already know" Hayato really didnt know what else to say "So you up for the duel or not? if not we could just buy some packs you probably got loads of points after those duels of yours" Hayato pulled out a strange object that could fit a card pack or 2 "Can't wait to use this thing again" Hayato said waving it around "I'll show you what it does later" Hayato said waiting for a choice for Vincent really he wanted to blow off some steam by either opening packs or dueling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shinrei saw a girl at the entrance and could sense that she was about to do something. It would be hard for him to do anything with this crazy girl named Hayate who just grabbed his hand grabbing on tight not letting go. He sensed that she was lonely when she touched his hand though he wasn't sure what the reason was or how she ended up this way. It was common for lonely people especially those who feared solitude greatly to grab onto people and drag them around even if the person was doing against their will. Right when they got closed to the girl she put her foot out and tripped Hayate and Shinrei, but Shinrei managed to use his hands for stabilization which pushed him into a somersault. He thought to himself as he was about to come out of somersault to catch Hayate from falling on the ground in his arms. Hah, I didn't actually think all that training with that handgun and those maneuvers would ever come in handy. Good thing when I was a kid my dream was to become a detective before it was a duelist. The silver haired man caught Hayate with both hands sweeping her toward his torso as he lifted himself up from his knelt down position with her still in his arms.

He had remembered very clearly when they came toward the entrance that there was a blue haired girl with a very mysterious appearance to her. She said right after he managed to fully recover from being tripped managing to avoid falling down on his face that she said 'What's the hurry, anyway?' Judging by the way she used those words it was probably Shinrei's fault that Hayate ended up in that predicament anyway. He turned toward Ethel for a second with a serious yet very frigid look crystallized inside his eyes, "You know, I may be as cold as the arctic night, but I'm certainly not as dirty as a harlot. Judging by the way you're looking at me, I assume one of two things. One, you want to test my mettle because unlike the other students I didn't take place in a placement duel and ended up in Light. Two, you want to know who I am. There is a reason I am in Light, but I am not going to inform you why. You do not need to know who I am or why I am here. I suspect the first reason, but you can correct me if I'm wrong. Not that I care what you think of me or how you visualize me. I care only about my morals. Everyone else that isn't important to my resolve is commonplace."

After Shinrei finished his speech toward Ethel not really care how she took his words, because her opinion wouldn't change his position on the two matters, he turned his attention back on Hayate. "Are you all right?" He said in a more friendly tone though his face and eyes remained cold but the tone was quite normal for any form of human being. He would not forget what Ethel just did. Not that it was any of his business, but anyone who dare throw his problems onto someone else needed to be dealt with. He would leave that for another time. He wasn't about to get serious for someone he didn't really even know the skill level of. He had remembered she lost her duel yet ended up in Light. What a twist of fate? He thought to himself as he went toward one of the walls to lean against it. He wanted to see what this girl wanted with him even though he didn't really care. Best find out to prevent another instance like that pest named Leander who wouldn't leave him alone. He had remembered earlier he lost his duel in such a pathetic method. Hah, how did that kid end up in Light anyway? Anyone that loses to Wind has no business with me. I can't let someone like him plague what skill I still possess. Not like any of these people are worth unveiling any of it on.

He turned his attention toward Ethel once again as he saw Hayate was just fine. Even though he didn't show it by his expression he did feel bad that Hayate was tripped because of him though he wasn't entirely for sure. He was just under the assumption that this girl wanted to challenge him. She would probably would bother him nonstop if he didn't acknowledge her. Typical to think that most people end up the same in the end? What a pitiful way of putting it too. "All right, girl." He said as he focused all his attention on her. His eyes began to freeze even more as you could feel the chill of his eyes pierce your mind. "I will ask, what is it you want from me? It's obvious that she wasn't your target." He paused for a moment as he turned his eyes for a second toward Hayate before he would once again place them on Ethel's sights once again. "The real tragedy is she was an unfortunate casualty of my own madness I couldn't prevent. But let's just get straight to the point and drop the theatrics. I am not fooled by an outright lie so I will remain here until you give me your answer."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Leander smiled and waved off Tsukiko's concern. "No sweat, things like this happen all the time," Leander said cheerfully. "You know the saying: you win some, you lose some." Leander heard something about a rumor and couldn't resist asking, "What rumor?" Then he decided to brush it off, saying, "Ahh, never mind, it doesn't matter." He raised his hand to his side to introduce Vincent. "This is Vincent, the guy I just Dueled and lost against. Dark won against Light today, but things will end differently next time! I know it!" Leander said, always wearing that smile of his and raising a thumbs up. Hayato came around to challenge Vincent, which Leander couldn't pass up seeing. "A Duel? Sure, I'll come watch! Um, unless you wanna come too, Tsukoki?" Leander said, mispronouncing Tsukiko's name. Then Ben came to ask Tsukiko about something. "Perfect timing! Go ahead, I'll fill you in with the Duel when you catch up!" Leander said.

Leander noticed that Shinrei wasn't around, so he turned his head to look, and found him dealing with some girl. Leander decided to let him be for once and stick with what everyone was doing for once. For now, that was exciting Duels. Speaking of Duels, there came an announcement from Snipes about another Action Duel. Leander turned to look, and saw another field coming up. Entranced, Leander stared at the Duel that was about to take place. He couldn't miss seeing an Action Duel from the outside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ethel looked almost bored at the sight of a somersault right into bridal carry, raising an eyebrow whilst wondering if those theatrics were necessary in the first place. Shinrei looked positively furious, though Ethel hadn't immediately noticed due to her looking at Hayate with a cruel smile. Once Shinrei did reply to the rather vague question, they talked about something else entirely. Ethel even giggled a little at the insult he decided to throw out, covering her mouth with her hand. Her eyes went from Hayate to Shinrei, scanning him a little better now. Seemed to be in shape and a bit taller than Ethel, so it was probably best not to get them too riled up. Still... "You sure talk big, but when was I talking to you?" was the first jab the teen took, turning away from the wall and walking on the road. Honestly she was just annoyed Shinrei mimicked her, so too many steps didn't get taken before Ethel turned back to face the duo.

"I had no target. Don't just assume things of me, just as how I don't assume of you." The teen wiped a few strands of hair from the front of the right eye, then folded her hands behind her back. She put on a friendly, though fake smile, and her eyes betrayed her pure glee right now. "Hey hey, your girlfriend's fine you know. No need to be so overprotective." Another jab. "Maybe some other girls swoon over you, I don't. You're too arrogant." And another. Ethel wasn't particularly trying to get under Shinrei's skin, though she couldn't help herself with this. "Although you're cute, I guess. Going around like some hot shot, pretending to be better than everyone even if you've not proven anything... But that's all it is, cute."

Enough beating around the bush, Ethel supposes. Shinrei flat out asked what she wanted of him, which honestly, wasn't much. The main focus was just teaching that girlfriend of theirs that she shouldn't be leeching off of people better than her, but telling him wouldn't hurt. "I was just curious in you, is all~." A little singing tone was in Ethel's voice, but far from pleasant. She looked back over to Hayate. "If you hang around girls like her, though, I can't see how you're better than a wind yourself~! I'm no longer interested, so that's that~!" Finishing it off with a slight head tilt and closed eyes, Ethel was actually super happy for some reason. A burning feeling was in her chest, and her heart was going nuts. It felt great to say those things, in her mind, and she turned on her heel. "Want something of me before I leave~?" Ethel asked with her back turned to the duo.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Who might you be if you're asking?" Vincent asked looking at her dress. Tsukiko had a hard time finding the words to answer Vincent. He struck her suspicious side and made her somewhat aggressive. She continued to look at him like that as she boldly said only her name. "Tsukiko. Tsukiko Ikushirou." Keeping her introduction with him as blunt as possible as she stared him down with her icy cold gaze. When she was about to say something else to him from what she recalled earlier Ben approached her which drew her attention completely away from Vincent.

"Excuse me Miss...Tsukiko, one of the teachers believe you lost something in the fusion class room. When I was off jogging I found one of the teachers on their way here and offered to bring the message too you. If you'd like I can accompany you there." Ben said professionally and calmly as he gave off a rather simple and truthful appearance but he winked at the girl quickly as to signal he was just trying to get her out of her current situation. Tsukiko took her attention away from Vincent and looked at Ben with some suspicion until Hayato said in advance to what he has just said. Well, he looked like he was going to say something which struck Tsukiko as odd then didn't say anything at all. Then he finally said it to her that Hayate had informed him that Tsukiko left something on the desk in the Fusion Room. What ever could he mean? She questioned in confusion while keeping that thought to herself. After that, Tsukiko didn't know what to say to Ben and when she tried to get a word in the poor girl was interrupted by Leander.

"A Duel? Sure, I'll come watch! Um, unless you wanna come too, Tsukoki?" Leander said, mispronouncing Tsukiko's name. Tsukiko did not like the way Leander just pronounced her name. She thought about taking her fan and letting him have it over the head when she managed to regain her composure turning away from Leander and accepting Ben's request. Besides, if she dropped something she better go see what it was she dropped or if it was left in the Fusion Room better go see what she left in there by accident. This struck her as very strange since she didn't normally leave things that belonged to her behind, but this was her first day so about anything could happen. She turned her attention for a moment toward Shinrei who was being confronted by some mysterious and yet unfriendly looking blue haired girl and he was carrying a black haired girl in his arms. Oh boy, what is my brother... She thought to herself then nodded shrugging off the thought. "Sure." Tsukiko said as she tried to smile toward Ben even though she felt very uneasy at the moment. Her emotions were spilling into her like a flood and it was hard to keep them all in check. The loneliness and sad eyes that she normally hide somewhat was able to leak out from just her eyes. "I wouldn't mind at all if you accompanied me. Might also put my mind at ease. I am kind of... Well..." She said with hesitation as she had to pause at the end to stop herself from saying something that she didn't want. She tried to shake off her the emotions that were trying to cut their way through her tough demeanor, "Let's go, Ben. If I lost something I better go retrieve it. Might be really important and if I don't go do it now I might regret it later."

She turned her attention toward Leander as she paced off when Ben toward the exit ignoring her brother who was also there shouting from a distance. "Sorry Leander, I have an errand I must run. Hope you have fun dueling Vincent. Sorry I can't stick around to watch you." She tried to let Ben take her hand, but something inside her wouldn't allow any boy to get too close to her yet. They approached the exit where they walked by her brother and two other girls, but she reminded Ben just to ignore what was going on. It wasn't a good idea to get involved with her brother and it might anger if they do so. "So Ben, is it, correct? We are going to the Fusion Room..." She paused for a moment then noticed that one of her Void Dragon cards was missing. That almost made her flip out, but she remembered what her brother told her a long time ago. You don't want to lose your composure or you will give a bad impression toward other people around you. "Oh no! My third Void Dragon card... You don't think that is what they were talking about, do you?" She questioned as she was worried toward Ben as agreed to jog alongside as they may their way quickly toward where the Fusion Room leaving the Action Duel arena behind in the midst of their own background.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ben smiled and nodded at Tsukiko as he motioned for her to follow him, "Alright let's get going shall we? Don't want to miss our next class right? But we can take our time." Ben said with a nod as he led the way towards the Fusion Room. Or well really anywhere in general. He wasn't going anywhere in specific the girl just needed a chance to clear her head after whatever was up with her. Ben just hoped he could be helpful. He wasn't anything special when it came to girls' minds but he tried his best to relate to them as well. At the very least Ben could provide her with an outlet to talk to so when she actually started to follow him he was quite happy that he had actually managed to pull his little thing off. "You doing alright? If you need someone talk to I'm a good listener. And I don't tell other people's secrets easy makes me feel like trash when I hurt someone. But I'm rambling sorry I tend to do that when I'm with people I don't know." Ben said with a shrug still trying to keep his upbeat smile on his face. "Where we're going huh? I'm not entirely sure where we're going I just thought you could use a hand. But if you're missing a card the best place to look would be the fusion room first. After that if we don't find it we'll look 'round the halls some and if it's not there we can try the stadium or I'll help you look around your room if you like. Might miss a class but if that card is important to you I know the feeling." Ben said as he pulled the rough Sacred Noble Knight King Artorgius from his pocket and handed it to Tsukiko. "That card has been with me through the toughest of times I don't want you to lose something like that no one should." Ben said calmly as he went along with Tsukiko towards the fusion room.
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