Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Location: Woods North of Salarn, Orc Encampment, Evening of Day Three
Interacting With: Thomas, vigorously.

He didn’t leave. He didn’t offer to help, either. In place of these options, the upstart spellcaster chose to continue interrupting the party, prattling on about his own pursuit of knowledge in a manner totally inappropriate to the actual conversation. Along the way, he managed to fit in a rousing session insulting various members of the group.

Ordinarily, a slew of hurled insults among similar company wouldn’t be something to invoke a rapid physical response, but the situation wasn’t quite ordinary. This was no polite campsite shared amongst friends; nary a cheap sausage was being roasted over the fire, there were no rousing songs performed inexpertly by cracking, warbling voices, and definitely no racing each other to the nearby swimming hole.

This situation could be more accurately described by pointing out a few harsh facts: Their group was in danger, not to mention rudderless. They barely held off an attack from an Orc patrol just a couple of days ago. Though victorious, a pack of dogs would have fought with better organization. Further, they were within the boundaries of the Orc’s campsites because they were expecting an attack from Undead of unknown strength and origin. Between that and the Warchief’s terms, they were in the middle of a pressing discussion on the best course of action to keep themselves alive.

The second half of his tirade finally pushed Keystone to act. The reasons were twofold, for anyone with experience adventuring on the open road: Firstly, offering disrespect to other party members, notably Satilla and Sana, could not go unanswered. They were all supposed to be allies, at the very least, against what promised to be overwhelming odds. In particular, Sana and Keystone had history. They fought and bled together, had each others’ backs. There was trust present. Plus, she was the closest thing to a friend that the occidental monk had for hundreds of miles - it made her a poor choice for target within his presence. Secondly, the group was within a huge wartime encampment of tribal orcs. Like any gang, feral clan, or unit held together by a single, powerful leader, these Orcs were apt to respect strength above all else. The flipside of that coin was disrespect, if not direct attack of, anything perceived as weakness. If left alone, it was very possible that they would be pushed directly into any incoming attack (one was expected). Or simply turned upon. As it stood, the Orcs weren’t exactly happy that they were sharing the same patch of dirt and breathable air.

Keystone didn’t need any mixed messages, nor the appearance of an underling challenging group authority. He and Kyra had gone to meet with the Chief, and were very openly visible doing so. Whether or not they were actually in charge (Keystone was still painfully unsure as to the group dynamic now), the Orcs sure as hell thought so. This action, without obvious response, would most definitely be taken as a sign of weakness.

For these reasons, redirection was required.

Keystone’s features drained of emotion. Irritation, rage, confusion - it all fell away, betrayed only by a slight narrowing of his eyes. This was meant to be a quick, tactical maneuver based on the utilitarian need of the moment. Allowing emotion to come into it could be unnecessarily dangerous to the people around himself and his intended target. This was about minimizing the moment, not ripping someone in half. Though it was tempting.

As with most of his forays into fisticuffs, Keystone forwent the use of weapon or magic. This had to be a stoic example of raw skill, otherwise the meaning behind the action would be blurred, misinterpreted. Setting his face to the businesslike neutrality he learned in his early days as a tavern bouncer, he released both knife and plate from his grip.

Keystone was in motion before his plate hit the ground. It was a short step over to Thomas’s location, which the broad man cleared easily with a leap. While airborne, his hand curled halfway into a fist, allowing the full power of his torso to surge into the strike, rotating slightly in preparation of a devastating overhand right. His weight alone would allow the dense and scarred knuckles to demolish bone, wood, or stone put before him; combined with superior technique, a polished, telling blow would easily chase a grown man’s mortal spirit from his body before it would even register the pain to which it was subjected. This was pure, concentrated ouch, an unstoppable force of nature given the form of knuckle-points, the bludgeoning collector of souls. The most concentrated form of the eastern Iron Fist technique, descending upon a single target as an inverted volcano regurgitating death upon the unwary. Were one especially sighted, one might have been able to observe ripples of space compressed before the coming strike, promising complete obliteration.

Except that it didn’t land.

The segment of heartbeat that Keystone’s feet touched earth directly next to Thomas revealed part of his strategy: The part that didn’t involve actual killing. It was a feint, a rapid and dramatically executed one designed to make the target expect a high, front/flank attack. Instead, Keystone spun away to one side, placing himself facing the young Sorcerer’s rear flank, extending his powerful, coordinated arms attempting a forceful grapple.

Much like the set of his jaw, it was a holdover from his bouncing days. One of few techniques he did not acquire during his travels (though it did receive some minor modification in execution for his later training), a sidefacing Choke Hold. Showy but not innately lethal, it should satisfy any onlooking Orcs of their strength and resolve, uphold the honor of the insulted parties present, with the added benefit of allowing conversation to continue unabated. Afterwards, anyway. The next few moments would tell soon enough.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Location: Sitting with the others by the campfire
Interacting with: ...No one

Lerraina was thankful for the meal, and determined to get through it uninterrupted. So when Thomas shot off his mouth, the most she had answered it with was a wandering eye and a raise of a brow. She was in no hurry to move, as there were no insults thrown at her, however he was quickly proving himself to be little more than a nuisance that was eating away at her patience. The woman was becoming cranky, she hadn't eaten a proper meal in nearly two days, and their venture to the nearest village had become sidetracked by a camp of orcs and a quest against the undead. And if she wasn't so hungry, her fist would've shoved his words back down his throat quicker than he could spit.

As Keystone moved closer to the boy who dared to speak up as a man that he clearly was not, Lerraina's eyes only widened. Curious to see how this would unfold, she remained in her spot, a subtle movement cradled a small blade to reach should it be needed. But bloodshed and a full on brawl would not be wise in such a place. She was sure Keystone would have this under control. The throwing knife served as a mere security blanket for her as she shoveled food into her mouth, should chaos spill towards her feet.

It may have been a comical sight. Her gaze never moved from the men, and so the direction of her food didn't always reach its target. While it managed to get there eventually, debris coated her bottom lip, which curled slightly in amusement as she took in the details of the confrontation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sana Rawn

Location: The Orc Cave (Outside)
Interacting With: Yeah, peoples


Sana lay there on the ground on her knees with her arms around her waist as she looked up slowly. The hearty laugh she had been entranced in was slowly shifting with each word that left the asses mouth. She didn't stop laughing mind you but it became twisted, deeper; deranged even. It was not a laugh she gave often but it showed in her eyes that she was no longer amused by the words coming from Thomas. At first she had hoped he was jesting, he was much more pleasant to be around earlier. As more flowered and overly haughty syllables seeped from his tongue the more she realized he was just a an arrogant, pompous, overbearing, didn't know which end was up, son of a bitch. Those types never set well with her. A thought crossing her mind as her laughter turned to a menacing chortle. "This one should have been left for dead." Sana wasn't above putting an arrow through his heart right then. He was putting the entire party endanger just by his words. Who in their right mind caused such an uproar in the middle of an Orc Camp waiting for Undead to attack? The man truly brought a whole new definition to the word - Moron.

Yet, she didn't get a chance to retort and tear him apart verbally. She hadn't noticed the narrowing of Keystones eye in the slightest for she wasn't looking at him, just holding that twisted grin on her face as she leered at Thomas. Instead she felt Keystone move from her side as all hell threatened to break loose. She had fought along side Keystone before, she had seen how the man moved and more than that she had a first hand account of the man crushing the skull of a Hellhound with his bare fist... The same Hellhound's blood in which the cloak had been treated in. If his fist connected with Thomas's skull, it wouldn't matter - that skull would be dust.

"Bloody Hell..." she thought as she sprang up just as Keystones plate started to wobble. She didn't know what he planned to do but she knew it wouldn't be good. The man had a heavy fist, a temper, and hated undead... All that she did know was that he was moving and it wasn't going to end well. She had little time to think of options. Though had she had time she could have chosen to try put an arrow through either Thomas or Keystone to stop it, go to strike Thomas herself, try to tackle Thomas out of the way to just to save his sorry ass or.... The one most ludicrous thought that did go through her mind was the only action she took. This was going to end badly....

Moving with an unusual hurry she knew she had to move and move quickly. Thankfully for Sana, her greatest strength lay in her speed, her dexterity, and her agility. With any luck, it would work. Wouldn't it? She was grateful for the fact she had eagle eye, it helped her to see the change in movement in Keystones actions. It would help her gauge her movements as she tried to not shadow his but to move ahead of them. He was going to move behind Thomas, she had to get there first. Thank god for perfect balance, for acrobatics, for a life time spent training as a gypsy. Her motions were fluid as she tumbled around the other side of Thomas and she popped up behind him with her back to his as her arms came up to attempt to block any closure of Keystones massive arms or hands around what she thought was going to be Thomas's neck. She had no clue.

Then came the leap of faith, she was either going to die as she became the unintended target of Keystones movements or she was going to give Keystone a heart attack and make him shat himself. Either way, it was going to be interesting. It was but a hairs breath of a split second as she moved, swiftly and without true thought to what the hell she was doing because anyone in their right mind, especially a woman's, would not even attempt such a foolish action. Her rear end bucked out to attempt to shove Thomas forward as at the same moment Keystone would get the surprise of a life time. Her lips pressed to his. God help her....
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Online

Calanon (& Brogach)

Location:Beside the Cave, The River
Interacting with: The group

Calanon was not so certain that the Orcs would be within easy ear shot, much less speak common, and then much less understand Thomas' eloquent word choice he oft used. However, by that very small chance, he still was not entirely certain if the best thing to do was to silence him physically. Calanon realized strength was paramount to Orcs as a leadership trait, but when everyone started moving, he too moved on pure instinct.

Just as Keystone began to shift his weight, Calanon's brows raised a fraction. Then the Pugilist moved a step, and opened wide his arms. Sana began to move too, and in this heightened sense of awareness, the Elf did the only thing he knew to do. He dropped the food he was eating down on his plate, rolled to the side and drew his bow. An arrow being nocked just as he completed his spin. He wasn't planning on shooting Keystone or Thomas, but to the ranger, if one goes into combat there is generally a death and he'd rather avoid that.

However, once his spin was complete and his weapon near at the ready, it wasn't the string on his bow that went slack, but his jaw. He witnessed the most peculiar butt bump from Sana that seemed to knock Thomas back, seemingly saving his life. Then momentum carried Sana and Keystone's lips together. Calanon's eyes widened very wide indeed, and he slowly lowered his bow. I think she has it handled?
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

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Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: The Campgrounds.
Interacting with: Keystone, Sana, & the ground.

Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.
Then have my lips the sin that they have took,
Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again, You kiss by the book..

I have heard of star-crossed lovers, what but a lover-crossed star? What wordplay, what humor, how the Bard himself would turn at such a revelation, a revolution that came full circle. Now what of Thomas? Where did the shy and rambling boy go off to, and whereforth did this pretentious ball of grandiosity came into being? His syntax taxing to the mind and unpleasant to the ear, his insults dripping of arrogance and venom, but such highbrow common was uncommon indeed. Something about bread, cooking, gods, monkeys, undead, and fire, depending on how attentive the orcs were, if indeed Thomas was speaking loud enough to let the orc camp hear, which he may have in his crescendo of telling off Keystone. A soliloquy a day keeps the Bards paid and playing away, as they say. Although what exactly did the orcs understand of the didactic scolding Thomas dared venture against a man like Keystone is up for debate. Perhaps they did understand every word of it, or perhaps they merely obtain glimpses into a knowledge as vast as space itself and drew madness from it.

Yes, a deep and sweet madness. Like thickest honey mixed in with blackest ichor, vile and repulsive, difficult to swallow and digest, but oh so sickly sweet. Craving and longing, as it drips from your open mouth, the breath wanting more and more, forever to be weaned on the breast of the elders. The addiction, it gnaws, it bites, and nibbles away, nothing tastes better than to bleed it dry. Until your eyes weep of the very same, until your blood becomes the sacred bile. When does it end? Never. The torment is forever, it is the burden and curse of knowing, of power. And that is why perhaps the stars, as dark hearted as they are, are so alone.

It was too late to react. Far too late. Even preparing a spell would take longer, despite the dilation of time itself in such perception. Otherworldly was the feeling, as death comes from the astral seas, an invisible horror stalking and waiting. There as if everything happened in slow-motion, a dance done in the eyes as voices became silence, and footsteps faded into dust. A fist was a blur, a limb as defined as a tentacle, a face in frustration became shapeless mass. Bodies became clouds, vision became in limbo. What words could describe the experience? Was this it?

Another mass, another formless being, pushing him away from behind. The whipping tendrils of the astral reaper withdrawing, and now the star has fallen. Pushed into the earth, by the force of getting rear-ended. Which to be fair wasn't a bad way to go given the circumstances. Better a decently attractive woman to push you to the ground with that rather than a man smashing your face in with something of his. But how the prideful was served the dust, now, his life seemingly saved, and yet his ego bruised.

Falling at least with a bit of grace, although Sana might feel that Thomas was rather easily bumped about given his current phase and its detachment to the earth and earthly devices. So too may have Keystone felt his target slip from his grasp like a fish threw his fingers, not that the chef would probably have ever admitted such an event would occur.

But now it was out of the frying pan and... Into the fire.

Or a least towards it, though his footing may be at a lost, landing into a fire would not be ideal. And thus perhaps attempting to shift his weight to one side over the other as to steady his descent and control his fall over to one side of the flames. Flames which brightly blinded his dark gaze, flames which threatened to consume his very being. Or at least his robes. Depending on how fast the flames could set Thomas alight. At which maybe he would need to fight fire with solar fire. But that would certainly not help his condition, as with fever and chills, he was not going to be in for a productive night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: By the Cave
Interacting With: The complete chaos around.

Satilla didn't really like how Thomas was acting for a good while now since his meditation. His manners and attitude had changed drastically and frankly deserved a lot of stern reeducation if she had something to say. That sorcerer trait was a thing it seemed that she'd dislike a bloody much.

She was just about to say something to try stop Thomas from causing too much more problems, but she was simply too late. The young magic user had angered Keystone beyond point of patience and the older man simply seemed to have decided to deal with it before a problem was caused.

In a brief moment the witch noticed a tackle going on and then before she knew what had happened, Sana was trying to intercept Keystone? There was a butt bump between her and Thomas, sending him towards the fire! Also... a kiss...? That last one was what caused her mind to go into loading mode, trying to process the event. She then blinked, realizing Thomas was heading to the fire and didn't really have a moment to spare, but for a reason or another she just couldn't bring herself to try and help him... Maybe the fire was going to snap him out of it...? Hopefully...

'What am I thinking!?' She thought, reaching for her bag, preparing to grab her medicine from it to help with any possible burns. To begin with she never had the reaction or the speed to do what Sana attempted, so from the very start she was never going to be able to stop the fall of the currently annoying Thomas.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ntaj Zoov Yaaj

Location: The Camp
Actions: Being Confused and talking to Calanon

After what felt like hours (Ntaj wasn't too sure how much time had elapsed since he left, but he starting to feel hungry), Ntaj had decided that it was time to return to camp. "Cyneburg! Ntaj go back before dark. See you soon!" Ntaj chose to leave without Cyneburg, knowing that she could take care of herself. Of course if she wanted to come back too, that was fine with him. But sometimes people just need alone time. With Honey in tow Ntaj couldn't wait to have some of Keystone's food, and hoped that there was still some left. If there wasn't Ntaj would be mildly angry, but he would just head back into the forest to hunt.

As Ntaj entered the camp, he noticed a fairly odd scene. Keystone and Sana were kissing one another, and Thomas was not too far away who landed near (In?) the fireplace. "Good thing Ntaj try find firewood." Ntaj could sense a certain air of tension going on, but he couldn't place the reasons for it. No one had drawn their weapons, so the orcs hasn't betrayed them. Something must have happened to make Keystone and Sana show this public display of affection. Something had to had knocked over Thomas. This was all very confusing to Ntaj, and he wasn't sure if he should take out his weapons and fight or just grab a plate of food, which fortunately there was still some left of.

Ntaj went over to Calanon, who had his bow out but no arrow notched, and hoped he knew what had happened. "Calanon, what happen? Under attack?" Ntaj rested his hand on his Orc Choppa in case this was an attack, but frankly the half-orc was too confused to even discern if there were friends or foe here at the moment. Honey himself cared very little about everything going on, and as Ntaj was distracted trying to figure things out, the badger went to help himself to some of the adventurer's meal, particularly Calanon's.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: The Makeshift Camp
Interacting with: Ntaj

Well Cyne had said that she'd be back before sundown and that she wouldn't leave Ntaj to wander out here alone so the choice of action was obvious. After all, she wasn't a (habitual) liar. She didn't really have reason to stay out. They had managed to find a couple sticks of proper kindling, but they probably wouldn't make much more progress if any sticking around out here any longer. Besides, she was still rather hungry.

The entire walk back she couldn't help but think about the waiting feast. Assuming that everyone else hadn't somehow eaten everything yet (who knows if that elf, Calanon had a bottomless stomach. She wouldn't put it past him.), there would be a verifiable smorgasbord of delectable creatures of all kinds. If there was one thing her diet had been deficient in for months now, it was meat from large animals. As a black bear she had subsisted mostly on forest vegetation and the occasional small animal. It did the job, but she really craved a leg of a deer or something of similar substance.

Her daydreams about food were interrupted when she walked into the camp to find a total clusterfuck. It was hard to make out exactly what had even occurred.

"Did we interrupt something?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Kyra Altham

Location: The Orc Cave (Outside)
Interacting With: Yeah, peoples


Kyra, having unlaced her bow earlier sprang to her feet as she saw her Keystone move. The man had been running his mouth all too much for her liking but she wasn't going to put an arrow through him, least she didn't think she would. Though she knew that laugh from Sana, it never ended well. The woman always ended up doing something when she went off half cocked and fully enraged; which for Sana meant that creepy laugh of hers. Her food fell off her laugh as she rose, drawing an arrow from her quiver as it was nocked into place, pulling back on the string. She hadn't taken aim yet, if she fired she wanted to fire true and have a target worth the wasted arrow. Thing was, as the split seconds ticked by it seemed that things were not going down the way she had thought they would have.

She half expected Keystone to try to rip the mans throat out and Sana to put an arrow in his eye socket. (Sana hadn't gotten the nick name skull fucker because of laughs.) Yet as she watched Sana come up behind Thomas it was obvious that Sana's target was not Thomas but Keystone and as Sana's lips pressed against Keystones' her jaw unhinged. Thomas, thankfully or not (yet to be determined the feelings of the group on this one) was able to tuck and roll out of the way and ended up at her feet as she relaxed her pull back on her bow. Opting to keep the arrow nocked where it was just in case she just kept staring at Sana for a moment unable to blink.

Hearing Njat and Cyneburg speak up she looked over to them and shrugged a bit. "Big mouth ticked off big tempers?" she said glancing towards Thomas and then to Keystone. Letting out a little huff and blowing her bangs out of her face she looked at Satilla. "This is going to make for some very angry children," she said in all seriousness before looking back towards Thomas. "You good sir might want to seek enlightenment that helps you not get attacked by those trying to protect you," she added in a bit of a huff as she slowly glanced around towards the Orc's in the camp. Each one eying them intently with their hands on their weapons but they hadn't moved yet and she grimaced at the tension in the air. It was going to be a long night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: The Makeshift Camp
Interacting with: The Group

Cyne look around at each member of the party and at the orcs beyond the invisible walls that surrounded the group. Weapons potentially at the ready everywhere, but nobody actually committing to much of anything. The situation seemed to have reached a tense, but dead point, so Cyne decided now was as good a time as ever to bring up the bigger matter at hand. At the very least she could wrest control of this situation from whatever the hell was going on right now. She strode forward towards the fire and used a much larger voice than she normally did, one that was far more formal and commanding, but not quite authoritarian.

"Now Kyra and Keystone might have already brought this up, but it bears repeating, especially since Ntaj doesn't know about it yet. The orcs have decided that they will trust us if we can return to Salarn and broker a peace deal with the humans there. Now that we know that we're not necessarily in hostile territory, at least from the orcs, the trip back should at least be less rushed than it has been so far. We aren't necessarily a tight knit lot, or even really a group beyond the loosest use of the term, so if any of you don't feel like sticking around to get involved with local politics, I understand. But if you do want to continue travelling together we have to deal with the stipulation imposed by the Orcish leadership that one of us has to stay behind as insurance that we won't just cut and run for the next closest town."

"As far as that matter is concerned, I'm volunteering for that particular honor. I can speak the native tongue, I'm not uncomfortable around them as I'm sure some of you are right now and I can handle myself perfectly well if they try something. Besides, showing up in town with not just one, but two orc-kin probably wouldn't go over well with the people. Since joining with the group I haven't really contributed anything of particular note, and if this is what I can do to help not just you fine folk, but also two populations living in this area, I have no qualms about it."
After that lengthy speech, Cyne's stomach chimed in with a helpful growl, causing her to break her otherwise stoic expression with a little giggle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ntaj Zoov Yaaj

Location: The Camp
Actions: Being hungry

This made no sense, no sense at all. But the world rarely ever bothered to explain it's functions to the likes of Ntaj. Things just happened, and Ntaj would just have to learn to accept it. Lowering his guard Ntaj was going to get something to eat when Cyneburg spoke. She said a lot of things and a few words were kinda hard to understand, but he understood the gist of it anyways. The Orcish Chief wants them to broker a peace deal with the people of Salarn. However as insurance they want one of the party members here, to make sure they won't simply run off. Ntaj was uncomfortably quiet; he wasn't going to admit that he wasn't going to volunteer. But frankly he didn't know this group that well that he'd stay behind with other orcs for them. And honestly, if another group arrived who had a more define purpose and an open slot, Ntaj might join them. But even with that in mind, this was the cards dealt to Ntaj. Like it or not, he was with this group if he wanted to survive. Oh sure, he could forage and hunt for himself too. Basic needs would be easily accommodate for him. But this whole business with zombies and the war between the orcs and humans, that was a bit beyond Ntaj's skill level. Sure he could try and kill them all, but that was easier said then done. And while trying to organize peace with orcs and humans at war was hard, it was easier than the alternative.

That being said, Cyneburg volunteering to stay behind did bother Ntaj. For one, she was the only person in the group (As far as Ntaj knows anyways) that could speak orcish, though if need be Ntaj could always try and speak Elvish with Calanon. Point being that without her, long or quick conversations would fly over Ntaj's head. But he understood why she needed to stay, but he still didn't like it. Part of him, an admittedly masochistic part he grew up with, also didn't like the idea of leaving a woman behind. Of course, if he actually knew Cyneburg or had feelings for her maybe he would have spoken up. But she was merely another half-orc whom Ntaj has had a decent conversation with. Not exactly the makings of a budding romance. And of course he knew that Cyneburg wasn't his woman anyways, and she could do whatever she damn well pleases with herself. That was a habit that Ntaj had to learn to deal with one he left home, and dealing with all these strong independent women who don't need a man.

Of course all that tension was eased when Cyneburg's stomach growled. A smile grew on Ntaj's face as he went to get the both of them some grub. "Ntaj get us food. Ntaj also agree with Cyneburg plan, though Ntaj don't like it. But Ntaj don't like lots things, so no worry. Cyneburg strong, but only one Cyneburg against horde." Not that having two or three more would have made that much of a difference, but those were simply Ntaj's thoughts on the matter. Either they all go or they don't. But again, Cyneburg was her own woman. If she chose to stay than Ntaj would not stop her. It just meant that he'll have to do his part and try to work with this group the best he could. However dysfunctional they may be. With his introspections complete Ntaj went over to the campfire and grabbed some food for himself and Cyneburg, going through his bag to get some tin plates and cutlery.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Location: Woods North of Salarn, Orc Encampment, Evening of Day Three
Interacting With: Sana, vigorously.

Keystone was certain, dead certain that he was going to render the chattering mage unconscious and they could go about their earnest discussion concerning Orcs, Undead, and Supper, not necessarily listed in order of importance. A moment of quiet, gurgling struggle on behalf of the robe wearing loudmouth, and then Keystone had to decide for himself whether he was vindictive enough to keep the hold applied until the younger man involuntarily soiled himself.

And then Sana happened.

Sana "happening" tended to occur in boldly unpredictable ways, he'd found out some time ago. While friendly(ish), she'd always seemed fairly physically standoffish to him, at least in any amorous sense. Sure, he'd witnessed her break the nose of a man who had propositioned her (to be honest, he may have deserved it), and told off others in manners angry and cutting, so he hadn't even put much thought in pursuance of any kind. Yet there she was, pressing her face against his and knocking his target toward the fire.

It was more action than he had gotten in a while, certainly farther than he had gotten with the bar server three days prior. So long as he was in this position, he may as well go with it. Besides, this wasn't some alcohol drenched tart he was trying to temporarily befriend for an hour or so of coital diversion, this was a person he had some genuine respect for.

"In for a penny..." Keystone silently advised himself. He wrapped one arm around the oft brutal Archer, pulling her in closer for more solid contact, going as far as to dip her as he pressed his lips against hers, in front of the firelight and surrounded by Orcs. This was something to write about later for his memoirs.

In said memoirs, the part he likely wouldn't record for posterity was when he extended his other, free hand to Thomas; two fingers raised in an insulting gesture.

He lingered, probably longer than was polite on that kiss, then raised Sana back up. "Completely worth the trip, love." he said in a low, quieter voice. The tone had a hint of joviality in it, but not sarcasm. "Lovely work with the pointy-hat, by the by." he continued, and then winked (Keystone winked!), returning to his seat by the fire. He gave ample room next to himself if Sana wished to return to her earlier spot.

The oddly stricken pugilist fumbled to retrieve his plate from where he had dropped it. With a second or two of thought, he reached over to the plate he had set aside for Thomas, and unceremoniously plopped the contents onto his own. Symbolic, mostly, of his annoyance with the young man, as there was still plenty they needed to go through in the pans about the fire.

"Right, then. We comin' to a decision, or we giving it a wait till morning? Otherwise, we got to talk Dead Folks." His underclass accent, even his demeanor, seemed strangely more relaxed in that moment. He gave a glance up to Sana, opting to hear any input from the woman.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: By the Cave
Interacting With: The group which is now in a relative order!

Satilla was kind of conflicted between happy and disappointed when Thomas missed the fire. A small part of her hoped the boy would get burned and learn to preferably keep his mental states in check whenever he was in company, but another part of her was glad it didn’t get to that. Still he really did need some control over this.. preferably return to how he was before his mediation otherwise Keystone was sure to get angry again at some point.

“Hmmm?” The witch made a questioning sound when Kyra turned to her. In the next moment after hearing what the archer said, Satilla couldn’t help herself and started giggling almost.

After the situation was finally (mostly dissolved), Satilla returned to her meal, listening to Cyneburg’s plan of her staying behind with the orcs. That… was a sound plan actually. Satilla herself wouldn’t be a good choice for staying as she didn’t really speak the language. Besides most importantly Cyneburg was the person with greatest chances of escaping via her animal transformations if something went bad. Of course there was also the other reason which was as important as the first one if not more…

“I’d prefer to continue traveling with the group. I’m a healer and since the group lacks a dedicated healer to begin with, I feel like continuing to travel with the rest of you suits me best and that way I could be of best use.” She finally stated.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: The Cave watching shadows on the wall.
Interacting with: No one in particular

In a sheer stroke of luck or perhaps fate, either way one must thank the stars, it appeared Thomas emerged unscathed from the entire ordeal. Which was to say something on there is looking out for his wellbeing, if not perhaps Sana despite her actions nearly ended up burning the sorcerer. Regardless now that the action has seem to fade into memory, and yes fade rather than become seared into the mind as a constant reminder to watch his arrogance. Yet it was nearly impossible for Thomas to control that which lifted him towards his true being, the snooty haughtiness which coldly demanded all other lifeforms be considered lesser. Even narrowly escaping death did not seem to deter this absurd mentality. Though it was because his master was more than a challenge to intellectually quell and defeat the star phase, Thomas has never learned to control it nor assume it for long periods of time.

As such perhaps it was time to meditate. Brushing the dust from his robe and sitting back down in inglorious defeat. A prideful cosmic soul humbled, yet when one's pillar was set above the stratosphere, a peg or two was scarcely much. He owed Sana and Kyra bit more perhaps Satilla too, and Ntaj, but Keystone was right out. Breathe, take in the universe, one breath at a time. Close your eyes, at worse death will return you to the stars. Listen to your heart, feel the flow of energy within your blood. Focus on unlocking yourself. For the Sun is but a star, a star we claim our own. May its brilliance be your brilliances, may its splendor be your splendor. Such long words from an orc, it was no matter to Thomas who stayed and who goes, why did his ears listen to the conversation going about him? Refocus your thoughts, feel the warmth, not the fever. Pull yourself towards us once more, and from the depths of space become the Sun.

And so another transformation begins.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Calanon (& Brogach)

Location:Beside the Cave, The River
Interacting with: Ntaj, Honey, Cyneburg, Keystone kinda, group

Calanon's jaw was still a bit slack as Ntaj walked up to him and asked his question. Honey had begun to devour the last bits of the Elf's meal, but Calanon was still a bit dazed from what had just transpired. He spoke as if he was only half aware Ntaj was there. "No, we're just dealing with a few group problems at the moment." he deadpanned without even turning away, not knowing exactly what else to say. Suddenly, the little growl of Honey as the little beast tore at some of his food broke him out of his reverie. "Hey!"

He shooed Honey away, before Calanon's keen ears caught Keystone's low voice. Sometimes, it was very bad having such fine hearing, for it made Calanon feel as if Keystone was speaking directly into his ear. He shuddered, and tried not to think of it. Luckily and mercifully, Cyneburg had something to reveal to everyone which was a welcome distraction to the Elf.

He unstrung his bow, and settled down once more. Brogach seemed to follow suit, lowering his great ears and standing more casually. "Well, you did fall on the wagon as a Bear. I wouldn't say you've contributed not at all." Calanon said with a light hearted tone and smile. "But I agree with Ntaj, and I see honor in your suggestion. If you would ever see fit to change your mind though, tell us."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

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Kyra & Sana

Location: The Orc Cave (Outside)
Interacting With: Yeah, peoples


Sana certainly hadn't expected the reaction she got when she pressed her lips to Keystones, granted she really didn't know what she expected since she obviously wasn't in her right mind when she pulled off what was probably the most asinine move in the middle of what could have turned out to be one hell of a brawl. Being pulled close, the kiss deepening, and being dipped for Christ's sake though definitely wasn't on the list but there it was. As her lips peeled from his Sana looked up and couldn't help but smirk as the little term of endearment, things had certainly taken a turn for strange but hey, at least she wasn't chained down to a cold stone slab about to be sacrificed by a wraith. Things could have been worse.

Righting herself she glanced around to see that Njat ad Cyneburg had returned and that Cyneburg was now volunteering to stay behind. She understood her reasoning but she was beginning to think that maybe Thomas should be the one to stay behind since his attitude had just caused a bit of a ruckus. Looking over towards the man in question she cocked a brow to see he hadn't said one damn thing about everything, not an apology, not a thank you. Her hand coming over and wrapping around the hilt of her dagger only to feel Kyra's hand coming over her own quickly. "What? You kept Keystone off his ass just so you could be the one to kill him??" Kyra asked quickly.

"Boy needs to learn some fucking manners," Sana whispered in a hiss before yanking Kyra's hand off hers and pushing it away. Kyra couldn't disagree with the sentiment even if she did disagree with the means. Watching Sana as the gypsy grabbed her food and plopped back down next to Keystone, Kyra rubbed her temples before letting out a huff of a breath. Picking up her own food Kyra sat back down by the tree and looked over towards Cyneburg. "Well if you are willing to stay behind and no one has any objections of other ideas, I guess it is settled. Maybe we all should just finish eating and get some rest, you know before anyone else starts a fight."

Sana smirked a bit and looked otwards Keystone out of the corner of her eye. "Think that was directed towards us darling?" she said in a thickly sarcastic voice before shrugging it off.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: The Makeshift Camp
Interacting with: The Group

Cyne looked to each person as they spoke up and took note of what they said. Honestly, there was far less of a reaction than she was expecting. At least half of the group seemed completely nonplussed from her big speech, and the rest accepted her proposal. She hadn't known how everyone would react, but she had thought that everyone would at least have some sort of reaction to her plan. It wasn't any bark off her tree that there wasn't any resistance. Just one more thing the group wouldn't have to worry about.

"It doesn't seem like there are any objections. So I guess that's settled then. Now if you wouldn't mind, could you hand me a plate, Keystone?" Cyneburg asked, stretching out her arm over to the pugilist. Being surrounded by the smell and sight of so much food was not conducive to a watchful eye or a clear head, especially when you've barely eaten for several days. Her saliva glands were working in overdrive and if she didn't keep track of it, would end up as drool coming out of the corner of her mouth. Such behavior was completely unbecoming, even in circles of Druids.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Ntaj Zoov Yaaj

Location: The Camp
Actions: Eating

Just as Cyneburg asked, Ntaj handed her a plate. It had many juicier parts of the food that Sana had brought, including some nice, chunky vegetables. The only thing that Ntaj didn't give her was any water, since his other hand had a plate of food also with a decent selection. It seemed to be stacked with various meaty bits, most of it which was for Honey. "Tch! Honey! Over here!" Ntaj commanded the badger, who was eager to eat the half-orc's food. He handed a piece of well cooked rabbit haunch for Honey to eat, gradually feeding him more bits between his own bites. Unlike Honey, who was being carnivorous, Ntaj's meal was a bit more balanced. With lots of mushrooms too.

Keystone's meal was far better than anything Ntaj has eaten recently, though perhaps that was just because Ntaj has been eating rations and whatever he could scavenge. How Sana managed to find such a bounty in a short amount of time was likely divine intervention, especially considering how many orcs were in these areas. Something told Ntaj that she was no simple bard, but then again what bard is ever simple? In Ntaj's experience they were either spoony and goofballs, or assassins with the cunning of wizards. Not that they weren't immortal or anything, everyone dies, but they were a mixed bunch.

As Ntaj filled his belly with food Keystone mentioned something about Dead Folks, which Ntaj assumed he meat zombies. Ntaj had no luck finding any trace of undead in the forest, or any hint of anything aside from orcs and his own footprints. How or why zombies were here was also another thing to question, but if they're being lead by a necromancer then Ntaj could get a good idea; either it's someone with a chip on his shoulder, or trying to amass an army for some sort of evil god/cult nonsense. Storybook things. Rarely has Ntaj ever heard of anyone amassing an undead horde for benevolent reasons anyways.

Another thing that caught Ntaj's eye was Sana and Kyra. Ntaj wasn't too certain why Sana started kissing Keystone all of the sudden, but when he saw Kyra step close to Sana, his eyes went towards Sana's knife. Slowly, it started to click in Ntaj's head. Why Sana and keystone were kissing, why Thomas was nearly thrown into a fire, what Kyra was doing, and what Calanon meant by "dealing with a few group problems". Keystone had gotten angry at Thomas for some reason, and fitting for a brawler he sought to make his point with violence. Sana intervened, perhaps on Keystone or Thomas's behalf, but evidently she had her own thoughts on the matter, which was why Kyra was stopping Sana from drawing her weapon. Now Ntaj only wondered what Thomas did, and whether or not he was innocent or guilty. A sly smile grew on Ntaj's face. Internal conflicts were good. It weeded out the weak and allowed people to assert their dominance.

While Ntaj hasn't been with this group for long, he could tell easily that everyone was cowed by Kyra, Keystone, and possibly Sana? At the very least she had some sway with Keystone and Kyra. If Ntaj had to guess, Thomas must have done something to challenge Keystone's authority enough that he had to take action. If any orcs were watching, then this would be good; it showed that Keystone could assert his order. However the fact that Thomas only had a sore bum might have weakened that action, as Sana had to interfere to stop the fight instead of letting Thomas's punishment be carried out. That might tell the orcs that the leadership is divided, or easily swayed with carnal pleasures. Ntaj was still uncertain what Sana and Keystone's relationship was, but he guessed they were lovers, former or otherwise. Regardless, Ntaj wondered if this would be a reoccurring issue. Thomas was still the wild card here, since Ntaj had no idea what exactly Thomas did to earn his scorn. It could be good, it could be bad, but whatever it was it needed to be addressed. So in Ntaj's infinite wisdom, he decided to bring this issue forward.

"Where's Thomas?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Location: Woods North of Salarn, Orc Encampment, Evening of Day Three
Interacting With: The Group

Following up on Sana's words to the tactlessly indirect (but entirely true) accusation of inciting violence, Keystone responded with a voice filled with sarcastic faux realization: "I bloody well think she is talking 'bout us, oi! Imagine that. ...more neeps?" The broad man shoveled more rabbit and rice into his face, enjoying an opportunity uncommon for him while traveling - eating his absolute fill. It was uncommon not only because rationing was paramount while on the road, but because Keystone was a man of large appetites - gifted with a big mouth and a hollow leg.

The neutral voice of Cyneburg cut the sudden conversational lull, saying something about objections and settling, before the more important intonation concerning food. Perhaps it wasn't, in actually, the most important part of her phrasing. But it was something reactive, the results of Keystone's culinary endeavors being a source of minor pride. At the time, his mouth was stuffed with small, alabaster grains and savory, neepy-green flavored bunny. Perhaps the squishy sound of his own, frenzied chewing was why he took so much time to respond to Cyneburg's request for food and a hand extended in his direction, that the other resident Half-Orc stepped in on his behalf to deliver a plate of food to her. Thinking about it logically, that must have been the only reasonable explanation. At least the big guy enjoyed his food, even giving some to his badger. Keystone did like it when people dug into his food, especially with a very recent meal in the both of them. It showed a genuine appreciation for his handiwork, manners be damned.

Swallowing hard, Keystone responded to Cyneburg. His words were punctuated by the baton-like motioning of a pheasant bone, giving him an oddly comical appearance. "Sorry 'bout. I'll be quicker on the draw next, yeah?" He continued in a more businesslike voice, "Right then, nobody's settled nothin' till tomorrow morning, before we leave. Can't say as you ain't making some points, why you should stay. On the personal though, I'd rather have a more trust-inspiring sod watchin' my back. Let someone else muck about with the Orcs. Things to do, y'understand. That bear trick is bloody rollicking, too. But all that's just one frig's opinion."

The sound of the fire crackling in the deepening evening was interrupted by a soft tinkling of metal cookware. Keystone had taken it upon himself to put a pot on for tea. The water hadn't begun to steam yet when Keystone announced unabashed, "Alright, you lot. I'm going to find a quiet spot to bark out a arse biscuit. If'n that water starts making noise, someone drop in a packet of black tea, yeah? It's next to the pot."

"Ey, any o' you got a sock you don't mind parting with? ..eh... n'mind."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: By the Cave
Interacting With: The group

'Ahh... there we go. Everything now should be nice and calm. At least for the moment.' The witch thought as the situation settled down even more. Keystone and Sana were convinced to stay their place, the annoying Thomas personality was hopefully going to be gone by the time he exits meditation next time and she could finish her dinner.

Eventually she stopped when she heard what Keystone was talking about, but just closed her eyes for a moment, ignored his comment about his incoming thing to do and concentrated on finishing the last of her food.

“I guess then we have our plan of action? We go and broker a truce?” The witch finally asked after finishing her last bites.” What I wonder more is about the undead though. If the orcs aren't responsible and the humans obviously weren't, who's the one we should be looking for?” She asked. Undead didn't appear like this without someone creating them in such numbers.
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