Avatar of Aewin


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Secured myself two interviews next week and waiting on the outcome of a third, feeling good today πŸ’•
4 yrs ago
I think there are far more important things to worry about than people calling their characters "muses".
5 yrs ago
Imagine how sad your life must be to flex on some nerds online.
6 yrs ago
nuke the status bar
7 yrs ago
I passed my exams!


a e w i n
also known as the weirdo that fangirls a lot
β€’ annie β€’ 26 β€’ united kingdom β€’


Most Recent Posts

@BrokenPromise Just makes it easier and quicker to keep in touch and stuff, but it's usually up to the GM whether to make a server or not
Also @Aewin shh you absolute cinnamon roll
you probably sound fantastic and you're keeping it all to yourself

But I second the discord server!
>everyone has nice voices
>weeps in despair
I have nothing important to say, I just really wanted the 1000th post.

@BrokenPromise I have a great and sudden need for Davis to give everyone nicknames like that. Brilliant.
you might miss santa, but you can still open your Christmas gifts.


You're up to something evil aren't you?
And posted.

I wanna tell you all that this may be my last post, at least until the end of May. Due to exams and revision, I'll need to take a short break from posting, so unless ya'll are willing to wait over a month for an acknowledgment from Lucas in the break room, I'd recommend not interacting with him quite yet. XD

edit: whoops, double posted.

The sudden shift in Cyrus's personality overwhelmed Krista. At that moment, all she wanted to do was curl up in bed and forget about the awful moment she had witnessed. She felt the newcomer pull her up to her feet, her weight supported by him. "Thank you." She muttered, expecting him to let her go now that she wasn't crying anymore, but he kept a comforting grip around her shoulder.

"No problem," he replied smoothly. He watched Davis growl threats at the two-toned bear, proving to be of no effect on 'Doctor Killgood'. Krista kept her eyes glued on Davis, refusing to look at the impaled knight."I'll help you to your room. I could use someone that knows their way around."

It sounded simple enough. Krista nodded before showing the newcomer the way to the rooms in silence.

After checking the map of Axis Mundi on Lucas's handbook once the two were outside Krista's room, Krista pointed Lucas towards his room near the back of the hallway, sandwiched between two of the newbiesβ€” Bliss Buckly and Noel Hawthorne. Krista excused herself and retreated back into the safety of her room, heading straight towards the hospital bed and curling up on top of the sheets.

She had no idea how long she had been laying there, waiting for sleep to claim her. There really was no way Krista could sleep after what she had witnessed, it seemed. She thought back to Shona's expression after death, the smile she wore even at the face of despair. It had all been too sudden, as if a candlelight had been extinguished after fighting against a windy day. Krista sat back up on her bed, her arm sliding under her pillow and nudging the violin case she had hidden underneath before leaving earlier. She pulled out the violin from inside before slipping out of bed.

Krista wanted to thank Shona for trying to help. Even if she took Doctor Killgood's bait and gave her life as a consequence, it was still admirable. Krista slotted the violin between her chin and shoulder, her bow ready. Krista wanted to honour her bravery by not playing something sad, but something... hopeful and upbeat.

And what better way to do that than to play the late infinite knight a medieval themed piece?

Krista didn't know how long she had been playing for until she heard a knock on the door. She paused briefly, taking a hesitant step forward before approaching the door. Before she could open the door, she heard the now familiar voice of Lucas Carsen on the other side.

So soon?

Krista opened the door finally, to question the investigator but was stopped by Lucas. "I can see why you are known as the infinite violinist."

"What are you doing here? Isn't it too late to be roaming around here?" Krista asked.

Lucas tilted his head, eyebrows furrowed. "I think you may have missed it while playing, but there was an announcement on the monitors. It's time for breakfast." Krista blinked in surprise. Had she really been lying on the bed for so long before starting to play? It wasn't uncommon for the violinist to lose track of time while playing, but she had no idea it was already morning. "I also heard a scream just now, but it looks like whatever happened has now been taken care of."

"A scream?" Krista felt a little panicked, almost dropping her violin. "Wha- who was it? What happened?"

"No one else died," Lucas assured Krista. "I only managed to see two gentlemen help a lady up, and taking her somewhere for breakfast. I imagine she was... shocked by her situation."

Krista visibly deflated, sighing in relief. "That's good to hear." There was still a hint concern in her voice, but she didn't feel as panicked anymore.

"Indeed." Lucas then took a step back, gesturing outside. "Shall we head for breakfast? You don't seem very refreshed."

She shook her head. "I think I'll have to decline. I couldn't sleep and I guess I was playing for longer than I expected so I'm just a little worn out." She admitted, scratching her cheek sheepishly.

"Ah. It's understandable, you've had a long night." Lucas took another step back. "Get some rest. I'll tell the others you will not be joining them then I'll go explore for a way out."

"There is no way out." Krista informed Lucas. "We looked all over the place yesterday but... nothing. I even checked the caves with Cyrusβ€” er, the guy that got mad at us all last nightβ€” but there was nothing there either."

"That's... quite a shame." Lucas sounded disappointed by that. "Well then, I suppose all we can do is wait out this nightmare and keep exploring. I'm sure we'll find an exit soon enough."

"Yeah, I hope..." After that, the conversation ended. Krista excused herself, stifling a yawn before shutting the door as Lucas made his way to the break room.

Lucas arrived at the break room next, grateful to see the espresso machine inside. He beelined for the machine to make himself a drink. "My name is Lucas Carsen, the infinite paranormal investigator. I hope we can all get along." He introduced himself to the small group already gathered inside, giving each of them a small nod and a smile. "I regret to inform you all that Miss MΓΌller will not be joining us this morning, and would like to get some rest instead." Lucas informed the currently present infinites while his coffee brewed before taking a seat nearby Bliss and Davis, waiting for the rest of the infinites join them in the break room.
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