Avatar of Aewin


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2 yrs ago
Secured myself two interviews next week and waiting on the outcome of a third, feeling good today πŸ’•
4 yrs ago
I think there are far more important things to worry about than people calling their characters "muses".
5 yrs ago
Imagine how sad your life must be to flex on some nerds online.
6 yrs ago
nuke the status bar
7 yrs ago
I passed my exams!


a e w i n
also known as the weirdo that fangirls a lot
β€’ annie β€’ 26 β€’ united kingdom β€’


Most Recent Posts

Davis blowing up on Caora was not a surprise to Lucas, given the utterly ridiculous spiel the girl-boy was spewing about how Davis was wrong and he was right. What did it matter in the grand scheme of things? They didn't know what killed Mondatta, and there was still no definite timeline of events. Lucas rubbed his forehead, feeling a migraine build between his eyebrows. He expected Cyrus, of all the people, to be the level-headed one, but nope, even the Infinite Politician wasn't below reacting to the suggestions with rage and not with the patience Lucas expected from a politician. So much for listening to the people...

"Was Mondatta with me...?" Lucas looked up to Krista, who was standing almost opposite to him as she rubbed her chin and squeezed her eyes closed in a hilarious attempt to shut everyone out to think. "Wait- No! Mondatta wasn't with me." She shook her head, answering Bliss. Krista continued, this time intending to answer one of Noel's questions. "I... uh... I was supposed to meet up with Lucas at the caves so we could investigate it together. He said he wanted some company and knew I had checked it out with Cyrus beforeβ€”" She winced at the mention of Cyrus's name, afraid he was going to yell at her as well. "β€”And told me he would meet up with me in the caves and Mondatta would join us as my guard." Krista's face scrunched up again, this time out of discomfort as she gave her feet one more look whilst leaning her body against the podium for support.

"However, I was running late. I wanted time to check through my equipment and I got distracted. As an investigator, I never leave anywhere without my EMF meter and EVP recorder." At Krista's blank look, Lucas sighed. "Ghost stuff."


"I proposed the idea to Miss MΓΌller and Mondatta during breakfast." He continued, his arms crossed. "I'm sure you could confirm that statement, Mr Ibbott?" Lucas looked to his side, making eye contact with the metalsmith. Krista frowned, not liking the way he said Calvin's name.

"What? What are you implying?"

"Nothing. I'm just saying Calvin was present during breakfast. He knew when and where we intended to meet."

Krista grew quiet after Max offered his theory. It... reminded her of something. She closed her eyes, and even pressed her hands over her ears in a childish attempt to get some quiet as she forced herself to chase that feeling. Like hell was she letting people pin the death of Mondatta on her and get everyone - including her killed. Lucas watched her wearily from across the room, also keeping silent. How was he supposed to get in between Bliss and Marianne any more than he already was? There was no way he was going to get involved.

"W-wait!" Krista hit her hand against the podium, making sure people could hear her this time. "I remember what I saw! It's... probably not much but..." She then rubbed her aching fist, directing her words at Davis specifically. "When I arrived at the caves I saw somebody kneeling by the stalagmite. It was dark so I couldn't figure out who it was... obviously, now I know it was the killer but... they were doing something to it which is why I know Max is right! I didn't have much time to look around before the killer caught me and knocked me unconscious." She took a moment to pause, breathing heavily. "I didn't kill Mondatta... I didn't intend to get him killed either... I'm sorry I'm not much help but... I swear to you I didn't do it..." She closed her eyes, stopping herself from crying from the stress of everything.

After a moment of silence, Lucas asked, "Is that all you remember?"

Krista nodded. "I swear to you this isn't some desperate ploy to prove my innocence, I really do remember seeing somebody by the stalagmite. That file you were talking aboutβ€”" she then looked at Max, "β€”it must've been what the handle was for. Why else would someone kneel beside that damned thing?"

"Maybe it was possible that Mondatta put up a fight?" Lucas added, "just as Krista was able to deliver the final blow, he was able to push her away, only to make her unconscious? The scuffle could explain the missing footprints."

"W-what? N-no! That is not what happened! I don't know why that wrapper was in my room! I don't even know where you could get that thing from until now!" Krista cried.

"There is no other way to explain the wrapper in your room, Krista." Lucas shook his head, giving the panicking girl a sympathetic look. "It's against the rules for you to loan out your handbook."

"But I didn't give it away! Maybe someone took it when I was passed out!"

"And who was that?"

Krista responded immediately. "The killer of course!"

"H-hey now, lets not be hasty with our decisions here..." Krista sweatdropped, clearly looking greatful for Noel and Cyrus's and surprisingly Caora's vocal intervention. Adding to Caora's point, Krista continued. "Yeah, and why would I kill Mondatta anyway? He was always kind and even helped me with all... this!"

"We cannot rule anything out quite yet." Lucas spoke up, folding his arms in front of him. "Why don't we start from the beginning? What do we know?" He looked at Krista to continue.

Taking the cue, Krista spoke up. "Look, I still don't remember anything before losing consciousness. I told this to Max before as well. I- I'm sorry." She then looked at Davis pointedly, "but I can promise you it was not me!"

"Right... Davis, what makes you think it was Krista?"

"Wait, you're actually gonna listen to this guy after that clearly insane laugh earlier?!"

"I just want to hear why he thinks such a way. It's only fair, isn't it?"

"But he's not very sharp..." Krista quietly grumbled under her breath.

As soon as Max was done questioning Krista, the blonde looked up towards Marianne, who had laid Krista's head on her lap sometime during the whole process. "Thank you." She nodded towards the French beauty, wanting to show her appreciation, even if it wasn't much. It was all proving too much for Krista at that moment though, Marianne eventually left to discuss something in private, Max had gone off to investigate like the others, Davis was moping somewhere and Krista was just lying there like a useless ragdoll. She frowned, grasping the closest thing nearby to help herself up. Her fingers curled into Lucas's shirt, grabbing his attention.

Lucas took hold of Krista's hand, slowly guiding her up back onto her feet. "It's time to get you to an actual bed. You'll need all the rest you can get before..." his voice trailed off, and Krista nodded in agreement. "Do you need me to carry you or...?"

At Lucas's open question, her cheeks heated up, bringing colour to the once pale face. "Wh-what?! N-no! I can walk." She took a step forward to prove it, only to stumble. Lucas quickly took a hold of her arm, giving her a pointed look. "I guess I do need a little help..." She looked back down at her feet, eyebrows furrowing. When did that...?

They took a couple more steps forward, until Lucas halted, forcing Krista to stop as well. When she followed his gaze, she noticed something glinting inside the caves under the low light. Looking back at Krista, he let go of her waist just long enough to walk over and pick up the glinting object.

"Huh... this looks brand new." He muttered, inspecting the knife.

"Clue acquired!"

Well... it was something at least. Lucas pocketed the knife to check out later when he had better lighting. He returned to Krista, his arm snaking around her waist again as she pressed herself to his side for support. The two passed by Shaun at the entrance of the cave, and Krista gave the poor guy a small reassuring smile. There was no point asking if he was okay: nobody was. Mondatta was dead, and the killer was within their group somewhere. Instead, Krista asked something else. "Do you mind coming with Lucas and I to the ER? With the killer lurking around... It's not safe to be alone... I'd like to be more useful to the group but I'm in no condition to bother anyone right now." She gestured to her head with her free arm, wincing slightly at the attempt at a joke.


Standing in the hallways in the patients quarters, Lucas turned just in time to see the screen flicker on and reveal a familiar monochrome styled bear staring back at him. Intending to ignore the message, he paused when he heard the message.

β€œA body has been discovered. The patients have a limited time to collect evidence before being called into the court of carnage. Do your best everyone!”

He barely had any time to process that information when Noel came bursting through the hallway, basically confirming everybody's worst fear. β€œWe found Mondatta, he’s dead in Aladdin’s palace!” Who would kill for a bloody phone call? He may not have known the infinites as long as some of the others had, but even he knew that there had to be some humanity in them. He hoped so, anyway... But now there was no point hoping. Someone was dead, and it was someone from the group he had placed his hope in that killed Mondatta.

Without wasting another minute, Lucas ran towards the direction Noel came from: Aladdin's Palace. He was joined by other infinites moments later, undoubtedly having heard Doctor Killgood's announcement and Noel informing everyone where and who was involved.

β€œWe must do what we can to preserve the crime scene.” He echoed Cyrus's words, looking at Mary pointedly after her... reaction. Nearby, Krista didn't seem to be doing quite so well either. She looked pale, and looking at how she was still holding onto Davis's arm for support, it looked like Krista was unable to handle things on her own. Lucas noticed the back of Krista's head was matted with blood, the injury looking like it was painful. Was she involved somehow?

He approached her slowly, standing to her other side. β€œWho found the bodies? We need to know what happened.”

β€œAh... it... was Davis and Noel... and me...” Her eyes never left Mondatta's body, still widened in a mixture of fear and shock. Her eyes started to hurt, reminding her to blink, and she felt like she was going to throw up. She let go of Davis's arm, only to sway in her spot when she tried to take a step backwards. She took Davis's arm again, her eyebrows furrowed. When Lucas didn't respond, Krista continued. β€œThey found me here... I had been knocked out... and then when I came to...” They found the body. That much was obvious.

After being shot at by a carnage sister at her doorstep, Krista had hoped that was the last time she would have to see anybody β€” or thing β€” for the rest of the day. She let out a tired yawn and looked at the gift in her hand: hair ties. But it was all too vague: wouldn't anyone qualify for this gift? She eyed the board game for Aleecia still on her desk beside the bed. Why couldn't she get an obvious gift this time round as well?

Krista pulled out her handbook, scrolling through the list of infinites to remind herself of those that were around that could make use of such a gift. Most of the guys were out on the basis of their hair being just too short to tie up, but the image Krista thought of as she imagined someone as proper as Cyrus or "snazzy" as Davis with a ridiculous looking man bun made her giggle. Looking through the list of infinites, it appeared that the most suitable candidate to receive this gift was likely Caora. Who else would rock the darker colours, it would definitely be that cutie.

With that decided upon, Krista closed her eyes once more, intending to catch up on some well-deserved sleepβ€”

β€œI-I'm sorry that took so long.”

The monitor in her room flickered on and the sight of a carnage sister β€” the sad one, made Krista jolt up in her bed. She didn't feel as tired anymore as she listened to Killgood, who had taken over for Nariko, explain the prize for a special someone to be allowed to make a single phone call to anyone they desired, regardless of whether they knew them. Krista's mouth widened into a grin. She could call her brother! She could finally see if he was okay!

She slid out of bed, gift in her hand. The idea that it could've been a trap by Monokuma never crossed her mind. In fact, she wished she could get that ticket.

...She regretted her wish immediately.

Krista arrived at the casino on her own, just after Shaun and Caora. Whilst still waiting for the others to arrive, Krista quickly slid beside the trap, barely suppressing her squee at how ridiculously cute he was, before presenting her gift to the boy. To her surprise, Caora had Krista's gift as well. She gave the boy a grateful hug just as the last infinite arrived at the casino room.

Nariko then rolled the giant wheel, the object spinning until it was her chip that was chosen by the wheel of fate. Krista barely had a chance to celebrate before the true meaning behind her win was revealed. She had won the motive. She could only call her brother once someone is killed. She regretted her wish so much. She knew she couldn't just kill someone, but Krista wasn't sure about anybody else. Killgood just made her the target of seventeen people. Krista would've thrown her handbook at the two-toned bastard if she could be certain that doing so wouldn't trigger her immediate death.

The violinist remained quiet, twisting her fingers and avoiding the gaze of others except one. She made eye contact (accidental, on her part) with one of the newer infinites. Whilst she couldn't remember a name after her brief scan of the list of infinites earlier that day, she did remember that he was an officer. The officer began speaking in an authoritative tone, leaving no room to argue as he suggested to guard the handbook at all times β€” did that mean she was getting her own bodyguard?

"Mr Visser is right. We can't let this opportunity slip by us, but it doesn't mean we have to kill anybody for it. All we have to do is just look around, the telephone has got to be somewhere." Lucas piped in, nodding at the officer.

"But the bear said that the telephone will only appear after a trial," she finally spoke. "And loaning my handbook out is not an option, I have no intention of dying anytime soon. I'm not against having two people guard the handbook but..." Krista gave everyone a look. "I'll be honest. I want to talk to my brother. I need to know if he's okay. I'm sure some of you have someone out there you want to know is okay as well... which is why I promise I will not hurt anyone or let someone die on my watch." Krista then looked at Mondatta last, feeling the metallic hand on her shoulder.

"Alright." She turned back to the infinites. "To honour what Mr Officer just said, does anyone wanna join Mr Mondatta and I at the library?"
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