Avatar of AHeartlessNobody


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2 yrs ago
Going on vacation today until Wednesday! Will be rolling out posts when I get back!
2 yrs ago
When is Mahz coming back home with the milk?
3 yrs ago
Will be on vacation from July 7th-12th! Will try to post but no promises!
3 yrs ago
People who don't take care of their responsibilities irk me to no end. Auntie (aka me) to the rescue again. Just give me the adoption papers already 🙄
3 yrs ago
Bored as ever. Check out my slice of life plots roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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Being away from the crowded classroom, Anna felt a little more at ease. Perhaps not as at ease as she might have been if she was by herself, but it was still better than being stuck in a room surrounded by over a hundred people that she didn't know. Sitting in the study room of the library, she felt like she could finally breathe. She took in a deep breath and got out her own laptop, placing it on the table. Then she began searching, trying to find some interesting topics that they might be able to do for their project. She supposed she wanted to something simple. After all, psychology was a...touchy subject for her. She didn't want to do research and find all the things that she knew was wrong with her. So, she needed to stick to the most simple things they could do, while at the same time keeping it at a college level content so that they could get a good grade.

She went through topic after topic on the internet, and when she would find one that seemed interesting, she would jot it down before moving on to the next topic, trying to find some that would be good to work with. After a little bit, she finally had her three topics and wrote them all down on the index cards, before flipping them over and placing them in the pile with the three cards that he had written up as well. With all six cards were settled on the table, she turned her head away so that he could mix them up and she wouldn't see which cards went where. Once they were all mixed up, she turned back to the cards and picked up the one that was furthest from her, and lifted it so she could read it.

"The Psychology of Survival?" Anna wasn't sure how she felt about that topic...it reminded her too much of the past. Back when the...incident happened. It had truly felt like a moment of survival to her at the time. As though it were her or those people. They had already killed Danny...

Just thinking about it made her hands tighten ever so slightly on the card, though after a moment she took a few deep breaths to calm herself, making it all seem almost unnoticeable by Jay. She needed to be careful. She couldn't let her emotions get int eh way and have him start to get suspicious of something. She slowly nodded, "Okay, so how do we want to do this? Did you have any ideas for it? Or should I do some research on it and we come up with something based on the research?"
School has been super busy @_@ I'm hoping to reply sometime tomorrow.
No prob XD Take your time.
Sounds good :)
Anna wasn't quite sure, but it almost seemed like the boy that had asked her to be his partner was about to change his mind. She hadn't missed the glances he had taken toward a group of girls standing off a little ways. Sorority girls. Anna had nothing against girls who decided to be in sororities, but she would never be in one. Perhaps if things had turned out different. If she didn't have these...powers. Maybe then she could live normally and be able to join a sorority and have friends. But, fate just wasn't kind to her in that way. She would never be one of those girls. She would just always be on her own.

As he gestured for her to take the lead, she nodded, walking out of the lecture hall, walking out of the building and toward the library where they could find some quiet to think and discuss their project. At his question on what she thought the project should be on, she looked over to him, thinking quietly for moment before speaking, "Well...I'm not all too big on science or psychology in general..." She said sheepishly, knowing that probably looked bad on her part. It was just a course she had to take and wasn't something she was all too interested in. Specifically for the fact that she felt as though she were a science experiment herself. Felt like, if people knew about her, she would become a science or psychology project for some company or government.

"I'm up for anything you have in mind though?" She said, giving a small shrug, shyly brushing her blonde hair behind her ear, looking over to him, "Or, if you have no preference, we can choose a random topic? A 'pull from the hat' sort of thing?" Even though science or psychology wasn't her thing, she would still work hard to make sure their project was good and that she wouldn't be one of those partners to make one partner do all the work while she goofed off.

Walking into the library, the two of them made their way into a study room, where they closed the door and she sat down at the table, glancing up at him shyly again, "I'll help in any way I can too. I'm not too good at putting together presentations, but I'm good at doing deep research." She had to, especially when her powers first began to show themselves, do a lot of deep research in high school, finding all sorts of sources to figure things out.
You're fine :3 That's important for you to go see and enjoy. Have fun!
I love it X3 I'll do that now lol
XD They are both so nervous haha. Poor things.
Anna was hoping and praying that no one would choose her. Perhaps then maybe she could convince the professor to give her an alternate assignment of some sort. But it seemed her prayers were in vain, because soon she spotted someone walking toward her. The boy from the hub. She could feel her nervousness rise as she stood there, silently pleading for him to change his mind and turn around. Or that he was heading for someone near her and not actually her. But, he stopped in front of her and spoke, her wide blue eyes meeting his gaze, an unsure look on her face as he spoke. He spoke causally to her in greeting before asking her to be his partner.

There was a reason she avoided him in the hub. Unlike most guys here at the college who were very vain and full of themselves, he didn't seem to be like that. It reminded her so much of Danny...and it hurt. Danny had died because of her, or well, because of Mira. She didn't want to be the cause of someone else getting killed. She didn't want to get close to someone, only to have something terrible happen to them and have to relive that pain all over again.

She would just have to be careful. She couldn't get too close to him. She wasn't meant to have friends or anything of the sort, so she just had to make sure that, if they were partners on this project, that she kept it as just that. Nothing more than partners. She woudl have to keep telling herself that and keeping herself in check. She couldn't hide away forever and had to learn to control her emotions, no matter how hard it was. Keeping herself distanced, but at the same time being able to work with others, was something she needed to practice, and here she had a chance to do just that.

Taking a deep breath in attempt to calm herself, she looked to him, meeting his gaze once more, speaking quietly, a slightly unsure expression on her face as she spoke, "I...ummm, sure? I suppose we could...be partners that is." She could feel her heart racing in her chest, her nerves over whelming her senses. No. She had to stay calm. She couldn't let anything happen here, in front of so many people. She couldn't let the horror of that night repeat itself. Taking a few deep breaths, she spoke again, looking up to him, "My name's Annabella. Or...well...Anna for short. If it's easier for you that is."

Maybe going to a place that wasn't so crowded would make her feel better. There were plenty of places to go. The library, study rooms, even some of the restaurants around the food hub woudl be quiet and less crowded than this packed room of students, "Should we....go somewhere? To talk about what our project will be about?"
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