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Going on vacation today until Wednesday! Will be rolling out posts when I get back!
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When is Mahz coming back home with the milk?
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Will be on vacation from July 7th-12th! Will try to post but no promises!
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People who don't take care of their responsibilities irk me to no end. Auntie (aka me) to the rescue again. Just give me the adoption papers already 🙄
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Bored as ever. Check out my slice of life plots roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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Also, quick question XD I noticed in your post that you already did the assassination of the padawans. Weren't we going to do the interactions between Ben and Odette before that? With Ben coming to her and after a short discussion between the two (seeing him in disarray and her asking what was wrong) he does the Force Sleep thing to her and hides her away to keep her safe? Only for her to wake and get injured by the Padawans he chose? Him thinking they killed her from seeing the hologram?
Hmmm, while it does sound interesting, I don't think Odette would be with someone unless she really loves him. And as twisted as he may be, she would probably feel being with someone else is betraying Ben.
Perhaps, we can kind of mix both of our ideas? Like, rather than her having a fling with him, the four of them (Rey, Finn, Poe, and Odette), have to go undercover on some planet and so they pose as two couples (Rey and Finn as one and Poe and Odette as another). Ben sees this and thinks its real. He flips out in jealously, tracks Poe down, and badly injuring him? Then we could do the pairing with him and Tatooine girl later on once he's recovered?

What I'm thinking is that, perhaps, after the attack and her being held captive in secret by Snoke, she escapes and heads back to Luke's temple in hopes of finding him. Only he has already run off in shame of what happened with Ben. She's searching whats left of the temple for some sign of where he could have gone, when she finds a piece of the map to the first Jedi Temple. Now she has three of the four pieces and just needs to find the last piece (finding a clue of where it is in some of Master Luke's writings). She is preparing to leave, when a ship lands on the planet. This ship ends up being Leia, Han, Chewy, and some of the other rebels. Leia, having lost contact with Luke and fearing the safety of her son, came to the planet to see what happened. They bring Odette off of the planet, where she tells them what happened. At the news of this is when Han leaves and Odette tells Leia her plans of finding the first temple and continuing to train, basically hiding herself away. She knows she's not ready mentally to face Ben and decides to train until she is. With that, Leia gives her a ship and Odette leaves with BB-11, leaving BB-8 there with her as a means of Leia finding her if need be. I figure her meeting Leia is a bittersweet thing for both, considering for Odette this is the mother of the man she loves, and for Leia, Odette is kind of like a daughter in law in a way XD I can also see Leia telling Odette that she knew of her and Ben, Luke having told her long ago about the building relations between the two Jedi.

I figure Odette finds the last piece of the map to the last Jedi Temple (perhaps the temple Luke was at in the Last Jedi was not the First Temple, but still a very old temple). She hides herself away there, continuing to train. I figure we could have Luke die in some other way than the disappearing thing XD Something more dramatic, such as him being killed by Ben or dying protecting Leia. And after Luke dies and Rey still needing to finish her training, Leia knows they have no choice but to reach out to Odette again, Leia and all of them going to where Odette is to convince her to help them.

From there it'd be pretty open XD That's just my thoughts of how it could go. What do you think?
I was thinking of an OC. Perhaps she's a pilot (just not for the resistance at first). Perhaps a girl from a lesser known planet? Maybe even Tatooine (Luke's home planet)? What do you think? Any ideas on your part?

The Light....it was almost as though Ben had some sort of a shield around him. One that refracted her Light, sending it back to her, the Darkness she was feeling continuing to course around him. It was suffocating in himself, making her feel lightheaded and weak. Rather than facing her like she wished for him to do, he merely slipped his arm from her grasp, turning and walking away without a glance her way, speaking of heading to bed. She was left there, kneeling there where he left her, eyes wide and her mind racing. It felt as though this were....a tipping point. One where there was no return from. One that left her in a panic, trying to find some way to crawl back out and bring Ben with her.

She finally looked up, glancing about at all the padawans, some looking on to the retreating Ben in concern and fear. What had just happened shouldn't have. They knew nothing of the darkness that truly resting in this universe. In the time she had spent traveling with Ben, she had seen it, the darkness within the Force that threatened to snuff out what little Light remained in the Universe. The Light that the Jedi protected and that was endanger of being forgotten.

Taking a steadying breath, Odette stood from where she knelt, looking to all the padawans, ever the composed Jedi Knight, her voice commanding but soft, "Go. Return to your quarters."

With that, the padawans hesitantly moved, heading toward their own huts, leaving just she and Master Luke standing there. The moment the two were alone, Odette's calm composure fell and she could feel tears spill from her eyes as she fell to her knees, looking down at her hands, "What do I do, Master Luke? Ben...he...he's been getting worse...I've been trying to help him...draw him from the dark...but he just gets further and further away the more I do..." She sobbed and shook her head. She loved him, though she feared admitting that to Master Luke. And it was killing her inside, knowing that he was suffering and nothing she was doing was relieving him of that. She had never felt so useless, feeling as though she were failing him with little hope of bringing him back, "I don't want to loose him...I don't know what I'd do..."
Awesome :)

Also, I can't remember, did we have a character pairing for Poe? XD
Thanks :) I'm excited to see more about Han.

Also, I had an idea for later. If we are still going with the idea that Odette knows Ben is alive and not killed in the attack on their home, what if at some point she reaches out to him over a vision, him believing it is simply her within the Force (a force ghost xD), and her trying to talk to him and convince him to turn from the dark. Figured it'd be a bittersweet thing for him, thinking she's dead and seeing her in a vision like that as though she were still there.
I'm about to head out to take my nephew to see Solo. I'll post when I get back. :)

Should I have Odette go to try and speak with him, or should I have her attempt to let him cool down and speak with Luke about Ben's outburst?
Is it weird that I listen to this song and it makes me think of Odette and Ben? XD Like the kid singing is Ben when they were kids and the two adults is them when they're older, before the dark side started to affect them, both of them so full of hope because they're together.

Odette felt this dual was going okay. She didn't expect it to be easy to defeat Master Luke. After all, the man had many years of training within the Force. She was confident that she and Ben could do it though, so long as they kept this up and worked together. She continued to strike and block Master Luke's own swipes of his saber. Despite the intensity of it, Odette was enjoying working with Ben to show their Master just how far they had come in the ways of the Force.

Suddenly though, there was a shaking of the ground, causing her yelp to have to catch her balance, wide eyes looking to Ben, his hand on the ground, having used the Force to create fissures in the ground. Panic began to seep into Odette at the sight of this, "Ben?!" What was he doing?! This was just a mock battle, with no need to implement such life threatening tactics. Over the months they had been on missions together, she had, unknown to him, felt the darkness. But had been working with him, hoping to push it away. Yet, she could feel it now. It was suffocating. A darkness seeping from Ben in the world around them. Soon, the padawans began to gasp and choke under the Force that Ben was releasing.

Then, he was stalking forward, toward Master Luke with his saber down, and that panic inside of Odette ignited all the more at the sight. No...he wouldn't try to...But he was. He yelled something about Master being a traitor, and looked ready to go straight in for the kill. In her panic, Odette scrambled to her feet, rushing forward. Ben had very well almost made it to Luke, more feet from him when she rushed him, latching onto the arm from behind, hoping to restrain the arm that held his saber. All the while, she called on the Force, letting its light pulsate from her and to him, her panic and fear clear in her voice, "Ben! Stop!"
I got my niece to sleep but now I'm about ready to fall asleep myself xD I'm like halfway done with the reply, but I may need to finish it in the morning lol. That will be the first thing I do when I wake up.
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