Avatar of AHeartlessNobody


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Going on vacation today until Wednesday! Will be rolling out posts when I get back!
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When is Mahz coming back home with the milk?
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Will be on vacation from July 7th-12th! Will try to post but no promises!
3 yrs ago
People who don't take care of their responsibilities irk me to no end. Auntie (aka me) to the rescue again. Just give me the adoption papers already 🙄
3 yrs ago
Bored as ever. Check out my slice of life plots roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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XD Yeah. Just gotta find some inspiration to figure out those plot holes.

For Beyond Expectations, do we want Eve to be at the airport still or did we want to switch it up and say shes staying in some caves that she found (similar to the ones the humans were living in during the first rp, except she put the setup together herself and has been staying there alone, the set up on a much smaller scale?
It sort of jumped around XD I would write or draw certain scenes, but never put it all together. Heck, even got to a few scenes where they had two kids (their first born being a son named Koka and later their daughter Iko (ee-ko) was born). It is a little complex, but comes together in an amazing way as the story comes along haha.
Oh goodness XD I have no idea where the actual drawings are haha. Those are two that I posted on Facebook years ago. I probably have them somewhere. I have a whole storage container in my shed FULL of old sketchbooks and binders, so its probably in there haha.

Oh goodness haha. Let me see if I can condense the plot so it's understandable, as the story has a lot of twists and turns throughout it lol. Keep in mind, that there are something things that could possibly be changed, as this story was made by my middle school mind and so some plot points may seem a little out there lol. It's an EXTREMELY fanatical/sci-fi story, so really anything goes in it XD

Let me start with the Lunairan people themselves to start with. Hopefully this won't confuse you with our rp, since they too are aliens haha (thus my inspiration for when we started our first rp). Basically, the Luanirans live on a planet called (you guessed it) Lunaira. Well, it's not really a planet ;^_^ It's a moon to larger planet, thus the name Luna in their home, though they call it their planet anyway haha. They have a Matriarchy, where the a group of women Lunairans rule the kingdom of Lunaira. The women on this planet could very well be considered a sort of subspecies of Lunairan in their own way, as they have powers. Where as the males do not. The males instead find other skills, such as weapon mastery and alchemy. Females are more commonly called 'Comets' by others, due to their brightly colored hair and eyes. There are 13 Comets within the main council of Lunairans (the strongest Comets on the planet), but the main leader of the kingdom would be the Queen. Ika's mother was the previous queen, while her father was the king and a very resourceful alchemist. There's a bit more to her parent's backstory, but they die. Both killed by a creature, the main antagonist of the whole story, called The Enemy (yes, I know. How original. I was in middle school and the name stuck haha). At such a young age, Ika was essentially forced to take her mother's place as Queen and head of the council. Of course, that is a very difficult task, not only ruling her people at a young age, but also acting as a diplomat. The Lunairans are considered "Guardian' beings, in the way that they keep peace among the planets, stopping wars and making sure the universe remains peaceful. Of course, this peace comes at a great sacrifice, as with every war or hardship they end, their own people loose their lives in the process. Because of this, the Comets are few in number and their race is slowly dying off.

Fast forward, Ika gets attacked by the Enemy and teleported to Earth, which is currently in the 16th century. From there, she has to find a way to get back home. It's there that she meets a mysterious stranger, who tells her of a lake (can not remember for the life of me what I originally called this lake). She is told this lake can tell her a way to get home and the mysterious stranger leads her there. She is told to kneel at the lake and peer into it, asking it what she wants to know. Only, when she does so, the stranger shoves her into the water. As it turns out, this lake is a lake of knowledge indeed, but it gains its knowledge by stealing the memories and knowledge of those that happen to fall into its waters.

The strangers is gone by the time Ika crawls out of the water, lost and scared, no clue who she is or where she came from. Still looking very much like teen (she's actually a good thousand or so years old by this point XD), an elderly couple finds her and takes her in to try and help her. They take her in as their 'daughter' and use her to run their shop, as they are too old to do so for themselves. Yet, the village they live in is a very high 'no evil' on the scale and sees anything that is different as evil. So, when Ika's powers, unknown to her as to what's happening, begins to act up, her 'parents' call her an evil and claim she is a witch. Witches are no-nos in this century of course and get burned at the stake, etc. Ika, in living with this couple for a bit, knows this and begs them to not tell, saying she'll be 'good' and not ever use them or show them to anyone. The elderly couple agrees, as they can hold it over her and force her to do anything they want, including running their shop for them and doing anything they ask. At the same time, this couple abuses her, calling her evil and worthless. The whole time this occurs, Ika feels they are right and that she deserves to be treated this way.

Meanwhile, back on Lunaira, the kingdom is in a panic, as their Queen and most powerful Lunairan has been attacked and taken from them. They manage to locate the planet and widespread region she was taken to, but don't know her exact whereabouts. So, they decide to send someone to bring her back. Now, in Lunaira, there are arranged marriages, especially with their race having such few numbers. Basically, the head comets are assured to have their children's betrothals planned at birth. BUT, the two do NOT meet. Are not allowed to meet actually, until the night before their wedding. This is because they wish for their people to grow into their own person and not be weighed down or change who they are based upon what their betrothed are. This way, when they are wed, they have no reason to change who they are to gain the other's approval and instead have to accept the other for who they are as their husband or wife. This is something that went well for years and had better results for happier people. Anyway, the person they decide to send to find her, is her betrothed. Her wedding to this man was meant to be in a few days after she was attacked and the date of their wedding come and gone in the search for where she was taken. Thus, they feel it agreeable to send her betrothed to go find her, as they would have been married by then anyhow. On top of that, her betrothed, having grown up from birth being told he was being groomed to one day marry the princess (now queen after her parents passed), he became very skilled in combat and weapons (his main go-to is a bow and arrow, though he's beast a sword. And very trained in any other weapons as well lol) in order to protect the queen. After all, even if he was to become king, he would still have no say in the kingdom and protecting the queen would be most important. So, the king is also a body guard of sorts for his wife, being that she is the ultimate ruler for their kingdom. So Koji, her betrothed, being not only future king, but also the most skilled warrior in their kingdom, is sent to earth to find the queen and bring her back.

Fast forward to when they meet. They do not get along. AT ALL XD She's by this time grown to HATE humans for her treatment toward her on top of hating herself. So, basically she hates everything and is very angry at the world. There are some details I still have to work out as far as them meeting and such, as I don't quite remember how I had it worked out back when I first made the story back in middle school lol. What I do remember is that there was a charm of sorts that made it so they couldn't be separated (meaning she was forced to travel with him) and he could not harm her (though pretty sure she could harm him, as I remember drawing one comic when they first met her choking him XD). I can't remember how this charm was put into place, but it's just another one of those details I need to figure out haha.

Anyway, long story short, they travel together, her being forced to stay with him as he goes to search for his Queen and bride, both unaware that she IS the queen. Obviously, over time, things happen and feelings occur, stuff with the enemy happens, conflicts with feelings and duty, etc. You get the picture.

Theres a LOT more to it later on down the road and to the backstories of these characters. But I tried to keep it simple enough to understand XD
XD That will be some wedding picture to show your kids haha. Honestly, I like my brother in law's family more than my own. They're great haha. I hang out with my brother in law and his sister more than I do his wife (my actual sister haha).

I have a weird question. And you can say no, since it's obviously a task lol. But, I've been wanting to rewrite that story I mentioned before with Ika, her love interest named Koji, and all that jazz. I'm going to write it individually in my own free time, but I was thinking it'd be nice to get some inspiration for it by rping out the story. Like, it doesn't follow strictly the story I'm writing, just have the basically main elements. I don't know why, but for some reason you were the first person I thought of to ask and see if you'd be interested XD

Just as a sort of extra, here are some basic drawings I made (don't laugh, they are literally from six or seven years ago lol) of Ika. The one with short hair and the two strands is when she is younger (long story short, it got cut in the back during a struggle) and the long hair one is when she is older.

Like I said, you were just the first person that came to mind XD You don't have to do it with me, especially with us just getting to starting this one. But, I wante to ask you before going off and asking someone else if they'd be interested in rping out this little project of mind with me haha
We did XD And I got to hang with his sister too (he's my brother in law lol, so me and his sister aren't technically related, but we call each other sisters anyway). Me and her used to write comics and stories together all the back when I was in middle school and she reminded me of the comic I made WAY back with my main character named Ika (eye-ka). It's actually kinda funny, because that's where I got the name for Lunairans from, because that was the name of her people lol.


Age: 19

Race: Half Human-Half Lunairan

Telepathy (same as other Lunairans)
Sensory Shield

Evelynia was born to a rather wealthy family and had a great young life. She had a wonderful father who cared greatly for her, a mother who was very patient and kind, and a twin brother who was mischievous and an amazing partner in crime. As Evelynia grew, she began to realize that she was different. While her twin brother was allowed to go to normal school when he turned four, Evelynia was homeschooled by her mother and father. Her brother was allowed to go to birthday parties and sleepovers. She wasn't. It hurt a lot and finally the little girl asked why she was being treated so differently from her brother. It was then that her mother and father sat down with their two children and told them the truth.

Their mother was different. Not like any people from this planet. She was known as a 'Lunairan'. And, where as her brother Toni was like their father and completely void of any Lunairan traits, Evelynia wasn't. She had two different eyes, something that she honestly didn't think much of, as they had always been this way and her mother always told her how beautiful they were. One was a human eye, while the other was a Lunairan eye. Not only that, but without even realizing it, she was showing signs of Lunairan abilities. From the time she was an infant she had been using what her mother called 'empathy' to get them to understand how she felt, and had even once or twice showed signs as a toddler of using telekinesis. With her being so different, her parents had kept her home, not wanting to risk her getting hurt by people that just didn't understand her.

They were also told of the unfortunate views of her own Lunairan people, including why her mother had been originally sent here to Earth. That her mother had come here to originally scout and find weaknesses within the human culture. Because her mother's people having such a hatred for humans, they had to keep their whole family a secret from them.

But, in seeing her wishes to her not wanting to be kept inside and hidden away, they helped her to find new ways to hide her Lunairan heritage. Her mother began wearing colored contacts to hide her purple eyes, while Evelynia herself wore a matching blue one to hide her one purple eye. With this, she was able to blend in and at least go out to public places without worry of being harmed, though she was still homeschooled in both human schooling and Lunairan culture, including her gifts and abilities.

It was when she turned seven that things took a turn for the worst. Her father had worked for the government, creating robots that could fight enemies. These robots did well at first, fought in wars for the country so that none of their men had to. It made her father, and in turn her family, well known and even wealthier than before. But, because of his well liked status and ability to create these war machines, when the aliens first become known to the public, her father was one of the first people to be hunted down. She had been with her father, both her mother and twin brother having been out for a mother-son day when the attack happened. She remembered being so frightened, begging her father to go find her mother and Toni, yet her father told her that going to look for her would put all of them in danger, as her mother would be marked for a traitor by her people, along with all the other human sympathizers. Her mother would be doing all she could to keep herself and Toni out of harms way and to keep the Lunairans from finding them. It was her father's job to do the same with Evelynia.

Her father took her away from their home, where they met with her uncle on her father's side, an old military buff. Together the three of them left off, heading toward somewhere. Her father said he knew a safe place to go, somewhere a few states away.

They never made it far. The Lunairan scouts found them during a stop for supplies, corning them. Though the two men were able to fight them off and kill them, one had managed to shoot and wound her father in a deadly fashion. Hours later, her father passed away and it was just she and her uncle. Her uncle had no idea where this place was that her father was taking them, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. They kept moving, Evelynia staying with her uncle as everything went to hell. At some point, her father ahd stopped them and had left for a couple of weeks to go searching for other survivors, leaving her to stay hidden with their supplies. Yet, the curious young girl left the hideaway, where she found a crashed Lunairan ship. The child, curious about the craft built by her mother's people, approached. Finding the body of a dead Lunairan woman and the body of a child her age. At first she had thought the boy to be dead, yet after seeing him move, she brought him back to her hideaway.

There, she helped him get back to health and befriended the lad. The two played together and talked. She even went as far as to, in a silly little girl way, promise him that she was going to marry him one day (though he didn't seem sure about such a claim himself). In their closeness and him finding out about her own heritage, he told her he was going to bring her to the other Lunairans, so she would be safe. Yet...when they arrived, they took the boy away and shot her with a silencer. It was painful, and she thought she was dead to be honest, just as the Lunairans thought she was. But, they were all wrong. She woke up hours later and returned to her hideaway, staying there alone until her uncle returned.

Everything went downhill for the humans from that horrible day that the first invasion happened. Many humans were killed and Lunairans, in order to avoid loosing many of their own, they, instead of killing the remaining humans directly, had a sickness spread throughout the planet and left temporarily on their ship, letting the disease take over and do their dirty work for them. This disease, if it did not kill the humans, would turn them into...something else. A being that was blind, but instead was lead by its sense of hearing. Though very few humans and animals that caught the disease turned into these beasts, they were still a huge danger and something to avoid if possible.

For years, her uncle kept them safe and hidden, and somehow he managed to not catch the disease for a long while. He would go out and gather supplies for them. For a long time he was doing well. But, it was when she was 14, that Evelynia began to notice her uncle weakening. He was growing older, and thus had a more weaker immune system. Then, one day, after going out for supplies, her uncle came crawling back into their secret hide away, dying from sickness. Within the next few days, he suffered greatly. He realized the suffering would only grow and the disease would take much longer for him to die, he asked her to shoot him and she refused at first. Days later though, when her uncle began to show signs of not dying, but instead turning into one of those horrible beasts. He begged again for her to end him, and though she didn't want to, she knew it was best for him and so, the fourteen year old innocent girl was forced to kill the last human she would ever be close to.

For the next few years, Evelynia had somehow managed to keep herself alive since her uncle's death, and thanks to her being able to move fast and the fact she can out smart the remaining humans and savage beasts, she has kept out of deaths grip. And now, years after the aliens came and with all other humans besides herself dead and gone, the aliens are returning.
Yep! XD We watched Rise of the Gaurdians, the My Little Pony Movie, and we played Yahtzee! It was a blast haha
It was XD I spent the weekend with my brother and wasn't able to post. I'm working on a post as we speak and it will be up sometime today. I'll probably pull some stuff from Cassie's opening post as well lol.
I'm going to make this short and sweet. I am hoping to do a HTTYD based rp and have a few options as to how this could go. It could either still be based around Hiccup and Toothless (as well as other characters of course), or it could be a new generation rp with all new dragon riders (including the child of Hiccup). I mainly am hoping to play female, though I don't mind playing more than one character (in fact I prefer it). I would also like for my partner to at least give me 3 or more paragraphs.

Anyways, above all, I'm looking for someone who will enjoy writing a good story! :) For ideas on plots, I prefer to talk with my partner one on one to decide what we want to do. So, pm me and we can work together on something that will work for both of us!
@RennyKk. Take your time.
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