Avatar of Almosegosum
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 205 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Almosegosum 8 yrs ago


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So, It has been about a month and I have yet to do this - Righto!

I am a 22 year old aspiring writer and academic - not in a pretentious way, I really want to study for the rest of my life. I am curious about most things - Culture, Language, art, food, music, history, science, politics, philosophy, biology, physics. I believe the best way to escape the ever looming threat of solipsism is to interact with things you know you could not have made up on your own - to confound yourself as much as possible by the seemingly impossible. I like reading as well - and I read anything that is not am outright romance - the once thing that does not interest me, and never has. And I am 22 years old! Mother stop bothering me! The only thing romance is good for is when it allows you side quests in RPG's. I tend to spend most of my salary on books, and I have an ever growing fear that when I intend to actually leave my country and travel the world, I will not be able to take my ever growing list of favorites with me. My greatest aspiration, beyond becoming a celebrated academic - is to reside somewhere in west-Europe and be able to attend opera's and concerts and understand what they are singing without subtitles or synopsi - and hopefully die one day in the middle of one of the great arias.

If you wish for me to join, let me know - I don't often peruse and might miss your prompts.

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Dr. Khava Marr

@frapet @Korkoa

Dr. Marr grimaced at the man, before his eyes widened slightly. He stepped forward, reaching forwards with a gloved hand - batting away Roka's instinctive block, and confidently pushing the other against a wall, towering over the other man. With his hand, he carefully forced the other's eye open. He leaned forwards, smelling deeply, and taking in Roka's hormonal state. After a moment he stepped back, "I can't fucking believe it - high - on a job." The sneer on his face did not diminish. How could this moron even consider using... his eyes narrowed. He did not seem mentally unstable... trauma? effectively suppressed? why? No. There is no point in offering justification to someone so clearly unconcerned with the well-being of not only those in his care - but that of his own as well. He looked the other in the eye once more, before he turned and started walking away. He took a moment to recall which ship was Roka's.

The doctor looked through the ships and found the one that he needed to board. Just as he was about to, the child arrived. The boy looked at the ship with barely restrained awe. "Don't be so easily impressed. The mechanics of a machine such as this might at first impress the untrained mind. When considered against the vast, interconnected biological array afforded us by... (seeing that the boy's eyes had glazed over) Never-mind." The doctor got into the ship and moved to where he was to be position, placing his bag in a secure area. he crossed his arms and closed his eyes, waiting for the other two to get themselves into position.
I am also interested, but this is a rather extensive character creation process so I don't want to create one and then find out there are no spots left, even before I started... well. I would not like that. So, spaces open?

Dr. Khava Marr

@frapet @Korkoa @Caster @cunfuzzler

Dr. Marr had left, obviously not participating in this pathetic attempt at mustering bravado - turning from them with a barely contained sneer - and started towards the hanger. Roka? Balosar. 26. Death stick habit. No wonder he needed a bloody spotter. And now the bloody Doctor had to be the one to do it. This entire enterprise has already devolved more than Marr had originally bargained on. As people and droids moved around him hastily, he quickly stopped at his medical center, and picked up his emergency kit. Checking that everything was prepped for emergency surgery - he made his way out and towards the hanger. The walk gave him time to cool down and make a little bit more peace with the fact that clearly he was supposed to be more of a team player. He never thought he would miss being a borderline prisoner of a mob boss.

With a deep sigh he entered the hanger and waited for Roka to arrive, peering at the ships with a clear sense of distaste.
Orithius Pethris Wyrmwood

@KimmiNinja @Arya10108909 @Joshua Tamashii

Orithius rose his eyebrow at the display... It was not something he expected Rosalie to do. The snide reaction the child had, while it reminded him of himself, also pissed him off a bit - a foreign sense of protectiveness of his supposed new friend he supposed. He walked over to the two - "Miss Mágos - while your skills are... adequate for your level - it is unbecoming of a student to offer false contrition. Furthermore - snideness only works when you really are the smartest one in the room. ( he leaned forwards slightly, and rose an eyebrow at her, before he turned to Rosalie) Nevertheless, I am sure that a slight tap on the shoulder would have sufficed. While I am new to this, public humiliation rarely serves within institutions such as these. (He rose again to his full height, and looked at the other students in the room) Let's continue, we have a few more minutes left. Any questions?" He walked back to where he had been sitting near the front.
Orithius Pethris Wyrmwood

@KimmiNinja @Arya10108909

Orithius stood quietly, listening to the children sneaking a whisper every now and then, while Rose tried to convey kindness and openness and general support towards the youths. It made him feel slightly uncomfortable. Then she stopped speaking and turned to him. He did not expect this. Damn his father for signing him up for this...

"I am Orithius Pethris Wyrmwood - I will be aiding my colleague in this endeavour. While you might only have a limited understanding of the work, I would appreciate it were you to identify where exactly your comprehension ceased, often either with a concept or phrase - so that we can aid you in as quick and efficient a manner possible. While there might not be anything like a stupid question - there does exist an unnecessary one. Consider your questions beforehand please." His tone did not hold any of niceness Rose's had, but it was firm and confident. His face remained impassive as he memorised their faces and seating - if only to avoid unnecessary introductions later on.
@KimmiNinja - That can be cool... I don't know how he will be as a tutor, but I think I should try that as well. Poor little Youngens...
@KimmiNinja - we were over eager to make friends and learn! When did this socially awkward boy come to reflect me so accurately!
Orithius Pethris Wyrmwood


Orithius listened to the lecturer with an almost palpable level of boredom. Clearly they were being lenient with the people who are of a lower level, because it seemed to be just a rehash of previous years of work, and a few tentative explorations as to how these defensive measures might be incorporated in new and innovative manners, so as to coincide and remain relevant in an ever changing modern context. Most of the ideas they provided were impossible, or would result in highly ineffective forms - either the teacher was a moron, or he was testing whether or not someone would call him out on his shittalking. Orithius hoped it was the latter, because if it were not then he was going to have to log a formal complaint.

He sighed and sat back in his chair, looking at the girl - Rosalie - again. She seemed to be not paying much attention. Considering her scores however, he assumed it was less out of informed boredom, and mostly because of disinterest. She wanted to be friends. Informal friends. It still made no sense to him, but he tried to keep an open mind. Perhaps he should invite her over to the house. Would she mind? There was a slim chance that she might be overwhelmed, like other people seemed to be. Kissing his father and mother's asses when they eventually come over. Then again, he is just intending to use her to facilitate his own social needs... if she were to use him to further her own financial or political goals - could he judge her? Probably not.

"Mr Wyrmwood, the answer please." Orithius looked at the lecturer and then at the board, and noted a few notes on Last-Resort theories to cripple your enemies when your defensive stagnates have failed. Crippling your enemy's to give you a chance to restructure your defense... "Scorched earth policy? If your defenses have been crippled, use force to interrupt the source of the enemy's attack - i.e. cut off their connection to their element, cripple their capacity to use it, etc. While this might seem like a purely offensive stratagem - since we are talking about last-resorts, the resulting time you will get as your opponent tries to rebuild their offensive measures, will aid you in reestablishing a coherent defense or consider retreat. Is that sufficient?" Orithius looked on with a raised eyebrow, taking another sip of his coffee. The lecturer wrote down a few points before continuing. Orithius sighed and continued to listen a little bit more attentively.
@Burning Kitty - sorry, it's so late where I am. I just wanted to get a post our before going to bed. I got confused. I hope I fixed it. If not, have Christopher admitted to an insane asylum

Christopher Harris

Christopher had been standing around the room, looking at all of them. Most of them seemed to be comfortable enough with one another. It made him feel slightly ill at ease to think that they had all formed at least some level of Comradery, while he was very much the odd one out. At least in so far he was concerned. He stepped forwards and looked at the remaining group - Shawn? and Heidi was it? Having left. Perhaps the one who had been upside down? He was often upside down... perhaps she had a similar power than he? He cleared his throat and straitened his tie. "Greetings. I did not catch your name. Christopher, I am new here - though that must be quite apparent. Charmed." He smiled at Tatiana, trying very hard to make the smile authentic. It was so easy to fake niceness for him, that sometimes it became a chore to realize when he was actually trying to be nice.
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