Avatar of Andreyich


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3 days ago
Current I'm married. Paypal $200 and I will give dating advice.
9 days ago
I like lurking through status bar drama AFTER its happened and been cleaned up by mods so I am left to wonder what fascinating context I am lacking
2 mos ago
visiting some people for a little while so will not be super active for a week or so
3 mos ago
the ad spam isn't that much of a problem in terms of covering content. but its a hurtful reminder that the many algorithms that decide what ads to serve think I am the kind of person to gamble
3 mos ago
do it just don't spam


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

It was claimed by the Soviet Ministry of Defence that the KSh suit was better than the ones of the French in every respect; faster, lighter, stronger, harder, cheaper, more ergonomic. Only the final two were vaguely true, the many cut corners and comfortable synthetic fibers put in making the suits simple to produce and easy to wear. Of course, the comfort only lasted so long as the servos didn’t twist the wrong way leading to one’s limbs getting torn off within their armour, a fatal flaw that had caused a recall after the arms and legs that had to be stitched back on entered the double digits.

It was thus no surprise to many grunts that - after sufficient trial in the Soviet armed forces - most of the suits were eventually relegated to use by the other members of the Warsaw Pact. Strangely though, just as men like Corporal Rudolf Stirlitz were seeing them deployed to the border forces of the DDR, they were getting recalled back to the USSR for some other purpose, one that was rather hush-hush and didn’t spread by word of mouth from Russian to Poles to Germans on military exercises. Still, while they were here the clankers would have to do.

One particularly annoying aspect of the KSh was just how god damn hard it was to scratch yourself in it. He had an itch standing at the post, staring at the West Germans for almost an hour now and there was no remedy to it. He could try rubbing his back on the bloc-post behind him, but chances are that would damage the thing and be taken right from his salary along with a mark on his file.

Looking on at the lines of cars going through customs control of the borders, he sighed as a cacophony of car horns blared at the sight of someone attempting an illegal U-turn on the road, prompting him to walk over to the concrete railing by the road. He gave a salute to the soldier on the other side that approached him, the two meeting half way and turning to face the traffic jam. “Morning.”

“To you too.”

“You saw the game?”

“Which one?”

“Never mind. What are we going to do about this one?”

“Don’t know. There’s too many trucks.”

The West German sighed, offering Rudolf a cigarette. As the sleeve on his uniform lowered, a tattoo of a 4 just below the wrist. Rudolf took the cigarette, but spotting the tattoo raised an eyebrow. It seemed familiar, perhaps from some briefing much time ago. The other man noticed this, and smiled. “Enjoy the smoke. Please, quickly.” he said, lighting the cigarette for Rudolf, before walking off to the road. As the East German took a long pull, he watched his counterpart go to the middle of the road. He was about to call out and ask him what he was doing, but the ball of oxygen consuming flame that the man turned into put a stop to that.

The air in the room was smoky, several of the attendant ministers and other personnel having lit up Cubans as the hours dragged on into the night. As problems domestic and foreign alike piled up, meetings like this were becoming ever more common, ever longer. Ties were loosened, and men switched to first name bases along with singular informal addresses rather than the Russian plural-individual formal address. In one of the corners the Polish representative was sleeping, while behind a door the German was calling his wife to tell her it would be another long day at work.

They had been speaking for so long now, and yet the agenda never seemed to shrink. Curtains were closed, and yet the protestors outside were still audible, occasional phrases on the themes of treachery to the revolution being possible to make out. The meticulous, central-planning of the Supreme Soviet was unraveling, it dawning upon the assembled men that everyone on the planet was working against the orderly world they were envisioning. There were too many variables, and the equation was unsatisfiable.

“Sirs, I’m out. Its too late.” Comrade-General Gagarin said. “No, wait, stay just a little.” Premiere Pavlenko said, waving a hand. “Please. Just a moment.” The Astronaut turned leader of one of the Soviet branches of armed forces sighed, sitting back down and once more removing the sweat-stained blazer had had been putting back on.

“Before we leave, we need to finalize what we’ve discussed so far, and I need your assent, comrades.” The Premiere continued. “Speed up the recall of the suits. In a week we need to start sending new satellites to orbit the moon, I want the announcement ready in a month by the latest. Yuri, when will Baikonur be ready?”

Gagarin shrugged. “You know the rails for spacecraft are slower. Maybe… two weeks?”

“Good. You’re free to go. Isaac, you’re next.”

“Well, Sir, I’m sure we can make something with the sea of Japan in… a week or two? An agent or two of ours in Kyoto were apprehended, but the rest of the country has more than enough. I can give the order today, but a cautious approach….”

“We don’t have time for it. Give the order after we’re done here, then send in the cruisers.

“Very well, Premiere.”

“And the Yugoslavs… well, its time for the Macedonians to decide they’ve had enough oppression. The President will either decide its time to finally join their comrades in labour to the East or… well, Bulgarians will decide they must support their Northern kinsmen with a peacekeeping mission.”

The Bulgarian attache spilled his tea moving to appear alert from his half-asleep state, before nodding along.

“The Hungarians should prepare to make a no-fly zone. I want anyone trying to intervene shot down, I don’t care if they’re UN or NATO, they go down.”

“Understood.” This came from General Harkony, a man appearing ever more in these meetings.

“I know you’ve said the Serbs polled seem largely averse to separatism, but try them anyway. It’ll be a lot easier to get RY leadership to shit their pants if their core of support gets cold.’

The Premiere sighed as he looked down to his computer screen, seeing the notification of new intelligence. Several men present followed, murmurs spreading among them.

“Isaac… what do we do?”

The Minister of Defence looked up from reading the message. “Well, you’ve been skeptical in the past, but hear me out this time. We have GLONASS, but we aren’t using it to a fraction of the potential we could. We have the greatest coverage for satellite navigation, tracking, imaging, and we’re using it so civilian planes don’t get shot down. Any proxy that doesn’t answer to us first and foremost we mess with their navigation and such. We use our anonymous agents to give satellite images, or rather information from them to the government. It won’t be hard to believe they got caught and ours weren’t simply by variance in competence. And not just in South Africa and Rhodesia, Sir. In the Americas, world-wide.”

Anatoli gripped his forehead for a minute or two in the silence, before at last replying. “Do it. While you’re at it, send more to the Arctic and Antarctic, secure the artifacts propping up there.”

The Minister of Science and Education opened his mouth to object, but seeing glares from everyone else simply sat deeper in his seat.
After more silence, Premiere Pavlenko looked to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. “Arrange a meeting with the Americans. Tomorrow.”

Been binge playing TWW3, and now really interested in something set in Warhammer Fantasy's Kislev and/or Cathay or with characters from there though I'm still glad to do other stuff.

<Snipped quote by Andreyich>

Would very likely depend upon the scale of the tech heresy and just what kind, but considering Rogue Traders often have as much authority as Inquisitors there wouldn't be much issue... Unless we go to a Forge World, and then it's just keep your mechadendrites to yourself lol.

<Snipped quote by Theyra>

Every Rogue Trader needs to have proper combat teams just in case, I don't see any reason why a guardsman would be an issue unless of course their former employer is a little salty.

It was going to be something fairly sus but not particularly chaosy; he was going to have been experimenting a little too much with intelligence for kastellan robots, machine spirits, brain implants, and other shit that could be classified as abominable intelligence.
<Snipped quote by Skwint>

Will have to watch the bulkheads, but if there's room for potential space marines, there's room for an Ogryn.

<Snipped quote by Andreyich>

As long as they don't go pulling panels or taking things apart, our Rogue Trader has a fairly ancient vessel that's been in the family for a while and the family would be fairly upset if something broke lol.

<Snipped quote by BangoSkank>

On the point of a Ratling, really don't mind at all. Kind of had a bingo card for what we were expecting first and that's a pleasant surprise not going to lie lol. Though I suppose we'll have to wait and see what regiment he's from. Otherwwise we welcome our grim dark Bilbo Baggins.

As for the rest of the post, yeah I know there's a fair few out there who also rather enjoy a good jaunt into the 41st/42nd millenium, and while I do appreciate any love for the setting, a lot of the typical fare has left me a little jaded. Grim Dark can be fun, and it can certainly be a very interesting setting to explore, but not when there's very little else to go on. Most 40K RPs I see around are overly focused on the darker parts of the setting, the cruelty and suffering, thirsting laughter of dark gods and all that. Not to mention it is often hard to have an open 40K RP where people can come in and have all the options that are truly available.

Which really kind of gets me onto the whole aspect of "But why a Rogue Trader?" and it's for multiple reasons. Primarily, I want something where we can have a crew of a former Rubric Marine, Tau Pathfinder, Skitarii Praetorian, and ex-Arbites all working under a half-Aeldari captain. Being a Rogue Trader kind of opens the door for all that like an Inquisitor but with less red tape and restrictions. But not only that... Well, it is one of the few places where there is still some semblance of hope, where you can find some actually happy people. And that's what I'm shooting for. Some big dumb adventure in space with a bunch of people who if they were anywhere else, would be seconds away from killing each other.

However, since I have three more points of interest that I was expecting within the first 24, I figure it would be beneficial to drop what we've got at the moment for a CS skeleton.

The idea was somebody who is running away for a tech heresy he committed, and so would not be eager to fuck with his new benefactor.
Maybe down maybe a cult mechanicus fella or such
I'm going to wait for the Papal States sheet to come out then because depending on what the Pope and chums are up to influences what I do a lot.
next level of bruh moment when mans realizes he's in a cringe compilation

on the plus side, you're not the only person in this thread that's going there
Austria acting like the HRE again on board

As he ascended the steps to the White-Gold tower behind a cheering crowd, nobody could deny that the Dragonborn had not earned the crown by right of conquest, by mandate of heaven, and any other qualifier. Legate of the Imperial Army, husband of the High Queen of a unified Skyrim, Chosen of Stendarr, liberator of Solstheim, Saviour of all creation from Alduin, the purger of Volikhar, any amount of titles stemming of accomplishments could be said in his name. With the death of Titus Mede II at the hands of the Dark Brotherhood, all it took was the blood of Alduin - Firstborn of Akatosh - being shouted into crystal and forged into a new Amulet of Kings for the Imperial nation to kneel before the Dovahkiin.

Though there was much celebration following the coronation, he knew he had to get to work. The Empire had to be molded into something new, something that would stand the test of time and be worthy of the rule of his children, something that would have the strength to go on its own and at last grant the man respite.

Citizens, countryfolk, kinsmen. I address you now, on the anniversary of the signing of the White-Gold Concordat. With the divines as witness, I have always stood for the path of peace. Where the Thalmor have always pushed the boundaries of the treaty, where the Elves have shown naught but aggression and hatred, I have worked to have the Empire not rise to insults and provocations. But the patience of even holy Talos - yes, holy! - was finite. Today their transgressions will no longer go unpunished! Today the Thalmor will know justice, tomorrow not a single Thalmor will live, and the Aldmeri Dominion will be a footnote in history. For The Empire, for its people, for all Nine Divines, in memory of Alessia and Septim, by the will of our ancestors, Dinok wah Thalmor!

Greets, I’m Andy. This is an interest check for an RP set about 20 years following the events of TESV: Skyrim, wherein the Dragonborn becomes Emperor of the Fifth Cyrodillic Empire. The Empire has recuperated its strength, and now wars against the Aldmeri Dominion. If you like the Elder Scrolls, if you like slaying some damn knife ears, if you like a mishmash of Rome in antiquity and the Holy Roman Empire you never knew you needed, if you like a gritty high fantasy setting, this is the right place for you.

I'm here in the interest checks recruiting because recently two players dropped off, and while we have enough to keep going right now a more diverse cast would be interesting.

Rules are quite simple, don't be a dick, metagamer, etc. Etc. I come from a more NRP background so I value dedication more than consistency, and so I'll be a bit broader with my post schedule and say at least once a month. I am very open to constructive criticism as several players here now given I reformed some of the lore/events based on their insight, and I will listen to any such presentations of critique. However I am the God here, my say is final, if I say “that’s that” then that is in fact the case. Now then, let’s get to the fun stuff.

Here is a chronological listing of critical events to the geopolitical situation in Nirn until 4E222.

Your deployment:

The chances are that your new characters will be originally from other squads moved into this one with the reorganization of the forces given recently suffered losses.

Glory to the Emperor, Glory to the Empire.

in the long term they have the same goals. the imperials have more realistic means of acheiving them so imperials
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