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Opinionated nerd for hire.

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Pshaw, you've probably never heard of him. He's pretty underground.

(Sips cold brew coffee through ironic lumberjack beard before riding a fixie to the local micro-brewery on the way to the latest ukelele-and-toy-piano-band concert)
<Snipped quote by AndyC>

One of Hickman's creations.

Ah, gotcha. I figured he was new; I'm woefully behind the times on Marvel's actual comics.
Spidey, Tony, Cap, and Howard are all APPROVED.

I had to wiki Manifold to see who the heck he is, but he looks good to go once you include a sample post.
<Snipped quote by AndyC>

Whoops. Didn't read the rules too thoroughly. My bad.

S'cool, I kinda added that in between the interest check and the OOC thread without telling anyone, because in the moment I figured it'd be better to keep the game focused on the one team. Buuuut, given that the latest Avengers movie also featured the Guardians of the Galaxy and that the Defenders are still a thing, it's probably better not to pigeon-hole folks.

Besides, Marvel has a lot more crossover between teams than DC, so it's a lot easier for one of the X-Men or whatever to hang out with the Avengers than it is to have, say, the Doom Patrol jumping in on a Justice League mission.
Went ahead and rescinded the "they have to be current or former Avengers" rule because, well, Howard the Duck is too damn good not to include.

Greetings, True Believers, and welcome once again to the fantastic, amazing, incredible, uncanny, and otherwise superlative world of Marvel! Once again, the forces of evil are plotting to throw the world into chaos and turmoil, and once again it falls upon Earth's Mightiest Heroes to stop them! (You'd think that with a team like the Avengers around, the bad guys would think twice about terrorizing the planet, but think again! ) A shadowy Mastermind, lurking behind the scenes, has concocted a diabolical Master-Plan to destroy our heroes, and with that, a new adventure begins. It'll have action, excitement, danger, monsters, mystery, mayhem, and much, much more! And best of all, it's all starring YOU!

So suit up, Avenger, and get ready, because the fate of the world itself is in your hands! It's up to you to unmask the mysterious Mastermind, confound his catastrophic Crises, and stop his Master Plan before it's too late! We're all counting on you, pal. EXCELSIOR!

Avengers: Heroes United is a Casual 'tabletop-lite' game structured around a team of heroes pitted against a villainous Mastermind (played by the Gamemaster). Like in a murder-mystery RP, the Mastermind's identity is secret, and it is the heroes' job to expose and defeat them, while the Mastermind engineers various Crises to make the heroes' job more difficult.


General Rules:
  • Players can apply for one existing hero from the Marvel Universe. Original characters are not allowed, and drastic revisions of existing characters will require special permission from the GM and are generally discouraged.
  • This game plays fast-and-loose with the Marvel canon, with the only major rule being that characters and history should be from one official interpretation of the 'main' Marvel universe. This can be the 616 Comics, Ultimate Marvel, the MCU, the Fox or Sony movie-verses, the various animated series, etc. Explicitly alternate timelines like MC2 or the various Spider-Verse universes do not count.
  • Standard Guild rules apply in terms of posting etiquette. God-modding, abusive posting, and excessively explicit content will not be permitted. Play nice, respect each other, and have fun!

Gameplay-Specific Rules:
  • The game world has a predetermined Stability Level, which is threatened by Crises perpetrated by the Mastermind. If this Stability Level reaches zero, the world collapses into anarchy and the game ends.
  • The Mastermind has a set Threat Level, a pool of resources they can spend to throw Crises at the Heroes. Each Crisis has its own Threat Level, depending on how many points the Mastermind spends from their own Threat pool, and takes away a corresponding amount of points from the world's Stability Level if it goes unresolved. A Threat Level 1 would be something minor like a simple bank robbery, while a Threat Level 20 might be a cosmic incursion from Galactus. The Mastermind can have up to three Crises going at any one time.
  • A Crisis's Threat Level equals the amount of unique posts the heroes have to write before the Crisis can be considered resolved. Each post must contain the character making a genuine effort to either resolve the Crisis or at least mitigate its side effects (panicked crowds, falling debris, etc), and should be roughly between three and ten full paragraphs. The heroes have one real-world day per each point of Threat Level to resolve the Crisis (a Threat Level 7 Crisis, for example, has a real-world time limit of one week to resolve). Upon the resolution of a Crisis, the heroes will gain a clue towards the Mastermind's identity.
  • During a Crisis, the Mastermind may choose to make the heroes' jobs more difficult by posting an Interrupt. This is a complication caused by the Crisis-- an out-of-control train, a crashing airplane, etc.-- that the heroes must divert attention from the main Crisis to resolve immediately. Resolving an Interrupt does not count towards the amount of posts needed to resolve the Crisis, but if the Interrupt is not resolved, 1 point is taken from the world's Stability Level. The Mastermind can only play Interrupts equal to the amount of clues the heroes have already collected.
  • The game ends when either the heroes expose and defeat the Mastermind, or the world's Stability Level reaches zero, allowing the Mastermind to complete their own master plan.


The Mastermind hires Bullseye to assassinate a high-profile target at the UN Building in New York; this is designated a Threat Level 5. Captain America, Spider-Man, and Black Panther respond, and over the course of two days, they write three posts, where Cap and Panther engage the assassin while Spidey works crowd control.

Meanwhile, the Mastermind stages a heist at the Triskelion in Washington, DC, designating it a Threat Level 2. Hawkeye and Black Widow both investigate, quickly putting up two posts to search the SHIELD facility for signs of the intruders. With this Crisis quickly resolved, they gain a clue-- namely, that the Mastermind sent the intruders to steal the original schematics for Vision-- but this also gives the Mastermind an Interrupt.

Back in New York, the Mastermind uses this Interrupt to have Bullseye shoot out a lighting fixture, which threatens to fall on a group of diplomats. Black Panther has to break away from the fight to save the endangered civilians, while Cap gets in a fourth post to continue the fight with Bullseye, until finally Spider-Man chimes in with a fifth and final post to web the mercenary up. The heroes interrogate Bullseye, who gives them their next clue: that whoever the Mastermind is, he isn't human.

(In this instance, it would eventually be revealed that the Mastermind is Loki, and he is trying to recover the Mind Stone to reform his staff)


Captain America


Howard the Duck
Byrd Man

Iron Man


Master Bruce

Thor Odinson


Character Sheet

Player Name: (Provide whatever name or handle you wish to be called)
Character Name and Alias: (Provide both the character's hero name and their civilian identity, so players may distinguish which incarnation of the character is being used)
Origin and Brief Bio: (Provide one paragraph summarizing the character's origin and the highlights of their career up to this point)
Powers and Abilities: (Describe what the character can do)
Brief Sample Post: (Provide between two to five complete paragraphs showcasing how this character would be in action)
I believe the grammatically correct phrase would be "Howards the Duck."
I want you all to know how fucking close I am to picking Howard the Duck.

Don't you tease us like that, Byrd.
I'll put up a Character-Sheet template in a little bit, but yeah, it'll be pretty similar to the one we always use.

EDIT: The Character-Sheet template is now up in the OP. I've already got the first Mastermind and Master Plan in mind; I just need to work out what sort of Crises they're going to throw at y'all. Expect OOC to go up some time tomorrow.
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