Avatar of Artemis Arts


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10 days ago
Current Oh hey, I'm back :) Larp was fun!
15 days ago
I will be unavalible all weekend as I will be at a larp. I
1 mo ago
Check out my RP offers list on the 1x1 channel 😊 I have some new ideas in there that I’ve been sitting on for two years lol
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1 mo ago
I have been gone for two years.... Ooops. Um, hi I'm back!!!!!!!
2 yrs ago
I apologize to every RP I have left behind these past two weeks- I was finishing up school and graduated. I'm so sorry!!
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Let's get down to business (to defeat the Huns…).

I have been active since 2010 on one main site with one or two on the side. Since that site has fizzled out, I am looking for a new place to be creative.

I am currently 29, full time teacher

Weekends tend to be when I can respond for longer branches of time but I will try to check every day to every other day. (Summer is approaching which means more time!)

I am a native English speaker and try to at least write 1 paragraph if I’m in a serious rush, but I aim for 2-4. I also write from the female perspective. But hey, I’m a girl that likes detail! My main topics are as listed below:

-Romance (Love me some romance!)
-Fandoms (Supernatural, GoT, HotD, OUAT, MCU, Harry Potter {I’m a Hufflepuff!}, Outlander, ACOTAR, Maximum Ride… I’ll think of some more!)
-Small Groups
-Time Travel
-School (College/Uni themes)
-Mature themes (We can hash out details in our DM’s. I have hard lines I do NOT cross.)
-Historical (Preferably mid 19th century- mid/late 20th century)
-Medieval Era
-Casual OR Advanced (Please note that I am a teacher, so my schedule sometimes varies if I have extra work to do.)
-Always 21+ for character ages and for the author themselves

I always strive to be creative but accurate, and I love to plan out details behind the scenes to then be brought to light in the thread.
DM me and let's set up something fun!

Artemis Arts

Most Recent Posts

Real Name: Carol Danvers

Codename: Captain Marvel (Also Ace, Warbird)

Age: 26

Gender: Female


Personality: Bold, stubborn to a fault and incredibly honest. Carol prefers to push the boundaries slightly before reigning it in and choosing a different path to go down. After going through a slight identity crisis after realizing that she had powers and was part Kree, she realized her path in life while going through the universe, protecting those that are unable to protect themselves since Earth already had the mighty Avengers.

Powers/Abilities: Flight, energy blasters (From hands), super strength, superhuman durability

History: Carol always had a vision of flying through the air, at the helm, and in control. Unforutantely when she had that dream, women working in the United States Air Force wasn't exactly common, and those who did weren't exactly accepted. It was incredibly hard, working her way through the ranks, through the hazing, and through the constant questions from everyone except her mentor and her best friend. Those two were the only ones that saw Carol for who she was- a fighter.

As her time with the USAF continued, things got a little easier until one specific mission with her mentor that ended in a life changing event. Thanks to an unexpected crash, and explosion, a mystery energy source transformed Carol into a half half human, half alien race hybrid of a being. Now she had abilities that were- extraordinary to say the least! She was half Kree, giving her amazing super strength and an ability to be incredibly durable in a dangerous situation. But she also gained the ability to fly and throw energy blasts from her fists thanks to the Tesseract. Now she knew what it was, and what it was, and what it did to her.

Next came her introduction to S.H.I.E.L.D., and to Nick Fury who helped her through a transition of sorts, and in his own way of course. Let's just say that they mutually helped each other figure some things out before Carol realized that Earth was going to be left in good hands, and she needed to help those that were far less fortunate around the universe. And that she did- being sure to stop home every few years to cure a rare case of being a little homesick.

Supporting Cast: Captain America: After the evolution of The Avengers and her ongoing friendship with Nick Fury, Carol realized that she probably should befriend the behemoth in red, white and blue. After realizing that they had more than expected in common, an unlikely friendship formed between Carol and Steve. The Avengers: Steve introduced Carol to the rest of the gang and she did not hit it off with everyone- a bit of a personality clash to be honest. But after helping them more than once, they realized that she had more information and wisdom to give them that they realized and gained a new intergalactic friend. The Falcon + Bucky: This was an unlikely pairing, but since they knew Steve well, she tended to drop in every so often to see how the interesting duo was holding up and to playfully trash talk one to the other. Plus she always thought the arm was pretty cool. Marie Danvers (mom): Mom. Mother. Marie was always her biggest cheerleader and someone that Carol leaned on for advice, even from another universe. She always talked about her mother with a small smile on her face, knowing that one day she would outlive her, and everyone else that she held dear.

Extra/Notes: Her haircut resembles the one that she has in Avengers Endgame more than the longer style in the comics.

Sorry crazy week with students. I'm actually filling it out right now and can have it up in like an hour to so! (I'm doing it while grading, so it shouldn't take more than an hour)

Character Sheet Outline:

Appearance: Non realistic picture- add artwork to the end of your picture search and that should do it! You can add any special things like eye color change or jewelry in text above or below the inserted photo
Here is the official topic!!!
A New Generation of Hunters- A Supernatural Adventure

The world had always been a chaotic place. Vampires, werewolves, djinn, wendigo and who knows what else ran free- attacking whoever crossed their path on a bad day. Vampires attacked a small farmhouse on the outskirts of a backwoods town in the middle of November, the smell of cooking dinner gone wrong attracting their need to feed. As the wife and mother of two nursed her slides thumb, they attacked in the dark. Cutting the power, stalking the family, laughing at their screams... That night the Hall family lost Grandma, and Ben to the creature of the night that plague their dreams; and control their nightmares.

At 12 years old, Margret Hall was introduced into the bloodthirsty world of the supernatural, brought into a new lifestyle of hunting, protecting, and learning by her parents who swore that they would never become that vulnerable to something inhuman again. Margret, who prefers to go by Maggie accepted this world, longing to avenge her little brother Ben who was pulled from her grasp too soon. Now she was being taught to shoot a gun, fire a bow and arrow, what to use against a vampire, a werewolf, a hybrid, or anything. Her family wasn’t accepted at first into the community of hunters until they made their first mission a successful trip, bringing back the head of the coven for questioning. That night something in Maggie changed and she realized what she knew she had to grow up to become.

But this world was in the middle of its own storyline besides the one focused on the Hall family. The Winchesters lived in this timeline, and were doing what they did best, kicking down doors and marking down tallies to their books- saving the world again and again from the likes of Chuck and Crowley, even Billie on occasion. But time did what time does best- and it moved on. The world had it’s day, Jack became the new god and Rowena sacrificed herself to rule hell in tandem with the Nephilim.

More time passed, and Samuel Winchester lost his big brother on a hunt, navigating the world without his number one. He got married, he settled down with her and finally created the family that he craved so much. He had children, naming his first after the one who always had his back: Dean. He affectionately called him DJ, or Dean Jr, and DJ grew up in a world with some order thanks to the partnership between Jack and Rowena but helping his father when creatures got out of line or rebelled against the ‘rules’.

As he grew up, Sam stopped hunting more and DJ took up the Winchester mantle of saving people, hunting things. The family business. That was where Maggie met him on a hunt and before they knew it- the next generation of Winchesters was born not the world, rightfully so named Bobby and Mary. Now Maggie was taking on the mantle and becoming the matriarch of her family and collecting a group of hunters to travel with her, individuals who were capable of empathy and understanding, either before or after taking out a nest of something that goes bump in the night.

A new generation of hunters was about to be gathered and the world was not ready for her new defenders.

Great! Thanks for the submission!! It’s definitely still open, and I love your OC. Very much a mix of Garth and Bobby
Greek mythology sounds fun! So does witch x prince, and European exploration!

DM me, let's chat... I'm used to writing this style so I'm interested
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