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Did a minor edit because I did not realize @supertinyking ki-masking was active. Now it's fixed.
Mugen's guide to nicknames (people that in any likelihood they have encountered before):

Old man Koji: Master Kojiro
Beefcake Sam: Samanosuke
Old Goat: Gor Dae
Stoner: Gyun
Big Green: Guess.
Old perv Roshi: No explanations.

@CaptainSully@Weird Tales@supertinyking@Eviledd1984@TheForgottenArc

It was such a nice day. Not too feisty. Mugen had plans. Well, that mostly involved cajoling Miss North City and Miss East City into a game of twister with old man Koji. Mugen put the ladies, Kojiro put the booze. It was that simple. But the day had started kind of weird, and was turning up worse. First there was that ungodly monstrous ki on the skies. And it didn't look he was alone, either. Although Beefcake Sam, that apprentice of Kojiro looked strong enough to deal with at least one of them.

Things had gotten really weird from that point on, they thought as they licked the remains of icecream, after seeing the massive dust explosion from the blast. No matter how much effort they had put to be a tall, blonde man full of muscles with a smile that could melt iron with its radiance. The ladies were normal people, and thus were visiblely shaken. Presumably given how the freaky alien was bent in using Kojiro's dojo to create the finest hourglass sand and stress reliever, that meant that Mugen would not get to get completely smashed.

That was an inconvenience. They narrowed their eyes, as they tossed the ice-cream into a bin. Hey, even if the square looked a post-apocalyptic wreck there was no reason to not be polite. The other ki signatures were on the ground. There was at least an unknown among them. They weren't fighting yet when the explosion occurred. They really needed some good planning to take the beast down, wouldn't they. But at this rate, they'd be lucky if they weren't blasted to bits before.

They needed a breather. Mugen could provide one.

And well, Mugen did like to get under the skin of people, so why no? A bandit till the end. They just wished that they had gotten to eat a steak and a fine wine rather than just soppy ice-cream as last meal. But that was the price of trying to be awesome.

Since nobody was looking, their shape was gone in a puff of smoke, and come forth a small hawk came from it, beating its wings furiously. He was beneath notice, as they ascended to enough altitude, only to drop the shapeshift and beginning in freefall. This was the critical step. They needed to time their attack to catch their opponent off guard. They were the mist. Hiding everything from sight until the last moment. As the alien's bad mockery of a long hairstyle came into view, Mugen concentrated his ki as possible, finally breaking out of their concealment. They weren't using a disguise this time. They were serious. So the redhead woman in robes was cupping her hands, an insane amount of energy in them.

"KAMEHAME-HI!" She said, releasing the attack on Raditz's back while making a lame pun at the same time.

Now, Kojiro, do you thing and get them to formulate a plan and attack. I will stake my life by aggravating this fucker in the meantime. She thought to herself, while she readied herself for which was probably the worst beating of her entire life...

@AtomicNut I imagine the parties to be just a bunch of old perverts playing cards lol

Mugen is a lady deep down her disguise!

But still a pervert
@CaptainSully I wonder if Mugen was invited to Korin's parties (or they posed as one of the ladies)
@AtomicNut can you give a rundown on how you'd apply her abilities?

@Renny are you still with us?

What do you mean?

Dead Pulse makes Mugen almost as hard to detect as an android (he has a ki profile of a small bird or something like that). But something even remotely aggresive like slapping cancels this effect out.

Life pulse works like dende's healing and leaves him wide open when doing so. It also cancels Dead Pulse's effects.

Shapeshift is like Puar's ability. It is the only ability who does not break Dead Pulse.

Ki infusion effectively makes him able to use weapons as if they were his fists. (So knives would stab rather than bend if the PL would be similar)

Ghost hand is an invisible blast or pull. Like those wicked telekinetic - like blasts some characters do.

Kamehameha: Big guns in case of emergency.

Name: Bandit King Mugen of the Mist
Age: 25
Sex: ???? (Female, surprisingly)
Race: Human
Appearance: Nobody really has seen how Mugen truly looks like in recent times. Or people aren't sure of them. Their penchant for their favorite trick, shapeshifting and hundreds of faces they have worn over the course of years have made people wary, and up to this day, a lot of claims are made against individuals who turn out to be either innocents or impostors. (but if you're curious...)
Personality: Mugen is a trickster through and through. They prefer to live their lives seeking adventure, and running afoul of the law. Their moniker as bandit king is self inflicted. In truth, they are more likely to help old ladies to cross the street than rob them blind. Even if they deny it afterwards. Mugen have a live and let live philosophy, but they do enjoy the thrill of challenge. They often take part in tournaments and train with masters, usually presenting themselves as other people instead.
Power Level: 640 (Usually reads as 0.001)
  • Dead Pulse : Mugen's curse and boon. Unless they specifically use techniques or are actively fighting, Mugen have no more presence than the little ant that crawls up the tree several meters away. This actually affects ki and power-level sensing the most, appearing as if there were nobody around no matter how much the user concentrates. More mundane and acute senses can pick up Mugen's presence, but often than not they will not attract attention. However, Mugen cannot control this ability until recently, where they learnt how to exude ki to compensate. This usually leads to people to forget they are around.
  • Life Pulse : Since They doesn't exude a presence, they can feel others more accurately upon touch. They can identify ailments and even heal grievous wounds using Ki. Ki Healing is a rare skill, and Mugen keep this secret close to their chest.

Transformations: [Nope]
  • Shapeshifting Technique: Due to some incident, their files were misplaced and they ended up attending Shapeshifting school instead of a more normal one. No one realized until they finished school, as they did not exude a particular presence. Shapeshifting only alters the shape, not the power of Mugen, so it's not a transformation. Mugen's Dead Pulse is not broken by the use of this technique. (The only exception)
  • Ki Infusion: Mugen can infuse weapons with their ki, thus making them extensions of their own body in terms of combat purposes
  • Ghost Hand: By manipulating Ki, Mugen are able to violently push an opponent or object towards or away them.
  • Kamehameha: Don't ask what they offered to Roshi in exchange of this technique.

History: Mugen was born as the last kid of a poor rural family. So they were not given much attention. They thought that was normal, until their parents started to forget they were even there and forgot even when to feed them. They even sent them to the wrong school and their parents didn't even seem to notice! Dissatisfied, Mugen tried to leave home and strike out on their own, and as useful as it was that their presence seemed not to trigger predators and beasts, there was so much they could eat from scrap barrels.

It was then when the world of martial arts opened their doors to them. Well, actually no, they did not. They just did not notice them watching the sparring sessions. And following to their heart. Until... a change occurred. They were able to bring forth their inner passion. And they were noticed for the first time.

After some ruckus, they were accepted without reservation as a student. They were good. Perhaps too good. And it was then when they realized how they were slandered and reviled at their backs (given the fact that people often forgot they were even there!). So Mugen changed their masters. The cycle repeated itself. The last one, a rather talented but perverted old freak with a turtle was the straw that broke the camel's back. Renouncing to the right path, Mugen became a bandit... actually in name only, Mugen wasn't that... well, mean-intended. But still they tried to live adventures.

Too bad the state of the world soon took a turn for the worst...
Other: What is Dragonball without a shapeshifter?
@AtomicNut Not Arale... WAY too OP.

Arale isn't even Dragonball. It's Dr Slump. F to you, sir!
Uh... a Dbz thread. It'd be a shame... if i did a wacky dragonball character.
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