Avatar of AtomicNut
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3361 (1.01 / day)
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    1. AtomicNut 9 yrs ago
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1 year later... Still in denial. Also trying to set up a discord server.
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3 yrs ago
Still in denial about Berserk. Also RL made me busy.
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3 yrs ago
"Insert witty quote here"
3 yrs ago
If there is anyone out there... could you please tweak the RNG of the world?


I run on GMT+1 Schedule.

And coffee.

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Move along, as we said with the feedback. Put it in the character tab.
@welshcardinalDenied. Go and reread the setting. Completely inconsistent. Also welcome to the forums.
@welshcardinalStick to one for the time being then we shall see.
@ZelosseYou tricky sod. Put that profile in the CS.
@ZelosseApproved on the condition you put the name.

Edit: The sheets all good but you need the name :p
@Dumb1And1LazyFirst strike. No is no, and that is my GM criteria. Two more and you are barred from this rp. Further spamming this thread beating the same dead horse will increase the number of strikes.
@AtomicNut People that hesitate don't last long either. Dying's not the worst thing that can happen, as a human being it's to be expected since they're so disposable who cares if a few die to do their mission. It's statistically true that 1 sorc's worth 10 thousand normal humans. Going against monsters that completely break reality and have every advantage and losing is common, even expected. I never said I wouldn't be a team player, just that I don't like or trust witches which is completely within lore and something you've mentioned multiple times before. Teammates are important so I completely plan to be friendly just to everybody else, numbers and training are two of the most important things you need to kill a superior foe along with equipment and planning. I'd say drugs too but for some reason the people I talk to about killing magical girls, Nazi cyborgs and Wehrmacht Spider mechs disagree.

My decision still stands. Sociopaths need to be handled with care and it is not the kind of character i would allow to someone unless i know they can be trusted with it.

@AtomicNut ... Is that no on the detonators or no on the sociopath because I've found it's hard to kill witches without being a BIT of a sociopath, at least as another human being because you can't make mistakes like the special people that have the power of straight up magic. You've got to make sure you bring to bear as much firepower at any given time without mercy or else even if you don't your squaddies die. Cut/burn their tongues/fingers if possible to get an advantage especially if the people up top give you the suicide mission of getting one alive. Plus all these people keep wanting to keep witches alive just because they're young women but that personally makes me want to kill them even more. They're a bunch of whores and monsters anyway but people always hesitate because cute girl and hot chick when their puppy dog eyes tell me to shoot them in the throat.

Both. Non team-players do not last.
@AtomicNut But if I'm the only trooper here AND I survive a few missions can I get their dets?!? I was planning on just being kind of a dick to witches but if there's more of them I have this inexplicable want to go full sociopath!

@Sanity43217 Character is approved. Just bear in mind that while the sorcery section of GRAM is full of teenage impressionable girls, the vast majority of GRAM and the Allied Nations has reservations against magic users, so rockstar... eeeh let's say he tries.

@Dumb1And1LazySorcery overseeing is usually entrusted to senior personnel, not just overexcitable recruits so no. Not a chance.
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