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1 year later... Still in denial. Also trying to set up a discord server.
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Still in denial about Berserk. Also RL made me busy.
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"Insert witty quote here"
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If there is anyone out there... could you please tweak the RNG of the world?


I run on GMT+1 Schedule.

And coffee.

Most Recent Posts

Sister Frida

Time: Night
Location: Between the Church and the Mall
Interactions: N/A

It had been a rocky journey. Ember Grove was in the middle of nowhere, and connections had been far from optimal. She needed to stretch, and avoid being cooped up and constrained of the walls of her bedroom. She always found it distressing, to be crammed in tiny spaces. It spoke very much of the past, and made her witness ghosts long vanished once again. That door to her heart was best kept shut. Still, a purpose was needed to wander, and an idea struck the chords of her mind.

Charity was the hallmark of a Christian. And it'd be not be bad as first contact. Maybe the gentiles and paupers had seen nothing, but it was worth a shot, if only to counteract the rumours of zealotry among the Holy Saviours. It had been said by Machiavelli, after all. It is better to be feared than to be loved, but it's best to have them both. Her short frantic breaths became more shallow and noticeable in the cold, unforgiving night, as she heaved heavy bags full of food and drink. Surrounding her , shadows shuffled in the darkness.

The pariahs. The dispossesed. Full of dirt, probably stricken with terrible illness, and with little to food nor shelter. They were drawn to the hot milk and sandwiches she had purposefully made for the occasion. Hesitantly like beaten animals, they shuffled towards her. She looked them into their eyes, and saw a moment of her past, but shouldered on and smiled. She was not the most striking figure, and one could be forgiven for confusing her for a teenaged maiden, but the sharp somber clothes, the headdress and the crucifix made her look imposing and solemn. As if struck with a sense of purpose, the beggars began to form a line.

"Blessed are you who are poor,
for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you who hunger now,
for you will be satisfied..."

She said, with a soothing singsong voice, her voice unwavering. The drinks and sandwiches kept being spent at a steady pace.

"Blessed are you when people hate you,
when they exclude you and insult you
and reject your name as evil,
because of the Son of Man."

A sorry lot they were, but they were listening. It was all a matter of picking the manners, the moment and the word. Those three things mattered, if one wanted to struck a chord within someone else's heart with words.

"Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets."
She added, her tone rising above the murmurs of the street. One person, with a stocky build and milky rags stood up, and walked towards her.

"Thank you, sister... but someone like you should not walk the streets like that... Dangerous stuff happens." He said, hesitantly.

"I fear not, for God is at my side, guiding my hand." Sister Frida said, beaming the best smile she could offer."I must tend a hand to those in need..." She leant forward, her hands reaching for his face as he caressed one of his cheeks, full of dirt, boils and an unwashed scrawny beard. "...so do tell. What ails... you and this city?"
Lupin Chevrolet

Time: Past Dusk
Location: Outside the Pit.
Interaction with:@Alivefalling@Ithradine@princess

Step by step, the polished shoes clacked against the dirt on the ground, yet he moved with enough poise to not get a smear on his expensive gray three-piece suit. It had been a custom-tailored gift from once upon a time, yet the magic of clothes preservants had frozen their age in time. The old man had decided to dust off, close the shop and look sharp this time. Completing the looks, a matching fedora hat, a brown longcoat and a exquisitely embroided cane completed the looks.

How it all started? With remembrance. There was a time he was a young man. Not a werewolf. A man. Full of ideals. With crazy ideas and friends. One of such was Jean Pierre. Same town. Same age. Same unit when they enlisted. They tended to make jokes about the whole situation.

Can't wait to get outside of this muddy trench and get ourselves some fine french love ladies to hug instead of mud. Or even better, a full burlesque show. Probably for my birthday. So we will have something warm and soft to clench, instead of cold rotten dirt! You will see, Lupin! I bet you howl!

However, Jean Pierre was no more. The last time he had seen it, half of his skull had been missing, blown clean by a piece of shrapnel. Sleeping forever in the forest, in an unmarked grave. That had been his fate. Ever since roman times, libations had been made towards the deceased. But Jean Pierre did never hold his liquour. Lupin had instead chosen the next best thing. He had saved for months to book a private burlesque show. Or what they called here, private stripper dance. Jean Pierre would have been proud, for tonight it would have been his birthday.

Except that Lupin, used to the woods and the relatively quiet pace of being one with nature and trying to quell the ghosts of his past, had no actual clue on how one of those looked like. The Pit seemed the obvious choice, but it was quite a sight. All blaring and lights and what not. If he had been shellshocked still, he'd run away for the hills, thinking it was the Kaiser's army once again. Yet for all his discipline, he could not miss the creeping sensation around him.

Supernaturals. Bloodsuckers. The uneasiness of an ongoing scuffle. Ember Grove's outcasts had come to dance. Emotions probably were running high as more people came drawn to it. Big clashes would come. Like that new wolf pack. Lupin made a mental note to ask Sorrel about it. She probably knew something.

"Goodness gracious... I don't think this is the strip club." He muttered to himself and no one in particular, seizing his fedora hat. "...and where have gone the manners of people these days? Brawls this early... what a disappointment." Lupin added, scanning the area. Maybe, perhaps maybe, he'd find a club where one could get a "stripper dance". He just needed to search for clues.

But with the three bloodsuckers around and the strange redhead it could prove difficult.
Forgot to tag @Crazy Scion @Dezuel

Dmitry never needed to brace himself for impact too much. A second set of shadows cushioned his fall. At firs he'd been alarmed, until he realized what was happening. So the Valois' family were in shadow control. That meant some mistakes were made. Dmitry felt like apologizing but he did not want to break the tender scene of Lady Lise kissing her fiancee. Even if it was her cousin. And probably that relationship would find difficult to have kids. But such was the high nobles' way, always beyond understanding.

Of course, the other assailant had to ruin the tender moment, by jumping just before Lise and nearly trampling him and the newly identified Elise de Valois-Saint-Remy. Mitya reacted quickly and dutifully, grabbing the younger-looking of the noblewomen and shielding her from the impromptu release of the opponent.

"Are you alright, my Lady?" He said to Elise. Funny, his Rhean language fluence had gone fairly up. Must have been the environment. "Fear not, I shall resolve this." Dmitry said, before handing her the letter of introduction carefully. "Now if you will excuse me..." He said, before facing the other two, his eyes seeming to bore through Andreim and his steam and tricks. He did not need to see him to know where he was. He was loud enough,and his angry ragged breath and seemingly illuminated eyes cast enough information to tell Dmitry of his position.

And he just went up and claimed Lise was his. He doubted he was an aristocrat, and Elise seemed to be Lise's fiancee, so that was out of the question. Overall familiarity meant two things. That he was a stalker or just an overzealous follower. Well, both were the same, right?

"My name is Dmitry Olegovich Kalinin, son of the Lord Kalinin. My first day is rife from mistakes, for I must apologize. I've come to swear allegiance to the house of Valois-Saint-Remy." He said, his poise tall and proud, unfazed by the blatant hostility displayed by Andreim. "Best that you do realize your mistakes too. Lady Liselotte is not yours, but belongs only to herself. And two, your zeal is not making things any better. Followers who trample mindlessly others are called dogs."

Dmitry was closing the distance fearlessly. "Now, please, stand down and let me offer my services. I don't think you're a dog. You look a boy to me." Mitya finished, his face getting really close with Andreim's.


Dmitry stood still for a moment, before the heated reply to himself came. Apparently, this Lady Lise had a strange reaction to see him. She had been bathing. Dmitry did not understand. Did not the servants tend to the lords and ladies in their daily duties even when cleansing themselves? Certainly his siblings never minded him scrubbing their backs or helping them in the daily dressing and chores a person of Kalinin blood had to do.

"But...message." he pieced together answering her demand to get out. Well, he would comply. Most alarmingly, some dark shadows appeared to escort him out... through a window. Not the usual exit, but Dmitry was acquainted with window exits. The Lady of Kalinin was fond of pushing him down them. It was faster, she said. Something else happened that made him rethink things, though.

The door to her room was broken by a loud individual that was out for blood. He also shot water spouts at Dmitry. No doubt his yelling was part of his burglar strategy, but he would not trick Dmitry! He was acquainted with beating burglars in the name of Kalinin, oh he was. Normally he kept his more taxing powers to a minimum use, but the situation was forcing him to act.

What if Lady Lise got wet again? That'd not be a proper thing for a servant to allow!

"Apokalipsis" He muttered under his breath, as he began to move. The world decomposed in a flow of possibilities and what ifs, and a path was set. He deftly dodged the shadow, staggering it so it was hit by the water attack instead, and ran towards Lise, his arms extended to grab her in a bridal carry.

"We go now, Mistress. First Safety. Then, water miscreant punishment." He said, as he tried to grab Lise on his arms, forsaking the build difference and carry her through the window towards a more suitable space to fight. He wasn't sure Lady Lise could break the fall from this height, but it was alright. He could afford a couple of broken bones by using himself as cushion.
Because they've been brainwashed to think the monsters are worse than they actually are hehe. Who are the real monsters >:P?

Well to be honest, monsters and all, they did not flat out invented mass destruction weapons... so in a sense, humans are the real monsters.
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