Avatar of Balthazar007


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2 yrs ago
Current New beginnings mean an end to old starts, and that is never a bad thing.
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Finger Nails or Toe Nails???
5 yrs ago


This is my second profile on here, and I have been Play-By-Post RPing for about nine years now. I do my best to see every RP to the end or at least let my character come to his/her own dramatic conclusion when I feel like signing off. Just like novel writing in real life, I tend to find myself on long hiatuses. Since writing is a great way to work out your brain, I try stay engaged as much as possible.

My favorite genres include futuristic worlds, mysteries, and super powers. Any mixture of these three elements will peek my interest.

Most Recent Posts

@Balthazar007 - I should, in theory, be able to make that. I'll try and keep you all apprised as the situation develops as early as I feasibly can.

I'll try and get the cs and post for my character up today since tomorrow I may be working either twelve hours or eighteen hours tomorrow.

Edit: Just to note I'm going off EST (Eastern Standard Time).

Oh, yeah, good to know. I am EST as well. And I think @Cerces22 is too, if I remember correctly.

Hey @Cerces22, what is the earliest you could comfortably do?
@A Lowly Wretch, would a little sooner be better?

Again, I'm free all day and am usually awake by 10am at least.
@A Lowly Wretch
When you said you worked Saturday night, I thought you meant earlier. I'm free all day Saturday. So how about we do 3pm to 5pm?

That should be early enough, yet late enough for all three of us.


That sound good for everyone?

If so, I'll just need everyone to have their character sheets up before then. And make a separate post for each Character Sheet.

I CAN do both buth the later one is easier since I usually like to try and sleep in 😂 but if need be I will be awake to play at that time

Okay, that's one vote for Sunday at 6pm. What say you @A Lowly Wretch? You still in?
The Portal

Here is the required information for your character from Earth:

Name: First Middle Last (Middle is Optional)
Age: #

Appearance: (Picture is preferred, but a short description will also work.)

Personality: (In a few sentences, what are your characters most dominate personality traits?)

Biography: (In a few paragraphs, describe where they are from and their upbringing, as well as what their life was like before the light consumed them.

On that Day: (In one paragraph, tell us what your character was doing when the light hit them. Why were they in the area?)

For the body of your character, you will leave all these fields blank. Only fill them in as your character also discovers them. You should constantly be updating this character sheet as your character starts to understand their body and the history that comes along with it:



Appearance: (This one should probably be filled in first, since all it takes is a reflective surface for your character to see what they look like.)

Personality Quirks:

Equipment / Items:



It is up to you to decide how you want to format your character sheets. Just maek sure that all the required information is there.
@Cerces22@A Lowly Wretch

Okay you two, I have created the Roleplay thread. You can find it here:

If you have further questions or comments, please use the OOC section in that thread.

See you over there!
The Portal

First, please make sure to read the Intro found in the IC section.
Return here after you are finished.

Before we dive in, let me explain the mechanics of this RP, because it is a little different than normal.

We will be using Discord for two hours a day, one day out of every week. That day will either be a Saturday or Sunday. Every Monday, we will discuss exactly when that will be, depending on our schedules that week. Hopefully by midweek every week, we will have decided on an exact time. We will still be using the IC section here for character development and time gap summaries, but character interactions will take place on Discord. This lets conversations and action sequences flow more naturally.

Please don't post in the IC section that week, if you don't think that you'll be able to join the Discord chat that week. You can, however, talk in the OOC section and post character sheet(s).

So that's basically the structure of this RP. Moving right along...

In this RP, you will be playing the part of one of the people that were in range of the mysterious light. Maybe your character lived or worked in the area. Maybe they were just unfortunate enough to be commuting through the area. Maybe they were a tourist or business person from another country. Almost anything is possible, considering the location.

From here, you'll need to know some spoiler information about the plot.

First of all, your characters did not "die" when they were caught inside the light, at least not in a sense. Their consciousness was instead transported to an unknown world and into the body of a recently deceased person on that planet. By recently deceased, it is meant that the body you find yourself in had JUST died through some unexpected means. When your consciousness landed in the body, it also healed the body of whatever injury or illness had just killed it.

This means that you will have to make two character sheets: one for your character as they were here on Earth; one for the body that they now inhabit. More on this later.

Back to the necessary spoiler information.

The planet on which you find yourself is much like Earth, but far more intense. Think steampunk. As your character will quickly find out, the countries of this entire planet have been in intense war for as long as history dates back. Technology is a little more advanced than Earth of 2040, but far more crude in its use. Instead of focusing on clean energy and curing disease, this planet's resources have been spent on war. This isn't to say that gun-toting chaos reigns supreme. In fact, quite the opposite can be said to be true.

While most of the planet is ravaged in war, there are plenty of well defended cities, where life inside is relatively normal. There are sports, clubs, bars, and all sorts of entertainment, as well as schools, hospitals, government buildings, and other things that make up a city. The main difference here is that, because everyone on this planet has only known war times, pretty much everyone is aggressive and ready to fight at any time. To keep the peace, cities are heavily policed.

Now, back to building your character's "body".

What you'll want to know first is that everyone on this planet is stronger, faster, and more durable than humans on Earth. Basically, they have evolved for combat. Now of course, since everyone is this way, you don't have some advantage over other people, and you're not going to be able to go busting down doors with ease, because they are obviously build to be sturdier. So in actuality, while you are stronger now, you're also at a disadvantage, because you have to adjust to the new body.

Beyond your physical attributes, your character's body could have been in any number of vocations. Maybe you (as in your body) was a doctor, or a soldier, or an athlete, or any number of possibilities. Or maybe you landed in the body of an out of work mother or child. Basically, anything is possible.

Whatever your body's past was, will also come with inherent skills. So if your character was a pizza delivery boy here on Earth, but they landed in the body of a doctor or soldier, they will now have the knowledge of said doctor/soldier.

What's more, you will also find fuzzy memories that aren't quite your own, the memories of your former body. These memories aren't readily accessible, but may occasionally come to you as flashbacks or dreams. And if the former owner of your body had any particular habits or dominating personality traits, you will now find yourself compelled by these urges; of course you can fight them; you don't have to give in to them.

With all this in mind, you can now begin to draft your character sheets. I will have character sheet layouts officially posted in the Characters section soon enough. In the mean time, you can brainstorm and make rough drafts.

Any Questions?
The Portal


The year was 2040, during a time of relative peace on Earth. Technology had proven useful in solving many of the world's problems such as sickness and hunger, and fossil fuels were almost completely out of the picture. One would think that this would be a great time to slow down and smell the roses, but that has never been mankind's strong suit. With the compounding nature of technology, it was only a matter of time before one of our leaps took us too far.

It was an unassuming, Spring day in the middle of Manhattan, New York... when it all went wrong. Recounts of the event are fuzzy at best, but what everyone can agree on is the light, a light that blinded everyone in the area, despite the already sunny day. It formed a dome, expanding multiple city blocks. It appeared in a flash and lasted for a disorienting twenty seconds.

When the light finally disappeared (as quickly as it came) an inexplicable, horrifying realization became apparent. Every person, tree, animal, and basically any living thing within its range, had disappeared as well. Also, every drop of water in the area was gone, despite the heavy rain the night before...

One year later, the 10,000+ missing persons from that day have all been declared deceased. And no one has stepped forward to claim responsibility for the catastrophe, presumably because the people involved were among the missing. At least, that is the official statement.


Atm I am jobless and and always available. But you know I will be the fun. 😂

Can you explain the concept of a Discord RP? Is that you have just a server to communicate or a sever to actually RP

The concept is that we make our character sheets here, and we use the IC section here for larger character introductory posts. But when we meet on discord, we live-Roleplay for about two hours. So yes we actually use Discord for RP purposes.

Roleplaying through Discord is quicker and more dialogue based. It is better for back and forth conversations and quick progression. When we are finished with our Discord session, I will then copy and paste everything we did there into one post here. Basically, this RP will be a hybrid, with scene-setting, character-building posts here in the RPG. But the meat of our interactions will take place on Discord.

So if you are down to give this a try (@A Lowly Wretch and @Cerces22), then I would like to propose two times for the three of us. We can either do 11am to 1pm Saturday OR 6pm to 8pm Sunday. Answer by stating if you could do both times, and then which one you would prefer (if you have a preference).

I'll get started on making the official RP thread. I'm thinking to put this in the Casual section to get the most views. It also makes sense cause we're not going to be super strict about a lot of things, but sloppily thought out characters and actions are discouraged.

Update: The Plot

I'm thinking this story should begin in the not so distant future. Let's say 2040. So it's 2040 and the world is basically as it is today, but with augmented reality glasses and self-driving cars, and things like that. Unknown to the rest of the world, this also means science has gone through leaps and bounds behind closed doors.

This is where we find a fictional research institution, in the middle of say, New York City. In one of their basement labs, they are focused on quantum entanglement and the possibility to "teleport" objects. They have already, managed to "teleport" base elements and molecules, and are now looking to move on to larger compounds... starting with water.

Without going into the fictional details, this is where the classic lab accident occurs. But rather than your classic explosion and destruction, a blinding dome of light seeps out of the laboratory, expanding to engulf an entire city block. All the water in the area vanishes, as well as all things comprised mostly of water (i.e. animals, plants, and PEOPLE).

In this story, you will play the part of a person that was in range of the accident. I will play the part of a scientist that knew about the laboratory and their experiments. Players can choose to have been someone that worked at the facility (but not in the basement level, so you won't know the details of the experiment), OR you can be someone that just so happened to be on that city block when the accident happened.

Our characters will be waking up to being inside another person's body. The body will be almost identical to a human body, only much denser and more powerful. As we explore, we find that we are on a war torn planet, with futuristic technology. In short, the entirety of this planet has been at war for the last five thousand years. It is a mere fact of life.

The body that your character finds themself in can be a soldier (such as a foot-soldier, vehicle driver, ranking officer, assassin, spy, or other combat oriented character). Or you can be a (medic, scholar, scientist, or any other non-combat support role). OR you could even be a civilian (child, mother, injured ex-soldier, or anyone else who isn't fit for front line combat). In any case, your character would hardly be considered "frail" by Earth standards. Even young children of this planet or old men missing a leg would be more capable in combat than a trained soldier from Earth. But in comparison to their combat-ready counterparts, yes, children and the handicapped wouldn't be much of a threat. Basically, think of a world where everyone was born with the Captain America serum in their veins... times three.

Now, as mentioned before, your character finds themself in this strange body and in some dire situation. That could be in the middle of the battle field, or in the middle of a recently bombed home, or anywhere really, since this whole planet is so dangerous. Your character can remember everything from Earth, as well as some fuzzy memories that aren't their own. These memories are the memories of the body that they have just entered. These memories also come with skills and abilities that the body possessed.

Final note, while this planet revolves around war, there are well defended cities and areas that aren't a constant battlefield. In fact, it is in one of these cities that the bulk of our story will take place. Picture these cities as heavily policed and futuristic. There are bars, nightclubs, sports, movies, and all sorts of entertainment to be had. BUT there is always an air of tension. Remember, everyone on this planet was born for war, and thus, fights can break out at anytime. Hence, the heavy presence of police.

I'm still looking for at least two more people to join.
If you're reading this, and it sounds fun. Let me know!
Questions? Concerns? Comments?

At the moment, our first session would either be anytime Saturday or in the evening on Sunday.



Awesome! And no worries, GMing your own adventure is optional.

I have off work all day Saturday, and I'm off Sunday night. So we could theoretically get started this week (though I would like one more person to join first, at least).

Which day works better for you? What is your availability?

I'll have more details posted, here in a few hours.
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