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7 days ago
Current i missed me some good ol fashioned status bar hijinks
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free ralts
2 yrs ago
oh understandable good luck bud
2 yrs ago
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@Atticaoh in that case I'll be switching to a girl then I hope that's okay
@Fabricant451 it me

ill have my cs up in a few days yo

I understand that we do need more guys here, yes?
yall still got room
I am in places that are away from home
@Universorum @Silent Observer @Lovely Complex

Location: The Rivers Residence
Interacting With: her followers on twitter

Amanda blessed the AWE Bookers for not getting her a match this week. She had been dealing with a shoulder injury since her bout with Sydney Ellis. It was probably that discus clothesline that did her right shoulder in and hurt it. Her physical therapist had told her to put some ice on it and not to use it too much over the next few days. That was hard to do considering her workout routine, which consisted of a lot of flexibility, cardiovascular, and strength training. But she figured her right arm could miss a workout session or two as she settled down and enjoyed her recovery time. Amanda didn't even realize it until the trip back home, where her shoulder was hurting like a bitch all of a sudden. That prompted a trip to her physical therapist and here she was, sitting on her couch in her home, watching AWE's latest card.

One segment that particularly peaked her interest was the first one, where it was Morgana vs Sydney Ellis. She was sinking slowly into her couch, watching Morgana work her magic on the microphone. Before Morgana got to the shit that stung, her beloved Pitbull, Bailey, had hopped up on the couch beside her and presumably watched along. The reference to the doll during Morgana's tirade had immediately clued off anyone who had a brain as to who she was talking about. Amanda leaned forward and watched carefully. "This is gonna be good..."

The segment was very, very interesting to say the very least. All those licks on Barbie definitely didn't make her happy at all. Once it was said and done, Amanda dived over to the table next to her couch and took her phone, a black iPhone 7. She opened up the Twitter, after locating the iconic bird with "99+" in the upper right corner. Those were probably all the mentions she had accumulated over the past few weeks. She hadn't bothered to check them just yet. Opening it up, she immediately went to composing a tweet. "That segment though... 👀" She then submitted it, before looking over to her dog who was looking like she wanted a walk. "Alright Bailey, let's go for a walk."
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