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Athena raised an eyebrow as she heard Ross mention some criminal contacts. It looked like her brother-in-law was more of a shady figure than she had previously thought. She should've figured. It didn't seem like Ross had a job, anyway. Money just came out of nowhere for the family. As a matter of fact, it was very odd how well off that whole family was despite neither of them seemingly having a job. On one hand, Kimberly was her sister, bound by blood, all that fun stuff. On the other hand, Ross wasn't. The only reason why he was around was because of Kimberly. Everything was because of Kimberly. Ross was lucky they weren't in New York.

She was going to have to turn a blind eye on Ross. As much as she wanted to say something or do something, she just couldn't. Kimberly wouldn't have been a big fan of it at all, and neither would her niece and future niece/nephew would be. There was going to be more to this, and Athena was conflicted about it. Eager? Yes. Anxious. Also yes. There was no telling what Ross had up that sleeve of his. With that supposed criminal history of his, he could've had links to all sorts of things. Maybe even to suspects that had plagued her back in New York. Regardless, that was going to be the least of her worries right now. The current biggest issue was definitely going to be her brother-in-law.

Ellie wasn't having much fun either. Her partner was just told to leave and the conversation was one of the hardest conversations she had ever had. Lot of yelling, lot of emotions, and a lot of tension that was left to be solved. There was nothing that could've been done to help make things better at this particular moment. Seb did have a point, she was in over her head for sure. But, Ellie didn't care, she just wanted to help. She was helping herself, Ross, and Kimberly by agreeing to be a part of this plan. It was something that was going to take a lot of effort to justify. Seb still wasn't happy about it, though. It was something only time could heal.

Back in Las Vegas...

For the first time in a while, Kimberly had regained consciousness and came to. She was still disoriented, confused, but the most important thing was that she was alive and conscious. Looking around, she tried to move her limbs but they were all bound in casts. The most she could move was her fingers. To the surprise of the nearby nurse, she noticed and made some calls to get some doctors in her room. Same old procedure after waking up from a medically-induced coma.

Kimberly had passed the neurological exam, somehow. It was amazing that she was even in this state alone. There was still some damage, but none so severe to affect her big time. It was a miracle on top of another miracle. According to the doctor, it looked like her brain was going to be fine. The only thing she needed to deal with was the physical therapy. Well - it wasn't the only thing. Kimberly had also found out that she was pregnant. Physical therapy while she was pregnant? That was going to be another obstacle that she had to deal with. It was a lot for her to take in, but it also explained the things she saw while she was out.

She was pregnant? It was so odd. Kimberly hadn't felt sick or anything different, but here she was. Due in December. It had her thinking about a lot of things, now. It was bad enough that she was out of commission for god knows how long. But now, things had just gotten worse. Kimberly started to think about what she was going to do about her future. Another baby on the way. It was a lot to handle and she was hoping that she wasn't going to be doing it alone.

Her family soon rushed in from their hotel and had greeted the now conscious Kimberly. There was a smile on her face as Mia climbed onto her bed by herself and snuggled up to her mom. She still didn't know what had actually happened, but Mia couldn't have cared less. She was just glad mommy was around. The casts were a little weird, but it wasn't anything major to the two year old girl. All that mattered was mommy. Daddy was doing his own thing, she didn't care.

Speaking of Ross, Kimberly was curious as to where he was. As soon as she was able to speak, having some water and fluids replenished, she cleared her throat.

"Where's Ross?"

Hearing knocking on the door, Athena perked straight up and pulled her pistol from her holster, aiming it at the door before Ross had clambered past her. It must have been Ross's criminal contact. In any case, she wasn't going to be relaxing. He was a criminal after all, and Athena wasn't exactly too fond of criminals, no matter who they were. She backed away from the door, pistol still in hand as she relocated to a window. Ellie stirred from her sleep from the sound of moving around and clambering, walking out of her little room rubbing her face before she saw Athena peering out the window with her MP5 in hand.

"What's going on?" The Scot asked curiously, "Why do you have your gun pointed out the window?"

Athena shrugged, "Ross has a contact. I don't know who he is or what he does, but I don't trust him."

She kept her MP5 pointed as the two talked, slipping Ellie a pistol underneath the arm that was holding up her gun. "If it goes south, you use this." She said, keeping composure as Ross and the man conversed. Ginger, about 6'5", muscular. The way he carried himself gave Athena a military vibe. She didn't like the looks of this guy. Just, something about him that she couldn't place. It wasn't the fact that he was a Ginger, it might've just been the previously established fact that he was a criminal. Either way, her gut was telling her that this guy was up to something bad.

Her MP5 was trained on the man, just in case he was going to try something dumb. But luckily, it didn't go south. Based on the body language, the conversation was going well, and it was just about to end. As the men started to walk back to the trailer, Athena backed off of her position and moved to aim down the hallway with her MP5. Better safe than sorry. He probably wasn't going to like the fact that a bonafide police officer was sitting in that trailer.

As they came through the door, Athena trained her MP5 on the taller man, just as Ross was introducing the man. "What does he have for us?" Athena asked, keeping her MP5 up. Ross would probably understand why she was like this, considering that she was a cop and he was a criminal. It was like a dog looking at a cat. Opposites.
Ellie placed her face in her hands as she let Ross's words marinate in her head. On one hand, agreeing would probably put her into the most dangerous thing she'd ever done, and that was saying a lot. On the other hand, she couldn't just leave her friends like this. Not while they were in a time of need. It was a dilemma that was wrecking her mind. She really wanted to help, but at what cost? Based on the way Ross put it, it looked like she had a chance of paying the ultimate price. She didn't want to do so, not with so much ahead of her. She wasn't in the same life position as her childhood friend, and it was something she wanted to do someday. She wanted kids, she wanted to settle down, but paying the ultimate price would deny her the chance of doing so.

She crossed her arms and started pacing back and forth. She had to think about it, but she needed to make a decision soon. Ellie hated having to wait, and she knew Ross was the same way. It had been over a decade since she had seen him prior to this year, and now she was willing to stick her neck out and risk her life to protect him. She took a deep breath and uncrossed her arms. The decision had been made. It might not have been the smartest decision, but Ellie built her life on a bunch of dumb decisions. She made a living out of it. What was one more ill-advised decision to her? It was just going to be like any other day for her, but with guns potentially involved. Seb wasn't going to be too happy about her decision, but he would understand that she had nothing but the best intentions in her heart. Her friend needed help, and she wasn't going to walk away.

"I'll help you. I'll do whatever you need me to do for you, Kimberly, and the little ones." She nodded, before turning to the trailer, "Just make sure that you don't put us into any unnecessary danger. I don't want to end up like Kimberly or worse." She sighed, taking a walk back to the front door of the trailer. "Seb's not going to be too happy, but he'll understand." Ellie turned around and flashed him a smile, "Besides, it's not like we've done crazier anyway."

A Collaboration Between: @Bee and @Universorum
Featuring: Damian “Just Do It” O’Connor and Justin “Do What?” Quentin

Joy had been gone five minutes and Damian was already up to something. He had a bit of a buzz going on from the keg stand he’d done, and was fucking around with some of his other jock friends. Ophelia had come and snatched his girlfriend from him — which was alright with Damian, Ophelia said they had to talk about girl stuff. What did that mean? He didn’t know! He didn’t care. If she needed him, Joy could text him.

So, Damian, had found his way downstairs to the gameroom. He’d sent Joy a quick text so she could find him if she wanted him. Would they dance tonight? Probably eventually, but Damian was here to party — not to fucking dance. If he wanted to dance, he’d go to the goddamn club. No, Damian was standing at a ping pong table, tossing balls into cups filled with different alcohols, when he heard his name called.

Damian spun on his heel to see who it was, and found himself staring at Justin, Justin whatever-the-fuck-his-last-name-is. The dude who was the backup quarterback, and was now the guy, so to speak. He was the QB now that Damian was forcibly retired, and he and Damian were buds. Lifting buddies to be precise, but hey. Damian would hang with him if he wanted to hang; Damian would hang with anyone.

“Hey, dude, what’s up?” Damian asked, grinning at the other boy. “Welcome to tha party, pal! Are you havin’ a good time? Enjoyin’ yourself?”

Justin had been internally relieved that Damian had noticed he had come around. It was a little gesture that went a long way, Justin had thought. The former starting quarterback taking his backup under his wing even now would be sending a message to the entire school. If Damian was cool with this guy then this guy must’ve been cool and good as well.

Thinking about his answer to Damian’s question, he thought he wasn’t really enjoying himself just yet. It wasn’t because he didn’t like the environment, but he just straight up didn’t know how to. He was like a fish out of water. The only things he knew how to do was stuff he stole from watching TV shows and movies. He didn’t really have the knowhow when it came to enjoying himself at his party.

”Yeah, yeah! I’m definitely having a good time. Just trying to figure out how to get by and enjoy myself further, if you know what I mean.”

Damian raised an eyebrow at the other guy’s suggestion of ‘if you know what I mean.’ “Well, I figure at our age, there are probably five things that could improve your level of enjoyment. In order: food, pretty girls, sex, drugs, and rockn’roll, alcohol, and lifting weights.” Damian paused after his spiel, letting one of the others surrounding them speak up to question the number of things he’d said, which was very obviously not four. Damian was quick to explain himself, though. “My mama says that sex, drugs, and rockn’roll are just one thing. Anyway, you can hang with us. You clearly got some alcohol already…”

Damian folded his arms over his chest, leaning back on his heel. “My girl walked off, and I’m not really in the market, so I can’t wingman for you… Yo, who’s got drugs? You want some drugs, dude?” Damian asked, looking at Justin curiously, leaning forward. Damian didn’t know him well enough to just get something going for him, quite yet.

The mention of drugs had taken the awkward quarterback by surprise. He was okay with having beer, but drugs? He had never touched a drug in his life. He’d never consumed a marijuana, a cocaine, or a meth. It was jarring, to say the least. He didn’t know how to respond. On one hand, he could just say yes and seem like a cool dude, but he was scared that drugs were gonna fuck him up. He didn’t want to end up like those burnouts you see on TV all the time. Guess he was just going to have to stand his ground. Damian was cool and everything, but he was much too scared to consume drugs.

”Nah, man. I don’t fuck with drugs. Too… uh… risky. Y’know what I’m saying?”

Damian stared at him for a few seconds, before nodding slowly. “Alright here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna get some weed in you, we’re gonna get some more alcohol in you, then me and you are gonna do somethin’ cool. I’m not sure what yet, but I promise you it’s gonna be lit. Trust me, partying and getting laid will be a lot easier if you’re just a wee bit more turnt up than you are now.” Damian looked around the group of their team members, “Alright, who’s got weed?”

After a few moments, one of their team members, named Mark, stepped up. He held out a dab pen and Damian snatched it, before holding it out to Justin. “Take it, hold the button, and inhale. It’s strawberry flavored, so it won’t punch you, like, that hard. Can we get this dude a real drink? All he’s got is a beer. Who’s got whiskey?” Another one of the frat-esque group of friends held out a bottle and Damian handed it over to Justin as well. “A drink and a smoke, real, old fashioned, red blooded British bullshit. Trust me, liquid courage and a little bit of weed will get you nice and crossfaded, and that’ll help you get laid, or at least make an impact. See, I don’t need no help because I… somewhere… have a lady friend.”

So much for no drugs. If this was going to give Justin a good time when at this party, then he might as well just go with the flow. Taking the pen, he held the button and started to taste some strawberry flavored… steam? It was oddly good. He stopped the pen from emitting the steam and handed the pen back to Damian. He started coughing as the smoke departed from his lungs. It didn’t hit him just yet, but when it did it was going to hit him hard.

After that, he took the bottle and took a swig out of it. It was hard for him to do this, but he’d done harder. But for the love of god, this tasted absolutely dreadful. It was burning. It was all burning, and the aftertaste was beyond awful. He couldn’t understand why people consumed this stuff like it was water. The burn hit him like a semi-truck. Boy did it not feel good. Sticking out his tongue, Justin made his feelings known.

”Agh! Holy shit that burns, man! How do you guys do this?”

Damian laughed as Justin suffered the double hitter, “It’s get easier, man. You gotta do it at like, every party, but it does get easier. Don’t worry, once you’ve been to like three or four more of these, you’ll be alright. You wanna play beer pong? I’d say we could go to the dance floor, but I really hate dancing, dude.” Damian explained, gesturing for Justin to stand on the other side of the table. Damian took the pen and the bottle away, and returned them to their respective owners.

“Thank you, lads. You know what? Forget the beer pong. I gotta better idea. Get another keg, let’s have bro do a kegstand. Nothin’ will hype you up more than a kegstand. And somebody find us a hoe. He needs a hoe.” Damian was barking orders now, and the team was responding.

O Captain, My Captain.

“Don’t worry dude. We’re gonna get you done up.”

Beer pong, now that was something Justin was somewhat familiar with. If watching movies and YouTube videos about it counted as getting familiar with it. ”Beer pong? Sur- oh.” He was just about to say, before Damian changed his mind to something even more bro-y.

A kegstand, out of all the things in the world. He honestly thought it was something that was only seen in movies, but as it turned out he was very, very wrong. Luckily, though, he had some experience doing handstands, so it couldn’t be that bad. The hardest part was probably drinking as much beer as possible and getting fucked up. He was swaying his arms back and forth, getting ready to do a handstand over a beer keg. This wasn’t so bad, was it?

After a few moments of waiting, two of the team came back, lugging a keg in between them. They sat it down in front of Justin and Damian put a hand on the other guy’s shoulder. “Alright, remember. Part of being cool is that you go hard, but not too hard. You don’t want any videos of you being sloppy drunk bouncing around the internet, or people will give you shit for the rest of your life. Just chill, know your limits. Don’t be one of those drunk white girls that gets super wasted and has it floating on facebook forever. Be the guy the drunk white girl is grindin’ on, y’know?”

Damian patted Justin on the back firmly and nodded. “Alright dude. Assume the position, we’ll hold you up.”

Justin nodded as Damian gave him a little pep talk. Just like old times, only less football and more partying. Taking a deep breath, he put his hands on the keg handles, putting his weight onto his arms as he assumed kegstand position. Internally, Take My Breath Away by Berlin was playing. He felt like a gymnast ready to do the beam thing. Here went nothing.

Damian grinned and held him up, before speaking aloud to his Assistant. Being on a different floor than the properly DJ’d one, Damian had setup a bluetooth’d speaker so he and his buddies could blare some tunes while they played beer pong and did whatever the fuck. “Some drinking music, if you please, maestro.”

“Okay.” Responded Snake, and a few seconds later, one of Damian’s ‘drinking music’ playlists began. Not the same Top Gun song as the one playing in the back of Justin’s head, but hey. Close enough, right?

“Alright, my guy. Chug, bro. When you can’t take no more, flail your legs so we can bring you down to the ground.”

Feeling his body turn over, he was immediately met with the scent of beer. Taking the hose in his mouth, all he could taste was cold, bitter beer. There was a lot of it, but that didn’t matter to Justin. He just had to prove that he wasn’t a bitch. What better way to prove that he wasn’t one than to drink his face off?

Hearing another Top Gun song play, he was beyond pumped. He hadn’t even noticed the sheer amount of beer he was consuming. There was no burn, mostly because there was no time to feel it. Just beer after beer after beer. Before long, though, he was feeling like he couldn’t take any more. Shaking his legs, he decided he had enough. Hopefully that was enough to prove he was legit.

Damian lowered Justin’s legs to the ground and helped him stand up. Once he had Justin steady, Damian grinned and held his hand up, gesturing at him in a ‘this guy won’ motion, and the rest of the people cheered and clapped. “Not bad, bro. First time, yeah?” Damian questioned, looking over at Justin, while the music played in the background. “Not bad for your first time. You’ll get better, yo.”

”Yeah… yeah…” He mumbled, trying to regain his footing as the alcohol coursed through his system. He didn’t feel so hot, but he was going to have to soldier on. There was still plenty of party to go, and plenty of Justin to go around. Justin wasn’t a bitch. ”So… what now? Any more drinking or weed to do?” He asked curiously, plopping down on a nearby couch.

“Nah, you ought to go take a seat and let all that stuff settle, then roll up to the dance floor and find yourself a girl to get the bump’n’grind on with, know wha I mean?” Damian asked, grinning at Justin, before he felt his phone buzz. Damian pulled it out and saw a text from Joy, looking up with a bit of a frown on his face, shrugging his shoulders as he looked at the crew. “Hey, I gotta bounce actually. Joy wants to talk, which, if my mother is anything to base it off of… is not a good thing! So, I’ll be back. Or I won’t be. See ya. Just take it easy, find a girl, have a good time. Remember, you only live once, carpe diem, veni vidi vici, and all that. High school doesn’t matter in the long run. Make awful decisions. Live your best life. Peace out!” With that, Damian turned and left the room without giving the others much of a chance to say a word.

Justin nodded and pretended to seem like he understood what Damian was saying. Grinding with a girl? The only grind he knew was the student-athlete grind. Waving him off, he also left the room and found his way back down to the dance floor. Dancing with a girl, eh? It can’t be that hard to find a girl that’d be willing to dance with him, right?

A Collaboration Between: @Bee and @Kitty
Featuring: Josie and Olivia

Upon receiving the text, Olivia smiled to herself. She was glad that Josie was around and she’d finally be able to enjoy the party with someone else. Replying to the text, Olivia promptly turned right around and made her way back to the dance floor. The music was still going, the vibes were still strong, and the environment was still warm. It was just the way Olivia had liked it.

Stepping down the stairs, she snaked her way past a couple who were getting a little too frisky. Definitely not PG-13. Looking away and shielding her innocent eyes, she eventually made her way to the dance floor where her innocent eyes were definitely not innocent anymore. Glancing down at her phone, now began the hunt for Josie. Where could she be? Olivia was roaming the floor like a lost dog as she looked for her bestie.

Peering into the dance floor, she could see the unmistakable outline of her signature curls. Walking into the dance floor, she tapped Josie on the shoulder. ”Hey boo!” She smiled, hugging Josie.

“Hey girl! I feel like it has been forever since we saw each other. I mean a week is a while.” The dancer told her friend while hugging her back. She then grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side of the dance floor so they had more room and weren’t surrounded by people grinding and doing things that were not actual dancing in Josie’s mind.

Once to the side, Josie glanced quickly at the DJ subconsciously before refocusing on her friend. “So what have you been up to so far at the party? I’d pretend like I’m surprised I haven’t seen you but let’s be honest. I haven’t left the dance floor since getting here.” Josie laughed, the fact clear as she had just a bit of sweat glistening on her body. But on her it seemed to add an ethereal shine, especially since the scents of her lotion and perfume still were ever present leaving the girl smelling like a mix of vanilla, cinnamon, and fresh rainfall despite having been dancing for well over an hour.

”Ah, y’know, just having a couple drinks and taking in the sights!” Olivia held up her margarita, before taking another sip. Josie did look like she had been partying hard, just based on the sweat on her forehead. She didn’t blame her. Olivia knew that Josie loved to dance. No use holding back the dancer.

”You wanna have a dance together? Got nothing better to do right now besides spend some time with ya.”
“Is that even a question Liv? Come on back to the middle! And don’t worry if any boy bothers you I will just scare him away with my dance moves.” Josie joked, winking at Olivia as she pulled her back into the moving group of people, her body already beginning to move to the beat of the music again.

Following Josie to the middle of the dance floor, she bumped into a couple of other girls dancing like crazy just momentarily. She paid them no mind as they arrived at their spot. This was the spot where the girls would start enjoying themselves. Josie would enjoy herself sober, and Olivia was definitely going to enjoy herself with some alcohol in her system.

After a few minutes of dancing, Olivia gestured to Josie to take a break, since she was starting to get a little tired and she was starting to lose focus. She felt like just hanging out and relaxing just a bit after so much activity. ”Hey, let’s go take a break, dude! I’m kinda tired!” She said to Josie, gesturing to the side area with a bunch of chairs.

The dancer took notice of her friend tiring and was all for going with her to sit down when she suggested it. Even if she could keep going for hours, she knew her friend couldn’t. Besides, they could just talk and chill over to the side, something one could not do on the dance floor. Following her friend’s lead, Josie headed to the side area and plopped down on a chair. Running a hand through her hair, she looked around at the party until once again her eyes fell on the blonde DJ.

Turning to face forward with a sharp head turn, Josie brought her hands up to her face and slapped her cheeks, squishing her face in as she took a deep breath. Letting the breath out, she let her hands fall to her lap as she shook her head. Something was wrong with her tonight, it was weird and it all had to do with the DJ. Had she accidentally drank alcohol? No… she had barely even had any water since getting to the party. God, she was probably just going crazy.

Olivia was a fighter, not a dancer. Dancing tired her out faster than wrangling girls and guys or kicking them in the face. She didn’t even want to think about what she looked like to anyone else. Josie was the far better dancer and Olivia wasn’t ever going to challenge that. Hell, Josie would definitely dance circles around her. Potentially even literally.

Taking a seat next to her best friend, she couldn’t help but notice the look she gave the DJ earlier. Olivia knew that there was more to that look than it seemed. At least, that’s what Olivia thought. She was already acting a bit strange. Her vibe had definitely changed, but why? ”You good, Josie? Something on your mind?”

Josie had momentarily forgotten her friend was right there and when she spoke, the girl jumped ever so slightly turning to look at Olivia. Opening her mouth to tell her friend she was fine, she paused and decided to go with the truth. Josie wasn’t one to really lie or hide small things anyways so why start now. “Honestly, I don’t know. I think I’m going crazy Liv. My mind keeps wandering and my eyes keep finding the DJ. Like he’s really cute and all but I’m definitely probably giving off creeper vibes with how many times I keep looking at him. God what is wrong with me?” The dark-skinned beauty confided what she was feeling to her friend. Sounding desperate for an answer to what was wrong with her.

So, it seemed like Josie had caught boy fever. Olivia really should’ve known, but at the same time, it was really cute to see Josie caught up like this. It was very rare that she was like this, so she was going to cherish this moment. She looked at the DJ and then back at her friend. One more at the DJ, then back at her friend as if she was doing a double take. It was so cute. Infatuated Josie. ”Nothing’s wrong with you, Jo. It’s only natural that stuff like this happens,” Olivia laughed, before looking at the DJ once again, ”You should go up and talk to him! Yeah! That’s a great idea!” Olivia was kind of tipsy, so she wasn’t 100% clear if her idea was wise, but she had nothing but good intentions for her bestie.

Taking Josie’s wrist and getting up, Olivia was trying to pull Josie to the DJ, ”Dude, let’s go! Don’t be a pussy!”

Josie’s eyes widened at Olivia’s suggestion and immediately began to pull back the best she could against her strong friend. “No no no no no! That is a terrible idea! I am a female, I will be a pussy if I wish to be a pussy! Talking to him is the worst idea ever. How about instead I throw myself off the boat? That sounds like a better idea than talking to him.” Rambling on, Josie tried to reason with her friend. “Besides he’s doing the music stuff right now, we don’t want to interrupt that. So how about we go get you another drink and find you a guy to talk to. I like that idea better.” She laughed nervously and tried to begin walking in the direction of the bar despite knowing her friend was stronger than her. Josie was a dancer not a fighter, when she did spar with the JROTC she used speed to win, not strength. She could not beat her friend in the battle of strength but she could hope her persuasions would work.

Olivia wasn’t having Josie’s protests. She knew an infatuation when she saw one and Josie was clearly infatuated with DJ Music Man. ”Forget about me, this is about you right now!” Olivia pulled back harder, knowing that she was way stronger than Josie was and she would win the struggle very easily. ”I don’t want any man or woman here. Right now the focus is on you and DJ Music Man!” Olivia pulled and wrapped Josie around her arm, before pushing her to the DJ. ”Just go up and request a song and go from there. How hard could it be?”

“Impossible. Impractical. Unreasonable. Preposterous. Illogical. Ridiculous. Absolutely Outrageously Hard!” Josie reasoned with her friend. Getting more and more nervous with every step closer they got to he DJ. This was the worst idea in the history of ideas.

”You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take, Josie!” She replied as she pulled her bestie through the crowd. Eventually they had gotten to the DJ, where Olivia had put her arms up on the table, looking at said DJ. ”My friend here wants to request a song! Ain’t that right, friend?”

“Uh… Umm yeah… Sure… A song-” Josie looked to her friend then to the DJ then back at her friend, “A song- a song to dance to! Yes exactly request a song to dance to!” The dancer nervously smiled at the DJ for a moment, not saying anything as she took in his appearance closer up. When she finally snapped back to reality she glanced out at the dancing people. “Sorry Not Sorry please.” Josie then turned to rejoin the group of dancers pulling Olivia with her.

”Demi Lovato? Really?” Olivia laughed, as they returned back to the dance floor. Josie didn’t do so hot, but it was okay. Olivia knew just what to do to help her out. ”Listen here, once this song is over, I’m gonna drag your ass back up there and you’re gonna talk to the DJ! If you leave, I’m gonna push you back over there. You wanna fight me? Go ahead. But you’re gonna talk to that DJ and not be a pussy. I know you aren’t a pussy.”

“How about instead I don’t. You saw how that went… it was horrible. I just want to dance my embarrassment away so once that song comes on people will need to move. I’m going full out this time.” Josie wasn’t lying, the minute the song began she let the music take control of her. As more and more people around took notice a small circle formed around her giving her room to dance as people watched her dance, cheering her on drunkenly. She just let her embarrassment and anxiety wash away as she danced, reconnecting with her confident side that she lost when talking to the boy that was driving her crazy.

As Josie started to dance the night away, Olivia just stood there and watched her dance like she didn’t just botch her attempt at flirting. One way or another, Josie was going to talk to that DJ! The vibrations pounded through her feet and Olivia was trying her darndest to resist the urge to dance. But wait… Olivia suddenly had the best idea in the world.

She started to dance along with Josie, getting up close to her. She looked like an absolute spaz, but she was doing this to prove a point. If Olivia was ballsy enough to dance even though she totally couldn’t, then Josie could’ve grown a pair and talked to the DJ. ”Look at me go, Josie! She smiled, trying her best to flaunt her dancing skill (or lack of).

Josie glanced at her friend and laughed a grin spreading on her face. When the song came to an end she pulled her friend off the dance floor and ran to the bar grabbing them two waters, knowing her friend would probably need one after that. When she got back to her friend, Josie handed her the water while taking a sip of her own. “Damn Liv, do you have two left feet or something?” She giggled and glanced at the DJ, knowing exactly what her friend was trying to do. “I’ll talk to him, but I can’t do it while he is working Liv. When he takes a break then I will… maybe. Unless I turn into a mess again then I may just throw myself overboard.” Josie looked back to her friend as she spoke. “But remind me I need to teach you some actual dance moves.”

”If I could dance, you can talk to that guy.” She laughed, taking a seat as her feet started to hurt after all that “dancing” she did. She glanced at the DJ again, and just by looking at his body language she could tell that he was about ready for a break. ”Looks like your time is soon, She grinned, before looking down at her “two left feet”, ”There’s no saving my dancing ability, hon. There is saving you and that DJ, though.” She said, as she gestured toward the man who was getting ready to abandon his station for a bit. ”There’s your opportunity! Go!”

Featuring: Olivia Lee and Ariana Song
Mentions: Josie @Kitty

my roof look like a no-show, got diamonds by the boatload

Alcohol poisoning was not something to be taken lightly. Ariana Song had finally recovered fully from her quest to get fucked up a while back. Just a few days out of the hospital, and she was thrusting herself back into the party scene. Was it a bad idea for her to be back here so soon? Yeah, it was. But did Ariana care? No. No she did not. She liked the energy parties had. Sure, it didn't beat a night in her room playing video games, but where else could you find so many people and so much energy contained on one platform? It wasn't going to be in her bedroom (alone, anyway), that was for sure.

The Korean party animal had stepped onto the dance floor after making her way onto the boat. She took an Uber to get here after she had to fish an invitation off of someone else. Lawrence. That was who she got the details from. Not like he had anything to lose if this party was meant to be more private anyway. It wasn't like he wasn't going to be back with these people ever again. The party was the last anyone had ever seen of him, and the same went for his twin sister. Apparently, their parents suddenly separated, and Ryan being the rich-rich quarterback that he was - he lawyered up and gained full custody of the kids. That meant relocating them somewhere where their mother could no longer find them. It was a sad story to behold, but things like this happened and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

Except Ariana. She was going to make sure that Lawrence's efforts and consideration would not go to waste. She wasn't going to let her homeboy Lawrence go out like that. She was here for him, and everything she'd do tonight would be in his honor. However, that'd be hard considering she had to be sober. Alcohol after nearly dying from consuming so much of it wasn't exactly the best idea, but Ariana wasn't really known for having good ideas. Would she have a sip? Depends on whether or not her friends were up to challenging her.

However, stepping onto the dance floor, she couldn't recognize most people there. It was like she had been gone for many months, even though it'd only been a week or so. Everyone's face looked so foreign to her that she didn't know where to begin. Where was Henry? Where was Min-Seo? Where was Parker? Hell, where was anyone? There were so many people here that the poor girl was honestly overwhelmed. Showing back up after her absence at a party was proving more difficult than Ariana had anticipated.

She moved to the walls of the dance floor and snaked her way to the bar. Maybe someone would find her at the bar instead. It was way too much effort for her to go hunting for people over here, and she knew everyone was going to be over here. Might as well quench her thirst while she was waiting here anyway. She turned to the bartender, nearly forgetting that it wasn't Min-Seo this time.

"Hi. Lemme get a Roy Rogers, please? Thanks!"

The bartender had proceeded with making her drink, bewildered that it wasn't alcoholic but it was whatever. Once he was finished, Ariana took the drink and started sipping on it. It was both surprising and unsurprising that Ariana was a wallflower right now. Surprising that one of the biggest party animals last week wasn't being a party animal, but also unsurprising that a nerd like Ariana wouldn't be engaging in the party right away.

Meanwhile, Olivia had also come back after a week overseas. Her family surprised her with a trip to Hong Kong to watch some movie and meet some actors. That was a pretty dope experience, but she was looking more forward to this party. She hadn't even known about this party occurring until she texted her buddy Lauren, who told her all about it. It was nice of her to provide all that information. Olivia was hoping that she could make something out of this after getting into a scuffle at the last party. Hopefully she wouldn't have had to do it again this time around.

Walking around the upper deck of the boat, Olivia had a margarita in her hand. It was actually very good, way better than the stuff Min-Seo had made last time around. However, something just didn't feel right at this moment. She felt like she was lonely, despite there being so many people at the party. The environment was warm, but she was cold. She wanted some of that warmth for herself but she couldn't find anyone that she talked to.

She felt like a ghost phasing through everyone as she walked around the boat. First off, kudos to whoever organized this. This had definitely topped the last party. But, it just didn't feel right. It didn't have the same type of vibe the last party had. Maybe it was jet lag, or maybe she was oddly in touch with her emotions at this given time. Ugh. Feelings. Who needed them, anyway? Olivia found a rail to lean up against on, where she looked out at the calm, cold water. Where were her friends? Parties weren't the same without her buddy.

Maybe Josie had bothered to come to this party? She didn't know if she was attending, but she really did hope that she was. Maybe then she would be able to have someone to fuck around with. Her other half was what would make this party a real banger. She pulled out her phone and pulled up Josie's contact on the screen.

"Yo Josie... are you at this party? I haven't seen you around."

Holy shit. The day that Justin Quentin was promoted to the sole starting quarterback of the BHHS football team was one of the greatest days of his life. This was the day he had been dreaming about ever since he had enrolled at Beverly Hills High. Now, that dream was realized and he was going to have the opportunity to prove himself to the world. To top the icing on the cake, he had scored his first official invite to one of these parties. He had never been to one before, since nobody bothered to invite him as a backup quarterback. Nobody gave a fuck about the backups. But, now that he was the starter, he was one of the hottest things at this school.

Walking up to the boat was like he was on the red carpet. He had never experienced such attention before. Justin wasn't used to this, but he didn't care. It felt good being the center of attention. He was relishing in it. However, he didn't know how to handle himself. As fierce of a quarterback he was, he was a pretty awkward person. Eyes were drilling holes into him, but he didn't know what to do about it. Should he stare them back down? Or should he just shrug it off? He didn't know. All he knew how to do was to how to throw a football really well.

Walking to the dance floor, he made the grave mistake of walking right into the middle, which meant that he was immediately pulling chicks. Girls came up to him and started dancing on him. He had no idea what to do, so like the awkward turtle that he was, he danced along with them for a little bit before breaking off from them. Dancing was not a part of his repertoire. He never got the chance to practice dancing since he never scored touchdowns when it mattered anyway. The only dancing he wanted to do was in the endzone.

Walking to the bar, he was thinking of something that would've made him look real cool and not as awkward as he actually was. Justin wasn't entirely fond of the alcoholic branch of drinks. He didn't like the taste, nor did he like the burn as he sipped. But, he had to do it. As starting quarterback, he had to get a beer.

"Hello bartender, I would like one beer, please!"

Taking a bottle out, the bartender was courteous enough to open the bottle for him and it was handed to him. He thanked the bartender and proceeded to roam around the room, beer in hand. He noticed some girls were eyeing him, so he decided to take the stare down approach and smile back at them. Keeping eye contact, he decided to take a very long swig out of his beer. It wasn't exactly the smartest decision that he had made. After the beer had gone down, the girls had turned away which gave him the opportunity to really process what he had just put into his system. Turning away to somewhere where nobody could see him, he stuck out his tongue and made a weird, disgusted face after tasting the awful, awful taste of the beer. How did people drink this stuff? This was absolute shit!

Wiping his mouth, he would've had to bear through it for the time being. That was, until, Justin laid his eyes upon Damian O'Connor. His former superior. Maybe he would be able to help him out and help him be a little less awkward. He held up his beer and called out for Damian.

"Damian! Hey!"

Poor Justin didn't know that nobody beyond a six inch radius of him could hear what he was saying. He was going to have to make his way through people to get to Damian. Justin exhaled and began pushing his way through the crowd to make his way to Damian. He hoped to God that this was worth it.

Camille, on the other hand, was LOVING the party. She had already taken advantage of the bar and gotten a few drinks in. She was feeling it, and she didn't want to stop anytime soon. As a matter of fact, she was so buzzed that she was actually dancing. Not Greg Heffley's patented step dance, but the kind of dancing teenagers typically did. It was nasty, but Camille gave exactly zero shits in the world, and so hopefully the girls who were into what she was doing were as well.

New to the party scene at BHHS, she was glad that she was at this party. Alcohol and Camille were a combo that next to nobody had seen, and tonight the entire school was going to see just what this girl was capable of. She was all over the place on the dance floor, hopping from girl to guy to girl like she was some sort of playboy. She was grinding on them, they were grinding on her. Camille didn't care who it was just as long as they were down to grind with her.

This was the most fun that Camille had fun in a long time, but as she was busy getting her dance on, she was beginning to wonder where Panda was. She had an understanding that Panda would be, in fact, here, but she couldn't see her or her bright pink hair anywhere. Eh. She'd show up sometime. For now, the only thing that Camille wanted to care about was dancing on pretty much everybody at BHHS. Not having a group to belong to really did her favors as she was welcomed pretty much everywhere in this environment. It really helped that she was super attractive.

However, not even the best of athletes could continue the level of activity that Camille had been doing for long, and soon she had to take a break. Diverting from the dance floor, she went to the wall where she took a bit to regain her breath. Still no sign of Panda's or her bright ass hair. Hm. Maybe she'd show up out of nowhere at some point. But there was no time to worry right now, she had dancing to do while she still felt this good.

If only she was there at the last party.
@Silent Observer @Universorum @Lovely Complex

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