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Location | In-N-Out Burger
Los Angeles Time | 11:54 AM / London Time | 6:54 PM / Moscow Time | 9:54 PM
Interacting with | pretty much gearhead minus aj lmao


The otherwise tranquil and peaceful morning was interrupted by the violent screeching of a digital alarm. Elise Ford had been violently yanked from dreamland, her eyes erupting awake as her alarm went off. She had one just in case she got a little too carried away with sleep, and based on the fact that it managed to go off this time, she did. Ellie reached a hand over, poking her hand in the messy pile on her nightstand and sifting through the various trinkets and other items before touching the glass screen of her phone and disabling the alarm. Raising her head, all that could be seen of it was a giant, unkempt pile of light brown hair on top of the most grouchy and grumpy girl.

It was a wee bit before noon, and Ellie didn't have any plans, at least as far as she remembered. That was, until she remembered that it was today! What was today, in particular? Ellie had no idea, but she knew she had something to do. Something was tugging at her. It was strong enough to tug her out of bed and on her feet, much to the dismay of her comfort. The bed was so warm and comfortable, but she had obligations! Obligations that were called the Gearheads, and she wasn't about to let them have their fun without her for much longer. It wasn't a party without Ellie, and she knew that better than everyone and their mother.

However, she wasn't going to stroll into their hangout spot looking like a hot mess. She only wanted to look hot and that was the end of that. It took her a bit to change into something and make herself look presentable, but she managed to slip on a gray hoodie and a pair of jeans that she may or may not have worn earlier in the week. Hey, jeans were made to be worn multiple times, right? They were clean and they smelled fine. Her light brown hair hung over her shoulders as she yawned, stepping down the stairs of her parents' two story house. As always, they were nowhere to be seen. Probably at work or something like that. Psh. Work. Living that 9 to 5 life seemed sad. You wake up in the morning to spend hours and hours on end droning in front of a desk only to come home and wait until the very next day to do the same thing. It was just sad.

"Empty, empty..."

That life wasn't for Ellie. She preferred something much faster, something a little more mechanical as well. Biting her lips and making a small popping sound as she dragged her feet along, she eventually opened the door that lead into the garage. In the dimly lit room was one of the only things that she could ever depend on her life, and that was her car. Godzilla -- at least, that's what its ancestors were called back in the day. Years and years of racing heritage came up and birthed this masterpiece of a car. Ellie smiled softly as she unlocked the doors, making her way to the driver's side seat to get the car going and headed to her destination.

It didn't take much longer before she was out of the garage and on the street. Based on the time -- she didn't have much time before AJ was going to start getting mad. She was going to have to kick it into another gear -- literally -- and start hauling ass. Just the way that Ellie liked it. It gave her an excuse to start going faster. Pedal to the metal, just the way that she liked it. It took her a while to get the hang of this beast, but once she tamed it -- it was like she and the car were one. Six cylinders and six hundred horsepower were being laid onto the ground, carrying Ellie all the way to the In N Out, where everyone was.

Pulling into the parking lot, she anticipated that it was going to be a little bit more packed. It was lunch time, so there were going to be yuppies and locals out of the ass. Unless, the Gearheads made their presence known. Skirting into a nearby parking spot that she may or may not have yanked from a soccer mom that had been prowling around for nearly fifteen minutes now, Ellie shut the car off and made her way into the In N Out. The sun was glaring on the window, making it hard for her to see inside before she opened the door.

Lo and behold, she saw something rather interesting. Guess she picked the perfect time to come, because AJ Tyler was definitely doing something to be that mad. Ellie's eyes widened momentarily, before she got a little closer to see just what was happening.

"So... who set him off this time?" Ellie asked, before sliding into a seat. She glanced at Yessi, before looking at the others, Did I miss anything important?"
@TootsiePop @BrutalBx @Dirty Pretty Lies

bee reporting in
gearhead please!
I'm in!
I'm in!

Figured some of y'all might want to read this.

as someone who bought the MCC on xbox one i REALLY hope they put it in the play anywhere program. i'm not particularly interested in re-buying a game i've already bought.

i'll be more keen to buy if there were more to it though. if it was a substantial and thorough port and remaster and not just taking what is on the xbox one and moving it over
Anna, being the lovely girl that she was, had managed to space out despite the massive amount of people that just so happened to be around. More and more people were spilling in as time passed -- but Anna couldn't have really paid them any less attention. She had briefly forgotten that she was, in fact, on a reality television show and not just at home. Forgetting that would eventually be something that she would pay dearly for. For right now, given that it was pretty early in the process and that the so-called "regular people" were still adjusting to being in front of a camera, it was totally excusable. Lord knows that everyone that wasn't Anna were probably still finding their way to the kitchen. More than likely they had gotten lost right outside of their door.

Also, not to mention, Anna wasn't really the type to talk before she had her breakfast. That was the way she'd always liked it. Her mantra belonged on a coffee mug that middle-aged soccer mom with three kids and a crumbling marriage would own, but it was pretty much her. She didn't want to interact with anyone. That was hopefully communicated through her body language, where she was hunched over and tapping idly on the countertop. It was situations like these where she missed having her phone. There was literally nothing else for her to do than to just wait and see what was going to happen. Her food was being made, sure, but other than having to interact with people, Anna really didn't know what to do. That was, until her food was bestowed onto her after a relatively quick wait. Her food was still steaming, which indicated that it was really fresh and not just some refrigerated, defrosted shit.

Grabbing a fork from nearby, Anna flashed a smile and thanked the chef, before she stabbed a piece of scrambled egg and placed it in her mouth. For such a simple dish, this chef really knew what the fuck she was doing and had made it taste incredible. It was so fluffy yet you could taste more than just the egg. There was some seasoning in there that she couldn't really identify, but damn did it taste good. She was sitting idly by, eating her food before she heard some footsteps behind her, and that unmistakeable, familiar voice that she could not forget from the night before, despite how fucking wasted she got. Swallowing her food, she turned around and smiled. Lo and behold, it was Jett. One out of two people she had remembered from last night. Flashing a small smile, she nodded toward Jett. She'd say something, but she was kind of in the process of eating her food. But before she could really think of what to say, Jett was already perusing the menu.

In the meantime, Anna just scarfed down her food. The eggs were way too good to neglect, and the hotter they were the better they were. Was Anna gonna burn her throat? More than likely. Was it worth it? Definitely. However, even as she ate, she couldn't help but to overhear Jett's order. She wanted to know what kind of food a man like him ate. Probably caviar on top of caviar... as overrated that caviar was. Eggs and bacon, she heard? That... wasn't exactly what she was expecting. In fact, it was incredibly similar to her order. But then, there was the kicker. Mimosas at... ten o'clock in the morning? Who does that? Apparently Jett did. Anna looked up at him with a weird look, indicating to him that she found it rather weird that he was drinking as soon as he got up.

Following him with her eyes, Anna smirked as she was asked about that stunning ocean view that was bestowed onto them. Apparently she and Jett were on the same side. That meant he would know what exactly she was talking about. "It's great. I wish I had a view like that back home. I could just grab a chair and put it outside the window and stare at it for hours." Anna added, using her fork to draw little pictures in the air that were solely for the purpose of driving the point home. "What about you, Mr. Mimosa at Ten O'Clock Man? How do you like the view?"
Anna bit her lip and looked at Ashley curiously as she started to act a little differently all of a sudden. If she had to guess, this was her way of flirting and she wanted her to make a move. But -- Anna wasn't entirely in the business of rushing things. She had the summer, it wasn't like she needed to make a move now otherwise she was going to lose this girl. Instead, Anna decided it would be a far better option to simply string her along and see what she would be getting in this girl. Anna smiled coyly, before reaching up to brush Ashley's cheek with the back of her hand. "We'll see about that." She trailed, before slowly backing away and winking. That was definitely going to leave an impression on the girl for sure. What would come after it, however, was up in the air.

The night was rather eventful and full of new experiences that Anna would definitely remember for quite a while. It wasn't every day that you got introduced to a bunch of celebrities and had drinks with them. It also wasn't every morning that you woke up in one of Malibu's finest properties in your new home for the summer. What had happened the previous night had happened -- but today was an entirely new day with completely new prospects ahead of her. It was also the first full day in this house, after spending half of it at home and getting transported to the venue. She didn't know what was going to happen today.

All she knew was that this was right about the time where everyone started to rise. Anna opened her eyes to the Southern California sun gazing into her extraordinarily gorgeous room. Her room was just as extravagant as everyone else's. Windows allowing for an incredible view of Malibu. Some got a front row seat to the Pacific Ocean, and some got a beautiful view of the road and mountain range out front. Anna was lucky enough to get one that was facing the ocean. Before Anna forced herself out of the bed, she spent a few minutes just looking at the ocean and the tide coming in and out. The waters were calm -- slowly washing away at the light beige sand that stood between it and the twelve people that inhabited this house on a regular basis.

It wasn't like there were cameras in this room anyway. At least, as far as she knew, or at the very least, ones that wouldn't be on and recording all the time. She wasn't obligated to slip out of her room right away. There was nobody watching her watch the ocean. Not to mention, there was a lack of connection to social media. Being that this was a reality show, everybody's phones were confiscated and being held elsewhere. Something about maintaining confidentiality and making sure that nobody was going to leak anything. It made sense, but it sort of drove the younger members of the cast a little crazy - considering how crazily obsessed and connected they were. To alleviate that, however, they were allowed access to production-modified devices that let them do things like create music, or browse some websites that the production company had said that they were allowed to browse. But other than that, they were practically isolated from the real world, at least on the days they had to film.

Eventually, Anna had managed to get herself out of bed and get ready for the day. Hopefully nobody would care if she slipped out in her pajamas. It was just the morning and she hadn't even had breakfast yet. It was much too early to get into her regular clothes and get into a position where she could hunker down and put on a show for the cameras. She spent a couple of minutes in the bathroom to freshen up. Brushing her teeth and washing her face so she could at least look the slightest bit presentable. She didn't want to look like what she actually looked like in the morning at home. There were still going to be cameras on her, probably the second that she stepped foot out of that room. Anna wasn't entirely too keen on disappointing the people who were going to be inevitably rooting for her, as well as those who had their eye on her.

Sighing as she stepped out of the bathroom, she made her way to the front door of her room, pinching the bridge of her nose and rubbing it as she put a hand on the brass handle. Twisting it and pulling the wooden door open, she made her debut for the day and stepped out into the hallway, a distant chatter being heard as she made her way to the kitchen. It was then where she could realize one of the advantages of living in a place like this -- it was that they would have a chef that would make basically ANYTHING they wanted. At least, until the producers decided they would pull her once it was discovered that one of them could actually cook. Stepping into the rather beautiful kitchen, a couple of people were seen leaning on the granite counters chatting idly over a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon.

However, Anna wasn't entirely sure how this worked. Did she just... walk up to the chef and ask for what she wanted? Was there a form that she had to fill out? It was a dilemma that Anna had faced, but not for very long before the chef noticed Anna's rather bewildered expression and cleared her throat. "Hello, ma'am. What would you like for breakfast, today? The menu is right here," She gestured to the little piece of paper stood up on the counter, "...and if you'd like to make any special requests, please let me know!" Anna nodded and smiled, before she leaned to glance at the menu. It didn't take long for her to come to a final decision. "I'd like some eggs - scrambled, and sausage, please." She smiled, before the chef nodded. "Right away, madam." She said, before turning to grab some more eggs out of the fridge. For the time being, though, Anna took a seat in front of the counter, waiting patiently for her food... and perhaps someone to come along and keep her company.
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