Avatar of Blaze Gamma


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Actually Frankenstein was the Roleplayer, not the RP
7 mos ago
Mood is still shot.
7 mos ago
And my depression just got set off
7 mos ago
Is there anyone here who might be willing to run a Pathfinder1e scenario tomorrow night at 9:30 est? Got a full table but no GM
8 mos ago
Bleeeeh. I want to be in a Pathfinder game, not just GM or Society play


So yeah, this is Blaze. I'm sorry you had to see this. I do 1x1s of the we're all going to hell variety. 32 ( NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo). Living in EST. Male. Uh... Stuff. PM me for RPs of questionable moral fibre.

If you want to RP, I'm most easily contacted on Discord (Blaze_Gamma#6210), but I check my PMs here too pretty often.

Most Recent Posts

"Members of the military are expected to go fight in wars... And if I'm an officer, it means there are people under me whose lives are in my hands. It was fine to goof around a bit when I'm the only one the consequences fell on, but... I can't get away with it now..." Felix scratched the back of his head. "And... Yeah, kinda. I knew you could handle him if I was keeping him distracted." He admitted sheepishly before shaking his head.

"And... You know those nobles aren't the same person you are. You're more grounded than they are. You say you can't be like them... And maybe you're right. But why would you want to? Right now the best thing is to focus on this whole pilgrimage thing you're doing. Let everything else fall into place as it does, right?"
Felix kicked a pebble along as he walked. "I just didn't want the responsibility or to be shipped off to the capital or something like that... I've always been able to get away with... Not the bare minimum, but doing just enough that nobody else got hurt... Take the fall so someone else can be the hero, act like I'm not as good a swordsman as I really am... Hell, I thought that being an orphan and bit of a pickpocket as a kid, that would disqualify me from an actual rank... Guess that didn't pan out... But I'll live. You've got so much more to worry about, don't you?" He stopped for a moment.

"... All this stuff. What Old Man Emmerich told you about..." Felix was sure not to mention it by name, as not to alert anyone. "It's scary, and it's life changing, and it's not fair to you. But it doesn't change who you are. You're the same person you were yesterday. You're not going to suddenly change because you know who your real father is. Kate. You're still the same be..." He hesitated, looking down at his feet. "You're still the same kind person you've always been. You're still going to be that person. You don't have to discover who you are, because you already know that." He told her.
Felix took a deep breath. The fact she was able to smile, at least a little, it helped him to calm down. "Yeah... I'll come along. I don't exactly have anything better to do..." He sighed. He wanted to feel bad for himself, but he couldn't. All of the sudden he went from being a town guard to a member of the army. He'd always taken steps to avoid promotion, to do just good enough, but... Militia Captains were part of the military, rather than just volunteers or workmen. He wanted to scream at that, but for what it was, he couldn't. Not when his friend was being put through something much more life changing, and, he was sure, terrifying.

He shoved his hands into his pockets. "Kate..." He said. "Are you doing okay?" He asked her.
"Right now, far as anyone knows, there are no living successors to the king. That's the most likely scenario." Emmerich said. "It would be of much less risk to send something ahead so they're ready to receive you. Time is of the essence," he pointed out. "Too much secrecy can put one at risk. I'm merely sending ahead a note that an important guest is arriving. I'll be sure to also send you with a letter of introduction." He said. "Now, you should go and prepare yourself."

Once they'd stepped outside, Felix sighed and spoke up. "You know... That you think about things much as you do... It's a good thing." He said. "I could probably do to think a bit more... Maybe I wouldn't have gotten myself stuck in this mess..."
Emmerich nodded to himself. "Supplies should not be a big issue, all things considered." He said. "You only have a short trip ahead of you as it is. Supplying proper will be done at the manor." He explained as he prepared a pen and paper. "I'll send ahead that you're coming there to prepare for the journey, so they'll be ready to receive you." He explained. "Ah..." He stood up. "But it may be good to go see your parents before you leave." He continued. "As I said before, they simply had no idea, and until today, I only had the vaguest hint about your connection to Alphin. I'm sure they'll be just as surprised as you were."
"The Regalia are themselves protected," Emmerich explained. "It would be difficult for anyone to reach them without the consent of the sages." He then closed his eyes. "As for the help... I wish I could afford a contingent, however, the one Captain I can loan is only until you reach the Lord's manor. I will need them back once you've reached that point, due to the increased risk of attack on the town." He sighed, clearly not any happier about what he was saying than Katherine would be.

"So you'll be having her travel with a complete stranger?" Felix asked. Everything since they'd gotten there was getting on his nerves.

"The Lord's guard is very capable. Any one of them will be more than enough to act as a bodyguard." Emmerich said.

Felix frowned as he resisted the urge to storm off again. He was entirely too tired for all this.

~~~The Night Before~~~

The castle was eerily quiet that night. The king had sent the majority of staff away to celebrate the meteor shower.

Least that was the pretense he'd given. The truth was, it was all in preparation. He knew that this night may be his last, ever since his fateful encounter six months before. He had to be ready, though. He'd vacated the castle to minimize the loss of life, and only a scant few attendants remained. That said, he needed to speak to those who did. As such, he called forth two of the Royal Wyvern Riders to his chamber.

"Ah, I'm glad to see you both," the king spoke once the two arrived on his balcony with their wyverns.

"Your Majesty," a female knight spoke. "Why have you called us here today?" She asked.

"You're Morrigan, yes?" The King asked. "And the young knight with you is Albert?" He continued.
@ReusableSword Yes and no. This rp has died once before, so I'm being very picky about invites, and more relevantly, I'm being slow. I'm adding the third player tonight, so it may be a while.
Felix continued to scowl, even as Katherine spoke. The whole thing wasn't right. Suddenly there was a dead king, and she was just expected to do some big journey and put herself in danger. He couldn't stand it.

"Well... The Regal's Rite in and of itself isn't normally dangerous," Emmerich said after a few tense moments. "The worst of things is climbing Mt. Ignis. However, as things are, it's likely that you'll have to do the Rite as quickly as possible, before the banditry or any foreign elements begin to act up." He sighed. "Ideally I was to act as the guide for the Rite, but as things stand, I'd likely be a liability on the field, and even if I weren't, I've a duty to uphold the safety of the town, now more than ever." He explained. "But..." He pulled out a map and a pen, with which he circled Mt Ignis and Prima. "As you can see, Mt. Ignis is relatively close. Making it there should be no more than a 2 week's journey." He marked out a route. "This is the route I took with Prince Alphin. The trails are well maintained and usually safe until you reach the mountain. Once there, the Sages will test you, and as a final test, you're to claim one of the Three Regalia. It isn't anything too difficult, in theory."

"... But there's the risk of bandits and others who may potentially try to sabotage the Rite?" Felix asked, seeming more subdued now.

"Exactly..." Emmerich said. "It would be best to travel light, without a large contingent, as not to attract too much attention... And here." He marked on the map a location 2 days from the town. "This is the manor of the Lord of Prima. It may be a good place to prepare for the longer part of the journey. If you want, I can send word to the Lord to have you sent way with one of my Captains. Once there you can meet with one of the Lord's Honor Guard, who can protect you for the rest of the journey, until you've collected the Regalia."
"Lady Katherine, please, try and calm yourself," Emmerich said. "Nobody knew anything. Your mother only knew that your father, that Alphin, was a young man from the capital, and I'd only once met your mother myself until 6 months ago, after Felix joined the militia. I only had my suspicions, nothing concrete. Why say anything if all I have is an idle thought? Especially since there was no brand until today?" Emmerich pointed out. "And I am not suggesting you merely go and claim yourself heir, or even that you try and take control of the country. But... There is a way that you can help to stabilize our country, to save it from chaos...

"There was a reason your father and I came to Prima," Emmerich said as he poured more tea. "Prima is, while a simple rural village, known as the cradle of our nation. While it's somewhat of a secret, just like the Royal Crest, Prima is where future heirs to the throne begin a pilgrimage known as the Regal's Rite. If you have that mark, then you could undergo the Rite. My duty here was always to help the heir to the throne to begin the rite. If you do complete it, you may collect a proof that will show you as the true heir to the throne." He pulled another scroll from the desk, this one with three pictures, a tome, a staff, and a blade.

"Even children of Iris know of the three Regalia, the Lotus Sword, the Lotus Staff, and the Tome of the Lotus. It is from these three regalia that our ritual, of giving Lotus Bangles to those we wish to become betrothed to comes from... Collectively, the Regalia are known as the Fire Emblem, and only the true heir may wield them. Indeed, to the end of their lives, the sitting monarch carries one of the Regalia, before it is returned to Mt. Ignis... That said, the Lotus Staff is likely missing, as it was the Regalia Alphin favored... But if you are able to obtain the Tome or Sword, you can use it to prove yourself as the true queen." Emmerich explained.

"So basically you want a farm girl to go on a dangerous journey to collect a magic weapon and put a target on her back?" A voice came from the entrance. Felix walked back into the room, a tired and frustrated look on his face. "Just because some mark appeared on her leg? Don't you think that's unfair? Like forcing some grand role on someone who doesn't want it?"

"... Felix." Emmerich sighed. "How much did you hear?"

"All of it." Felix growled. "I was sitting outside by the window." He said. "... So just what choice are you giving her?" He asked.

"I am letting her choose. She can go back to her life or she can take the Regal's Rite, and-"

"You said it yourself! The country's going to descend into chaos if she doesn't do the damn rite! You're not actually giving her a real choice and you know it!" Felix snapped back.

Emmerich didn't have anything to say in response.
Emmerich's eyes widened, then he slumped back in his chair. He didn't question her, not even to ask to see the crest. For a time, he seemed to be silently processing, then a smile appeared on his face. The man started to laugh jovially, as if he'd heard a real knee slapper. "Ah, that is... Alphin, that is just like you," He said, coughing a little bit from shortness of breath.

"No... I suppose that isn't a surprise, really," Emmerich said. "I want to tell you a story. It is of the first time I visited this village... When I wasn't a militia commander, but instead was the attendant to a foolish prince with a case of wanderlust and... Well, other lusts as well." He said.

~~~22 Years Ago~~~

"Well, your majesty, we're here." The young soldier sighed. "I suppose you're going to-"

"Hey, hey, hey, hold on!" The soldier's companion said, seeming very laid back compared to the soldier. "Come on, I'm here to just relax. You know, be a regular guy, not... That. It's not your majesty, or young master, or prince long as we're in this village. I'm just Al, okay, Emm?" He asked.

The soldier sighed. "Very well... Al... I'll acquiesce to your requests." He said.

"Jeez, no need to be so stiff about things. You need to get laid, buddy."

"That's hardly behavior one should be engaging in when they have to be babysitting a manchild such as yourself." The soldier sighed.

"You only say that because you're an unbearable stiff, now let's get to exploring. This is Prima, a rustic town in the countryside! It's so lively compared to back home!" Al said with a smile.

"It's filthy here, I'm fairly certain I saw animal droppings in the middle of the road." Emm sighed.

"See, that's what I'm talking about, calling you a stiff! You can't have a little fun! Always business."

"I'd rather be always business then see you injured." Emm retorted.

"Bah, easy come, easy go," Al said with a smile, looking at a young woman in a low cut dress with a whistle and a smile. "Hey, I've got an idea. We're friends, right?" He asked.

"You're my liege, not my-"

"Yeah, yeah," Al said. "So we're friends. So let's get a portrait done!" He said, dragging the slightly taller man over to a man with an easel. "How much for two copies of a portrait of me and my friend here?"

With that, the two began their explorations of Prima. The paintings done by an artist who knew not of the significance of the mark on the young man's arm, the two met a number of people, Al dragging Emm throughout, the shorter man enjoying the festivities of a harvest party, while the taller continued to act as alert as possible. As the sun set, Al had a woman on his arm as he approached his comrade.

"Hey, Emm," The young man said, smiling and a little red in the face. "This sweet maid and I are going to spend the night together, yea? I told her about the capital and well... We got excited."

"Ugh... I pray you didn't say too much, and I pray you not tell me any further." Emmerich said, shaking his head as he turned away. "Just... Do me a favor, and stay at this tavern." He sighed, all too familiar with Al's escapades.

"Haha! What'd I say, is he a hoot or what?" Al laughed as he led the woman to his room.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Emmerich smiled. "I suppose it makes sense though," he said to Katherine. "You'd seemed somewhat familiar when I first saw you, 12 years ago... And when Felix told me about your mother's story... About how she'd married to preserve her honor, and that you and your father knew that he was not your true father... But I never asked." He said.

The old soldier closed his eyes. "... This is very good to know... Miss... No, Lady Katherine... You're likely the last surviving heir to the throne of Iris... Your very existence might be able to save this country from disarray..." He sat back in his seat. "That said... It may be better for you if... We just didn't have this conversation. It is your choice... You may act with this knowledge or bury it. If you wish it, this will be our secret... If not... I will make the necessary preparations. Again, the choice is yours."
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