Avatar of Blaze Gamma


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Actually Frankenstein was the Roleplayer, not the RP
7 mos ago
Mood is still shot.
7 mos ago
And my depression just got set off
7 mos ago
Is there anyone here who might be willing to run a Pathfinder1e scenario tomorrow night at 9:30 est? Got a full table but no GM
8 mos ago
Bleeeeh. I want to be in a Pathfinder game, not just GM or Society play


So yeah, this is Blaze. I'm sorry you had to see this. I do 1x1s of the we're all going to hell variety. 32 ( NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo). Living in EST. Male. Uh... Stuff. PM me for RPs of questionable moral fibre.

If you want to RP, I'm most easily contacted on Discord (Blaze_Gamma#6210), but I check my PMs here too pretty often.

Most Recent Posts

"Well then, I've a room prepared for you," Stefan explained, leading Katherine in. "You can rest there while my staff prepares a meal to celebrate your safe arrival." He led her through the halls to a side room and had a servant open the door to some luxurious chambers.

'Swanky digs...' Felix thought, about to step into the room and look around, only to find a hand placed on his chest, stopping him. "Huh?" Felix blinked, looking at Stefan, who had a look of dismissive disapproval on his face.

"Don't you know anything? It's rude for a boy to enter a lady's chamber." Stefan sighed. "Honestly... Such uncouth behavior."

Felix swallowed a grimace. He wanted to give the bastard some attitude, but he held his tongue. He couldn't cause a scene, for Kate's sake.
"Hmm..." Stefan said, acknowledging the fact that Felix existed, but not much else. "Well, it seems the commander's lackey did well enough getting you here safely." He said with a smile. "I do understand your sense of urgency, Lady Katherine, however, a rush isn't needed in this case. I've not quite had the time to prepare your supplies yet, nor to have a troop prepared for your escort. Besides, scouts told of some bandit activity on the road here, and I'm guessing there was a high chance you were, if nothing else, inconvenienced by it. Some time to rest may do you some good."

Felix frowned. The guy gave him the creeps.
"You look nice," Felix said, looking off to the side, his face slightly red. "It's just something to get used to, isn't it?" He asked. They sat there for a few minutes, and before long, the gate opened again. A man in richly clothes stepped out with the guard. "Ah, so my guest has arrived. Honestly, I do apologize for my guards' impudence. I'd had to keep your situation a bit quiet, as it were."

The guards looked to the lord slightly uncomfortable.

"Milord," Felix bowed, only to be completely ignored.

"Well, men, I'd like to introduce you to the one who will rightfully ascend to the late King Alphin's throne, Lady Katherine." The lord spoke, bowing to her. "I am Lord Stefan. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"Err... Ah. Right." Felix scratched the back of his head, closing his mouth as they approached the gate. He was still shocked by how big the building was, though he did his best not to betray it.

"State your business," A guard holding a halberd spoke, motioning to the two.

"We're here to see the Lord of the manor," Felix said, his voice cracking slightly. "Commander Emmerich has already sent word of our arrival." He explained.

The guard looked to another on the opposite side of the door, motioning to him. The second guard entered the manor. "You two wait here, and don't try anything funny," the first spoke. "My partner will verify with the Lord."

Felix nodded, then mumbled to Katherine. "Could these guys be more stiff?"
Felix took a deep breath as he was healed. "Well, best we can do is keep moving forward." He admitted. "I guess I was just a little concerned is all."

Felix went back to the wagon, motioning the horse pulling it to carry on. After they were a bit of the ways down the road, and once sufficient cover found, the two made camp. "Still, wonder if that guy will be surprised when he finds out just who you were." He chuckled. "Although..." He seemed slightly bothered. "I just hope you made the right call. Kate, no matter what decisions you make, I'll support you, just... Try and be safe, okay?" He asked.

The two set off once more as morning came, and by midday, they'd arrived at the manor. Felix was somewhat awestruck by the sheer scale, his mouth agape as he looked at the huge building. "Jeez... This is ridiculous... And this guy's just the governor for our little town? How the heck is his house so big? ... I'm kinda scared to think how big the castle would be!"
Felix quietly sheathed his sword. It wasn't his decision what to do with the bandit, and he wouldn't have objected with whatever Katherine's decision was, even if he didn't agree with her choice to heal the man, but it didn't matter. Their fight was done, and, even though he'd sheathed his blade, if the bandit tried anything funny, he would not hesitate to retaliate with lethal force. Though for Katherine's sake, Felix hoped that the bandit wouldn't act up.

"Kathy, you sure you should be giving him your name?" Felix asked, before shaking his head. "What am I talking about? I guess everyone in the country will know it soon enough," he sighed.
Eh. I can say I was for some definition of the word. I'll be back in a place where I can post tomorrow night. Conversation isn't prohibited in story, so you two are welcome to character develop as you see fit.
Just letting you guys know, I'm heading out of town for the rest of the week tomorrow, so I will not have computer access, and as such, will not be able to post again til Sunday.

@NobodiesHero You're good to post for now.

Be back to this in just under a week. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I'd wait
"Or, and here's a thought..." Felix planted his sword into the ground to intercept the strike, the crossguard hooking into the weapon to hopefully stop the swing. Of course, for his plan, Felix didn't need his sword. All he needed was one good strike. He stepped in quickly, right hand curling into a fist. He rammed his fist to the bandit's abdomen as quickly and with as much force as he could. "Stop talking, you idiot!" He said as he did so.
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