Avatar of Blaze Gamma


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Actually Frankenstein was the Roleplayer, not the RP
7 mos ago
Mood is still shot.
8 mos ago
And my depression just got set off
8 mos ago
Is there anyone here who might be willing to run a Pathfinder1e scenario tomorrow night at 9:30 est? Got a full table but no GM
8 mos ago
Bleeeeh. I want to be in a Pathfinder game, not just GM or Society play


So yeah, this is Blaze. I'm sorry you had to see this. I do 1x1s of the we're all going to hell variety. 32 ( NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo). Living in EST. Male. Uh... Stuff. PM me for RPs of questionable moral fibre.

If you want to RP, I'm most easily contacted on Discord (Blaze_Gamma#6210), but I check my PMs here too pretty often.

Most Recent Posts

Since I just got into My Hero Academia and have been watching all dem superhero movies this week, it kind of informs this rp idea.


Society has been forever changed since people with powers began to appear. Less than 0.01 percent of humans are born with rare abilities that put them over and above the layperson. Among those lucky enough to gain powers, many have become heroes and villains.

What might not be expected, though, is that this simply became accepted as how things are. Even those without powers sometimes take up cowls and capes, becoming heroes and villains in their own rights.

Among heroes, none stands above Meta, a hero whose power to reshape his own body has made him nigh unstoppable, toppling any villains who dare create injustice before him.

Unbeknownst to the world, though, Meta has his own secrets. His power goes well beyond what he shows the world, and many of the villains he strikes down are those of his own creation, puppets made to make him look all the better. Those of his recurring rogues, too, are made for him to stage an elaborate play, taking in an audience.

Behind the glamour, Meta is a self serving villain, interested only in his own gain.

In the public eye though, Meta has announced that he will soon be retiring, and is looking for someone to train as a successor... Someone who he can guide for his own twisted ideas.


So, in this RP I will be playing Meta, and am looking for someone to play the character who ends up as his assistant. I'm looking for someone who's interested in playing a girl, though, that said, with the setting of the rp, they can be biological male.

In most cases, I'm looking for at least 2-3 sentence replies. Just want this to kind of be loose and fun.

That said, this will be an adult rp, and as such, we will need to discuss themes by PM, so please, if you're interested, drop me a line.
S h u u

Personal Dossier

外村・手熱 (Gaimura Shuuatsu)


Naha, Okinawa

Physical Description
Stands at 176 cm, incredibly skinny under his clothing, due to the large caloric requirements of his quirk. He's almost always seen eating when sitting down, and sometimes even when on the move, in spite of it being seen as rude. Shuuatsu tends to keep his clothing very tidy, avoiding any wrinkling or signs of wear. Carries himself in a relaxed manner, though he almost always stands up straight. He has a habit of dressing light most of the time, even if it's cold out. Smiles a lot.

Shuuatsu is a very relaxed individual, who often finds himself lost in his own thoughts. Even in combat, he's always calm, though it's less due to mental diligence and more to a very lackadaisical outlook. That said, if he begins to speak about his hobbies, he gets very fired up and enthusiastic, often turning into a motormouth as a result.

Personal History
While living his entire life in Japan, Shuuatsu often felt like an outsider. He was born on a base of the US military in Okinawa to an American mother and an Okinawan fisherman. In childhood, he was often teased for looking like a foreigner, due to being only half Japanese. When he developed his quirk, he even began to feel estranged from his family, as it seemed completely disconnected from his mother's Radio and his father's Water Orb quirk. Due to his percieved isolation at home, and his actual isolation in society, he tried to become someone who was always happy, due to a lack of faith that anyone could ever accept him. As time went on, he so often wore the mask of a goofy, happy-go-lucky kid, that he forgot the reason he'd done it in the first place, and found that it just became his default.

As he grew up, he never really took much stock in heroes. The boy barely even knew they existed until the day he found himself ambushed by a small time villain with a quirk that he couldn't defend himself against with his quirk, and a hero saved him. While he was thankful, the hero didn't stand out to him until he saw a crowd begin to celebrate the hero. This struck a chord with the young boy, who thought he may have found a way to become accepted by those around him: Become a hero. Maybe then nobody would see him as an outsider.

Character Development & Conceptualization
I'd initially not had much in mind for development of this character, aside from his first name, which I ended up switching syllables on. I knew he was going to be a mutt, but as I read the description of the rp and wrote up his background, I started getting ideas. I know one of the major things to check off on his development is to break him out of the mask he's pretty much cemented over himself, and to realize that there are people like his family who do accept him regardless of how much of an outsider he is. Beyond that, there's development of him as a fighter, learning to use a quirk that seems pretty linear in new and creative ways. I think the standard coming of age thing is the biggest concept for him. I'll admit, I'm more go with the flow about development, so nothing is really set in stone.

Abilities & Talents

Quirk Type

Hot Hand
Hot Hand allows him to raise the temperature of any part of his body. Shuuatsu can use the quirk to keep himself comfortable even in extreme cold. The upper limit of his heating is somewhere around 2000 degrees celcius, and if he heats too much his body can distort the air around him. He's able to localize the quirk to specific parts of his body or his entire body as he chooses, but his default is to heat his hands. Heated body parts have a tendency of glowing, red at lower temperatures, and white as he approaches his maximum capacity.

Hot Hand has a handful of drawbacks. The first is that as he uses it, many types of clothing simply can't handle the heat and burn up if he gets too high on the temperature. His quirk also burns a lot of energy, so it's difficult for him to put on weight, and is almost always eating in order to keep himself from getting starved by his own body.

Other Talents & Attributes
Non-quirk based abilities:
Shuuatsu is a trained karateka, having been raised on the island of Japan where the martial art was created. His voracious appetite has also led to him becoming an incredibly talented cook for his age.
@DruSM157 Just read your sheet if we both get in, we should try and pull an old friends dynamic
Ick. Dang it. My friend missed the window. Freaking dragging his feet.
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