Avatar of Blizz


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19 hrs ago
Current Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
9 days ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods
9 days ago
who tf are all these mfs on my profile suddenly? imma keep it a stack of dennys i aint trying to summon the horde and shit
1 like
9 days ago
what the fuck is all this
11 days ago
Dudes be like "the vibe is weird in here" my brother in christ you're in here


I’ve been on this site since 2015, not quite Guildfall age but I’ve been around the block a few times. I like just about any kind of setting that I can get interested in as long as it’s fun, over the years, I’ve written a lot of them too, fantasy, modern, sci-fi, whatever sounds fun at a time. You might remember me from the time the guild had a chat room, that was fun.

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Elder Scrolls
Spiral Knights

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Damon checked again and saw no one arrive. ...Fantastic he said out loud with painfully obvious annoyance. Wow this place is desolate Damon remarked before pretending to put his arm around someone's shoulder like an old friend Not a soul in sight huh pal? Oh wait...you can't talk, why? BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT REALLY HERE Damon remarked before falling on his back, his earplugs slipping out and falling on the ground. Oh to hell with it, someone comes and thinks the same thing? Not my fault. Damon thought before getting up. He turned his phone completely off, music and all and stuffed the thing in his jacket pocket. Facing the pathway off to who-knows-where land, Damon started walking. Looking around he saw nature for miles, but kept on the path as it was the only thing he could use to find his way as he had no idea where he was. I swear to god if you took a piece of paper seriously Michael... Damon's best guess was that this was all some insane joke, and that someone on the other side would pop out and say 'GOTCHA' at any given moment. Well...they better frickin' pay me for this if their gonna laugh.
Lost in though, Damon failed to noticed the girl sitting next to him, the music in his ears prevented him from hearing her and the hood over his eyes prevented him from seeing her, after a short while, Damon gave a deep sigh and sat upright. Noticing something in the corner of his eye, Damon flinched back, causing one of his earplugs to fall out, revealing the slightly loud music to the girl beside him, Damon pulled his hood back over his head and spoke calmly. Since when did it become a trend to sneak up on random strangers? he joked lightly. The tone in his voice showing no clear sign of annoyance or discomfort as Damon didn't think to much of it. Damon finally got a good look at the girl next to him, ears and...a tail? He ignored it, he'd seen worse. Ya caught me off guard, well played. He remarked before going silent.
@Mimikyu My god...I...I'm...I don't know what to say about this.
@Mimikyu Welcome aboard m8

A long time ago, before the world we know now, large creatures roamed the land. We called them the Guardians, they were towering beings of stone, and they watched over the vast, unchanged land unlike today. The Guardians were powerful and formidable, though they were friends to our ancestors, they did not bend to the will of man. The Guardians were creatures of free will, we did not own them nor did they own us, they allowed us to live, nothing more. There came a time in human history when man fought with itself, there came a group who thought that the Guardians were to be respected and honored, and those who thought they were nothing but cattle and that humans were superior. These two groups became known as the Faithful and the Turned. The Faithful believed that the Guardians were idols and respected them, honored them and never mistreated them. The Turned hated the Guardians, they believed that humans were better and that the Guardians were nothing more then dirt beneath their feet. These groups grew with time and became stronger, and more set in their ways.

Hello this is going to be a game-ish rp in an ancient time with magic, swords and other RPG stuff. I'm gonna explain more on this so bare with me. The land is known as Edrim.

Character Sheet

Diversity is key peeps.

Name (Self explanatory)

Age (20-30)

Appearance (This only affects the start of the game, meaning you could say your character is wearing simple clothes when later they could be clad in steel.)

Personality (I don't mind how in depth you make this, just as long as you don't make your character a psychotic murderer with a hobby of raping people.)

Starting magic (Any magic type other than Divine or Shadow. If you do not want to use magic just write "N/A")

Starting weapon (Any weapon listed. If your character carries chakras, venom darts, bolas or throwing bombs, select one of these throwing weapons, you may only start with one type and up to 3 of it. If you have no weapons at all write "N/A")

Faction (This does not affect the story in anyway, when we meet the guardian, it won't matter what you believe or not.)

Advantages (What three things from greatest to worst are your character skilled in the most? You may have less than 3)

Weaknesses (What three things from greatest to worst are your character set back by? You may have less than 3 but at least 1.)

Three strikes and you are done.

I: All standard RPGuild rules apply here, follow them.

II: Godmodding/Metgaming/Powerplaying etc. Will NOT be tolerated at all. If I find out you have done something in my roleplay you shouldn't have done that violates this rule, you should make arrangements for your departure.

III: When posting, I ask that you make at the very least 5 full sentences. Anything beyond the minimum is free rein for the poster, I don't mind if you make so little as a full paragraph. I don't mind if you make so much as a dozen paragraphs. But 5 sentences at least, please and thank you.

IV: Try your best to have proper grammar, I understand that not everyone is perfect at this whether they are speaking their first language or not, but if you can, do as best as possible, as for others around you, if they make a mistake, by all means let them know, but don't throw a fit just because someone uses a period in place of a comma.

V: If you break every other rule on this list, if you cast aside all common decency to respect your fellow players, if you only abide by one single rule here, let it be this one: I will not, and let me repeat, I will N O T allow any form of discrimination whatsoever, if one of the players is gay and you don't like that, to bad. You're gonna leave them alone. If they are gender fluid and you don't like it, you're gonna leave it alone, if they are a Satanist, you. will. leave. them. alone. Furthermore, if I spot one remark such as "KMS" or "KYS" from you then you are gone whether you like it or not.
Go ahead, break this rule. Test me, I dare you.

Solid burn by Megan.

Damon stood at the edge of where everyone was to meet, leaning up against a tree with the shade wrapped around him. He had no care for the outside world at the moment as the only thing on his mind was "Why in the world was I sent here?". He assumed more people were to come here so he stayed where he was, waiting for them. It probably meant nothing but he was still perplexed about why he was dragged off and why a potential consequence seemed like the government having permission to kick the door down. I'm not guilty of any crime, that I know of...It's not like I murdered the damn U.S. President or anything. Damon managed to get the thought out of his head and slumped down onto the ground. He pulled a phone out of his pocket as well as a pair of earplugs. Plugging the earplugs into his phone and his ears he played a song in hope to pass the time. Hopefully someone is here that can explain what the hell is what around here. A letter with a threat involving the government? Should anyone give a damn? Apparently so if I'm here. On an island in the middle of the whatever-one-it-is ocean waiting for Mr. or Mrs. Whoever. Oh to hell with it.
@DriveEMOut Jack glared at the 'commentator' and gave his own comment. Hey, no offense pal but you probably shouldn't use the word "Freak" so loosely around here, even if you are just joking, I'm not mad but some people here have probably been called that more times than you or me can count. He politely warned Scott, some people have driven from their homes by words like that, he didn't want anything bad to happen, he just wanted things to stay calm.
A young man walked through the doors, his expression showing nothing. Damon glided his way through the building until he reached the theatre previously mentioned, he kept his bag with him as he'd handle it himself. Damon glanced around the area, the first two he saw were a girl and some other guy, nodding to them he kept going before reaching the nearest seat. Damon dropped his black duffle bag on the ground next to his leg before leaning back with a hood pulled low over his eyes.

Damon gave out a tired sigh, hoping everything would be alright this year. "It's going to be okay." Was what he wanted to think, yet it was the furthest thing from his mind. "You don't know that." Chased away the thought every time. Damon reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone with a black-indigo case with earplugs and kept his position in the seat with a slow, calming song in his ears. We'll see I guess, we'll see... He said quietly to himself before going silent, seeming to be asleep.
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