Avatar of Blizz


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10 hrs ago
Current Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
9 days ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods
9 days ago
who tf are all these mfs on my profile suddenly? imma keep it a stack of dennys i aint trying to summon the horde and shit
1 like
9 days ago
what the fuck is all this
11 days ago
Dudes be like "the vibe is weird in here" my brother in christ you're in here


I’ve been on this site since 2015, not quite Guildfall age but I’ve been around the block a few times. I like just about any kind of setting that I can get interested in as long as it’s fun, over the years, I’ve written a lot of them too, fantasy, modern, sci-fi, whatever sounds fun at a time. You might remember me from the time the guild had a chat room, that was fun.

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Elder Scrolls
Spiral Knights

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>Atheist :p
Damon finally reached his room, number 15 and noticed how his bag was already sitting on the bed. Okay...So long as no one felt obligated to search through it. He thought as he went into the room and flipped the lightswitch on. Out of boredom he at his phone down, unplugged the earplugs and raised the volume loud enough to where you could hear just outside the door. {Sleep Dealer - Nozomi}.

Damon kicked off his shoes beside the doorway, threw his jacket on the bed and waited for something to happen, hopefully the year would go by without a horrible disaster involving hypothermia and widespread frostbite. But it seemed unlikely, Damon came to the school hoping he would never hurt anyone again, but now that he has arrived, he didn't think such a thing could happen.

You idiot!
Oh good god what have you done?!
You're a monster, you know that Damon?
What did he ever do to you? You think that just because you get into a little fight you can go ahead and-
Do you ever shut up...?
Excuse me?!
I didn't want to hurt him, if I did, he'd be dead.
And why should we believe that? How do we know you just didn't finish him off yet? How do we know you don't want to kill me?
You don't...Now shut your mouth before you change my mind.

Can't really blame them, can I? Damon couldn't shake the feeling that sooner or later, someone was bound to get hurt for being around him, no wonder he had a talent for staying distant.
I might have Damon just lay flat on his bed with the door wide open in edge mode. Anyone could sneak up on him to screw with him if they wanted. Cody, Alesia, anyone. But don't be surprised if he tries to kick them in the side. Lel.
Damon casually got up and approached the ridiculous crow and slung his bag over his shoulder, surely a bird - even a crow - wouldn't...

Transfer Number #015 : Damon Wright. No health issues. Future Occupation....

Oh real funny, what happened Milord? Lose your trilby? Damon found this funny, nevermind the fact that a bird was giving him his future in a puff of smoke, but that it could talk and was dressed more dapper than the mad hatter in a Monty Python movie.

Motivational Speaker

Beakston, you flatter me. Damon breathed in the sarcasm like he himself was a crow and continued on to his room.

Let's see, Day 1. Meet a few people and someone who belongs on a tumblr blog? Done. Meet my spirit animal? Done.

Damon pulled out his phone to change the song playing, but stopped on the lock screen. It was a photo of him and two other people his age, a girl with blue hair down to her shoulders and a boy with a silver jacket on. They were both next to Damon on what looked like a couch. The sun is setting in a window behind them, and Damon looks happy.

Sorry guys...

Damon snapped out of it and changed the music to something else and continued walking, he came to this school so he'd never hurt anyone again, and those two were more than enough motivation.
I'm gonna have to drop out of this. I've fallen way too far behind. Some day I might rejoin though.
We all have shadows in our past, but some of us have darker ones than others.

Name : Linus Gerrand

Alias : Cesserint, meaning "Flames of War"

Age : 21

Appearance : Linus is 5 feet and 9 inches tall. His skin is not to pale or dark, but a bit of both. His short but ragged hair being a shade of brown similar to mud has a few strands of grey to white in it that are easily located, his eyes are the color of a lake, pale blue with a small hint of green in them and also the first thing someone might notice about Linus. He usually wears a dark grey cloth button up shirt and pants, wears boots darker than his hair and an old, red-orange soldier coat.

Yes, the coat looks strange, get over it.

Magic : Linus has great understanding over the dangerous element that is fire. Years of learning have given him mastery over fire magic, he has the power to create devastating fireballs in his hand that can melt steel and make weapons out of thin air. When Linus makes fire, no matter how hot it does not change color and is always a bright reddish gold color.

As much as I regret it, I can do such things...

Personality : Linus isn't the most open person ever, he will certainly trust people with some things if he can trust them at all, but there are some things he wouldn't are speak of no matter how much he were to trust someone. If they ask him why he won't tell anyone, you're lucky if he says so much as "Because I said so." before leaving. Linus is typically a quiet person who treats other people with respect mostly, he sometimes seems a bit detached from the world, but doesn't make much notice of it if someone asks. When someone is threated that Linus cares about, he will do everything in his power - magic or not - to get them out of danger.

There's a reason why I keep some things secret, just...just trust me.
Name: Damon "Draco" Wright

Age: 16

Appearance: Damon's hair is in a mess, a dark shade of brown that never seems to be right. His skin is about as pale as a piece of paper as can be seen, he still looks human, just very close to white. The feature people notice about him the most is that his right eye is silver. His left eye is a common shade of light blue but his left is a silvery grey.

Powers: Draconodermic Physiology - Damon has the power to change his skin into a rough, hide like material colored like dark stone. This "Dragonhide" is extremely strong and can withstand most conventional bullets at it's weakest. The more Damon focuses this power, the stronger it becomes, at it's weakest, Damon's skin simply turns into Dragonhide, but gradually, dark red bone like spikes will emerge and the Dragonhide will thicken and grow, these spikes can be razor sharp and can cleave through concrete, however, they are not invincible, at weaker stages, the spikes are brittle. The Dragonhide can become rather cumbersome and weigh Damon down.

Attitude: Damon is a relatively calm and smart person, but is capable of violent anger. In most situations, Damon refuses to take sides unless something horrible happens, in which case he will do what he can to resolve the conflict. Damon is forgiving for most things but remembers certain things such as assaulting others leading to mortal wounds. This has given Damon a sort of Judgement complex. He may come off to some as the guy to settle an argument but in reality he simply doesn't want the situation to be any worse than it already has to be.

Class: Patient, borderline Solitary.
@SpookySquid What exactly is darkest dungeon?
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