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Current Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods
9 days ago
who tf are all these mfs on my profile suddenly? imma keep it a stack of dennys i aint trying to summon the horde and shit
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what the fuck is all this
10 days ago
Dudes be like "the vibe is weird in here" my brother in christ you're in here


I’ve been on this site since 2015, not quite Guildfall age but I’ve been around the block a few times. I like just about any kind of setting that I can get interested in as long as it’s fun, over the years, I’ve written a lot of them too, fantasy, modern, sci-fi, whatever sounds fun at a time. You might remember me from the time the guild had a chat room, that was fun.

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Elder Scrolls
Spiral Knights

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Leah Jordan

Location: Agatha's tent... again.
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

"That's a lot of people." Leah said flatly as she and Andy found the small crowd forming by Agatha's tent. She recognized a grand total of two people she resonated with somewhat. Mads and April. Dorian, she didn't really have anything against. He seemed alright. Leah just couldn't keep up with Danni's energy in any way, shape or form, though. He wasn't even annoying, he was just too damn fast for her to process sometimes. And Sabine. Sabine fucking Bassard. Every word that came out of those lips made Leah's teeth grind against her jaw. That bitch always had some snarky comment in her back pocket, or some don't-give-a-fuck attitude to walk around with, like the owned the place. Whenever Sabine turned that bitchy, no-good, prissy little attitude towards her it made Leah want to grab her by the throat and-

"Hey, people." She said as she walked up to them. "I met my match earlier," she pointed to Andy. "We went to go and box earlier, she laid me out cold on the floor with one kick to the face. Even Teddy can't throw a punch like that. Put me to sleep for a few seconds before I could even react to it." She told them all, looking around for Zarina and whoever the fuck "Vicky" was. "They not here yet?" The concert still wouldn't be starting for a few hours. Leah figured she'd just go and lift something heavy in the meantime. Though, Mads was right there. "Mads, before I forget-" Leah fished a bag of runes out of her pocket and showed them to the witch girl. [/color=ff9a4f]"-Agatha gave me these earlier. I figured you'd know something about magic rocks. Think you can help me figure out how to use them later?"[/color] Leah knew a thing or two about rocks, but magic rocks were a little out of her wheelhouse.
Leah Jordan

Location: Gym > Framework
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

All Leah could do was roll her eyes watching this guy stammer and fumble like this. Honestly, this was her third year at this school, and she'd seen at least a hundred games emulated onto these tanks, and this guy was a year over her yet still panicking. Whatever. He was probably not actually downloading Mario Kart, but some other game that people played for "plot." Copium notwithstanding, "Yeah. These things are basically the closest to a real world fight we get around here. One time I chopped a Sentinel's head off with a street lamp, and used it to cave another one's head in. True story." She told Andy this story like it was just a casual thing. The street lamp went straight through the neck until about two thirds of the way, at which point its head basically fell off because its weight was no longer supported. "You'll probably get a chance to fool around with them soon, they like to get people used to them soon as pos-"

Leah's phone began to buzz, and she checked it. Victoria was... Messaging her? Weird. They never talked. At all.

Earthbender: Sure.

She had a way with words. "Yeah, I guess they want me there to. I already saw Agatha, but I've got nothing better to do right now. Let's go." She said, slipping her phone back into her pocket. She made a mental note to ask that girl how she has her contact information, and followed Andy out whenever she started leaving.

The notion that Ixtaro would show them how their strange weapons worked meant that she understood Shirik's words. That much was good. These "guns" were something Shirik found to be a curiosity, but Kareet and Nellara might find them more pressing. It seemed to launch some sort of object, like a ballista. Interesting. "Friend..." They said, trying to understand what the humans were saying. The handshake seemed to mean something like "ally" or "companion" to them, a symbol of good will. That made sense. Shirik slowly reached for their staff on the ground, and used it to help them stand upright once Ixtaro put a hand out. Shirik extended a hand that appeared to be smoldering, but held it away from Ixatro's for several seconds as the embers visibly became smoke that trailed away. Only then did they clasp their hand with Ixtaro's. It felt cold to the touch, as they didn't want to burn a would-be companion. Still, the air around them didn't feel as if it was warmer as a result.

"Friend." They confirmed, with a bit more conviction now that they grasped the word's meaning.

And then came the horn. It elicited an audible growl from Shirik, who wordlessly followed after everyone else had filed out, they stayed in the background as Gesith Silbermine and the knights of Sudenur came to inspect the crash. J'eon, Nellara and Kareet had already stepped out to confront them, and Shirik listened intently before stepping forward. With their hood down, all the knights could see the old Iriad wreathed in brilliant fire, holding a staff wrapped with curious stones at one end. They addressed Gesith loudly, with iron in their gravelly voice, that each and every knight would hear them. "Your engineers will not be granted safe passage, the people of the Sky came here in this creation. It is theirs, and theirs alone. They are not Glen, and their "temple" as you describe it, will not be surrendered to your House. Look at the painting closer. That is no Glen, but a Sky person. It bears no antlers, nor does the strange beast it rides atop. You are not the only beings with four legs. The Castigator has spoken, Silbermine."

And then, in a much quieter voice that only their three magic-wielding companions could hear, Shirik added, "It would neither benefit us nor our guests to engage in warfare here. We could hold this pass for days with our shared ability, but the cost would be... Undesirable. Listen to how this Silbermine speaks. He does so with entitlement, a parley would only bolster his obsession. Give them a day, and they will take a lifetime. Kerchak might still secure a thought mage, if we can keep these knights distracted."

The General and her steed were peacefully trotting along, with her fancy hat on and ready for the hat contest. It only added to her well-dressed, dignified appearance that consisted of full military wear. She fed Lady Avarice another sugar cube, just before she was approached by a short woman. Another attractive lady coming towards her on her vacation after the previous two... If there was a god watching her, they were testing the General, apparently. White hair, multicolored eyes, short hair... Have mercy.

"Ah... Thank you. Though, that is not her real name, despite the announcer's sense of humor. The horse trotted up to Ruby, sniffing her hair and then gently nuzzling her with affection. Lyra titled her hat upwards and made eye contact with the girl. Her eyes were an unnaturally red color. Lyra seemed intimidating in a somewhat passive way, especially with the sword she had resting at her hip. "Her name is Lady Avarice. And I believe she likes you." Lady Avarice did, indeed, take a liking to Ruby. There was no hesitation or caution as she greeted the strange girl like a human world, braying gently into her hands.

"I don't believe we've met. Major General Carris, Baltyrian Armed Forces. And who might you be?"

Leah Jordan

Location: Gym > Framework
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

"Never really played stuff like that, I've got a Switch but I just have Skyrim on it. Not much a gamer, really." Leah said as she followed Andy upstairs. She rolled her jaw as they walked. She'd be feeling that one in the morning. "You've got a mean kick there, by the way. I've had maybe a dozen concussions before,but no one's ever put me to sleep with a kick to the face. That was smooth." There weren't many ways to get on Leah's good side, by a nasty blow to the face was a pretty good start. Leah's powers made her a pretty good frontline tank, so whenever there was some sort of scuffle or combat situation, she was always at the front of it, throwing up barriers of stone and shattering someone's entire existence with a kick to the ribs. Most of her fighting was done in a simulation, so no one actually died when she gave a leg-shaped landslide.

Once she and Andy were on the top floor, they saw some guy playing Mario Kart on the damn Frames. "Jeez, you doin' something illegal up here?" She asked, seeing the guy seem utterly terrified by their presence. Sure, Leah was intimidating and was probably taller than this boy, but she wasn't that scary. "People always fool around with these things when no one's looking. It's not like you're the first. Relax." She told Ed, having seen the guy around once or twice. He was in a year over her, but they never talked. "You ever been up here yet, Andy?"

"Go," The General whispered to her steed, and without an ounce of hesitation, Lady Avarice took off at a blinding pace. While others were kicking their horses and whipping their hinds, General Carris only held on tight, and watched the others break the strides of their own steeds without realizing. It disgusted her, really, to watch them treat such noble beasts in that fashion. But, Lyra didn't have much time to dwell on it as she slipped well past each any everyone of them, and won the race. She made a mental note to ignore the idea of her companion being called "Bitch Slayer," as this was just entertainment, but alas, it annoyed her.

"Swift as always, old girl." She said, stroking Lady Avarice behind her ears, the mare nuzzled her hand from behind as the crowd cheered. To anyone else, it would have seemed as if the horse understood that this was a race, and simply did not need to be whipped to run at full pace. Lyra reached into a pocket on her coat, and pulled out a half of a dried apple, feeding it to Lady Avarice. As she climbed off her steed, the horse followed her without being pulled by reigns.

While the other contestants were fishing for hats, Lyra already had hers on for the entire race.
Gimme like a few hours and I'll read this lol

I forgot I told you to remind me
...did I?

Okay, guess I'm reading something lol

In complete disregard for a single word the Castigator said, Shirik paid complete attention to the Ixtaro human's attempts at conveying something. "This creation is called "Jotunheim. It is how they came here, and it is... Damaged. They can go to "Home" if it is repaired." They said out loud for the local people to understand better. Shirik then watched curiously as Ixtaro used her projections to create visual representations of Nellara and themselves. "Incredible..." Then flames erupted around the fake Shirik, and Ixtaro asked something... At least, They thought so. "Ah. I believe they are unfamiliar with magic... And wish to understand it. Allow me." Shirik brought their arms together in front of them, and made a turning motion as if they were spinning a wheel. A ball of warm light sparked between their hands, and spread outwards to form a ring. In this ring, various figures emerged, each performing feats of magic. Summoning fireballs, lifting rocks, lifting unspecified objects, healing broken limbs, projecting lightning, and conveying thoughts. Shirik pointed to the one holding fire, "Shirik. Mage." and then to the one holding lightning. "Nellara. Kareet. Mages."

All but one image vanished, leaving behind the one representing Shirik. It began to move its arms in the air, in elaborate motions that portrayed the use of magic. The figure grew legs and began to take steps, it waved a hand in the air, causing a spark to fly across the floor, and then it pointed at the air, to spray a small stream of visible heat into the air. The intent was to portray that the practice required physical movements, and Shirik eventually dispelled the dancing figure to draw another image in the air. It was of a person holding a flame between their hands under a starry sky, and the fireball was growing brighter steadily. As Shirik showed this to Ixtaro, they stretched a charred arm forward between them, and pointed at it with a hand. They closed two fingers, and pointed to other two upwards, as a mote of light formed. It grew brighter until it was a fireball just like the illustration. Though it was within arm's reach of Ixtaro, it didn't feel warm. In fact, it felt cold, if anything. They held it there for Ixtaro, as if offering it somehow. And then they pointed at Ixatro's hand, trying to get her to do the same motion.

One more image appeared, it was of a figure with horns in its head and back, wearing a cloak, to represent Shirik. A second figure formed in front of it that had no identifying features, representing a human. Each held up a hand, and formed a fireball, but Shirik's was visibly brighter. An arrow pointed to the human. The image seemed to depict not only a capability with magic, but specifically expertise. Shirik was hoping the interpretation would be such, at least. "Shirk... teach... Ixtaro?"

Before the images vanished for good, the fire in the human figure's hand changed into a rectangular shape, with another shape sticking out of the end like a handle. A weapon. The arrow, too, changed to point at Shirik. It suggested a trade. "Weapon. Weapon?" They said the word in two different tones, unsure of which counted as a question for Ixtaro. "Teach weapon."

Location Bank, 6th floor
Interactions Nymph, Quiver, and the entire team.

Stormcaller, after watching Nymph turn into a cloud of flowers, was hit in the helmet by the phone. Her head felt fuzzy after the second guy pulled the trigger on that gun, but she shrugged it off. She picked the phone up and jolted it. The circuits were fried, and smoke puffed out as she tossed it into a trashcan. "They're gonna come looking probably, even if that guy said it's cool up here. We gotta move. People who rob banks don't normally have weird nausea guns and-" Wait. "I just thought of something." Cora said, as she quickly ran over to the stunned robber and pull the shockwave gauntlet off of his arm. She turned it over in her hands a few times, looking at any indication of electrical conduction. There seemed to be some kind of device that took in a power load, and converted it into a kinetic wave. "It's not EM, but- Oh, it's got a cascader... Yeah. I can work with that." She slid the gauntlet into a pocket on the inside of her coat, for safe keeping. "This is mine now." She said out loud, in an almost mischievous way, and then turned to the guy with the funny-looking gun in his hand.

"Hey, buddy. Might if I borrow that?" That was, however, a rhetorical question, as Stormcaller pulled it out of his hand while he was still in some weird, flowery daze of euphoria. She was tempted to blast him with it, but decided not to. "It looks like it's just soundwaves, some kind of nausea-emitter to stun people. It's funneled down a WF choke- Fuck me. That's perfect." Stormcaller then messaged the entire team. "Stormcaller to team, I'm here with Nymph. We found some guys with more weird weapons, a glove that emits energy shockwaves and a gun that makes people nauseous instead of actually hurt them. I've got them both in my hands right now, and I think I can use it to incapacitate a bunch of their buddies in one go. What do you think, Metamorph?"
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