Avatar of BookGirl1993
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 410 (0.13 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. BookGirl1993 9 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Current Alright guys I npw i said i would post in the my Zombie RP, sorry i have not posted with finals and final projects being due or coming up it been hecktic and to top it off having work i wil post ASAP!
8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
University Starts Tomorrow!!! First day of classes going to be fun!!
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8 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Off for the next two days!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's going to be a whole lot of posting once I wake up tomorrow Goodnight all


I love writing and reading, and I currently trying to write a novel. I also love drawing and singing. I am 19 yrs old and am currently in my first year of college. I am taking the Bachelor of Art degree. My Major is English and my minor is Music. My main career choice is to become an author. I love writing, it has always been a passion of mine so I decided to pursue my dream. I also have a back up plan in case it does not happen right away. I think I would love teaching music to elementary children, mostly because I love music and I love children. I still live with my parents, and I have one younger brother. Well I think that's enough about my personal life.

Reading for me is a passion, I read just about every single genre there is out there, from romance to fantasy to horror to historical etc, etc, Normally after I read a book I tend to write a review. some of my top twenty favorite Authors are:

1. Cassie Edwards
2. Lemony Sincket
3. Stephenie Meyer
4. Ted Dekker
5. Suzanne Collins
6. Cassandra Clare
7. Richelle Mead
8. Christine Feehan
9. Nora Roberts
10. Charles Dickens
11. John Flanagan
12. J.K. Rowling
13. Pamela Palmer
14. E.L. James
15. Jean Johnson
16. Julianne Maclean
17. Constance O'Banyon
18. Donna Fletcher
19. Sandra Hill
20. Stephen King

Well there you have it those are my top twenty favorite Authors, but I have so many more it is unbelievable! :D <3

Now here is a list of my top 20 favorite manga/Anime
1. Haruka: Beyond the Stream of Time
2. Black Bird
3. One Piece
4. Fruits Basket
5. Beauty Pop
6. 1/2 Prince
7. Chrno Crusade
8. Claymore
9. D. Gray-Man
10. Vampire Knight
11. Sengoku Strays
12. Prince Of Tennis
13. InuYasha
14. Heart no Kuni no ALice
15. Hana Yori Dango
16. Death Note
17. Blue Ramun
18. Full Metal Alchemist
19. King of Thorn
20. Bleach

Well and there is my list of top 20 manga/anime and there are tons and tons more I have read.


For RP's I tend to enjoy playing Fantasy, real life, romance, Apocalyptic type as well as school life or family type one.

My Own RP's:
1. ShadowHunters RP - which has been closed cause i lost many players while putting it up (Gm)
2. Join The Hunt Of The Nephilim!! (Shadow Hunter's) - version 2.0 of my First One (GM)
3. The Desolation of Mankind (Walking Dead Based Rp) (GM)

RP's I Am In:
1. Descendants Reform School (Player)
2. Married at First Sight (Player)
3. Orphanage for Supernatural (Player)
4. Hogwarts, 1480 (Player)
5. Cross Worlds (Player)
6. Pack of Vandrow (Remake and open for players) (Player)
7. Wereworld (rebooted) (Player)
8. Cross Worlds (Player)
9. Maple Leaf University (Player)

Most Recent Posts

@KatherinWinter hahaha ok lol my bad lol
@KatherinWinter I post though so i am confused on what you mean?

K sounds good vianna and as for not knowing where we are I am thinking of atarting on a whole day getting the both the downworlders and shadowhunters involved.
Pheonix was excited to play as she got ready to play basketball. Phoenix looked around at her team as we all got ready and onto our proper sides of the court. As Phoenix waited for her team to get ready she was bouncing up and down like a little girl getting a new toy.
@Demonic Angel@KatherinWinter

Bethany and Cannenta were sitting as they continued to watch. As Katherin showed her power they were astonished and thought her power was awesome. They had never seen a power like that before. "Wow Katherin that power is awesome, " Cannenta said to her.

"Yea, we have never seen that power before it is so cool!" Bethany said and smiled at their new friends Axel and Katherin.
Crystal looked toward Jimmy and nodded to a couple large bags over by the food storage she had gotten toward "Yes Jimmy one of those bags is full of bandages and gauzes if you want help changing the gauzes I can help, I was a nurse before all this happened" Crystal said.
@Nikki Moonlight
Crystal watched Linda heading to the shower and called out. "Linda the box right outside the door to the shower has towels just take one." Crystal was sure that more people might want to shower.
@Patient 43Delta@DriveEMOut
Crystal looked up at the sound of Killer growling as two more people walked in and asked if there was room for 2 more. "There sure is room, but I am not sure how I feel about the walker in the straight jacket and muzzle, though I am wondering how you can control it like that." Crystal before she looked around. "But if have to keep him around there is a closet just beside you would ou be willing to place him in there? Also, I have food, water, medicine and also running water for a shower and two separate bathrooms for men and women. so feel free to have a shower limit of one towel per person." Crystal turned back to Jimmy waiting for his answer to her helping him change his gauze.
Crystal was wondering where the other guy was that called Marco in the police station. She had called back to him and told him that they were heading out the back door to the adjacent building, she hoped he heard or at least followed the others. She could have sworn he had heard her.
Crystal was also wondering where Simon was the guy she had given two granola bars to was.
Crystal knew there was at least one more person that was in the station and she knew that he had heard her tell the other survivors on where to go so she wondered if he was going to be coming behind them.
@The Elvenqueen@Polaris North

Rosette just nodded her head at Avir's answer "Yes if you want to hunt and get out for awhile Saaba is right we can handle things here at the cave, while the little ones are sleeping, I and Saaba can continue talking." Rosette said looking back at Saaba then at Avir again. Rosette was thinking it was goo to be around other tigers again.



Clarie smiled as Kita pounced on her and she pushed her off and then pounced on her in return as she giggled a little as her Kita continued to play together.

@Ashevelendar Alright thanks for letting me know it was nice having you apart of us for the time we did.
@Godlikeblade yes it is please make your character and wait for me to approve it before you post
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