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| M O R D R E D |
"Whatever else I am, I am your son - your most wretched son. If you do not hate me, try to love me a little, Mother; it is lonely never to have been loved, only devoured."

| Character You're Applying For |
Mordred Pendragon

| Powers And Abilities |
Mordred is a homo magi, having an innate talent for accessing and manipulating the mystical energies which pass through the multiverse. These energies can be formed into spells through the application of will, or focus. More powerful magics may inhabit objects or words, but in both cases those merely serve as foci to off-set the physical toll on the body caused by channeling the mystica arcana. Mordred is both the wielder and the victim of magic, being under a spell cast by Morgan le Fey which grants him both eternal youth and eternal life.

| Origin And Backstory |
Mordred is the illegitimate son of King Arthur Pendragon, conceived by means of a liaison with his half-sister, Morgaine. Like Arthur, himself, Mordred's conception was the product of both magic and deception, as Morgaine wielded Merlin's own tricks against him in escalating political schemes aimed at ousting the magician from Camelot. Merlin saw the coming of a bastard born on May Day and convinced Arthur to put to death all infants who were born at that time. Morgaine knew that this royal command would seed division among the Knights of the Round Table, but safeguarded Mordred by entrusting him to Sir Brian of Kent, the Silent Knight. As he grew into a boy, Mordred served as page to Sir Brian and, for a brief period of time, Camelot was everything that people today believe it to have been.

Then it all went wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong. Lancelot's betrayal of Arthur's trust shattered the unity of the Knights of the Round Table. The knights turned on one another, as Lancelot fled the kingdom and Arthur's rage set forth in a warpath that promised no peace for so long as either Lancelot or Arthur yet lived. It was at Camlann that all was revealed. Sir Brian's betrayal of his king's command. Mordred's true parentage. Morgaine's role in the fall of Camelot and Merlin's massacre of Sir Jason's family. Arthur moved to kill the bastard, but Sir Brian intervened. In the subsequent fight between them, Arthur slew the Silent Knight - the only father that Mordred had ever known - in front of the young squire's eyes. Taking up his knight's arming sword, Mordred dealt Arthur a mortal wound before being slain by the dying Arthur. Mordred died at the hands of his father, his body lying beside the Silent Knight, the man that he had loved as his dad.

But Mordred's story didn't end there. Instead, it had only begun. Morgaine made a deal with Morpheus, the primordial "Elder God" of the Dreaming, which enabled Mordred's spirit to retake corporeal form as his story was told and re-told. As part of Morgaine's plan, with each re-telling, the story changed with subtle nuance that shifted the roles of the people involved. Morgaine's duplicity was obfuscated as her character became confused, even divided into separate roles -- Morgause and Morgan -- while blame for Arthur's dead cast Mordred as the penultimate villain. Compared to Mordred, the villain who never was, Arthur became the magnanimous man, the once and future king. From Geoffrey of Monmouth to Cretien de Troyes to Thomas Mallory and E.B. White, the story of Sir Mordred became the story of Mordred the Evil, and Morgaine's role that of no more than a minor witch.

A thousand years later, a book is stolen from out of the House of Mystery. The Libellus Sanguinis, a tome of forbidden knowledge said to have been authored by Mary, Queen of Blood. As people start to go missing across Europe, it becomes clear that the Cult of the Blood Red Moon may be rising once more. The quest to recover it brings Mordred back to a reality that has forsaken him for the memory of a great king who never was.

| What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'? |
This version combines aspects of both the DCAU Mordred and Marvel Comics' Mordred, leveraging the varied storytelling of the Arthurian Legend to return to the heroic Sir Mordred of the earliest known accounts. This version of Mordred also combines magical elements of both Marvel's "Masters of the Mystical Arts" and DC's "Justice League Dark" in order to arrive at a narrative that combines aspects of both to create a story of British superheroes both old and new.

Nina Skorzeny (Scream Queen)
A young Romanian girl kidnapped and turned into a vampire by the Tenth Circle.

Squire (Cyril Sheldrake)
A boy whose father was killed by Springheeled Jack. The Black Knight's squire.

Dane Whitman (Black Knight)
A descendant of Arthur Pendragon and the current champion of the Lady of the Lake. Wields the Sword of Light and the Shield of Night.

Jericho Drumm (Brother Voodoo)
A member of the Masters of the Mystical Arts, the protector of the London Sanctum.

Lord Crucifer
A powerful and ancient vampire, Crucifer leads the sect of the vampire nation that has come to be known as the Tenth Circle.

One of Vlad Dracul's children and Crucifer's lieutenant.

Springheeled Jack
A lesser demon from Limbo who has plagued London since at least 1837.

Klarion the Witch-Boy
A resident of Limbo Town.

Morgan le Fey
A mother's work is never done.

Thomas Cassidy (Black Tom)
A modern Irish highwayman, currently working with Morgan le Fey.

| Locations |
Jordan Tower (The London Sanctum)
Built upon the ruins of an ancient keep dating back to Roman London, the Jordan Tower lies at the intersection of ley lines crossing the Earth. Home to Brother Voodoo.

Limbo Town
A city on the edge of forever, founded by witches from Roanoke, and gateway to Limbo. Located underneath the city of New York.

The House of Mystery
A convergence where the physical realm and the Dreaming cross over.

| Sample Post |

[ Foyer ] [ Interacting With: @Draven | @KatKook ]

There was suddenly a lot of noise coming from the nurse's office.

Then, just as quickly as it seemed to have erupted, it was gone. Leaving the youth thoroughly confused about just what these teenagers were even doing down there.

And, apparently, he was not the only one.

Twisting his body, the young Shi'ar was inverted in the air so that his head was angled toward the floor and he seemed to be seated cross-legged in mid-air. "Hi," the child chirped brightly, as luminous blue eyes scanned the man named Drake before he turned his attention over to the woman who had been introduced as Khloe. "I like your hair," the boy noted, as he looked at the human female.

Human hair seemed to demonstrate as broad a range of coloration and patterns as did Shi'ar plummage.

"I'm Syaoran," the child supplied, introducing himself as he turned his head back toward the man called Drake. "But, I dunno what's really going on," the boy added, with an upside-down shrug. "There was this noise. Then there was a boom. Then there was shouting. And now, it's just us."


[ main theme ] [ battle theme ]

Original World: Prydain, the world of Disney's The Black Cauldron, based on The Chronicles of Prydain.

Apparent Age: 12-13

Description: A "tweenage" boy from a world not unlike the Welsh Highlands, Mordred has pale skin, a shock of raven dark haira and green eyes that seem to glow with an baleful, eldritch light that suggests his Cauldron-Born origins. He wears dark clothing, with a metal pauldron on the left shoulder. Though his slight build would suggest a less capable fighter or guile hero, this boy prefers a brawl and punches well above his weight when using his Dark Arts ability to channel his inner darkness. Hailing from a pre-industrial society, Mordred is unfamiliar with technology and struggles to comprehend some aspects of worlds that are more technologically advanced or futuristic. In terms of the Final Fantasy franchise, Mordred is an example of a Dark Knight.

"How can I be your friend if I don't even know who I am?"

Personality: Acerbic, cold, and unquestionably aggressive, Mordred pitches himself wholly into the fight, as if eager to throw his life away. Oddly, this seeming disregard for himself is matched only by his apparent desire to protect others. Mordred listens far more than he speaks, though his rare comments are typically jerkass enough that few seek out conversation with him -- which seems to suit boy fine. In truth, Mordred's inability to reconcile with his own identity prompts him to keep others at arm's length, not desiring to be fake or build friendships on the lie of whoever he is (or isn't).

"Do you ever hear your name and... not recognize it? Like they're talking about someone else."

Important Memories:
  • "I've been having these strange thoughts lately. Like, is any of this real? Or not? I close my eyes and I'm staring into a mirror. Only the face looking back isn't mine. But, somehow, I think that is was?"
  • "I'm looking for someone. Or, I was looking for someone. Or... was it a pig? That doesn't make any sense..."
  • "In dreams, I see a fae and a bard. They smile like... like we were friends. Or they were friends with the other me. The other me? This isn't making sense."
  • "Sometimes I close my eyes and I see the bard. She's... pretty. I try to call out to her, but I don't know her name."
  • "I think I remember something. Or, was it just another dream? There was a battle. I'm fighting... the Horned King? I don't think this ends well for me."

"I don't know who I was, or if I was anyone at all. It's like a me that I only see in a dream.
And, maybe, if I pretend that I'm him long enough... I'll become him."

Far-off Memories: Each of these correspond and expand on the quotations above of what Mordred only vaguely recalls.
  • Mordred was Glyndwr, son of Elwyn, and hails from a hamlet known as Caer Maelog.
  • Taran Pig-Keeper disappeared shortly before the Horned King re-emerged. Glyndwr set out on a quest to find Taran in the hopes that he could stop the black cauldron once more.
  • Glyndwr was joined on his quest by a fairy named Emrys (Merlin analog) and a young bard named Siobhan. As the Horned King and his army of Heartless spread darkness across Prydain, the trio decided to abandon the search for Taran and instead attempt to destroy the source of the Horned King's power (the black cauldron).
  • Glyndwr had a crush on Siobhan.
  • The trio failed against the Horned King, with Glyndwr's heart being consumed by the black cauldron.

Backstory: Mordred's earliest memory is waking to find himself in the gutter of Traverse Town. No memory of who he was, where he came from, or how he got there. The assumption most people had of him was that he was an orphan whose world had been consumed by darkness. He avoided people and people mostly avoided him. He might have stayed in obscurity if not for the appearance of Heartless, which the boy defeated by a startling display of darkness, leading to people calling him 'Mordred' in reference to a black knight. The Traverse Town incident brought the to the attention of the Cynics, who correctly deduced his being a Nobody. Within the Organization, Mordred acts as a heavy -- providing forceful backup for missions and eagerly pitching himself against Heartless. Seemingly content to go from mission to mission, avoiding dreams or recollection by minimizing downtime and volunteer for the next opportunity to go off-world.

Battle Profile

Attack: 7

Defense: 4

Magic: 1

Tech: 0

Command: 0

Light: 0

Darkness: 6

Special Weapon: Shadowbringer, a large zweihander-style sword that is comically overlarge against Mordred's small frame. Forged of black steel, shadows and dark energies seem to infuse the weapon, causing it to flicker with violet and red light.

Special Abilities:
  • Dark Arts: The source of the boy's unnatural resolve. By attuning to the darkness both within him and around him, Mordred can transcend the limits of his child body, increasing his physical abilities..
  • Edge of Darkness: Mordred's Limit Break, infusing his sword with dark energies to unleash a flood of darkness on his opponent.
  • Dark Corridor: Opens a portal to another location the user is familiar with. It takes some time to manifest - enough that this technique is ineffective in battle. Mortals cannot pass through a dark corridor more than once a day without falling ill.

[ Dorms > Foyer ] [ Post Theme: Cartoons ] [ Interacting With: open ]

The young Shi'ar was sprawled out on the floor.

The room that had been set aside for the school's youngest student was furnished differently than the remainder of the dorms. There was only a single bed in the room, a high sleeper that was elevated like a top bunk, except that underneath was a desk instead of another bed. A colorful rug dominated the floor, which was littered with toys and comics of varying genre. A bean bag chair sat off to one side, across from a small television which was currently displaying the programming of Cartoon Network.

The bag of Cheetos puffs lay open within arm's reach of the child. The boy was on his stomach, propped up on his arms with a pencil in hand as he looked over the open text book and made markings on the lined paper that was the homework that was a work-in-progress. The markings were lightly penned out in a non-human script, as the boy made notations in his native language before going back and writing in his answers in the human language that was known as English.

Over the din of the animated drama playing out in the background, the feather-headed half-pint raised his head up as a loud sound seemed to resonate from outside of the building. Except, it was muffled, and when several second ticked by and he didn't hear anything else, the child went back to what he had been doing.

A minute ticked by, then another.

There was some commotion out in the hallway outside of his room, distracting him, though he hadn't thought all that much of it. The aliens inhabiting this school seemed to often get excited about things that were beyond Syaoran's understanding. Usually about something on television that was usually boring.

Another sound. This one forceful, like a shockwave.

Pushing up from the floor, the child wandered over the window that looked out from his room, except that his room faced out to the side of school. Moving to the door to his room, the boy stuck his head out into the hallways and realized that there was some noise and commotion rising from out of the entry and foyer to the school.

Making his way out of his room, the child crossed to the stairs. Raising himself up so that he was hovering in mid-air, the boy peered down into the entry as he watched, curious, as to the comings and goings.

[ Danger Room > Kitchen ] [ Post Theme: Don't You Worry ] [ Interacting With: open ]

Like the Danger Room's 'hard light' tactile holographic environment, the device that generated their training clothes seemed to be Shi'ar in nature. So much so, that Syaoran had found that the devices would accept voice commands in Aerie -- a language that was almost certainly not spoken on this planet.

The training suit seemed to evaporate as a swirl of light enveloped him. When it the light had faded, the atomic structure of the clothing had been altered into an entirely different set of garments. A sleeveless, A-style white tank hung from off the child's slight frame, hanging loose over the blue jeans that dressed his lower body. He was barefoot, though his feet only intermittedly touched the ground. Instead, the boy floated through the air as he traveled through in the lattice of hallways that made up the Ashford Institute.

On this journey of mundane adventure, he voyaged back toward his room. He had homework that he was supposed to complete prior to the start of classes tomorrow, aside from which there were cartoons that were meant to be watched.

This intrepid epic would take the stalwart hero of the feather to the very brink of the Foyer of the Damned. He would then face the grueling challenger of the Stairwell of Seven Deadly Steps in order to arrive back at the sanctuary of his own room. But, before he crossed the harsh sands of the Foyer of the Damned or attempted the thin oxygen of the lethal ascent up the Stairwell, he would require sustenance.

And also juice.

So the feather-headed Shi'ar half-pint arrived in the kitchen. Being a ten year old was not for the faint of heart and required snacks if one was to endure the rigors of life on the playground. Sorting through the cupboards, the youth's search through the sacred treasure vaults yielded stolen goods of immeasurable value on the intergalactic black markets.

That being, a bag of Cheetos puffs and a Capri Sun juice pack.

Armed with the purloined provisions of prodigious snackage, the boy stood at the edge of the kitchen. The last bastion of civilization before he would attempt the grueling trek through the foyer and up the stairs.

[ Danger Room ] [ Post Theme: Victory ] [ Interacting With: open ]

The clash echoed like thunder in his bones.

Felt, not heard, as the impact nearly drove him down to his knees. He felt his heart beat in his chest, the sound of his own labored breathing filling his ears. This was Sharra. This was K'ythri. A contest of conflict and wills.

This was what it was to be Shi'ar.

Humans were different.

They reminded him of Kymellians, though humans didn't seem quite that..? Syaoran was not certain of the right word. Spineless? He had viewed their sporting events on the crude visual display devices. Contests of skill that took place in arenas of a sort, which was something that the young Shi'ar could recognize well enough. Yet, the similarities seemed to end there. Their contests eschewed the inevitability of conflict between opponents on the field of battle, going so far as to penalize physical contact between players in most instances.

About the only thing that Syaoran found that he liked was something that the humans called ultimate fighting. That had looked like a contest of skill, yet some of the human seemed dismayed at the hatchling appreciating it as such. Their disdain of the sport belied his initial impression of humans as avoiding conflict. Like the Kymellians.

The weight that had been pushing him down to the floor suddenly came away. As the looming form of his opponent recoiled back, the boy turned his eyes up. Reared back was a Zn'yx, a crocodile-like alien who had none of the Kymellian sensibilities. They were a brutish race. Simple, in that respect. Apex predators who had clawed their way into the larger galaxy.

There was a certain purity behind their brutality. It made them a favorite of his for games such as this one.

The child was in a holographic, variable environment chamber that seemed to operate using technology and protocols that he was familiar with. Syaoran had duplicated a popular physical training program from his school on Throneworld -- an arena on the surface of the planet Chandilar, in which he face a Zn'yx brute in single combat. He had increased the gravity to that of Throneworld standard. Even after so little time on this world of the humans, he could feel the difference. His body felt sluggish. Heavy.

A pair of crocodile-like jaws lanced out. Staring down a gaping maw, the young Shi'ar swung his fist upward. The reproduction supplied by this room of danger replicated the sensation well. He felt his hand connect with the underside of the beast-man's jaw, driving the Zn'yx's head upward even as the force traveled down through the bones of his hand.

Even as the bite was re-directed away, the Zn'yx's weight combined with his momentum kept the alien traveling forward. The beast-man slammed into the Shi'ar hatchling, sending the boy stumbling about as he fought to regain his footing. When he had, the child looked up in time to see a large, reptilian tail flash into his field of vision.

The tail connected with the side of his head, sending Syaoran to the ground in a dizzying array that both terrified and exhilarated him.

Rolling along the ground, the artificial horizon laid before him was still spinning as the child pushed up from the earth. Instinct took hold. An inhuman sound rising from the child's throat as the flash of movement accompanied the Zn'yx attack. A feint back, then Syaoran stepped in with a punch that connected with the alien's side. Ducked under sweep of the beast-man's arm, and he let loose a flurry of jabs.

The Zn'yx struck back. And Syaoran allowed himself to experience the strike. Leaned into it. The taste of his own blood in his mouth. His heart echoing in his ears. The pain awakening his senses. The child smiled. Felt the pinion feathers standing on end. Arms outstretched as his fingers splayed outward in a display of the small talons at the ends of his fingers.

...then the world just paused.

Caught in the moment, the child was confused for a long moment that lingered as he stared around the interior of the Danger Room, as it slowly transformed back into merely an empty room. He felt the gravity ease, as realization finally set in.

He had set a timer on the program so that he would not miss when OK KO: Let's Be Heroes was going to come on.

I need to work on a new image for him. Feathers and tattoo-lines around the eyes make it a rough to design, though.

Good morning!

And don't worry, I'll make sure any throwing up that Syaoran does is aimed in @Lord Wraith's direction.
Sy has a private room :D

This probably makes sense. I'd imagine Sy's room probably doubles as a playroom in order to try and contain the destructive force to a single location.
@Lord Wraith

I'm good with that casting.
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