Avatar of BoyMom69035
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  • Posts: 402 (0.19 / day)
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    1. BoyMom69035 6 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Creativity is severely lacking the past few weeks. I apologize. Will be getting replies though, fear not!
6 yrs ago
To all my partners, I'm sorry i haven't been replying as quick as I normally do. I will be getting responses out today though.
6 yrs ago
My God it's depressing when things just die. Well, time to go searching! :)
6 yrs ago
Not feeling so hot today my loves... I'll get those I owe replies to... replies tomorrow.
6 yrs ago
@shamrocknroll: You are welcome lol
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I am a 29 year old female who is comfortable playing as a female. I am working on my males though, and welcome opportunities to play them as my main character.

Like most people of age, I'm no stranger to mature things, and welcome those as well. And like most people, I do have my limits. Drugs, alcohol, abuse, death, gore, sex, are all fine to me. Not a big fan of smut or rape, furries, wierd kinks, things of that matter. Also, please don't take control of my character unless I've given you permission to do so. A big pet peeve of mine.

As far as posting goes, I'm normally available Mon-Fri from about 7-4. Should something come up and I'm going to be away for more than a day or two, I try to let my partners know beforehand. It's just polite. During the times I'm on, I can post several times, and my post lengths vary. Depending on where we are in the story, and what's going on, I can write from 1 to sometimes 7 or 8 paragraphs. Although, like other players, I like quality. Also, I'm kind of a grammar and punctuation Nazi. Please don't let this scare you off. Some things I can overlook, everyone makes mistakes, and that's understandable. I post from a phone, so my autocorrect tends to think differently than I do sometimes lol.

Uhm... I'm not real sure what else to put other than I'm not a big slice of life kind of girl. I have a family and live life everyday. I don't wanna live another day to day life in here. Take me somewhere else!! Give me interesting characters. I love romance, action and explosions, guns and monsters, sci fi and aliens, mystery... things of that nature. Fantasy is ok with me, as long as it's not real high.

(Don't have to be exact, just ideas we could work off of)

The Mummy (Brendan Frasier)
The Long Kiss Goodnight
I, Robot
San Andreas
Robin Hood (Russell Crowe)
Harry Potter
Beauty and the Beast (I know, I know)
The Little Mermaid
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters

Assassin/Target or Witness
Mental Patient/Mental patient
Mental patient/Doctor
Rich widow with child/Bodyguard
Almost anything involving pirates

(More to come)

Most Recent Posts

Location: Courtyard

Interactions: [@RumikaOhara]

Sally had been so deep in her thoughts, that she hadn't seen Api come up to her side until he was literally right next to her. And she didn't hear him, because her earbuds were still in. She only managed to see him from her peripheral, and when she turned to look at who was there, she jumped, gasping at the sight of him there, and in the air. Sally hurriedly pulled her ear buds out and looked at him with wide eyes. She knew he could control gravity, but didn't know that he could fly. It was definitely a sight to see. A smile slowly pulled at Sally's lips.

”Gunnar, since when can you fly,” she asked as she watched him plant his feet back onto the ground. He then began to ask her why she was so down. Telling her that she hadn't been careless with her power, and that she had done well, using it to protect Nathan and herself. Sally scoffed and looked back at the damage on the ground. She held her arm out, indicating the area, then looks back at Api. ”That… That was careless. That was…” she trailed off and shook her head. ”I could have seriously hurt someone, Gunnar. What happened there, was an accident. I don't even remember what happened.” Sally sighed and put her arm down. Yeah, she protected herself, but could have killed someone in doing so. With a shake of her head, she pushed her thoughts aside, and looked at Gunnar once again, forcing a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

”So, how did you do that,” Sally asked as she held her hand out in the open air, indicating his newfound ability of flight.

Location: Dorm > Courtyard

Interactions: None

After departing from her little… session with Professor Pierce, Sally made her way back to her room. Before she ever got there, her headache had lessened in intensity and was now just a dull ache. Thank God. Had he and Florence not helped her, she probably would have spent the rest of the day in bed. Now, what the Hell was she supposed to tell the others if they asked where she was? The infirmary? Her room? Sally shrugged as she opened the door to her room and walked in, shutting it behind her.

Without any loss in her momentum, Sally made her way over to her dresser and grabbed out a few articles of clothing. A sports bra and matching capri pants. She even replaced her boots with tennis shoes. Stripping right there in the middle of the room, she quickly slipped on the other items and grabbed her phone and earbuds. Placing the buds in her ears, she scrolled through her music until she found a good song, then tucked the phone in the waistband of her pants and left the room. She needed to clear her head.

Sally had managed to make it outside without running into anyone else, which saddened her because she wanted to make sure they were all alright, but also relieved her. She didn't want to be bombard with questions. Especially ones she couldn't answer. So, she started jogging her way to the track as soon as she made it outside. It wasn't long though, before she noticed something in the field where they had all been earlier. There was the crater where the fight began, and a spot that looked like it had been scraped up. Sally slowed until she was standing still, her eyes locked onto that spot.

After several moments, she started walking towards the area, her eyes scanning the destruction, that apparently, she had caused. Sally walked up to the start of the mark, and stopped. Her blue eyes followed the trail until they met it's end destination. If she had to guess, the mark was at least 5 or 6 feet in length. A couple at most in width. Was she going to get in trouble for this? For what she did to Isaac? Pierce had said that he was fine, just restrained, but still… shockingly, she worried. And then her thoughts took a bit of a turn. A sadness washed over her suddenly and the expression on her face matched that of her emotions. How had she done It? What set her off? Was she really that unpredictable? Dangerous? What if she really hurt someone? So many thoughts and questions raced through her head while she stared at the scrape she had left on the courtyard, her mouth slightly agape.

In STASIS 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
As Delilah descended the stairs, her eyes caught sight of the single light that hung above the foyer. She then glanced at the fireplace, which looked like it hadn't been lit in years. Still, she continued down the stairs until her feet were planted firmly on the ground floor. Delilah looked to her left, where she he noticed a small room with books in it. A small library maybe? A study?

She began to walk the opposite direction of the book room, when she suddenly heard crying. Delilah froze in place and turned her head in the direction the crying was coming from. She remained frozen in place for a moment, debating whether she wanted to go and investigate or not. With a deep breath, she turns and stood facing the room. Delilah began to walk slowly towards the book room until she was standing in the doorway.

There, between a desk and chair, and several bookcases, was where the sound was coming from. A woman dressed in dark clothes, with dark hair sat crying. Delilah stared at the woman for a moment. No. She had watched plenty of scary movies to know what was going to happen if she went in there and disturbed her. Hell, it would still probably happen regardless. With a slow exhale, Delilah began to slowly walk backwards, away from the room, her eyes never leaving the crying woman.

So far, her curiosity had gotten her chased and nearly killed. She wasn't going to keep making the same mistake.

Location: Courtyard


Sally watched as some students dispersed, slowly dwindling the numbers of the original group. Uná had taken Nathan to the Nurse, Nik in tow. Drake had left as well. Temperance. Khloe had gone with Drake. The only one left was her. Isaac had been released from the hold Nathan had on him, which to be honest, looked uncomfortable as all hell. Sally turned her attention back to Isaac, who had begun to rise from the ground. He was not a happy fucking camper. She took a cautious step back, holding her hand out to him as if to tell him ‘take it easy’. She had a strange feeling he wouldn't, but had hoped that he would. Taking another step back, she watched him rise to his feet.

Hia face was twisted in red hot rage, this only made her take another step back. “Hey, it's all over. Go back inside, take it easy,” she tried to say with a calm authority. Sally's heart started hammering in her chest, her breathes coming out fast and erratic. What was she going to do if this guy attacked Her? Everyone that had useful abilities had already left, and she wasn't strong enough to keep him away from her without seriously injuring herself in the process. Her temporary distraction cost her precious seconds, because Isaac suddenly shouted at her (And used that goddamned word again), then came after her. Her features went from calm, to “Oh shit”.

Once his attack started, everything seemed to move in slow motion. Her head was racing with what to do. What could she do!? And then, her mind went blank. Her features twisted in anger. She felt a surge of energy in her head, almost like water was swirling around in it, but it wasn't uncomfortable. The feeling began to slowly move its way down her body, all the way to her toes. Something took over. Her pupils dilated until her iris’ were nearly covered by them, and a shockwave erupted from her, heading straight for Isaac. It hit him, hard, and sent him flying backwards. Seconds after it hit him, everything slowly dissipated. The swirling sensation in her body. Her pupils went back to normal. And then the pain in her head hit.

Sally cried out in agony and fell to her knees, her hand coming up to hold her head in an attempt to ease the pain. Then she saw blood dripping into the grass under her. “Fuck… ow, ow… damnit,” she cursed as she tried to push herself up to her feet. The first few times, she stumbled, but when she finally made it, everything went black. Sally collapsed backwards into the grass.

Currently waiting for Shields to post, and then I will ;)
Clay's sudden anger startled Evelyn, and for a moment, she was actually afraid. His sudden movements caused her to move back on reflex, hitting the shower door and sandwiching herself between it, and the the now angered Clay. She started breathing harder, her heart hammering in her chest. Evelyn had to look up to meet Clay's eyes, but never let her face give her away. It remained neutral.

And then what he said, hit her like a ton of bricks. Clay hated the werewolf. Despised it. He spoke of it almost as if it were a separate personality. I'm a way, it kind of was. This revalation left Evelyn somewhat speechless. She had no idea what to say, and her eyes glanced back and forth between his. And then, she knew exactly what to say. Evelyn narrowed her eyes and leaned towards Clay.

"Then don't let it control you. Stop playing the victim if you're not," she sad said in a low voice, gently poking his chest with her finger.

@Dark Light
In STASIS 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Delilah's heart hammered in her chest.

She was short of breath.

Adrenaline surged throughout her body.

She knew she shouldn't leave the room. Knew it with every fiber of her being, but she left it anyways. If there was something here, it would most likely come for her regardless. So, with a deep breath, Delilah stepped out into the hall. The carpet below her bare feet was the first thing she noticed, her eyes casting downwards to it. The next thing, were the candles that lined the wall. Then the pictures on the wall between the candles.

Delilah' s brow furrowed and she stepped closer to the first picture. It was disturbing in the worst kind of way. Her eyes traveled over it for a moment before moving on to the next one. Shaking her head, she moved on, picture after picture. Each one was more messed up than the last, and it only added to her fear.

Once she made it to the end of the hall, she could either go into one of the other two rooms, or down the staircase. It didn't take long for her to decide. Stairs it was. Delilah didn't waste anymore time. She grabbed onto the hand rail and slowly began her descent down them, trying to be as light footed as she could. Unfortunately, one of the boards creaked anyways, causing Delilah to instantly freeze and hold her breath. Her eyes scanned the area for a moment before she slowly released her breath and continued down.
@Dark Light

Evelyn was shoved forward when the unknown man burst into the room. She scoffed and turned to give the man a look as if to say "hello, a little privacy, please?" When he left, she locked the door and crossed her arms over her chest, following Clay into the bathroom. It was immaculate save for the empty bottles that littered the floor, and a busted one near the tub. There were also bloody clothes amongst the bottles.

After she took the bathroom in, she watched Clay crawl into the bathtub, taking long swigs from the bottle he had taken from her. When he finally replied, he actually angered her. She knew he was lying. He hasn't been anywhere after the shit hit the fan, and then all of a sudden a fucking werewolf comes out of nowhere? Bullshit.

Evelyn's body tensed and an bared her teeth, her fists balling up. In a sudden jerky movement, she lunged forward and snatched the offered bottle from the man. She then there it onto the floor, adding to the mess of broken glass with the addition of alcohol. "Don't lie to me," she shouted as she had to hold herself back from actually hitting him. If it was one thing an hated, it was someone who lied to her face. Especially when she knew they were lying.

"You scared the shit out of me out there, goddamnit!"

Location: Courtyard


Sally looked over at Nik before returning her gaze to Isaac. She could feel him moving beside her, and was going to say something to him, when he suddenly attacked Isaac. Sally's eyes widened. “Nik, no!” She stepped towards him, but Drake suddenly moved in front of her. Her first thought, was that he was trying to keep her out of harms way. Then Uná came out of nowhere and practically dove into the crater to help Nathan. This was bad. This was so bad. And then, after getting knocked back, Isaac got back to his feet, shouting for them to mind the own business. The word she hated more than anything was also thrown out there. Sally's eyes widened, then narrowed in rage. “What the fuck did-”

And then Isaac was gone. Sally saw that it was Temperance that had taken him, throwing punches at him while she pushed him away from the group. “Temperance,” Sally shouted, just as Khloe came from behind them. She was sliding on what looked like an ice trail. Thankfully, she put a wall up between Temperance and Isaac because that would have ended really bad.

Then the sound of Nathan's voice drew her attention to him. Sally was going to go help Uná, but she looked like she had it for now. She could have sworn that she heard him say something about broken ribs though, and was surprised when she saw him sit up. “Jesus, he's tough,” she thought as she noticed him holding his hand out towards the fight. Turning her attention back to the small group, she saw that Isaac was suddenly still. He wasn't moving. What was he doing? Sally glance between Nathan and Isaac several times before finally stepping up. She was terrified that someone else was going to get hurt.

“Don't hurt him, Nathan. Don't hurt him,” she said as she held her hand up towards him. Sally then ran passed Nik and Drake, trying desperately to diffuse this fucked up situation. “Don't hurt him,” Sally shouted as she came upon the other group, Isaac still in the air unable to move. When she got close enough, she slowed to a walk and then stopped in front of Isaac. Sally narrowed her eyes at him and bared her teeth. She so wanted to hurt him. After a moment, she took a calming breath. “If I were you, I would really… really try to play nice with others. We won't hold anyone back next time.” Sally turned and waved at Nathan. She sincerely hoped that this didn't bite her in the ass.

“Let him go!” She then turned her attention to Khloe and Temperance. “Let him go,” she repeated to them both in a softer, more calming tone.

@King Tai

Oooh talk dirty lol
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