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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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Johnathan couldn't help but turn to look at Izkry with a small, bashful smile as he politely bowed his head while he answered "Danke, through I still have a long way to go before I'm confident enough to try and hold a conversation in Germany..." While he was somewhat used to being praised for his achievements in academy, it was still nice to hear someone offer him a compliment. While he hadn't known Izkry or his sister for very long, it was interesting to meet people who had been in Europe and seen the situation over there themselves... even if Belasý seemed to possess a hatred for the Germans that was rather unhealthy for any worshiper of god to possess.

He couldn't help but notice the brief interaction between Izkry and Óscar and the... well, mild hostility that seemed to be between them, through he had no idea as to why. While Óscar was quick to head off to somewhere a little more private in order to get changed, Johnathan considered just outright asking Izkry what the problem was, but quickly decided against it, instead asking "So Izkry, where did you learn german?"


Just saying, music from the US isn't the only thing around... even more so since we have an international team.

Because it's not just the US fighting in this war!


Oh, I'm perfectly happy to have Johnathan getting some help to learn german. After all, he has to balance learning a new language with understanding medicine so that he knows the right thing to jab you with if you get yourself shot.


Important question: What day of the week is it IC?
@Kessir Tarkin

I... feel like I should mention this, but Karate wasn't majorly accepted in Japan until around the mid 1920's... and I doubt you would find anywhere in Canada that you could have found anyone who could legally make a Katana.
And Johnathan quickly proves that he is the nerd of the unit. Then again he has to be; He's the team medic and thus has to actually know what he's doing beyond pointing this at that and making that go away.
While others took the chance to rest up before they began their morning drills and exercises, Johnathan sat calmly on his bed with a book opened up in his lap while his back rested against the wall that his bed rested against. He possessed several textbooks that were unlikely to be found in the footlockers of the average grunt, the largest of which was the massive The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics: A Textbook of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics for Physicians and Medical Student, an absolute godsend of a textbook for those seeking information on the various brands of medical drugs and their effects, through he had heard that the authors and the publishers were already planning on reprinting it to introduce more information on more recent innovations and the results of clinics that had been underway when the book was published.

Despite the amount of medical textbooks, that was not the subject that he was currently enhancing his mind with. While some might have found question with his choice of reading material, he wasn't going to deny the fact that he was attempting to learn how to speak and understand German; If they were going to be operating in Germany at some point, he would rather understand what the locals in the field were saying.

Still, he looked up as Captain David Stevens arrived to make his announcement. With the standard response of "Sir, yes sir!" He calmly slipped his bookmark onto the page that he had been on before slipping off of his head, taking the chance to don his PT gear quickly in silence before heading out after Kaneda. While some might have looked at the man with distrust and suspicion, Johnathan could only reason that if there was a risk of him being a spy for the Axis' then he wouldn't have been allowed to join the military, let alone be recruited for a unit like the one they were in.

Because I didn't read your character sheet until after I posted my thing.

Fair enough.

I do rather like the idea that the idea of Rasputin being a Super or not is still highly debated since no one really knows for sure. After all there has always been some debate on how legit his 'mystic' powers of healing and his sheer force of personality and charisma are the things of legend even to this day. There is even the legend of his death to take into account (through there are claims that his killers talked up how hard it was to actually kill him every time they told the story).
Just... something that I feel as a possible change to history with the knowledge that we currently have of the background of the world. Feel free to reject it if you desire, just putting it out there for discussion...

During the First World War, while Russia's military was largely a mess it found itself with an abnormally large amount of supers to draw upon due to the massive amount of people it could call up for military service. This gave the Russians a leg up on the Germans and the Austro-Hungarians who had to divided their supers between their eastern and western fronts, allowing Russia to make up for some of its armies short comings and start off the war better then it did in our reality... However, the poor logistics and questionable leadership of the Russian Army plagued the war effort like normal.

While Supers started off as being held in high esteem by the Russian people, when word started to spread that Rasputin himself was a Super of some kind (Rumor couldn't exactly agree on what powers he might have had, but mind control was a strong candidate) a number of people at all levels of society started to develop a degree of hatred for supers... which would be later used by the raising Soviet movement to stir up unrest and start their revolution. After all, how could people be equal and given the same opportunities when this so called 'Supers' existed?

The resulting civil war between the White and Red armies would be more interesting due to the lack of supers used by the Red army... while the White armies could deploy Supers in the field. Regardless of victor it would be the end of Russia's involvement in the First World War, but it is fully possible that in our Timeline the Soviet Union didn't exist because it lost to the White armies in the civil war due to the presence of Supers.

Course the Soviet Union could also be around... it depends on if we wish to consider what Russia would be like now if the Soviet's lost in the early days of their revolution due to Supers in the White armies.
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