Avatar of Cao the Exiled


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= _= *grunts grumpily*
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*Finds a nice ditch to lay down and die in*
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9 mos ago
Please tell me there is a way to save my new brain friend in the beginning of Balder's Gate 3...
2 yrs ago
Now that the holidays and crippling depression has subsided (for now), guess I should get off my ass and do shit.


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"I swear I had no clue she was a princess! I just thought she had a daddy complex!"
Deekin Sin-Scale while being arrested for sleeping with a princess


Name: Deekin Sin-Scale

Age: 35

Height: 2'4"

Weight: 38 pounds

Hair color: None

Eye color: Gold

Skin tone: Gold Scales

Species: Kobold

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Whoever climbs in bed

Occupation/position/ title: Keeper and owner of the Bottle and Blade Speak Easy


~Kobold Traits
  • Kobolds are weak and frail, but their size grants them quickness.
  • Kobolds are humanoids with the dragonblood and reptilian subtypes. For all effects related to race, a kobold is considered a dragon
  • Kobolds can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight. Kobolds can function just fine with no light at all.
  • Kobolds are sensitive to light, making it hate to see.

~Unusual Body: Through a deal with a wizard, (task totally classified), all of Deekin's scales were turned to solid gold. This caused him to be less dexterous as his scales now have the properties of scale mail. That said, his scales now has the durability of average scale mail.


Theme song:




Sanguine, troublesome:
Can be quite inappropriate at the wrong times. Deekin's only real good qualities are that he is very charismatic, quite often convincing others to see his point or ultimately do was he wants. This trait has been a double edged sword, keeping him from getting in (too) much trouble, or getting him in trouble.

A short and tiny lizard on two legs: The ideal description for a Kobold. Deekin is just over two feet and is rather frail. He has Scales the color of gold and his claws and teeth were magically changed to gold, why? Cause he's Deekin and can do what ever the hell he wants!

Deekin likes many things, woman, booze, money, causing trouble, getting out if said trouble.... Yeah... He's not a very good man I must say....


"Any drunk can be convinced to do anything as long as you know how to speak, and how much Mead they had..."


He hates trouble caused by others that involves him. He hates others stealing from him and has no problem with send someone to retrieve it. Oh.... He also hates dog's... He has bad luck with them, dwarves too, but that's more of an ancient war kind of thing.

Knitting sweaters for the Orphanage

Others finding out that the sweater shipments are actually illegal booze

Scars/ tattoos:
A scar over his left eye, why is it there? Woman love scars

Can make any consumable substance disappear.... -wink-

He's actually a master flute player, no seriously! He's amazing! Violins too!

Quick facts:
-He hates others commenting on his size an has poisoned and stabbed men for it.
-Was arrested in another kingdom for sleeping with a princess. When the princess begged for his release, he was banished.
-Has two companions, a female elf warrior who puts up with his shit due to a deal, and a female elf ghost that is bounded to a cursed ring he wears


Deekin was the hare to the chieftain position of his den. Problem is that he couldn't keep out of trouble. One day while him and a group of friends were sneaking through an enemy dwarven settlement, came across a Kobold slave from an ally den. Him and his friends saved her, but also showed the way to the den. The dwarves invaded, slaying eighty present of his den. After a truce was made, the slave was returned and Deekin was banished.

He lived ten years up in the content of Aldonia before he ran into another slave. He was working in a secret thieves guild when he was given the job to steal an amulet from an Orc chieftain. In the middle of the night, he snuck in, just to find a wood elf, beaten and afraid. He snuck to her, holding his finger over his lip and used his tool to free her. He noticed the the Orc was wearing the amulet, so he figured he could simply snag it....


Turns out this man has done some..... Not so good things, so the elf took his great sword from the rack, unsheathed it and swung down, taking his head. The Kobold grabbed the amulet and the elf and ran like hell.

The rest will be told at a later time when Deekin and his creator are more sober....

Rp Example:
Deekin grinned as he stood on the bar top, flipping a coin in the air, catching it, just to flip it again. "Looks here pal! I have a battle ready Elf with sexual frustration issues! Don't make me sick her on you! Give me my fucking gold or she'll gut cha!"

Salerin rolled her eyes as she slapped the Kobold in the back of the head then popped her knuckles as she pulled her large great sword. "Hmm.... You look pretty fat sir. Should I take a little off the top? Maybe the midsection? Your fat ass looks like it can use a reduction!"

As she held the blade over her head, the man dropped the pouch of gold and squatted into the fetal position and balled, "NO! DON'T KILL ME! ILL LEAVE, TAKE MY GOLD! JUST DON'T KILL ME!!!" She looked at Deekin and in an instant, kicked the man in the nose, knocking him unconscious. Deekin hopped down, digging a claw into the man's forehead as he carved the Kobold symbol for shame into his forehead. "Take the bastard to the forest.... The wolves can have fun...

*Delivers a envelope with a beer mug stain*

I, Deekin Sin-Scale, here by swear that I will be loyal to the this kingdom (as long as if remains lucrative). I will allow others to not let any harm come to the Queen and King for as long as i am being paid well in this kingdom and this kingdom alone. I will appear to abide by the laws of this land if not I am held responsible for my own fate. I take on the role of the most badass inn keep in the kingdom. It's a pleasure serving the woman of the kingdom.
The many masks and personas of Cao
If @Jove Needs the six, we could use one of the others
Yeah, last night I chose 6
I thought my last choice was choosing the crime
Who's turn is it?
I too get a heavy "lovecraft" feel.
@Pirouette | Maybe your character could be a dependent of the witch, I some how convince @Mae to help me steal this artifact. Since you are blood to the witch, we TRY to sacrifice you to bring her back. I liked the idea of @ScreenAcne and @Jove Work together to try and stop us thoughts?
The secret society could be cultists that also seek the artifact
@Mae, 6, relationship/ crime Maybe we disturbed an ancient burial grounds of the witch and stole a cursed artifact, that leads to the witch's ghost.
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