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@yoshua171 Thank you for submitting your character sheet! Your character has been approved, and you may post your CS in the Character tab! I look forward to writing with you once again, and reading the story of Kaelhmor!

You shall receive the Pantheon role in the server as well, granting you access to more channels for discussion.

Blessed be those that become divine.

Broken - Beloved

Anath Homura & Family

Thousands of eyes were upon them…

Awaiting what would come...

The Archai encircled them, ever imposing with their slender stature and astral attributes, exuding an enigmatic serenity with their graceful stillness, but it was primarily their unyielding devotion to Anath Homura that concerned Desire and Harmony as the two goddesses assessed what would avail them and what would prove to be a hindrance soon. Their mortal sisters were too weak to stand against their mother, and it would be especially difficult to simultaneously protect the two of them and fight against Anath Homura as well.

“The Archai adhere to my commands, and I have told them to serve my family. They will not harm me or my children, and they will obey our orders.” Anath Homura intoned, and she sundered the stifling silence that lingered too long with her authoritative voice. The continual wind that blew outside had become quiet, and none among the Archai spoke aloud to contradict her words.

“Is that so? Another reason for us to be furious then… This isn’t what we meant when we said we wanted to help them! This is slavery, not salvation!” Desire shouted, and afterwards she shook her head with unruly agitation. She glanced at her twin sister, and indicated with her heterochromatic gaze towards Pride and Fear, conveying without words her intention. She lacked the strength to speak carefully around the two fragile members of their family at the moment.

“Archai! Escort our sisters to Skydancer and guard them. They are to remain on the ark until either mother, or Desire and I, step out of the citadel.” Harmony ordered, echoing a similar level of authorization as her mother, and aside from the white rose that had replaced the second eye of Anath Homura, the daughter was almost identical to the mother. The Archai acted in accordance with her command, and swiftly retrieved both Pride and Fear as the two slowly recovered from their surprised state. Neither were pleased by the situation unfolding.

“You can’t force us to go! To stay away like this! You… can’t! We’re not supposed to be fighting! Please don’t! Let me go! Let me go!” Pride shrieked, as she struggled against the much taller Archai, and was easily lifted before it had begun to carry her. Fear trembled with terror and evident sorrow, but did not resist the Archai that had begun to guide her towards the exit. Fear and Pride were led to the doorway, and the twin goddesses within the citadel could hear the last words of their smallest sister as she screamed. “You’re just like her!”

“I know…” Harmony murmured, and Desire sighed as she stood beside her sister. The interior became more and more empty as many among the Archai began to depart as well, spreading throughout the other sections of Keltra and awaiting whatever would happen next from a mostly shielded spot. Only the three deities; Anath Homura, Harmony, and Desire, remained within the Citadel, which would soon become the site of their battle. Eager and enraged; Desire had already begun a combination of flexing and stretching her spiritual strength and magical muscles in preparation.

“There’ll be no messing with my mind; no mental torture - lest you want my unending wrath.” Desire quipped with grim humor, and a sinister smile. Her expressive malice contrasted with the impassive visage of Harmony, but both were equally exasperated and desperate to defeat their mother.

“I am becoming weary of these tantrums, and remain uncertain what it is that you expect to achieve. Do you imagine that you can overpower me?” Anath Homura asked, unfazed and unmoving.

“Well, that would be something, wouldn’t it. Hehe.” Desire replied, as she began to step around her mother and approach her from behind. Harmony marched forward to confront Anath Homura directly, enacting the simple yet effective strategy of coming at an opponent from multiple angles. They had lacked the agility to overwhelm their mother in their previous battles, but they had also become divine in the time since then.

“You said it would be our choice...” Harmony asserted, exuding an aura of otherworldly power as she summoned her sacred strength. She shifted before reaching her mother; then the contours of her fiery shape blurred as the known world struggled to comprehend her true form, and the threads of the Tapestry were becoming slightly unraveled. The mortal mien she had clad herself with became translucent and its outlines were wildly fluctuating like enticed flames.

The skin of Desire seemed to burst as she surged faster than light and a myriad of afterimages were left in her wake. She unleashed a flurry of blows, swift and sharp enough to slice through the space between airborne particles and to strike at the back of Anath Homura directly, as Harmony summoned the weight of the world within herself and pulled back her own fist for a devastating hit. Desire felt herself drawn in by the gravitational forces of her sister, increasing the incomprehensible velocity of her strikes further, yet their mother did not move.

Tumultuous thunder and flames roared in all directions, obscuring the scene until three silhouettes became visible. The attacks of Harmony and Desire had collided with and tore through the flesh of Anath Homura: The clenched hand of Harmony had crashed into the skull of her mother, shattering the surface and sinking deep into the broken bloodied chalice that was what remained of the fractured head. The many fists of Desire punctured the back and shoulders of Anath Homura numerous times, leaving behind a collection of sunken bruised craters and bleeding crevices upon her foe from the hips to the neck. The force of their assault staggered and heaved Anath Homura upwards, and they ascended with her without relent.

There was a blinding pulse of white light from the wounded deity, and before the twin goddesses could react; Anath Homura had healed her head. There was only an iota of space between the duo and their target, but it became a much greater distance as the world around them was rearranged and extended. The distance did not deter Desire and Harmony as they sped towards their mother once more, watching as the one-eyed gaze of Anath Homura began to burn with an ominous glow.

“Forgive me…” Anath Homura murmured, and her heavenly voice was an audibly crystalline sound so easily heard despite the violent explosions echoing throughout the interior of Citadel. Violet flames poured forth from her ruby eye, cascading all around her as she swept her gaze across the vast chamber, consuming the colors as their surroundings became grey and burnt black, and forcing Desire and Harmony to carefully maneuver around the strange and scorching heat in order to approach her.

The twin goddesses generated spears of sacred energy in their hands, and then threw these summoned weapons at Anath Homura. The spears did little damage to the swirling inferno, only temporarily splitting the streams to create new paths for Desire and Harmony to navigate the area. The spears were a distraction, dividing the attention of their mother between offense and defense, allowing Harmony to avoid the violet flames and come close enough to hit her opponent.

“Not enough…” Harmony uttered, as she lashed out with her legs and struck the scalp of Anath Homura once more. Her foe was not harmed though she received renewed wounds to the head. Her foe did not stagger, and proceeded to hastily grasp her leg with one hand - Harmony attempted to free herself, but she swiftly realized her struggle was in vain as the strength of her mother was overwhelming. Anath Homura held her, and Harmony was paralyzed by the power wielded against her, stiffening her movements until she remained still in her awkward and vulnerable position.

Desire dashed towards them, aiming to assist in freeing her sister, but before she could help, Anath Homura employed an ancient technique. Harmony did not think it was appropriate to lose herself in the past during such an intense fight, especially when her suspended body was currently being used as a sword by her manipulative mother, yet she immersed herself in recalling memories that did not quite belong to her. Desire definitely was not impressed by her sudden lackadaisical antics though.

“Harmony! Help me! Help me!” Desire yelped, as she repeatedly dodged an onslaught of violet flames and the improvised blade that was the body of her sister. The oppressive force that held her finally relented when she was finally successful as a temporary weapon against Desire, and her body slammed into her sister. It barely hurt both of them, yet it launched Desire far away and caused Harmony to fall limp on the floor for a brief moment as she regained the ability to move her limbs again.

There was no opportunity to recover further, as Anath Homura seized Harmony, and held her afore her searing gaze. The cacophonous cackle of violet flames shifted into a shrill scream as the inferno funneled itself into a concentrated lance of luminous destruction - it shot forth from the blazing eye of the Creatrix, and pierced through the chest of Harmony. The deafening blare of the heated beam was accompanied by the agonized screams of Harmony as her innards evaporated, and the flesh around her wound melted into bright orange sludge. The beam drifted upwards traversing along her torso, and continued to slice and incinerate more flesh, marking its passage with a gaping scar until it reached her head and scorched away half her face.

The destruction ceased as the luminous lance lapsed and only the pain wailing of Harmony persisted. Anath Homura silenced her daughter with a backhanded strike that blinded the mutilated goddess by rending from her face the one eye that remained after her maiming. It splattered on the floor as Harmony fell and did not rise. Desire trembled with rage upon witnessing the malice of her mother, and surged forward once more.

“Let’s end this!!!” Desire called out.

Anath Homura retaliated by rushing forward as well, and the two deities clashed like stars crashing into each other, as Desire unleashed a series of crushing blows, and her mother blocked or parried each and every attack. Desire was frenzied, a manic glitter in her multicolored eyes as she let loose her defiant rage - only to be perpetually repelled and gradually weakened. Cracks were quickly forming along her limbs, threatening to break should she continue to strike the stronger force that was Anath Homura.

The fight was only prolonged by a lack of more aggression from Anath Homura, and yet Desire did not succumb to despair. She began to utilize more diverse tactics, relying upon ranged attacks and misdirection; she conjured clones of herself and an arsenal of sacred weapons to divide the attention of her opponent. She attempted to conceal her presence behind woven veils of light and manifested materials, in order to ambush her target. It was not enough, and to expend further power would permanently cost her.

“This is your defeat…”

Anath Homura did not grant her the opportunity to surrender either. The absence of aggression suddenly changed, and the Creatrix delivered a single brutal blow to Desire. Her clenched fist flew forward and came to a halt before Desire, without directly landing upon her - yet hitting her despite this lack of contact. Desire felt her limbs burst, and what remained of her body be sent soaring towards the edges of the room. She crashed into one of the ornate walls, and lost sight of the world around her as her vision became dark, and faded completely into black. The last thing she could see was the bloodstained visage of Anath Homura, still and silent like a desecrated statue - standing in sorrowful solitude.


Brethren I think that I can do this. I'll be like a machine gun monkey pinging people in here or firing off the PMs to tell them what's up and ask if they want to do anything with Tigris or his monsters. Trust me I already have ideas so all you have got to do is say yes familiar and I'll get started.

Your enthusiasm is much appreciated, but I'm afraid after much discussion that it has been decided that joining the server is mandatory. The size of this RP has grown too large to efficiently communicate and organize such a complicated setting using only the threads on the guild site.

Thank you for your patience, I've been really slow with writing due to illness.
<Snipped quote by Chris488>

It's a clever thought familiar. I appreciate you injecting new ideas into my mind but I don't think it'd work because once those goons give your account the Hiroshima-Handout I think it's a full IP ban and all of that.

That's rough. Unfortunately the rest of the players are using Discord to communicate/collaborate, so it will be much more difficult/slower for you to chat and organize with them. I don't know if you're willing to endure that...

Thank you for submitting your character sheet! Your character has been approved, and you may post your CS in the Character tab! I look forward to writing with you, and reading the story of Kathetikon!

You shall receive the Pantheon role in the server as well, granting you access to more channels for discussion.

Blessed be those that become divine.
<Snipped quote by Lord Zee>

Thanks kindred. I feel really free and would take you up on that but my Disco account got Detroit-Dumpstered so to speak a while back. Too many wild memes or something I guess since I never did find out why.

Sorry for the delays! Out of curiosity, couldn't you create a new account?
The Beginning of Turn II

The Celestial Celebration Comes to an End

The stars that sang and danced have become quiet; whether they were receding deeper into the depths of the void so that they were only visible as small shimmering specks when darkness descends upon the world, or if they were swiftly answering the powerful call of the Creatrix and now acting as the celestial servants of the scarlet summoner - the result was the same: night had fallen, for the sun was not enough to illuminate the entirety of the cosmos.

Perhaps the newly arisen pantheon would protect those that would be afraid, or perhaps they would take advantage of the terror and sow chaos across the planet. It was their choice - Their whim - Indeed, their prerogative. The gods and goddesses would continue to create, and the world would continue to change. What new tales shall be woven into the Tapestry as the Divine enact their will? Will they offer salvation, or will they wreak havoc?

The coming changes are inevitable, and the answer shall soon be written…

The Twilight

Anath Homura & Family

Anath Homura gazed upon the towering core structure that stood before her as she slowly strode towards it. The center of the newly forged Keltra consisted of the inner ring which encircled the tall citadel, both of which were connected to each other and the rest of the flying fortress via the crossways that attached themselves to the outer Ring and the outside acclivity. The crossways passed through the four gates of the inner ring, allowing access to the looming citadel that was the resplendent heart of her new home.

All of Keltra was seemingly sculpted from the resilient red stone that resembled the texture and visage of a ruby, and much of the symmetrical stronghold still shimmered like a glittering gemstone in the continual illumination of the celestial celebration that had currently spread all across the skies. Numerous pillars arranged in a protective circle around the citadel formed the inner ring - letting the joyous light and the rush of wind through, along with the wide bridges that Anath Homura walked upon.

Beyond the open doorways of the citadel, the immense interior of the core structure was brightly lit by the radiant presence of the red goddess and the plethora of gentle luminescence that poured in from the fenestrated walls and oculus that occupied the center of the domed ceiling overhead. The interior lacked furnishings, but compensated the emptiness with architectural flourishes and spacious potential - intricate and artistic carved patterns accompanied by embedded jewels decorated the walls and ceiling, along with plenty of alcoves where exquisite reredos awaited the erection of various shrines and altars.

Anath Homura left a multi-colored mosaic trail upon the floor as she stepped further into the citadel, and that lingering path in her wake began to simultaneously expand and split apart, becoming many intersecting paths that spanned the vast chamber like a wondrous web of rainbows to walk upon. The complex construction was complimented by the contrasting simplicity of the clear sky surrounding it, and Anath Homura felt satisfied as she came to a halt in the center of the flying fortress, directly beneath the oculus that showed the shining heavens above.

“Come to me, my children!” She called out, and the singing stars became quiet as they heeded her words. The numerous dazzling dancers streaked across the skies towards Keltra, descending from the darkness that surrounded the cosmos and arriving swiftly so that they all were gathered afore the Creatrix. The light of day began to fade, and the world was shrouded in darkness where the sun was absent, and the stars were much more quiet.

Desire, Harmony, Pride, and Fear returned from Skydancer and stepped into the citadel where they witnessed their lone mother showered in scintillating light. Her body bathed in the beautiful radiance of the stars that surrounded her, and her divine presence caused those stars to change their shapes. Anath Homura had ordained such, long ago when she reforged them from the ashes of nothing and foretold their fate.

“You will be my Archai, my messengers.”

It was well known that the stars were shifting spirits, and these stars had once worn the skin of mortalkind. Now they donned their prior visages, or at least appearances akin to their previous forms: Their astral light was sheathed in coppery skin except for a few shimmering marks where some radiance slipped through and shone brightly, and ethereal wings emerged from their backs. They vaguely resembled the form of Anath Homura, though they were much taller, and their features varied with greater musculature and the sporadic beards among those that were men. Their dark hair grew beneath luminous haloes or majestic horns atop their heads, and their eyes glimmered an icy blue.

The Archai kneeled before Anath Homura, arranged around the perimeter of the chamber and in spiral rows that came closer and closer to the red goddess. There were thousands, and yet they stayed ever silent and still in a state of absolute serenity, awaiting her edict. There was a straight path for the four daughters of Anath Homura to approach their mother, and so they hastily strode towards her - with Desire carrying Pride in her arms. As deities themselves, Desire and Harmony could feel the cold coming of night upon the world, and they felt concern for those that were unfamiliar to the darkness. Anger crossed their features as both of them stood beside their sisters in front of the frightening one that had carelessly wrought such sudden suffering.

It seemed as though their mother was testing them - testing their loyalty. That, or she remained unaware of how she tormented her children. Tension subtly simmered between those that were blessed with otherworldly power, as the two goddesses seethed and contemplated whether they would launch an attack, or accept this atrocity. Fight or surrender. Anath Homura awaited their decision...

A New Home

Anath Homura & Family

“Return home?” The daughters of Anath Homura asked aloud with a number of varying sentiments, as they stared at the red goddess who was their mother and maker with evident bemusement quickly becoming anticipation.

The ancient ark began to hum with divine power as the red goddess tapped into its tremendous power through awakening it, and claimed command of its meandering voyage throughout the void - altering its direction. Then instead of merely mirroring the myriad of lights from the surrounding stellar festivities, the ark that was known as Skydancer became a source of otherworldly illumination that matched the brightness of those shining stars. Its bejeweled exterior became a beautiful scintillating shell seen even from the surface of the primordial world, wherein it would appear to mortal viewers as a prismatic arrow soaring across the heavens.

The ark flew swiftly as it pierced the luminous skies and came closer to the land, yet inside it did not shake, so its denizens could share in quiet conversation accompanied by the ambient suppressed thrum. Anath Homura held out her hand, and emerging from her upright palm was a fragment of sacred stone that resembled a ruby - rippling like unsettled water, yet also resilient with an aura of subtle strength.

“Keltra will require our power to be rebuilt. The great passage of time and prevalent destructive energies that endured have eroded its fortitude.” Anath Homura explained without inflection, pointedly glancing between her daughters before setting her gaze upon the shifting shard within her grasp once more. “I would have our new home more closely connected to the heavens, and more freed from the weight of the material world.”

“You have completed the cage then, and now you wish to build another?” Harmony inquired, staring at the white rose that had replaced the second Anath Homura, and the vitriol towards her mother that she wished to convey was clear despite the dispassionate tone employed. She struggled in the misbegotten silence and could not articulate her frustrating remorse after asking the potentially impertinent question - especially because she and the others were all aware that she would obey their mother regardless.

“Will you forgive me? I do not intend to forsake you, nor enslave you. I solely wish to be with my family now… To be with all of you.” Anath Homura answered, exuding serenity with her heavenly voice and the stillness of her stance. There was no need for an excessive display of might or much persuasion. Even though all aside from one among them were nearly identical in appearance, there was a colossal difference in the presence and power of the one that commanded them, and those that followed her decree.

“You still haven’t asked what we want though, hehe. Would you let us leave if we wanted to travel and see the rest of the world? I ask because I’d rather not be tortured and imprisoned just because we provoked you. I think that’s a terrible trait to possess and inflict upon others, mother.” Desire commented with the mischievous combining of a wry smirk and casual shrug. The temptation to aggravate and assault her mother was relentless after hearing all of the pretenses and chagrin. She was not foolish enough to believe that she would win in a battle against the one that wielded such power, but perhaps her defeat would be spiteful enough to make it worth it. Desire hummed to herself as she pondered what would occur after her hypothetical demise.

“I wouldn’t be bothered by some catharsis after dying and all that. Let’s just spend some time together and cross that river when we reach it, if that analogy makes sense.” Pride added, stepping towards Anath Homura and proceeding to stand beside the progenitor goddess in order to avoid an actual confrontation. She had recalled a previous encounter wherein Harmony and Desire had readied their weapons in defiance of their mother - and she hoped she could prevent that situation from being repeated.

“If you wish to go… I would let you. You are an immortal now, and closer to equilibrium. It would be inefficient to keep you in Keltra against your will. However, I ask that you allow me to amend our relationships.” Anath Homura said, as Fear silently strode forward and then stood beside her as well.

“How can we be so close, and yet so separated?” Harmony asked, and the rebellious resonance in her unheard and unseen visage was temporarily extinguished - the expressionless mask she wore hid nothing now. Her twin peered at her with curiosity glittering in her mismatched colored eyes, until she gave another shrug and nodded in acceptance.

Harmony and Desire languidly approached Anath Homura, and then touched the scarlet stone fragment that would become the reincarnated Keltra. Their mother refrained from further discussing their reluctance and said nothing as she opened a spiritual channel to connect with them. It allowed them to concentrate and collaborate better through synchronized senses and thoughts. Then the divine trinity fused their sacred strength and poured otherworldly power into the shifting shard they held. It stirred further, becoming boisterous and animated at once; fierce protrusions burst forth and stabbed outwards in a number of random directions.

The three divine summoned a cavity beneath their feet and began to kneel as they lowered the swelling seed of Keltra through the opening. Deeper and deeper, passing beyond the material of the ancient ark and out above the great sea which spread out in all directions. During their conversation, Skydancer had come to a halt high over the massive melody of waves and water that ever ebbed and flowed, and the ark hung there in radiant tranquility as its hum joined the song of the sea.

Barely visible was the pulsating seed that resembled a very large ruby carried by the three goddesses that descended from the unsealed stomach of the luminous vessel. The lack of visual prominence would swiftly change as the seed expanded at a rapid rate: It burned brightly in their hands, an incandescence akin to the celestial children of the heavens and blinding to any mortal that may have gazed upon it. The numerous limbs that sprouted from the core like roots and branches began to interweave with each other into a complex arrangement that spread out from where Homura and her daughters had released the transforming sacred stone.

The ritual with its sole component seemed to have attained an automatic understanding of what it would become - almost alive with an instinctual idea and independence. The expanding seed adopted a new shape, forming into an intricate combination of rings that had surrounded and connected to a tall structure in the center. This formation was retained as it continued to increase in proportions, until its measurements matched the massive ark that flew close to it. Then it became larger, until it was comparable in size to the great mountains erected upon the distant landmass.

The three goddesses flew beneath the immense flying fortress that had been forged into existence. Blowing forth from below, powerful gusts of wind continually elevated the trio until they were uplifted to the height of the smaller ring and crossways within the interior of Keltra. Homura and her daughters gracefully alighted upon the accessible paths that connected the smaller inner ring to the much larger outer ring, and stood there for a time, acutely analyzing every aspect of the reincarnated Keltra with their divine sight.

“Freed from the weight of the world…” Harmony murmured when the mental connection with her mother and sisters was severed, and after she had finished her examination of the strange, yet recognizable surroundings.

“Levitation for our new home - and that flurry of wind will carry any that fall back up.” Desire commented with a conflicted mingling of enthusiasm and concern. She remained uncertain whether she would be content to remain here for a long time with her family.

“Retrieve your sisters… let them enjoy the safety and respite that their new home offers. The season of strife has come to an end, and the season of solace begins.” Anath Homura ordained, as she strode towards the heart of Keltra; towards the towering citadel that awaited them. She promised herself that she would not forsake her home again, and stay here with her daughters to protect them.

Awakened Ark

Anath Homura & Family

How much time had passed…

When had she become so solitary…

Among the many singing stars there was an ancient ark all alone and entirely enveloped in divine ice that cheerfully reflected and refracted the beauty of the awakened cosmos, yet the ice also concealed that which dwelt within it - and so the shimmering vessel that was once known as Skydancer continued to drift aimlessly across the unknown in cold silence.

Anath Homura soared towards the frozen ark, alighting atop the frigid exterior with an agile step. Immediately the ice began to disperse because of her presence, breaking apart into pieces which dispersed into sparkling streams that were washed away and allocated amidst the celestial celebration. Swiftly, the red goddess descended into the cool depths, and into the interior of the immense vessel.

Otherworldly light illuminated the ornate and vivid confines of the ark, revealing the numerous structures decorated with large gemstones and a myriad of glittering veins consisting of precious materia that were shaped into intricate glyphs imbued with heavenly power. There were many of these buildings, enough to compose a city, though there was no coherency in their arrangement. No obvious organization that would allow for easy navigation. Each and every edifice was unique in its appearance due to the assortment of magical jewels and runic patterns, and nearly all of them were empty.

With purpose in her stride, Anath Homura approached the one structure that was occupied and swiftly stepped within its lit space. She was evidently not concerned with intruding, aware that the few inhabitants to be found here had sensed her arrival and had been expecting her to eventually come. They were waiting for her…

Homura was greeted by her two divine daughters with disdain and aversion, as one refused to look at her by turning her back to her, while the other was scowling at her from behind an apathetic mask. Neither spoke as they all stood in the desolate room - all of them with a nearly identical face and form… and so Homura turned her attention to the two prone shapes laid upon the floor nearby with a lit brazier resting between them; the slumbering duo were both familiar and strange to her.

“Their flames have dwindled… They have forgotten their forms.” Homura said, stepping closer to the two statues that were once upon a time also her daughters. Two featureless faces returned her gaze, devoid of emotion and perception, yet still ever so subtly alive. The burning brazier beside them which held the blessed Phoenix had preserved their lives, and the red goddess felt the faint warmth from their two pockets of inner flames reach out towards her…

There was love and hatred in that flicker of warmth directed at her, and Homura wondered whether she would ever receive forgiveness from her family after all of her failures. Harmony continued to hide her vehement frustration with a neutral expression, but such feelings could not be concealed from her mother and maker. Desire danced between dispassionate sorrow and reluctant joy in their occasional conversations, but would more often just align herself with the sentiments of her sister than not. Then there was Fear and Pride - Her children that had yet to become truly divine...

“Oh, I wish Pipsqueak could see herself right now. She’s become rather plump…” Desire remarked in a dry tone, as she finally turned around and faced Homura with a mixture of mirth and irritation. Her comment was accompanied by a casual gesture towards the more compressed of the two statues, which as a result had become rather rotund, or so it seemed.

“It was never my intention for them to revert to their previous states.” Homura replied somberly, kneeling beside her two catatonic children and placing her hands upon their bald heads. Dancing dark runes manifested upon her skin, and slithered along her limbs to where she touched the two slumbering statues, traversing from her body onto their bodies. Then emerging from the unseen essence of existence, a scarlet substance akin to blood began to accumulate above the three that were marked with the symbols of sorcery.

Afterwards red rain fell upon them, and the flow of ruby rivulets splashed softly against their shapes before seeping into their skin. Soon the surface of the two statues began to change, now stained with colored textures and shifting in order to adopt a different appearance. The more longer and lithe statue became another simulacrum of Homura, as the short and round statue became a younger version of the red goddess with much of her previous mass transforming into an abundance of pink hair adorned with white ribbons.

Fear and Pride both slowly opened their eyes, and saw their celestial mother and sacred sisters staring down at them. Without words, much was conveyed between all of them in an ephemeral moment: some relief, some remorse, fathomless dread, a glimmer of hope, that conflicting love and hatred, a multitude of oxymoronic emotions that was overwhelming, yet crystalline clear to them... and after a time of lingering silence came tender embraces and more conventional conversation. However, the majority among their gathering was hesitant to speak; Harmony remained reticent while Fear repeatedly opened her mouth to talk before she would simply surrender without uttering a single word.

Pride and Desire briefly engaged in idle chatter to prevent any awkward tension from accumulating or returning, and the joyful laughter that erupted from the latter as she teased her smallest sister was enough to alleviate the anxiety. “I wasn’t ever obese, you blind fool!” Pride retorted with a stricken ego, as Desire continued to chuckle after avoiding retribution, and Harmony moved with nonchalant grace to comfort the offended one by gently stroking her head - which only further irked Pride as she complained about the two twin goddesses. It was another opportune time for Fear to voice the question that haunted her mind as she addressed her now ignored mother.

“Umm… what’s your plan for us now?” Fear asked nervously, as her hand began to tremble despite her efforts to calm herself. She struggled to even hold eye contact with Homura, and felt crushed beneath the weight of that otherworldly gaze upon her. She was afraid, and she quickly pondered whether that was the intention of her manipulative mother, or not. The others also became quiet as they awaited a response from their maker, eager to know what the future would entail for them.

“We shall return home.” Anath Homura answered softly, as she allowed a demure smile to emerge since she was finally reuniting with her family. The red goddess still held onto the vigorous faith that had led her this far upon the Sacred Path.

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