Avatar of CleverFox


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6 mos ago
Current Hi! Its been a solid 5 years since I had been on here. I am trying to get into the swing of thing again lol


My Marvel Characters:

Apocolypic/Fighting characters:

Hello! I am 25 year old who enjoys a good roleplay. I am a nice person so feel free to message me and ask really anything or just chat. Or Geek out I enjoy those as well. Hah.
Fandoms that I am in:


Rise Of The Guardians

Guardians of the Galaxy

Walking dead



Assassins Creed
I will roleplay:
Female X Male Roleplays

Slice of Life



Comedy Romance

Most Recent Posts

Olinda really didn't like get reading plays. The history is just fine for her but reading the play it self just bores her. For example Hamilton did interest her with his story the play...well did him no justice. Did she read it yes but it was more along the lines of 'in one ear out the other' Kind of deal for her in this case. She kinda wished Uno had stayed because he at least remembers what he reads for a day.

She leans for ward resting her head on her arm looking at the teacher. "Ojalá fuera más fácil de leer. But I read it."

Olinda groans sitting behind Heidi."No, I didn't. I was focused on making the golem's more useful." She says leaning against the seat. She rubs her head."So you think I can scan through it and still get an idea?" She says with a sigh.

She felt a pull on her pant leg and she looked down Uno standing there holding up the paper grumbling something."Oh shut it you pack of rocks." Olinda says looking down at the sassy golem before sighing." Thank you,Uno"

Uno chipped a bit before rolling out of the class room. Leaving Olinda to read about Hamilton,"Oh yeah I fell asleep reading about this guy." She says looking this over and smiled history is her favorite subject next to gym. Not only does it really interest her on reading about the past, though some of it makes her mad, but the little tricks in there too. Hamilton was one of their founding fathers, created the financial system. the Federalist party, and The Coats guard. Not to mention his life story is rather interesting too. Aside for Washington and Teddy Roosevelt; Hamilton will probably be on her top list of favorite people in history."I think I got this guy down give me a test I'll atleast get a 68." She says with a chuckle

@Silver Carrot
Olinda found that a school for special kids was a bit weird. When she had got on the Blackbird she hadn't known she'd end up at a freaking Mansion. She thought it got bigger walking into the Mansion and Emery thought the same thing coming in holding Olinda's hand. She was finally fully introduced to everyone. Upon given the chance to stay or go she decided to stay with them but Emery left with Emma promising to write when she could. Trying to stay in the room she was given was very hard for her the first month. Olinda couldn't it drove her crazy so she would go outside whenever she didn't have a class, Sleeping, eating or something important happening.

She had been working on her powers. Her golem's and her earth hands being the main targets of her practice. She had damn near knocked herself out if it wasn't for Uno keeping her up. Olinda got it done though. She had showed it to the others using Uno now standing at a whopping 4'6 now. Her birthday rolled around and she never said anything she was to busy carving out her Christmas presents for the team to even really notice. On Christmas she gave everyone a rock carving representing their power in someway. She told them if they didn't like it they could put away or just throw it outside. She was never sure if they did and Olinda secretly hoped they didn't.

Now she is laying face down in her bed sleeping peacefully until someone (or golem) rudely pulled her out of bed. She yelped falling on the floor with a thud."Uno!" She yells pulling off the blanket and glaring at the laughing golem. Uno is in his 3 foot form right now since that how tall he can really make himself without Olinda's help. Olinda mutter curses in Spanish getting untangled from the blankets and standing up. The Golem walks over hugging her saying sorry in his golem language. He grumbled something about her class that made her groan."God do I have too?"

Uno gave her a look that Olinda rolls her eyes too."Your worst than a dad Uno." She says standing up and grabbing her boots. Olinda had been out late into the night last night training. She had been trying to make figures out of stone and trying to learn how to make her stone armor stronger. She was successful in neither and is very tired from that not even bothering to change out of the T-shirt and Shorts that she had on at the moment. Olinda made a mental note to shower later as she entered into class and smiled at the two people already there."Hello, Jefe," She looks at Heidi,"Heidi. Did I walk into the wrong class again?"
Hey I am still here sorry for not responding school and work have me ran down to the ground
@Burning Kitty True. It would be funny if they do that though.
Olinda nodded focusing on the guards getting mutants near her to safety before going back to busting heads. When Booker called out that he was taking the kids to the black bird it brought her a lot of relief. Good...it was almost over. Then she felt someone drop not to far from her and saw a guard with cattle prods.

"Estúpido hijo de puta." She says to the shocked man before turning towards the battle field. She bends her leg up and stomps on the ground creating cracks. Along the cracks large holes formed and out came her 3 foot rock golems."Get the mutants! Anyone wearing uniforms like this," She points to the man,"Knock them out kill as last resort." She says hearing grunt of acknowledgement half of them rolling into balls the other running forward tripping guards.

Before making sure she has a good hold on her golem's she looks at Shawn,"Thank's for the save there Jefe. I owe you one." She say before running off to get the remaining mutants with her golems. Olinda came to a stop when she heard a cry. A girl maybe 12 sat holding another boy about a year Olinda's Senior holding off guards with what looks like shields. Olinda rushed over knocking some of the men out Uno getting the remaining.

"What do you speak?" Olinda asked looking at the girl.

"English! Please help me! My brother...he-"

"-Is going to be fine." Olinda said running over and checking the boy over,"A gun shot to the shoulder and I think a dislocated shoulder..how did that happen?"

"He was protecting me! When we got out there were others trying to kill us and he was t-t-" The girl started crying.

Uno made grumble making Olinda look at him."Go tell Shawn we have an Injured kid coming alright? Maybe they have supplies or medicine we can give him." She says Uno nodded and rolled away quickly.

Olinda grunts picking up the boy on her back."Whats your power kid?"

"...Don't really know. I can create shields and turn things invisible that's it." The girl says getting up.

"Alright stay by me alright?" Olinda says making her way to the others stomping her foot making a pillar throw a unsuspecting guard fly the other direction just for the pleasure of it."The Names Olinda."

"Emery. Nice to-" She screamed when a golem appeared attacking a guard next to them trying to get another mutant. Olinda looks back checking on Emery before looking at the other mutant."Follow me kids." She said with a smile before moving forward. Emery came closer to Olinda basically hiding behind her leg. As they made their way back, and by the time the girl got back to Shawn she had saved 4 other mutants. Her Golems bringing in 1 each.
@Burning Kitty The day of the week moms get a break lol

Spelling mistake woops haha
Hey guys ill try and respond by sunday if not momday. I have a jam packed weekend!! Have a great night/day
Olinda nodded to Shawn and ran with him back into the building and secured the other doors that couldn't be opened electronically with stone before sighing. While he was trying to get his bounds Olinda kept the doors up until she heard Shawn talk again. She nodded and let the doors down. Olinda smirks,"Whatever you say, Jefe." She says before gathering ip some earth around her making it swirl."I'll just be knocking some heads." She says throwing some rocks at the guards.

Seeing some guards aiming to shoot at a 2 younger mutant kids. Olinda hands shook as she tried to get a good grasp of where they are on the ground. After getting a proper location she lifted her hands the ground mimicking the motion out of the ground below the men as hands. She made her hands into fists grabbing the men and bring them down to the ground. Making sure the hands will stay she released her own fist she panted feeling tired before yelling pointing to Booker,"Go with him! Hurry!" She says.

She looks at Shawn,"I got Golems that can help us gather more Mutant's faster. I can only do five or six without getting too tired if you want me to use them just let me know,el jefe." She say throwing a rock at a guards head who was sneaking up on her knocking him out. Olinda felt light headed from the rock hands but she had to focus on the mission at hand. She went back to subduing the guards and trying to get the muntants to go to Booker.
Olinda punched a metaled girl in the face she winced watching the girl fly back. She closed the walls around the girl letting her scream at Olinda profanities in a language she couldn't place. She watched the others leave and followed not to far behind knocking out mutants and guards alike. As she ran she was never really touched all she had to do was stomp her foot hard enough and who ever tried to hurt her was sent flying behind her or beside her. All in All she tried not to kill.

Until one kid decided to hop onto her back and throw her into a wall with a loud bang. She drops to the ground groaning looking over and sees a guy with blue veins going through out his body."C'mon little girl. You're acting all tough and shit."

"Look, I am not here to hurt you, Azul." She says getting back up a foot sized boulder forming in her hand.

"I don't give a fu-" He was met with a rock making him yelp then a rock covered foot to his jaw.

"Sh. No cussing while there are kids around,Azul." Olinda says with a giggle before making a run for the others. She helped some mutants trying to just get out by making ways for them to get out of the mess. Knocking a few more guards she finally came to the exit.

She caught up with them at the exit and looks around whistle and looks at the leader? She didn't know but she'll go with it," My name isn't 'New girl' it's Olinda and what do you need me too do, el jefe."
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