Avatar of CollectorOfMyst


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5 yrs ago
Well, guess I'm back here again. It's been a while.
7 yrs ago
The things I do for spam topics... neon pink avatar coming up...
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7 yrs ago
The pain of constantly refreshing an active page with a lot of people on it in case someone posts...
7 yrs ago
Just stayed up the whole night doing RP stuff... now to see if it was worth it...
7 yrs ago
Gonna be out for the day, people, so I won't really be RPing much.


Hey, there. Myst here, as you've probably guessed. Can't exactly write in other people's bios, can you? But, you're probably reading this for a reason, so I'll get to it.

I prefer high-Casual and Advanced games, in a medieval, fantasy or sci-fi setting, because that's the sort of nerd I am.

I'm a thinker - I've thought a lot on certain things, and am firm in my beliefs. So you could ask me what I thought about a good few things and I could give a well-reasoned answer. Or a less reasoned answer based on my morals.

TheCharactersOfMyst - This is my storage for past and present characters, and where I might occasionally go for nostalgia and/or recycling a character I've used before.

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RPG? Manga?! Those words were a shock, even in their slightly-off pronunciation. So he knew? Or were they just words that someone had said before?

“I... yeah. Yeah, they mean something. And I know Florida, too. She’s an American.” He glanced at Miiba. Lear had called her a young girl. Did that mean she was a child? None of the others had spoken the way she did. His eyes softened, and he looked away. “No, I... I don’t know, Miiba.”

There were a few seconds where nobody spoke, then Lear broke the silence.

"Scott, Miiba mentioned a "shadow man" that she saw before she woke up as a Goblin. Do you remember such a figure? Did they give you any kind of...quest? Or...a special ability? Something you haven't seen other monsters use?"

Again, Scott paused. “W- well, ‘they’ must’ve given me the ability to talk, if anything.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I... don’t remember any shadow men or the like." It wasn't a lie, per se. He never met a shadow man - he met the Demon King. "There wasn’t much to see, where I was. But I do remember a voice. And it did give me something.”

Scott glanced around for something suitable - and a small, pointed pebble caught his eye. He grabbed it, and then a nearby leaf. Trying his best not to tear the leaf, he began to Scribe.


Once it was done, he held it out to the pair. “If you have any scrapes or bruises, this will work just like a spell would.”
Alright! The next post will be coming up shortly.
@Tangletail Soon, it'll be soon. Again, working it out in PMs.
@Vertigo Well, it's also possible that Caw was stunned into silence by this remark - after all, it was rather accurate. If you'd still be available to roll dice for Caw when needed, that'd be great, but I understand if you can't post during the time you're gone. (where are you going? I'm curious what kind of journey will take 20 days XD).

@Tangletail The 'grabbing the horse's reins' is appreciated, but unfortunately, I've already been going over some stuff with Eleven in PMs - since Seb might respond, and so forth. Please remove that part from your post. 😅

@Tangletail @Vertigo For this, I would use Deception to conceal your feelings (or your passive Deception, which is calculated the same as passive Perception).

EDIT: Also, laptop has been fixed! If any of you three (including Eleven/Rhaeyla) want to do something, please do let me know! Otherwise, I can start moving on.

Scott looked up. This man knew, then? Or knew in part, at least. He looked at the goblin - Miiba, he said her name was. But at least he knew, now, that he’d found someone else who had… died.

“Well… I can try. Um. It’ll sound insane, though.” He paused. “My name is Scott Carter, and I used to be a fifteen-year-old human from Luton in the East Midlands. I attended school, I drew pictures, and I wasn’t… this.” He gestures to himself. “I don’t think this is even my face.”

“We don’t really have pixies there. Or goblins, or magic. We have stories and stuff about it, but none of it is real. Not like here.” Again, he paused. Did he really want to tell this man everything? How he got here? How he died? He had met the Demon King, right? And unless Demon meant ‘benevolent ruler’ or something to the humans here, the likelihood was that he was opposed to demonic entities. He didn’t want to lie, but...

He rolled back his shoulders. Half-truths? “Some of my classmates… they did something. Something bad. And when I woke up… it took me about a week for me to remember? I think? It’s all a little fuzzy.”
You can't figure out where these tribes are from, but something does strike a chord with you - they don't match. Not one of these kobolds came from the same tribe. (That's from your passive perception)
Right, so. Around the same time as my laptop, so too does my phone fall on the floor and decide it was a good idea to start glitching the screen and opening apps of its own volition. Currently I'm using my kindle, but it's slow work.

@Vertigo@Eleven You're both back to full ammo, then.

@Tangletail Make a history check for tribal markings.

Right now, Cassandra will be inside with the family, using her healer's kit to bandage their wounds. Her look is intense, and troubled (insight to know more). She's set her staff aside for now, and every part of her body is shaking. Linan and Cuth seem to be in a bit of shock - they're barely responding, just breathing heavily and leaning against the other (AKA, I want to be able to type something up properly for their part. That means I need a keyboard. I'm back at college tomorrow, hopefully I can use one of the library computers).

Sebastian would have made to shoot after the kobold, but he never fired his crossbow. Instead, he'll ask the person closest to him (you can decide that among yourselves) to help him corral the horses and move them into cover. He looks troubled as well, and his gaze keeps drifting to the Keep visible from all points of Greenrest and to the dragon swirling overhead (requires a separate insight check).

Magdar has a strange gleam in his eyes, one that doesn't quite fit the idea of a town under siege, but he keeps adjusting his grip on his axe and looking towards the dragon.

By this time, Surina will have made it to the city. Her eyes will widen upon seeing the dead kobolds (my autocorrect changed kobolds to jobless, thought you guys might like to know), but she seems to be impressed by the results.
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>Dyan nods to Daniel, having adopted his own stance in the event he was wrong about this group. He saw no need to be unprotected. Once the other man got closer, Dyan recognized him, and his expression lightened. "Ho, farmer. Or should I say Man-at-Arms?"
@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Tangletail@Vertigo@Eleven Apologies, all. My laptop’s ability to connect to the internet has gone kaput. For now, you can consider yourselves out of combat - meaning back to normal posting. Caw can fire up to three more arrows before he’ll lose sight of it.

Also, for Rhaeyla and Caw; since you used ranged weapons, please could both of you roll a d12-1. The result is the number of darts/arrows you recover (not exceeding your original amounts of 10 and 20 respectively). Anything else is broken or otherwise lost.
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