Avatar of CollectorOfMyst


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5 yrs ago
Well, guess I'm back here again. It's been a while.
7 yrs ago
The things I do for spam topics... neon pink avatar coming up...
1 like
7 yrs ago
The pain of constantly refreshing an active page with a lot of people on it in case someone posts...
7 yrs ago
Just stayed up the whole night doing RP stuff... now to see if it was worth it...
7 yrs ago
Gonna be out for the day, people, so I won't really be RPing much.


Hey, there. Myst here, as you've probably guessed. Can't exactly write in other people's bios, can you? But, you're probably reading this for a reason, so I'll get to it.

I prefer high-Casual and Advanced games, in a medieval, fantasy or sci-fi setting, because that's the sort of nerd I am.

I'm a thinker - I've thought a lot on certain things, and am firm in my beliefs. So you could ask me what I thought about a good few things and I could give a well-reasoned answer. Or a less reasoned answer based on my morals.

TheCharactersOfMyst - This is my storage for past and present characters, and where I might occasionally go for nostalgia and/or recycling a character I've used before.

Most Recent Posts

@Mistress Dizzy Try this one, it should all be in order. Customised just for Amanita.

@Mistress Dizzy The sup/sub command is what makes the code small. Personally, it was the grey colour that made it difficult for me to read, but are you asking for every post to have it be normal-sized or just if your own can be that way?
(To be fair, I've looked. It's very hard to find an image of a young-ish non-binary human character in a fantasy setting)
Hope that's a good first post 😅

Note: Keannan doesn't sleep, being an elf and all. In Faerun, an elven trance is also known as the Reverie, so I used it here (mostly as a point of 'hey, I was having a good dream' rather than trying to be fancy).

Also, @rocketrobie2, since we have c'Ob, who's a grung, would he presumably be sleeping in a bathtub or something? Since he has the whole 'can't go without water or he'll die' trait.


AC: 16
Hit Points: 15/15
Feature used: N/A
Prepared spells: Absorb Elements, Cure Wounds, Entangle, Healing Word, Ice Knife

Keannan, by virtue of not needing the same kind of sleep as the others, only the Reverie, had been awake perhaps a minute longer, during which the sobbing had not eased. Seeing the others stir - waking, most likely - he simply muttered a word of frustration, before sitting up.

"I had hoped the woman would quiet afore long, but if you three have also woken, then I doubt I will find the quiet as comforting as before. Do you think we should go to them, or leave it to the ears and heart of our kind hostess?"

@Benzaiten I hope it's okay, but I've swapped my druidic focus from a sprig of mistletoe to a yew wand (which I forgot was a thing). Nothing changes except it's a wand now and is 'worth' more.
@Benzaiten Don't know if it matters, ultimately, but when you refer to 'equipment' in the little character thing on the side, does that just refer to weapons and armour? Or is it just most of the inventory?

Also, probably gonna go green for Keannan's dialogue. Who could have guessed it?
@Mistress Dizzy It's in the Basics bit of the formatting cheatsheet below the reply box 😅

It's tables that I don't understand.
@Mistress Dizzy If you copy what I posted in the hider, yeah. You'll still have to make your own edits for character name/dialogue/etc, but otherwise, it should all format correctly.
@Mistress Dizzy Something that stops all the code from compiling. The command is literally 'noparse', so if you look in the hider, it's all the code from the IC formatting template.
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