Avatar of Crimson Flame


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11 hrs ago
Current Gays already get enough undeserved hate. We don’t need to be branded criminals by people too. 😔
19 hrs ago
You’re both wrong, I’m alive!
3 days ago
Because I’m tired of Goku winning every fight.
1 like
3 days ago
@Donut Look Now: It’s an even fight because Goku has to scream for five minutes, and Sailor Moon has to do a transformation sequence. I’ll go with Sailor Moon.
3 days ago
Kirby because I love Kirby, and I don’t play Minecraft.


Gay, he/him, Autistic

I’m Crimson Flame and I’m addicted to RPing. But sometimes ADHD kicks in, and it takes me longer to reply to things than it should. If I’m taking too long to respond, feel free to say something. Just don’t be rude about it.

There are a bunch of RPs I like. Pokémon, Digimon, Fantasy, Superhero, it would take too long to list them all. I’m not a fan of Horror or Apocalypse settings though.

I have a particular type of character I like making. Look through my Character Sheet thread, and see if you notice what a lot of my characters have in common.

Most Recent Posts

Real Name: Ariel
Cursed Name: Cordelia Waters
Age: 28

Ariel/Cordelia is about average height for a young woman her age, standing at about 5'6". She has a slender frame, with feminine curves in all the right places. Her breasts are decently sized, not too big but not small either. She was born with smooth fair skin, which doesn't get tanned easily. Her trademark feature is her thick red hair. It is naturally wavy, and Cordelia often wears it in a ponytail. She has a heart shaped face, with a small nose, large, expressive eyes that are a sea green color, as well as long eyelashes attached to them. A lot of people see her as beautiful, but Cordelia doesn’t think of herself that way.

Clothing wise, Cordelia dresses rather plainly. Often donning T-shirts and Jeans. She wears glasses, but does not need them, and only does it for aesthetic. She dresses more professionally when she’s working.

Pre-Curse Occupation: Princess
Post-Curse Occupation: Mayor’s assistant
World Originated From: Atlantis

Family Members:
King Triton (Father)
Queen Athena (Mother, deceased)
Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Attina, Adella, Alana (Sisters)
Prince Eric (Husband)
Melody (Daughter)
Ursula (Aunt)

Magic User?(in worlds with magic): She’s a mermaid, and King Triton’s daughter, so she does have some magic.

Aquapathy: As a mermaid, Ariel is capable of speaking with aquatic creatures.

Aquakinesis: As a mermaid, Ariel has the ability to control water.

Hypnotic Voice: Mermaids are known for their powerful hypnotic singing voice. Though Ariel personally never used this for anything dangerous.

Enchanted Bracelet: Ariel posses a bracelet given to her by her father that lets her switch between mermaid and human forms at will. It’s just an ordinary bracelet when there’s no magic though.

World Crossing: Mermaids have the ability to swim between realms.

Trident: She can use her father’s trident, as can any of Poseidon’s descendants.

Personality: Ariel is a bright, spirited and headstrong mermaid with a strong passion for adventure and exploration. She has a fascination with the human world, and a desire to learn more about them and their culture. Ariel is extremely compassionate and loving towards almost all living things, and prefers to see the good in people. Even after everything she did, she’s still willing to give her aunt a second chance. This trait often leads her to being taken advantage of by those who’s intentions are not so good. At times she can be stubborn about her beliefs, and impulsive in achieving her desires. She is a romantic, willing to make daring sacrifices for the sake of true love. She even has a temper, though it’s nowhere near as bad as her father’s.

Cordelia is much more meek and timid than her fairy tale counterpart. She wants to leave Storybrooke, explore the world, and one day find a man to love, but she’s scared to take the risk. Cordelia is also something of a nerd. She likes video games, cartoons, and other things that people would consider geeky.

Backstory: Ariel was born as the youngest daughter of King Athena and King Triton in Atlantica, the capital city of the undersea kingdom of Atlantis. She was always her father’s favorite daughter, because she looked so much like her mother. She led a privileged life with her family, until her mother was killed by pirates. The family was never the same after that.

For while, she too shared her father’s fear of humans. When she was 15 years she witnessed some humans saving a beached dolphin (one of those humans being her future husband, though she didn’t know it at the time.) It was here where she learned that not all humans could be so bad. After that, her fascination with humans developed. She would collect treasures from sunken ships, and hide them from her father and sisters, knowing full well her family would never approve.

One day, while observing a human ship, and taking an interest in one particular human named Prince Eric, there was a storm, and Ariel the ship sink, and Eric go down. She couldn’t let the man drown. So, she rescued Eric, and brought him to safety. She fell for the prince immediately after seeing him, but swam off before Eric woke up.

Ariel and her father got into arguments over their views on humanity, and it all came to a head one day when Triton discovered her grotto full of treasures. In a fit of rage, Triton destroyed all of them, leaving the young princess heartbroken.

After crying about it, she was approached by two eels who told her Ursula could help make her dreams come true. Ariel knew who her aunt was from what her father told her, but at this point she was too upset to care. She went to the sea witch, and made a deal with her to become human in exchange for her voice. She had three days to get Eric to give her true loves kiss, or else her soul would belong to Ursula.

Even without her voice, she still managed to win the prince over. She would have gotten that kiss, had it not been for Ursula’s efforts to sabotage her.

Ultimately, Ursula was defeated, Ariel got her voice back, and she was reunited with her prince. Together, the two sailed around the world, and Ariel learned all she could about being a human.

Eventually, Ariel and Eric got married. It would have been a happy moment, we’re it not for Ursula crashing their wedding, and announcing that she would have her revenge. Ariel lived in fear of what that revenge would be. It made it very difficult to enjoy the good news that she was pregnant.

She eventually found out about the dark curse, and that her daughter would be the key to saving them all. So, she had a magical wardrobe constructed that would send her daughter away to another realm to keep her safe until the day came when she was to save them all. She gave birth to her daughter, that she named Melody, and had Eric send her through the wardrobe when the dark curse hit.

After the curse, Cordelia currently works as Mayor Vanessa’s assistant. Doing whatever work she needs done. When she’s not doing the mayors bidding, she usually keeps to herself. She spends a lot of time at home, on the internet, or watching TV, living vicariously through others with more exciting lives.
@Violent VioletIs it ok to mention Ursula crashing Ariel and Eric’s wedding and announcing her revenge like Regina did?

There isn’t a dark one yet, so I’ll leave it ambiguous how she finds out about the curse and sending Melody through the wardrobe.
@Violent Violet Would you mind if cursed!Ariel wound up being Vanessa’s assistant/secretary/whatever the right word is?
If you are talking about the Melody I think you are talking about then I am heavily interested in playing her. Savior or not. (Unless someone else is already making a sheet for her.) I'm just a fanboy of her movie. (Didn't watch the first one until after I watched the second one. My favorite Disney movie as a kid for some weird reason.)

I’m working on her mom. :D

I still deciding what cursed!Ariel does for a living.
NGL, I'm kind of tempted to be Ariel...
Would that savior be Ariel's daughter Melody? :P

I love OUAT, and Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie.

Not sure if I would join, as I have no clue what kind of character I would make. But it sounds interesting.

New pic added. Although I also have the other one just for reference to the outfit.

Can I add her to the character tab?
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