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6 mos ago
Current Damn, it's really been three years since I last did anything on this site, huh? ...Maybe it's time I do something about this.
5 yrs ago
*Kicks in door* HERETICS, YOU SAY?!
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6 yrs ago
A Hailstorm.... in JULY. Thanks Canada....
6 yrs ago
So I just finished up a long D&D session with friends. Near the end one of them may have asked if they could roll to yeet a random cat across the town... Nat fucking 20.
6 yrs ago
A snow and ice storm that shuts down most of the city... in April. Never change Canada.
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In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Post shall be going up later this evening, apologies for the delay.

EDIT: I am an idiot who can't keep a promise apparently. I'll get the post up soon.
@The Jest Well, if/when you reboot this please shoot me a mention. I really want to see this concept through, and I'm not quitting now!
Well its been a few weeks,I may be saying this a touch prematurely but I think this is dead. @The Jest If you are still interested in GMing this, might I suggest either a new Interest check or a reboot in the casual section?
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Silas Asara

Grade A dickhead over here, first he doesn't even show his face in our room. Then he starts making plans to get rid of me?

Silas stared Felix down as he made his attempt at intimidation, refusing to let the coward who couldn't even show up get into his head. Surprisingly though, Felix stopped after one step for reasons that were all unknown to Silas. The situation had suddenly became an aggressive showdown, both parties seemingly frozen in time with eyes locked on each other. Both sides trying to anticipate who would break the silence and tension first. Bring it on bud, you don't scare me! The voice in his head roared.

"You're right. I.. WE.. Didn't come out here for me to pick fights,"

Silas simply crossed his arms and observed as the other boy looked his seemingly injured hand over. All smoke and mirrors, aren't you Felix? As he thought to himself, Vera caught his attention from behind. Letting his angered expression drop for a moment, he looked back over his shoulder towards the girl as she spoke.

"You can't stay there, Silas. Listen, I don't have a roommate. You can stay in the other room in my dorm until we get this sorted out. It's one solution I can think of, but you need to get out of there, at least for now."

The idea left him speechless for a moment. Share a room with her? It sure as hell sounded better than having to put up with Felix. Besides, Vera seemed like a really sweet girl, so Silas had nothing to lose in this arrangement. Aside from the fact that Felix might think he was afraid and giving in to his demands, but Felix could fuck off for all Silas cared. He looked at Vera, cracked a grin and quietly responded " Is there a problem you don't have the answer to? Seriously though, I just might take you up on that offer."

As Silas turned back to face the other pair, his aggressive demeanor returned to him. Yet it was quickly replaced by slight confusion as the other girl had started to produce... hail? How the hell was she doing that? He was offered no time to ponder this as Felix spoke up once more:

"I will only say this once. For your own safety, do not become my roommate. The last thing I want is to lose control and hurt you.."

If Felix's goal was to greatly confuse Silas then he had succeeded greatly. He felt his eyebrow raise as he attempted to process what had just been said. "Umm... What? Hold on a second ...What happened to "Fuck the whole lot of you"? "For my own safety?" I- I don't get it. " He said as he let out an exasperated sigh.

"Why are you worried about the well being of some guy you just met?" Silas said as he dropped what was left of his aggressive demeanor and waited for a response.

@Zelosse@Raptra@Old Amsterdam
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Old Amsterdam@Raptra@Zelosse Mentally exhausted right now, will write later today.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Silas had been really nice to her from the time they had met, and after hearing that he had a roommate like that, she was genuinely concerned for his safety. You're a great guy, Silas. Please, don't do anything stupid...

Okay, I'm gonna be honest here. When I read this for the first time (roughly an hour ago) this last bit hit me right in the feels. OOC It's seriously shaken my resolve to fight Felix, (Don't take that the wrong way, there still can/will be a fight if you want Zelosse.)


Aside from that though, there is still the matter of the imminent potential fight. Which I think may end up with both boys either blinded or frozen... or both.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Silas Asara

His request had dangled in the air for a few seconds now, the forest's atmosphere only making the silence seem much more drawn out. He was expecting her to demand an answer, tell him to stop wasting her time, or maybe even just continue on the run. The response that did eventually come though, was nothing that Silas could have predicted. As the balled up fist at his side was suddenly met by Vera's outstretched hand, he was shocked for a moment, but not even a second later the shock had melted away.

"Cheer up darling, This is just a game, and we're supposed to be having fun. I know I said it'd be great to win, but it's not going to be the end of the world if we don't."

She doesn't even have a clue...

As she spoke, his fist unraveled itself in her hand. His posture relaxed as a small, quiet chuckle escaped him. Silas looked to the ground for a few seconds, his embarrassment was evident. He eventually returned his gaze to Vera as he tried to keep some semblance of his composure.

"Don't get me wrong, I still want to win this. But...you could be right. Maybe I am... taking this too seriously."

The words burned his sense of pride as he spoke, but if Vera thought that was why he acted strangely before he would use that to divert her attention from the true reason behind his behaviour. He didn't want to lie to her, but Silas wouldn't be able to explain the truth right here and now, so this facade would have to do for now.

I'll explain this all... eventually

"Hey, Vera... Don't tell anyone else about this.. okay?" He asked in a hushed tone.

Just a few seconds later an oddly familiar voice rung through the forest, one that Silas hoped he wouldn't hear for a while.

"I'm gonna kick Silas out of our room for good."

Quickly Silas turned around at the sound of the claim, searching for the arrogant source. Standing before him was another pair of first- years, one of whom he recognized as the same kid that destroyed the podium earlier. THIS asshole? Again?! Right now?! A sharp sigh escaped his lips as Silas realized what all this meant. The kid who had destroyed the podium earlier was his roommate, Felix Williams. He'd read the name next to his on the board earlier and had been wondering who Felix could be out of all the other first-years.

"Why the fuck did it have to be him...." Silas muttered under his breath.

Pulling his hand away from Vera's he looked over to the oncoming pair, and the same scowl from earlier retook his face.

"Hey! not sure if you knew this, but it's real stupid to talk about getting rid of someone when they can HEAR YOU!"

@Raptra@Zelosse@Old Amsterdam
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Raptra@Old Amsterdam@Zelosse Post is incoming!

EDIT: It's up! Didn't come out how I wanted, but I've kept you guys waiting for way too long already.
Secondly: Thanks to @Petulant, We now have an official theme song for this RP. ^_^

Those lyrics fit so well, it's almost uncanny. Nice find @Petulant!
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Raptra@Zelosse ...Oh shit. Have you two been waiting for me to write? I thought that @Old Amsterdam was going to write for Dia first... Profuse apologies if you've all been waiting for my idiotic self.
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